Why a man prefers not to call his woman by name: the opinion of psychologists

Sometimes a woman hears an affectionate nickname from a man, but does not know how to react to it correctly. A tender word from the lips of a loved one warms the soul and acts magically. However, you should not relax and trust sweet words too much. If a man does not call a woman by name, then, according to the psychologist, he is not serious about her.

Reasons why a man does not call a woman by name

Most psychologists are of the opinion that a man’s appeal to his chosen one is directly related to his attitude towards her. And before understanding the decoding of nicknames, it would be advisable to find out the reasons for refusing to call someone by name.

The most common reasons why a partner ignores her name when addressing a woman:

  1. Copies parent relationships. Everything may be simpler than it seems - in the family it was not customary for men to call each other by name.
  2. Doesn't give any importance to your romance. Psychologists say that when a man is in love, the name of his beloved simply does not leave his lips.
  3. Creates a psychological barrier. This is an option when a guy simply doesn’t want to get close to a girl. In this case, diminutive nicknames are not even acceptable here, the matter is limited to detached addresses - “listen”, “you know”, “look”...
  4. Beneath the sweet epithets lies a real aggressor, a tyrant, a manipulator. In the first stages, it all starts with sugary lisps and cute nicknames, but over time it develops into authoritarianism, moralizing, decrees, mentoring, constant criticism, grumbling, etc. Domestic tyranny is often accompanied by physical violence.
  5. Unsuccessful previous experience. If the past passion that broke his heart had the same name as you, the man develops a psychological defense in the form of denying this name. Don't despair - this can be fixed.
  6. The man does not attach much importance to this fact. For him it’s all the same - a bunny, a little penguin, Anyuta and so on.
  7. Can't remember the name. Of course, if we are talking about first dates, and your name is really rare or exotic. The man resorts to affectionate nicknames in this case, so as not to offend the girl.
  8. When a man thinks that this name does not suit you. This is outrageous, but this also happens! Therefore, instead of calling you Angelica, he will call you less formally.
  9. If the woman is far from the only one. Usually the stereotypical “bunnies, gold, crumbs” are used to describe mistresses, i.e. secondary partners. The man thus protects himself from incidents in confusing names.
  10. The man believes that in a relationship there should not be a dry, official address.
  11. The representative of the strong half of humanity has an excellent sense of humor and he gives nicknames to absolutely everyone around him. But in this case, there will be no banal furry nickname - you will be called in a special way.

Men are so individual in the manifestation of their feelings that it is difficult to immediately determine why he does not call his chosen one by name. Psychologists are of the opinion that a woman’s task is to keep her ears open and quickly find out the reason for this or that treatment.

If, from the very first meeting, a man ignores a woman’s name and showers her with new endearing epithets every time, it means that he is facing a real womanizer or an ordinary talkative idle talker, for whom words have no meaning.

What the subconscious hides under all sorts of nicknames

Psychology allows you to reveal the secrets of the male subconscious and provides answers to the questions of why a guy doesn’t call his girlfriend by name. But it also lifts the curtains on the true motives and hidden desires of male representatives, depending on the nickname they choose.

According to experts, every coined term for a chosen one carries a double meaning that can only be discerned by the woman nearby:

  • animal names (feline, herbivorous, furry, cold-blooded, aquatic, etc.) have 2 interpretations: either a man has a gentle character and is ready to put the whole world at a woman’s feet, or he treats you superficially;
  • children's addresses (baby, baby, girl, baby, baby) indicate that the man is ready to bear responsibility and sees in you a tender, vulnerable chosen one, or that he himself is an immature partner;
  • warm nicknames (native, sweetheart, beloved, dear) carry the mood for a long-lasting union, or he subconsciously asks you to show more feelings towards him;
  • cosmic names (sun, star, moon, universe) indicate that a man emphasizes and wants his woman to shine brighter - the partner wants to be proud of you;
  • poetic speeches (the light of my soul, my life, the dazzling empress, a woman from the past) usually speak of a man’s idle talk, which is rarely supported by actions;
  • natural, sensual concepts (stream, joy, happiness, aspen tree, birch tree) are interpreted by strong love on the part of the partner;
  • nicknames such as “golden”, “precious”, priceless” should alarm women - perhaps the man is looking for benefit in her for himself (not necessarily in material terms);
  • delicious names (donut, bun, candy, marmalade) do not at all mean that there is a hint of curvaceous figures - such compliments indicate that you give a man warmth, positive energy and support, or he misses your thriftiness;
  • if a man has given you a special nickname that is associated only with you (appearance, habits, character, surname) - this is a sign of real deep feelings, a willingness to share the rest of your life with your partner.

Why does a guy call his girlfriend a diminutive name, declining it in different cases or inventing creative additional words for it? So he says that he is looking for a special emotional connection with her, which will be understandable only to the two of them.

A man often repeats my name

Funny phrase: “Politeness is so rare these days that it is often mistaken for flirting.”

How do you know if he really likes you? Or maybe this is just common courtesy?

The first and most important signals of sympathy are facial expressions, postures and gestures of a person. Often men show such signs in an unconscious way - after all, this is all inherent in them, first of all, by nature itself.


How often does he say your name? Listen to his speech. A person who often uses your name in conversation is most likely secretly in love with you - after all, when he pronounces it, he has associations with the word “Beloved.”

In addition, in front of you he will restrain himself, try not to be rude or use obscene language - how else can he win your favor?


How does he behave in your presence? If in your presence he behaves unnaturally, laughs loudly or, on the contrary, hides his emotions, brags or gets excited (voice trembles, rapid breathing) - know that this is a clear sign that he likes you.


Pay attention to his posture. Does he often turn to you, even if his words are directed to other people? Or, when he asks you something, does his gaze perk up noticeably? Or maybe when he passes by, he straightens his shoulders and glances at you for a moment? You know why he does this!


His gestures His gestures will also tell about his true intentions. When communicating with you, is he active, likes to wave his arms or twirl some object in his hands? All these are clear signs of sympathy and excitement.


Random touches Does he continually pretend that he is touching you imperceptibly (and completely, seemingly by accident!)? The fact is that he cannot restrain himself from even momentarily touching your skin.


Stories about himself and his exploits Does he talk a lot about himself, tries to joke, doesn't stop talking every now and then, giggles and acts stupid? All this is because he wants to win you over by talking about what’s on his mind. Sincerity is the first step to future love. If there is sincerity, there is trust, which means there is a chance for love.


Interest in your life He asks what you did yesterday, today, and also a week ago in the afternoon? He is not a bore at all, but simply wants to immerse himself in your life in order to understand your life principles and principles as fully as possible. He just wants to be closer!


He keeps his hands on his belt. Does he keep his hands on his belt? Such a seemingly unremarkable sign is a clear sign that he wants to appear courageous and strong. And that means attractive!


He repeats your gestures. Take a closer look: you tilted your head to the side, and he immediately did the same? Did you take your phone out of your purse and also urgently need to call or write an SMS message? It is in your hands! A person is designed in such a way that if he wants to win over his interlocutor, he unconsciously “mirrors” your movements.


Dilated pupils When a person is excited, his pupils become significantly larger. This means that when he meets a girl he likes, his pupils will become wider and wider.

Men rarely manage to hide their sincere intentions if the girl is attractive to him. Sooner or later he will give himself away - you just need to take a close look at his behavior!

Source: femina-maskulina.ru

Posted on 06/29/2013 by Svetlana Loktysh

There are
psychological techniques for effective communication that help to inspire trust and sympathy in people. One of these techniques is saying out loud the name of the person with whom we are communicating.

Feelings and emotions influence communication

Let’s imagine two completely identical communication situations, but with different partners. The first partner treats us with sympathy, the other is wary or we are unpleasant to him. Which of them is easier to convince of their correctness using the same arguments? Of course, someone who treats us positively.

This proves that, regardless of our desires, feelings and emotions influence our communication with people. Including business.

In most cases, it is impossible to separate reason and emotions. Anyone who does not take this into account, as a rule, sooner or later faces conflict situations. Because suppressed emotions and feelings at one far from wonderful time can spill out at once.

Anyone who knows that there is much more emotional in a person than rational can use it quite skillfully!

Let's observe people who have the ability to win people over and inspire trust. How do they win over their interlocutor, what psychological techniques do they use?

Firstly, such people are open and smiling, and secondly, they know how to give compliments. But most importantly, they always call the person by name!

Call me by name...

This psychological technique of communication ( calling a person by name ) is not formal politeness. This is how a person is designed that the sound of his name evokes pleasant feelings in him, often unconsciously. It was this circumstance that allowed Grandfather Carnegie to say that the sound of one’s own name is the most pleasant melody for a person.

Why is this happening? There are several reasons for this .

  • A person hears his name from birth. Mom and dad, grandparents call the baby's name affectionately, tenderly, with love. The little man does not yet understand the words, but perfectly captures these notes of love and admiration. Pleasant moments that stay with a person forever!
  • By calling a person by name, we emphasize that we are interested in him and his opinion, and not in someone or something impersonal. The name is a unique symbol of personality. And any person feels if he is being infringed upon as an individual. Or he feels satisfaction if attention and respect are emphasized to him.
  • Positive emotions are what we always strive for, consciously or unconsciously. We called the person by name, this caused a pleasant response from him, and he forms new reciprocal feelings towards us - gratitude, sympathy and trust.

Source: panisvetlana.ru

With you all the time. A characteristic sign of the desire of all lovers is to always be close to their loved one. And at the very beginning of a relationship, when it just begins, this is especially noticeable. This is the easiest way to determine how much a man is in love with you, and whether he is in love at all.

If a man is clearly not indifferent to you, this will be expressed in:

- a man will look for any excuse to see you;

- “randomly” find yourself in the same place where you are: a club, an exhibition, visiting;

- it’s not at all difficult for a man to cancel another meeting in order to meet with you;

— organizes meetings in nature, in cafes, at the cinema.

Thinks only about you. Another suitable way to find out what you mean to a man is to pay attention to how he behaves in your presence. If he really cares about you, when visiting, most likely, the man will definitely want to sit next to you. And if he is in another part of the room, then you will certainly always catch his loving gaze on you. When communicating with friends, most often the appeal of your love object will be directed specifically at you, as if without noticing those around you.

Pay attention to the words. How can you tell what you mean to a man by his speech? Most often, a man in love often says your name - but now it is synonymous with the word “beloved”, which he does not have the courage to say out loud. Maybe his vocabulary is filled with diminutives “sunshine”, “fish”, “kitten” in relation to you. In your presence, a man is not rude, does not use obscene language, and tries to watch his speech so as not to evoke negative emotions in you.

Notice behavior. How can you tell what you mean to him by his behavior? And here everything is very simple. If a man’s behavior in front of you becomes strange, not the same as usual, he is definitely not indifferent to you. For example, he:

- laughs louder than usual or, conversely, tries to clearly hide his emotions;

- talks about his old exploits or begins to brag;

- worries when his voice begins to tremble, his breathing quickens, when he rubs his palms, showing other obvious signs;

- seeks adventure, attracts the attention of others in order to show his best side.

If you are still poorly acquainted with a man, know that your mutual friends will definitely notice his changes and something strange happening to him in your presence. And, of course, they will want to share it with you.

Also, a man's true feelings are when you give as much love as you receive. You do not feel limited in love. When a man is jealous of you, he takes care of you; when you are sick, he takes care of you. A man cares about your opinion and agrees to give in so that you are satisfied. When arguing with someone, he always takes your side.

If a man is interested in your life - what you do, what your concerns are, your hobbies, this means that you mean a lot to him. When he rejoices not only at your merits, but is also touched by your shortcomings. He didn’t confess his love right away, which means that he thought for a long time about how to do it and what would be the right moment for it. Loves to kiss you. If he signs in SMS with phrases - “kisses”, “love”, “miss”, “with love” or similar.

Afraid of losing you. A constant desire to touch you, look at you, have sex (although this can only happen at the beginning of your acquaintance).

But a man’s feelings are subject to doubt when he doesn’t want to let you into a certain part of his life. When you feel like something is not being said. When he doesn’t want to talk about his past love, even if you told him about yours. This indicates a lack of trust in you. If a man does not want to take care of you, or does not think at all when you really need help. When he decides everything himself, he doesn’t listen to your opinion. Doesn't want to show you to his friends, or generally drags you with him everywhere - to the bar, to football or fishing. If after the first or second meeting you hear a bunch of compliments and declarations of love.

Here are some ways to find out what you mean to a man on a non-verbal level. As you know, men have many specific gestures, from which it is not difficult to guess his intentions. Most of these gestures are unconscious. It is important to recognize them correctly.

If the eyebrows are raised. When there is an object in front of us that attracts attention, our eyebrows unconsciously rise and fall. This happens regardless of age, in any place, in a person of any gender.

The lips are slightly parted. If a man's mouth opens slightly the moment you meet your eyes, it means he likes you.

The nostrils are slightly widened. When the eyebrows are raised, the mouth is slightly open and the nostrils are widened to a reasonable extent, this gives the face a friendly appearance. And the opposite state of a man’s face indicates that he is most likely bored.

When a man stands straight, sucking in his stomach, he wants to show himself in all his glory. Feet shoulder-width apart, a sign of sexuality. And even if he sits with his legs spread, he shows that he has something to offer the lady.

A man's gaze stops at the attractive parts of a woman's body, thereby making it clear that he considers you as a sexual partner.

When the toes of a man's shoes are pointed in your direction, he is interested in you. A man holds you by the shoulder or elbow, which means he wants to be sure that you won’t get lost in the crowd and, most importantly, will thereby scare off potential attackers on you, because you are already next to the man.

If he offers his sweater or jacket. This seems to say that for him, “What’s mine is yours,” moreover, this is a possessive, protective gesture of a man. And finally, a man has a reason to show up on your horizon again, even if it’s just to pick up his property.

Source: www.allwomens.ru

When a relationship is just beginning, and all your thoughts are devoted to the object of your desires, you want to quickly find out whether the guy likes you as much as you like him.

In fact, it’s not difficult, the guy’s behavior will tell you a lot:

He always wants to be close.

When a guy likes you, he will invite you to meet every day (to sit in a cafe, go to the cinema, take a walk). Moreover, he will be ready to put aside all his affairs in order to meet with you. Don't be surprised when you "accidentally" meet him at the gym or nightclub.

He is only interested in you.

To find out about a guy’s feelings, just watch him in company. If he always sits next to you, looks into your eyes, telling something to everyone present, looks at you even from the other side of the room - be sure that he likes you.

He repeats your name more and more often.

When a guy likes you, he increasingly calls you by name or calls you cute nicknames “bunny”, “kitten”, “sun”.

In your presence, he becomes more polite with other people, restraining harsh emotions in order to earn your favor.

The guy's behavior changes in your presence.

Pay attention to the following points: he laughs too loudly or, conversely, his voice begins to tremble; he begins to tell implausible stories about himself, trying to attract attention - all this indicates that the guy managed to like you.

you find out if a guy likes you - they will definitely notice changes in their friend’s behavior.

However, be careful - there are categories of men who have fun in a certain way. With their actions and words, they convince you that the guy likes you , and then they simply disappear from your life:

Pick-up artist - “collects” the women he seduces. You practically don’t need to do anything to get a guy to like you, he himself will ideally look after you, but only until the first sex.

Lovelace suitor - such men really love women, just all of them. In this case, it’s not difficult to find out about the guy’s feelings - he will shower you with compliments and give you gifts, but only for a week or two. And then he will do the same thing for your friend.

How do you know if a guy likes you if you meet a shy, modest young man on your way? Such people are embarrassed to show their feelings in front of strangers, and even in the company of friends they are always a little aloof. In this case, it is more difficult to understand who his sympathy belongs to. But still, certain signs in his behavior will help you find out whether a guy likes you:

• he began to avoid meeting with you; • in the presence of friends, he does not come close to you, but you constantly feel his gaze on you; • when communicating with you, he carefully selects his words and is afraid to say too much.

In such situations, it is better not to get lost in guesswork, not to re-read tons of advice on the topic “ How to know if a guy likes you? “, but take the initiative and take the first step - believe me, he will be grateful to you.

Source: bbcont.ru

A man does not call a woman by name - what is the way out of the situation?

Psychologists say that if a man calls his chosen one by name, this means that he is committed to a marriage where mutual respect and harmony will reign. However, do not despair if various kinds of nicknames still slip into people addressing you - everything can still be corrected. Perhaps he needs to hint about your desires.

What to do to get a man to call you by name - advice from a psychologist:

  1. If a man does not feel a kindred spirit in you and limits himself to dry treatment, tell him about it directly. There is an old joke in this case: when asked “listen” they answer “Who is Lusha with?” I don't know one! My name is Vika! (Just call me Vika).” This is unpretentious and will make it clear to the man that this is unpleasant for you.
  2. If a man ignores your name because of unpleasant memories from the past, give him time. He will understand that there is a completely different person with him and all his fears are in vain.
  3. When a man is sure that his native name simply does not suit you, the choice is yours. If you are not confused by his position - good, if not - tell him that you love your name and prefer to hear it when addressing yourself.
  4. If in a family scenario the parents did not call each other by name, play along. Call him by his last name, let you have a special relationship. But gradually form the habit of calling yourself by name, at least in intimate conversations.
  5. If at the first meeting you immediately became “beloved”, think seriously about whether you want to get involved with an infantile or loving guy.
  6. When a woman notices that epithets addressed to her are reinforced by manic behavior, psychologists strongly recommend being wary and distancing yourself. Such men quickly break women, completely bending them under them.

Calling each other “cats”, “kids”, “suns” has become very popular, especially in adolescence. You shouldn’t immediately panic if from the first meeting they started calling you “doll” or “redhead” - sometimes you need to let the guy know once that this is unacceptable, and he will accept your position.

In any case, a frank conversation will be a panacea for solving such problems. Only after it will you understand how to behave further. Maybe hearing “sparrow” from your loved one is not the worst thing that can happen in a relationship!

How to contact a guy you like in an original and unusual way

When a young man has just interested you, you may not know him enough to come up with his and only his nickname, as well as to call him dear, beloved or sunshine. But calling a guy something unusual is a great way to win him over and get him noticed. And at the same time, you probably have at least some information about him, at least his name. You liked him for some reason.

It’s not difficult to give the guy an original name. If you know his name, change it into a foreign language. A few examples:

  • Sasha - Alejandro, Sandro, Sanchez
  • Lyosha - Alex, Lex
  • Anton - Tony, Antonio
  • Peter - Petro, Pedro
  • Nikita - Nick, Keith
  • Andrey - Andrew, Drone
  • Sergey - Serge
  • Vladislav - Vladovski
  • Roma - Romeo
  • Matvey - Matthew, Matheus
  • Ilya - Ellia
  • Pavel - Paul, Paulo
  • George - George, Georges
  • Ruslan - Ruso
  • Denis - Dan
  • Ivan - Van, Vano
  • Gregory - Greg, Gregory
  • Fedor - Fed, Theo, Theodor

The list goes on. Feel free to experiment with the name if it's the only one you know. If you notice a guy doing something or he has a certain trait, use it. Make a nickname out of the manifestation you like. You may get:

  • Smile
  • Handsome
  • Jock
  • Big guy
  • Genius
  • Joker
  • Hero
  • Mister Generosity
  • Defender
  • Bibliophile
  • Grumpy
  • Obayaha
  • Toughie
  • Brawler
  • Rocky
  • Sweet-voiced
  • Macho
  • Knight
  • Veselchak
  • Gelsomino
  • Athlete
  • Captain
  • Sonya
  • Brave
  • Skillful fingers
  • smart ass
  • Man of dreams
  • Buka

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