“How to inspire a man to do great things”? Answers to readers' questions

Why do you need to inspire?

There are relationships in which men like to take the initiative, give women gifts, flowers, and surround them with care, attention and affection. But you can also encounter a situation where despondency or even chaos reigns. In this case, women are forced to while away the time in the company of pots and indifference on the part of men, constant quarrels and misunderstandings. And one can hardly hope for a lush bouquet of flowers, even if March 8 has arrived.

What causes such problems in relationships? There is a misconception that the man is directly to blame for everything. There are gentlemen and romantics who can look after you beautifully, but there are also “sofa dwellers” who only want to eat and sleep, combining all this with watching TV. And if the former are capable of feats for the sake of beautiful representatives of humanity, then for the latter, getting off the couch is already a great achievement.

Naturally, men are different from each other. However, the role of women should not be relegated to the background. If it is not a secret for her how to inspire a man, then any “couch dweller” is capable of becoming a gentleman. Otherwise, even the most romantic gentleman will eventually turn into a lazy creature from whom even the most patient partner will want to escape.

Some representatives of the fair sex have the ability to inspire actions and accomplishments almost from birth. But if a woman is not able to boast of such talent, then there is no need to be upset. After all, you can always find time to figure out how to inspire a man and master this art to perfection.

How to inspire a man to success and wealth?

Now I know the secret! I didn’t find it in another book about relationships or even in a training about how to become the best wife of your husband! I agree, all the methods described in the literature are good, the main thing is to use the acquired knowledge in life. But, admit it, not every one of us is able to put theory into practice: for some it is laziness, for others it is resistance to new experience, so foreign and unusual. Changing a habit is always hard work. And when you haven’t had such experience, the work is hard. Now I know how to inspire my man to win from my own experience, only this experience is taken from a past incarnation.

It all started with the fact that during the 1st year of the Institute of Reincarnation, we practiced in small groups and explored topics that were interesting and useful for life. At that time, I cared about how much my husband earned. The income was not what I wanted - I think many women will understand me on this. Just a couple of days before, another video caught my eye, where a beautiful young girl focused on how much a woman influences her man, and how the earnings of her loved one are connected with a woman’s state of mind. If the beautiful half of humanity flutters, glows with happiness and experiences bright positive emotions, then the man next to you is filled with energy and can demonstrate his strength, move mountains, get money. In general, there will be gold, and not a husband, as this woman claimed.

Everything collapsed in my head at once: the possibilities of the reincarnation method and the interest to check whether women are really so powerful in their influence on a man that they can make him both a king and an alcoholic. I knew for sure about the alcoholic, after all, psychological education lets you know, but with the king, I had to check.

I went into the immersion with the intention of remembering the incarnation where I inspired and inspired my husband to success and wealth.

The first picture that opened up to my inner gaze was a room in a large house, with once expensive decorations. It was clear that time had worn out the velvet curtains on the windows and the upholstery on the furniture. The space gave the impression of wealth reaching into the past. In the middle of the room, in a white wedding dress, simple and modest, stood a girl. Pleasant appearance: brown hair, graceful figure, sweet face. It was me. The state of anticipation of meeting a loved one was replaced by thoughts about the end of the wealth of this family. But already here, alone in the room, I make the decision that wealth and luxury will return to this family, it cannot be otherwise.

The guests and the groom were waiting below; he looked at the bride with loving eyes, unlike his parents. My mother, it was felt, was against such an unfavorable match: I, the daughter of ordinary people who are no longer alive, have no one to help. But if the son chose a girl with position, his mother would appreciate it. The mother thinks that her dream of living as before: expensively and richly, will never come true. The father of the family is unable to reverse the situation, and his son misses his chance right before her eyes. But there is no point in resisting, he has already proven the seriousness of his intentions and his love for the girl.

I feel this tense atmosphere and am very happy when my husband decides to live separately immediately after the wedding. Now we will have our own corner, and I will be able to express myself like a real woman.

Then I remember our nest, the picture is not impressive, everything is simply furnished, but the house is clean and cozy. I meet my husband from work, set the table, sit next to him and admire how he eats. My whole body feels love, all the attention is on him, and in my soul the faith burns with a bright fire that he will do everything possible for me, for us. In the abundance of pleasant feelings towards her husband, reverence was clearly visible. It fills me completely, and there is not a drop of doubt that my husband will not cope, will not succeed. Honestly, I cried from the realization that this was possible: to believe in a man so much, to be so in awe of him. I have no such experience in my life, I have never experienced such feelings. I admit, it was very nice to be this girl. Her condition was unchanged: even when her husband suffered failures, she believed in him no less.

What gave her such confidence in her man’s success? I asked myself. The answer became obvious when I remembered this girl’s childhood.

Childhood. The main place in my heart was occupied by my father, beloved, respected, wise and strong. Despite his excellent qualities, he was not rich, because there was a woman nearby who was not able to support and become a muse, meet me - this is my Stepmother. The woman was not an evil bitch, as in the fairy tale, but she definitely did not know how to express her happiness and gratitude to her husband, she was restrainedly sad and often dissatisfied. And how did the father manage to fall in love with this woman? But this is a fact, he accepted it as such and did not even think about changing it. I just loved it. I looked like my own mother, who had long since passed on to another world. It was from my mother that I adopted this attitude towards the main man in my life, and, consequently, towards all men in general. One day, my father even admitted to me that if I treated my husband with the same love and respect with which I treated him, then my betrothed would take a star from the sky and achieve everything.

And so it happened. Several years have passed since the wedding, and now we live in a luxurious house, we have two kids, and here I am, like in the old days, meeting my beloved at the doorstep. In the huge kitchen, our cook is already bustling around with dinner, all I can do is sit calmly next to her and look at my husband with tenderness - just like before. But there is no longer harmony and contentment in the sensations of my body; something is gnawing at me. My husband also feels how everything has changed.

Then I found a moment in my memory of this life where I was able to cope with the situation, everything turned out to be very interesting. It turns out that since the birth of children, the heroine of the story stopped wanting wealth; everything was already in great abundance in their house. Only the beloved was not there, and the most depressing thing was that the children did not see their father. He came late while they were sleeping and left early too. No, he did not hide from his upbringing responsibilities, he simply did what made his beloved woman so happy - achieved success and earned money. The man couldn’t even think that he was doing something wrong, because his actions had previously delighted his wife.

In this life, I managed to cope with the situation: I simply expressed my sincere gratitude to my husband when he once played with the children and spent time with his family. The man had not received such emotions for a long time; he had already missed his woman, who was now happy as before.

After this, family life found a different harmony, where there was enough time for both the husband’s self-realization and the family happiness of both spouses.

It turned out to be very important for me to learn to support a man in those areas that are valuable to me and bring happiness. And the man in return will do everything to see how the woman flutters and glows with happiness next to him.

But I admit honestly, after this immersion I realized: in this life I am interested in something completely different, and I don’t want to adopt the heroine’s experience. Why? Yes, because in this life I have other tasks: not to inspire my husband, but to realize my dreams. And I want to get the experience of achieving goals with my own hands, it’s interesting and even exciting. But maybe some of you will find my experience and this article useful!

An image that inspires success

How a person behaves in society is how others will treat him. The ability to cook and create comfort in the home does not mean that a woman is able to inspire her man to action and success. She is simply a wonderful housewife with whom it is convenient to live. And this is not always a reason for gifts. But to lie on the sofa in front of the TV, this is quite enough.

But then how to inspire a man? To answer this question, you need to position yourself properly. First of all, you should try to answer for yourself what kind of woman is capable of becoming a muse, what skills and abilities she should have. Write your conclusions on paper, describe the image you see and strive for it.

Most men are not overly complex people. And if there is a woman nearby who inspires with her actions, with her whole appearance, then the partner will begin to strive for more and try to become more successful. And yet, how to inspire a man to take action?

Step-by-step instructions: how to properly motivate a man

Answer honestly the question of who is more interested in moving towards success. Those who need it should change. Since you are reading this article, then you will have to work on yourself.

A woman can create herself as the muse for whom a man is ready to perform feats, become successful and rich.

When next to a man there is a woman who believes, remembers his merits and abilities, trusts him, and shows readiness to support him in the most difficult situation, then the man is much more likely to succeed and will believe in his own success.

Please note:
failure is just part of success. You must understand that if a man wants to achieve great heights, he will have to endure serious stress, losses, and falls.

On the path of self-development, you will have to learn new skills and actions:

  1. Do not devalue ideas, but discuss them
    . Show genuine attention rather than curiosity. Don't control a man, don't bring fuss into his life. On the contrary, trust your man (you will succeed, you are smart enough). And say goodbye to worries and uncertainty.
  2. Don't run ahead of the locomotive
    . You should not offer your help. There is no need to get a second job and work like an ox. You shouldn't compete with a man. It will end like this: “Where would you be without me?” This clearly shows pride and rivalry.
  3. Learn to believe in your man
    . Often an abundance of compliments and active acceptance hides a lack of faith. Monitor your thoughts, change them. Do I want to be the woman who believes in him? Imaginary and true faith in man. Notice the strengths of your man, do not attach importance to his mistakes. Think more about your merits, build the image of a successful person in your mind brick by brick.
  4. Calmness and trust
    . Not only to the man, but also to the Universe. When a woman is in a feminine state, a man is more easily inspired to succeed.
  5. Calm your wild imagination
    . Stop worrying and worrying. Stop scrolling through scary pictures in your imagination: you are left alone, in debt, etc.,
  6. Don't be afraid of your man's success
    . What will happen if he earns not $2,000, but $20,000 a month. This is a different power, a different energy. Develop yourself. Fill yourself with different content.
  7. Pamper and love yourself
    . Let a man pamper you, spend money on you. Accept signs of attention with gratitude, do not chop off your wings. Get used to luxury and abundance. Remove the fear of money. Do not refuse a man's desire to give you luxurious gifts.
  8. Live with pleasure
    . Enjoy bad weather and delicious food. Charge your man with your own positivity.
  9. Thank your man
    . For his help, for being there, for gifts and attention.

The path of change is long and thorny, so don’t rush to push a man to change right now, don’t rush things. Give the man a month, six months, a year or two to realize the changes and make a decision. This is the last, tenth item on our list.

Watch a short video on how to make a man miss you. This video talks about an idea that will help you better motivate men:

Make him feel like he's in charge

In many ways, a man’s success depends on whether he feels needed in a relationship or not, whether his importance is high for his wife or girlfriend. If everything is good in this regard, then the desire to strive for more will not disappear. How to inspire a man to succeed? Just don't criticize his plans or ridicule his goals.

Constantly hearing from a woman that her dreams will not come true and her aspirations are too naive, a man will lose faith in his capabilities. Accordingly, one can only fantasize about success in such a situation. But over time, you won’t even want to dream. It is also not recommended to constantly double-check the results of your loved one’s work.

A woman inspires a man by praising and encouraging him, giving him the opportunity to have the final say in making joint, important decisions. If he feels like the head of the relationship, then achieving success will be much easier.

When to use my recommendations?

Both techniques are suitable for more than just work-related situations. With their help, you can motivate a man to lose weight, becoming slim, like in the early days of your romance. Or inspire your husband to change for the better for the sake of you and your children. It will be great if you build elements of light flirting into your conversation. In the article “Flirting is a delicate matter,” I talk about how to do it organically. In a word, use your imagination, because my advice is just the base.

Motivation techniques work in most cases, but it happens that a man is so apathetic and lacking initiative that he does not perceive your words. Then other tips may work; I give them in the article “5 secrets of hypnotic influence on a man.” Try different options, don’t give up, and you will succeed!

And now it’s your turn, my beautiful ones! Tell us how you manage to motivate your man to succeed? Do you use my advice or invent your own?

Respect him

How to inspire a man? All his affairs, projects, goals and new beginnings require approval from a woman. We must constantly say and show with all our appearance that he is moving in the right direction.

Try to avoid insults and ridicule. Was there something you didn't like about his actions? Express your position correctly, explain exactly what he is wrong about. Do you not like some of his character traits? This also needs to be talked about carefully, without being overly emotional. If there is respect in the relationship, then an adequate man will understand what is required of him and will respond to your words.

Shared goal

To make a man strive for success, you can offer him something original. For example, going on an excursion. If there is no money, you need to earn it. Therefore, you need to strive for the heights. It’s not for nothing that they say: “I see the goal, I see no obstacles.”

As a rule, household appliances break down over time. Invite your loved one to update it. After all, the purchase lifts your spirits, and you want to earn even more money in order to update your apartment as often as possible.

A woman should remember only one thing. Never insist on your own. All purchases, dreams and plans need to be discussed with your loved one. Then he will understand that his opinion is valued in the family, he is listened to and treated with respect. If you don’t hurt a man’s pride, ideal relationships will develop in the family.

Never tell your loved one that he is a failure. Believe me, if a person is reminded of this every day, he will really feel like a loser, and then nothing will help him.

The intimate component of a good relationship

Don't think that good sex can only relax and give pleasure. In addition, it is also a way of communication between partners. With its help, you can demonstrate tenderness, love, and show how much a woman trusts her lover.

Relationships will be stronger if conversations about sexual desires do not make you blush and feel embarrassed. In addition, you should not be afraid to talk about any problems in this area. But this must be done correctly, without irony and sarcasm. And it’s even better to use hints and hints to ensure that the man independently comes to the desired result. Well, or at least thought that he figured it all out on his own.

How to inspire a man to give gifts? There is no need to blackmail with sex, forcing your partner to take any action or accustoming him to a certain behavior. Training of this kind can lead to excessive aggression or betrayal.

Feeling of freedom

How does a woman inspire a man? It should be understood that strong representatives of humanity are distinguished by their love of freedom, but they also value stability. In addition, a real man, capable of achieving his goals, makes decisions on his own. And you shouldn’t bother him by giving advice when he’s not asked for it.

A man also needs his own space and free time. And a woman needs to rest, think about herself and her desires. You should know that relationships will become stronger and more successful if you give each other the opportunity to be alone with yourself and mind your own business.

Positive Attitudes

Almost all words spoken by a woman in a fit of emotion are perceived as clear instructions, without which it is impossible to achieve the desired. And if you constantly tell him that he is not capable of anything, demonstrate irony, vehemently criticize, then you should not expect success. And if he nevertheless manages to achieve the task, then he will be grateful for this not to you, but to another woman.

Therefore, you can inspire a man to earn money or achieve heights only with positive words, faith in his capabilities, expressed out loud. Don’t be afraid to tell him once again that everything is working out for him and he will be able to complete the task.


A girl who inspires a man knows how to thank him for even the most insignificant actions. It helps you feel like a hero. And if you take his gifts and beautiful words for granted, then his desire to make you happy will disappear over time.

The same applies to the professional sphere. If a man boasts about his achievements and successes, in response you need to tell him how great he is, how lucky you are to have him. Otherwise, he will simply stop setting new goals for himself.

External data and dreams

Appearance, of course, is not the fundamental link in a good union. But you can inspire your beloved man with her help. Any representative of the stronger sex wants his beloved to be beautiful and feminine.

The psychology of men is such that little things and some details do not attract attention. For example, it doesn’t matter to him how much a bag costs or what company produces it. The whole image of a woman is much more important. If she is well-groomed, high-status, beautiful and purposeful, then he will try to become the same. Accordingly, this is also effective in the opposite direction.

You should also not forget that your perseverance, constant movement forward, towards new goals, can be passed on to him. And over time, even the laziest creature will turn into an active, purposeful romantic.

Dreaming together is also inspiring. A man will perform feats regularly if you start making grandiose plans together, talking to each other about desires even if they seem unrealistic, fantastic or banal and naive.


You create your life yourself. No one taught you or asked you to do this, you just do what you like.

You manage to do everything: post a selfie from the gym on the Internet at seven in the morning, then eat a healthy breakfast in a cafe, hold a business meeting at work, prepare a lot of reports, go to yoga or dancing in the evening, and then meet your friends in a trendy bar.

You are confident in yourself, you act on the principle “I see a goal - I go towards it”, on your phone there are photos from different parts of the globe, and in your bookmarks there are even more countries that you must visit, you follow fashion bloggers and try to always look stylish. When others are surprised at how you manage everything, you wonder how you can do less, and you are always looking for an opportunity to “upgrade” yourself in different areas, attend seminars, lectures, workshops, your energy is seething.

And it is also important for you to love and be loved. No matter how strong, successful, self-sufficient you are, it is important for you to have a strong male shoulder next to you, support and support, a man to whom you are not ashamed to simply say: “Darling, I want a dress for my arms!” (after which he would comply with both requests).

If you recognize yourself in the depicted heroine or have been striving for this model for a long time, then I am sure that I can share a lot with you, teach you what I know, and most importantly, I can inspire and HELP.

After all, if you picked up this book, it means you have questions that require answers. Most likely, they add up to one eternal problem that pulsates in women’s heads: “Lord, how can I manage to get everywhere without dying, and even get married successfully?!”

I admit, for a long time I was sure that I would not find the answer to this sacred question and those happy women who know it are probably sorceresses or the chosen ones of this world. I didn’t have a mentor, a kind of female guru, whom I could ask how to

In love, in relationships, in work, in a career, in harmony with myself - I didn’t know how
, so I did what I knew how to do well: worked, built a career.
All I dreamed of at 20 was to create a successful business and... make a brilliant career. The words “marriage”, “family values” and “home life” made me sad and aroused pity for those who regard them as good.
If I had come across such a book in the past, many wounds and mistakes simply would not have happened.

If they had told me then: “Olga, you will be the wife of a successful man, his muse, you will inspire him to growth and success!” – I would immediately object: “Stop! What about my personal growth and success?!”

There was an eternal struggle inside me for power, money and harmony. Work on yourself, overcome complexes. In the eyes of others, I was successful, but in reality I lived with pain, wounds and a crying soul. Independence from a man seemed most important to me, and I played with members of the opposite sex harshly and according to my rules. Therefore, before I came to that harmony, to the knowledge about myself and about family life that I have now, I had to hit a lot of bumps in relationships and work a lot, first of all, on myself...

Today I am a happy wife, mother of three fantastic children, entrepreneur, muse and support for my husband. I don’t work hard at work as before, I can admit my feminine weakness and allow myself to rest, but at the same time I gladly give some of my energy to my man. His professional growth, success and family harmony come first for me. But before I formed such an ideal picture of the world, I went through hell: I lost my job, went through betrayal and a toxic relationship, moved alone to a strange city without money and with a child in my arms. The main thing is that I stopped perceiving my feminine nature and drowned myself with my own hands. If at that time they had told me how to do it,

and if I had at least a piece of the wisdom that I have now, then many fears associated with my personal life, work and internal state would simply evaporate and not interfere with building my life...

Initially, I wanted to write a book only about relationships, the secrets and rules of a successful marriage: how to motivate a husband, etc. But when I started writing, I realized that all the roads to a man’s success go through a woman. Therefore, the book will begin with chapters about a resource woman, Woman X. No, not about the one who is in a burning hut and a galloping horse. This is about a modern, giving woman, about her ability to combine home, work, husband, children, hobbies, about her fullness and state of happiness (an empty, unhappy woman cannot motivate anyone to success).

I’m not bragging, and I certainly don’t want my book to be an encyclopedia of “to be good, do as I do.” Let it remind you of a warm conversation between two friends who share their failures and are looking for an answer to the ever-buzzing question “ how to do it?”

" Let's admit it: we are not vanilla young ladies who live in castles in the air. Today we have much more responsibility, it accumulates every day and puts more and more pressure on us. In the labels, problems and demands placed on us, we lose the main thing - love. Love for yourself and for a man.




I didn’t get a ready-made millionaire, presented by fate on a silver platter, I went all the way with him and continue to go. My book is about how you don’t have to hunt for oligarchs, but choose the man you love and grow with him. Therefore, I will share my experience and the experience of 30 other successful married women about:

how to become resourceful, happy, harmonious;

how to maintain a balance between work, family and hobbies;

how to motivate and raise “your” man;

how to create and maintain a successful marriage.

At the end of each chapter, conclusions are drawn, techniques, practices and super-tools are given that once helped me. And, yes, I’m not a psychologist, not a coach, not a certified specialist, I’m just a girl who at one time figured out how to manage everything and not die!

And you are not just a reader for me... You are a woman who, like me once, is looking for answers, who just wants to be happy. I, in turn, will try to become a faithful friend and assistant, so that my experience and old wounds will help you look at your relationships and life in a new way.

My time is to give!

The stories in the book are real, all names in them have been changed.

With love,

Olga Voronina

What can't you do to inspire a man?

  1. An open demonstration of one's complete superiority. If you want to understand how to inspire a man to do great things, then know that women are no better than men, just as men are no better than women. Everyone has their own unique characteristics and abilities. Naturally, the fair sex is better in some ways, but if they start demonstrating this openly in front of their loved one, then they won’t be able to wait for feats on his part. He will withdraw, self-doubt will appear, which over time will develop into an unwillingness to do anything and change for the better.
  2. Talking about what and how exactly he should do has a negative impact on self-esteem, and this leads to the fact that success will remain an unattainable dream. If you are not satisfied with something, just throw in an idea. Moreover, this must be done in such a way that he perceives her as his own. A man should feel that he came to this himself, and not someone led him to a certain decision.

  3. How to learn to inspire your man? Excessive independence on the part of a woman certainly does not contribute to this. It is important for your lover to feel needed, and if you constantly say that you can handle it on your own, he will stop doing anything altogether. And then the thought will appear that you don’t need him, since you are able to cope without his help.
  4. Excessive touchiness will not help you become a muse. Men do not always understand what exactly a woman is offended by. This circumstance is annoying. Negative emotions will manifest themselves especially strongly if she is sulky, closed off and refuses not only to talk, but also to explain exactly what he was wrong about. In this regard, it is better to find time and talk frankly with each other, clarify controversial issues and find a way out of the current situation. Otherwise, such behavior will lead to even greater trouble.
  5. You can't blame him for everything. Feelings of guilt, of course, can push a man into action. But this doesn't work in the long run. At one point he will get tired of the fact that everything is his fault. And if this does not lead to the collapse of the relationship, then the desire to do something and strive for something more will definitely disappear.
  6. You shouldn't indulge his selfishness. On the one hand, such behavior seems to be useful. However, it is precisely the excessive manifestation of selfishness that can lead to trouble. You should not carry everything on yourself, endure humiliation, listen to insults and put up with his indifference and neglect. You should not betray yourself, step over your own principles. Adequate men understand everything and try to meet you halfway; you definitely don’t need inadequate ones.

Motivation technique No. 2: face on the table

Of course, these words should not be taken literally! But the technique can and should be used. She will help you understand how to motivate a man who is too relaxed by your praise about his qualities to make money. Yes, yes, my beautiful ones, sometimes compliments remain just compliments! Therefore, always praise a man for his actions.

This technique consists of gradually multiplying all the pros and cons of the situation by 2. First, you tell the man how successful, enterprising, smart or active he is, and then mention the problems of the current situation. Start talking about his positive traits again and remind him with redoubled force about the disadvantages of the current situation.

What is good about such emotional swings? They influence a person’s most subtle feelings, forcing him to do something to improve the situation. But remember: before you finally motivate a man to earn money, you must outline his advantages, otherwise the effect will be the opposite. Instead of developing vigorous activity, he will delve even deeper into his experiences.

Why does this technique work?

Girls who don’t know how to motivate a man to act and use my advice note: the second technique is often more effective. Ever wondered why this happens? This is due to the suppression of emotions. As a child, every man who is now 20-50 years old heard that “boys don’t cry.” Hence the complete emotional coldness of Russians. They would like to show emotions, but they cannot, because it is shameful, indecent, and unmanly.


It so happens that it is the woman who inspires the man. Of course, he is capable of performing feats on his own, living completely alone. However, he will receive real, sincere happiness only if he has someone to share his successes and achievements with.

Even if he changes partners more often than gloves, the inner emptiness will not go away. In the absence of one, one and only woman, sooner or later he will be visited by the question of why he is doing all this.

Based on all of the above, you should summarize the results and highlight what needs to be done to inspire your loved one to action and success.

  1. Don't try to change him, try to accept the man for who he really is. A radical reshaping leads to the destruction of personality, which, in turn, will scare away success. In addition, a man may simply not understand why he needs to change. And this will cause a loss of confidence in one’s own capabilities.
  2. It is necessary to trust your partner in everything, allow him to act, make important decisions on his own. If he needs advice, he will definitely turn to you for help.
  3. Don’t forget to thank him and demonstrate that even the most insignificant gifts and successes delight you and make you happy. This will spur him on to greater feats.
  4. Try to stop showing negative emotions. If you start constantly complaining, getting depressed for any reason, then the man will simply feel uncomfortable around you, and he himself risks falling into a psychological hole in such a situation. And getting out of there is much more difficult than getting in.
  5. Try to support your loved one even in those endeavors that look too bold and fantastic. And don’t reproach him if his desires seem insignificant. Feeling supported and cared for, he will repay you in kind.
  6. You shouldn’t solve difficult problems on your own, behind your man’s back. Otherwise, he will begin to feel useless. And this will definitely not have a beneficial effect on existing relationships.

Motivation techniques: option No. 1

Now let’s talk in detail about how to motivate your man. As a working technique, I suggest using the technique of temporary motivation. Here's what it looks like:

  1. Remember what a man was like in the past - a year, two or five years ago. What admired you about this man? Perhaps he was at the helm of the business and knew how to beat competitors even in the most difficult situations.
  2. Project this into the future.
  3. Show him what he can do in the present. to change the situation.

Let's say you don't know how to motivate a man to earn more money. Or encourage him to reach the level of income that he had a couple of years ago. Start talking about his career. Think about all his victories, career advancements, brilliant deals. Emphasize your feelings about his past successes. For example: “I felt like I was behind a stone wall that day when you came home and said that we would move to a bigger apartment.”

Next, try to visualize the future in detail. Describe to him how you see your married life after a certain time. Don’t be shy in bright epithets, let your man realize how much you love him and are proud of him. Read my article “How to Compliment a Man” if you have no idea how to build such a dialogue.

Towards the end of the conversation, move on to the present. Tell the man that you don’t care what’s happening now, but what matters is what his future and your future with him will be like. If you don’t know how to motivate a man to earn money for his family, say the following: “I know that all difficulties are temporary, and that you have great potential. I believe everything will be fine, just give yourself a chance.”

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