Click on the points: how to get rid of pain with acupuncture

Professional massage therapists meet every day with people complaining of headaches and migraines, numbness, and a feeling of stiffness in the neck. These patients are usually engaged in sedentary work, often work at a computer, and spend a lot of time in air-conditioned rooms. An experienced massage therapist can detect the impact of prolonged incorrect body posture and stress on the occurrence of headaches. One of the ways to eliminate pain symptoms is massage for headaches. Almost everyone can do it at home.

The purpose of the massage, its effects

When you have a headache, massage solves the main problem - it weakens or completely eliminates discomfort. It is known that in 80% of cases, they are caused by tension in the muscles of the head and neck. Therefore, actions aimed at muscle relaxation can achieve an analgesic effect.

Important: pain is a signal of trouble in the body, so it’s worth first finding out its cause by contacting a doctor.

In addition to having a beneficial effect on muscles, massage to relieve headaches

  • improves blood and lymph circulation in the skin and underlying structures;
  • stimulates metabolic processes in tissues and nerve fibers;
  • helps to increase performance, improve memory, vision, a person becomes more physically active;
  • eliminates sleep problems, reduces symptoms of neurosis;
  • The harmonizing effect of massage allows the central nervous system to establish self-regulation mechanisms, which has a healing effect on the entire body and strengthens the immune system.

There are many methods and techniques for massage against headaches. The peculiarities of the impact of some of them include the remote effect. That is, the area where a technique is applied may be located far from the place where the effect appears. For example, acupressure on an arm or leg can help relieve pain in the head.

Causes of headaches

A migraine headache attack may begin with an aura. Your health is deteriorating, you have become irritable, you begin to feel slightly nauseous, and the outlines of objects are not always clear. You notice the presence of triggers.

Tension headaches are quite common. It can last several days or even become chronic.

Sensations based on the strength of pain have their own classification. The patient tolerates it more easily than a migraine attack. After a long period of sleep and rest, the pain may go away on its own. In some cases, you cannot do without the help of a doctor.

Modern medicine knows ways to treat headaches using points. In our body, all processes are interconnected in one way or another. Acupuncture treatment is well known and widely used in Chinese medicine.

Acupuncture treatment is the impact on certain points of the body to relieve pain or during treatment. Several methods are used here - acupuncture, acupressure.

To decide whether to choose any of these methods, you must undergo an examination and consult with a neurologist. The treatment method chosen will depend on a variety of reasons. Age, gender, general health will be taken into account. After conducting a complete analysis of the patient's condition, a method is determined.

When and to whom can it be done?

Head massage for headaches does not require special conditions; it can be done at any time. But to achieve a faster effect, it is better

  • place the patient away from noise, bustle, loud sounds, bright light;
  • sit comfortably on a chair or lay on a couch;
  • turn on calm music;
  • use aromatic oils, candles, sticks to create an atmosphere of relaxation;
  • Do not do the procedure immediately after eating.

Important: before and after the massage, the patient should sit or lie down for a while.

To prevent the attack from being prolonged, measures to eliminate it must be taken as soon as the first symptoms appear. The most accessible remedy is to do self-massage for headaches. Those who are frequently bothered by attacks should get advice from their doctor on self-help techniques and watch educational videos.

Head massage for headaches can be done by anyone if they have no contraindications:

  • severe general diseases of the body (oncology, tuberculosis, blood diseases, decompensated heart disease, kidney disease);
  • high body temperature;
  • mental overexcitation;
  • high blood pressure;
  • head injuries;
  • scalp damage - pustules, fungal disease, eczema, multiple papillomas and moles.
  • alcohol intoxication;
  • age – more than 75 years;
  • Massaging a child with a headache is not recommended for children under 2 years of age.

If there is noise in the head, you should first consult with an ENT doctor about ear disease and examine the vessels to exclude significant atherosclerosis.

Main directions

To ensure a positive effect from the procedure, massage therapists adhere to several directions.

  1. General head massage. The basis is local muscle relaxation, stimulation of lymph and blood circulation.
  2. Acupressure for headaches. The knowledge and techniques that acupuncture has used for centuries are applied. It is based on a reflex analgesic effect when pressing on certain active points on the human body.
  3. Impact on triggers for headaches. The basis is the elimination of local spasm of muscle tissue in trigger zones, which causes a relief of pain in distant areas.
  4. Elimination of muscular-tonic pain syndrome in the cervical-occipital region.

Acupressure for headaches: the secret of effectiveness

The benefits and effectiveness of acupressure often raise doubts among skeptics. It is difficult to convince them of the existence of meridians along which vital energy moves, and exit points for this very energy.

But today, even scientists have recognized the fact that there really are special areas on the human body - points at which an unusual flow of impulses is recorded, different from the biomagnetic impulses emitted by other areas of the body. Sometimes these points coincide with the exit points of the nerves, sometimes they do not.

Acupuncture began to be used in traditional medicine; special devices were developed for its implementation. Knowing which points to massage for headaches, muscle pain and other types of pain, you can activate the synthesis of substances that help eliminate pain.

Finger massage of biologically active points, or acupressure, is most widespread in Eastern countries. Here, special methods have been developed to influence the areas where qi energy is released:

  1. Kneading.
    It is performed with the pad of the thumb, with the remaining fingers bent. The skin does not move during this technique; the force of action is directed to slightly pressing through the subcutaneous tissue. On average, 21 to 25 kneading sessions are performed during a session.
  2. Pressure.
    Differs from kneading with a greater force of impact. Makes up the bulk of the session (from 71 to 75 movements).
  3. Trituration.
    Promotes activation of blood circulation and lymph flow, as well as stimulation (irritation) of nerve endings. It is performed with the pad of the thumb by displacing the skin relative to the subcutaneous tissue.
  4. Stroking.
    A slower and more superficial effect than kneading.
  5. Thrusting.
    Reminiscent of pressure, but performed more quickly. The finger is held at the peak of pressure for several tens of seconds.
  6. Vibration.
    A jerky impact always follows the thrust. Lasts about 20 seconds.
  7. Cutting.
    Essentially, it is nothing more than piercing, which is performed by the nail plate of the thumb.

Important! All movements of the massage therapist (including self-massage) should be smooth and rhythmic. You cannot press on the point sharply and abruptly. To achieve greater effect, it is advisable to repeat sessions several times a day.

When working with a certain point, the finger must be held perpendicular to the surface of the skin. On average, one session lasts an hour. But at the same time, working with one point takes no more than 10 minutes per approach.

Pain relief points - how to find them

To get rid of headaches, massage therapists use areas where acupuncture points are located. The ancient Chinese developed a method of helping health by normalizing the movement of vital energy along the meridians on which important points are located. By influencing them, the healer removes obstacles to the flow of energy, and then pain and other painful symptoms disappear. In acupuncture, needles are used; in massage, the same points on the body are subjected to finger pressure (acupressure).

In order to find places for pressure, atlases are used, which indicate their location and the nearest anatomical landmarks. Massage points for headaches in people are located individually. The specialist finds the desired area, which, when pressed with a finger, responds with a sensation of bursting or aching pain.

To relieve pain, you need to influence paired and unpaired points on the head located

  • symmetrically
  • in the temple area at the level of the upper edge of the auricle,
  • on the back of the head, where the neck muscles are attached to the skull,
  • slightly above the outer edge of the eyebrow,
  • at the inner edge of the eyebrow,
  • above the tragus of the ear in the recess,
  • asymmetrically
  • above the bridge of the nose in the middle of the forehead,
  • under the back of the head in the depression in the center,
  • on top of the head.

Trigger points, unlike acupuncture points, are not common to everyone.
According to the theory, they occur if the body, head or limbs are in an unfavorable position for a long time and represent a local spasm of a muscle area.

Nerve impulses carry signals about trouble to the spinal cord and brain.

Interesting: the localization of trigger and acupuncture points coincides by 93%.

As with acupuncture, trigger points for headache relief can be located quite far from the area where the pain is located. For example, by massaging the area symmetrically located on the hands between the metacarpal bones of the thumb and index finger, you can prevent or stop a migraine attack.

They find the affected areas by feeling the muscles, identifying the most painful ones in tense areas. Pressing with a finger in this area causes not only local sensations, but also “referred” pain and weakening of muscles in the distance.

How to do it, techniques, methods

Many ancient treatises and modern manuals have been written on how to relieve headaches with massage. But the main thing remains the same - before performing any medical procedures, diagnosis is necessary in order to know about concomitant pathologies and not harm your health. After the examination, the specialist responsible for treatment can recommend which treatment methods should be used.

All massage methods to get rid of headaches use the same type of technique -

  • stroking,

  • trituration,
  • kneading,
  • light finger tapping,
  • pressing,
  • topping,
  • vibration,
  • pulling.

Acupressure, the Japanese variety of which is called shiatsu, uses acupuncture or trigger points and is performed with one or three fingers on a limited area. Sometimes it is more convenient to massage points using sticks equipped with round heads.

With acupressure, the point is subjected to continuous or intermittent rhythmic pressure and vibration for several minutes.

When acting on trigger zones, apply pressure with a finger until pain appears, then, after a minute or a minute and a half, when the pain subsides, apply more pressure, waiting for the pain to disappear.

For general, classical and its oriental types of massage - champi, Burmese, it is characterized by the impact of both all fingers and the palm. Various mechanical devices are also used.

This is especially convenient when it is not possible to visit a specialist, for example, when the patient performs a self-massage of the head.

The technique involves pre-warming the skin and muscles to increase blood flow and relaxation. They begin to massage by stroking the forehead, moving towards the back of the head. This is followed by deeper stroking, rubbing, vibration and light chaotic tapping with the fingers. The technique of lightly moving the skin is also used - as a type of kneading. Also, using circular and zigzag movements, massage the forehead from the middle to the temples, lift and slightly stretch the hair, collecting it in a handful.

Anyone can easily master this technique to get rid of headaches at home on their own. Acupressure requires deeper knowledge, so it is better to entrust it to professionals.

The body may respond with pain in the back of the head if the head has been in an uncomfortable position for a long time. For example, in a dream, when working at a computer, in other situations. This is due to tension in the muscles that support the skull. In this case, a massage of the neck is necessary, especially the back part, starting from the occipital protuberance down to the suprascapular region.

Since the thickness of the massaged muscle layer in this area is more significant than on the head, the impact is more intense using the palms. This procedure is also best carried out by specialists.

Features of classic massage

The ability to manually influence the head can be mastered in literally one consultation with a doctor, but only on condition that the patient carefully listened to all the recommendations. During pregnancy, when the use of many medications is contraindicated, this massage will be the only safe way to relieve pain. In addition, a person will not need to take off his clothes to carry it out.

Massage sessions are carried out not only in the presence of pain, but also for prevention, and the schedule and frequency of procedures should be chosen together with a neurologist, since they are prescribed in accordance with the cause of pain.

Massage for migraines at home is the following sequence of actions. First, the entire working area is stroked, starting from the forehead, ending with the neck-collar area and shoulders.

After this, they move on to rubbing, which works on the back of the head, the area behind the ears, temples and forehead. Then kneading is carried out in a similar sequence, the actions are more intense in the degree of pressure, deep, but slow. After working on the back of your head, you need to lie down and place two fingers on your temples, and then perform circular movements ten times.

Then they move on to finger tapping, which is called vibration. If the latter causes discomfort, it can be replaced by combing your hair with a wooden brush.


The positive effect of using various massage techniques for pain has been tested and proven by time. Sometimes it is the only available way to help a suffering person. For example, if you are allergic to medications. Children, who are not recommended to be exposed to medications again, respond well to a therapeutic and soothing head massage.

Head massage for migraines can stop an attack if you start it when the first symptoms occur. It also helps relieve pain at a later stage.

Neurologists recommend acupressure for migraines during the interictal period. Courses of procedures carried out several times a year strengthen the nervous system, making it more resistant to the pathological influence of external factors.

Acupressure for headaches in the back of the head allows you to relax the neck muscles, normalize an adequate influx of oxygen-enriched arterial blood and the outflow of venous blood, the stagnation of which causes pain.

Important: the effectiveness of the massage decreases if you start it not at the beginning of an attack of pain, but at its height.

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