Primary prevention of ischemic stroke: antithrombotic therapy

A patient who has suffered a stroke is prescribed a wide range of drugs to restore brain cells and prevent further development of the disease. The type of medications is selected separately for each patient, depending on the severity of the lesion and the location of the pathology after stopping cerebral blood flow. Types of medications for brain damage from stroke are divided into several types:
  • nootropics and neuroprotectors;
  • hypotensives;
  • anticoagulants (to thin the blood);
  • cardiotonics;
  • diuretics (diuretics);
  • cerebral.

The drugs are prescribed according to an individual regimen, taking into account the accompanying symptoms, the pathological pathogenesis of stroke, the type of stroke and other factors. It is strictly forbidden to take medications on your own before arriving at the hospital.

What medications to take after a stroke

Basic medications for stroke survivors and their therapeutic effect:

  1. Citicoline group (“Cerakson”) – stimulation of metabolic processes in brain tissue, reduction of edema. Regeneration of neural connections, normalization of mental processes, concentration, memory.
  2. "Gliatilin" and analogues - reduces the destructive consequences of a stroke, stimulates blood circulation in the damaged organ, and metabolism in neurons.
  3. "Actovegin" - activates restoration processes in brain tissue and prevents further damage. Indicated for treatment and as a prophylactic agent after suffering ischemic injury.
  4. "Mexidol" is available in ampoules or tablets. Reduces oxygen starvation of tissues, protects neurons from destruction.
  5. "Cerebrolysin" - stimulates cerebral circulation, has no negative effects. Can be used for first aid in the first 180 minutes until the person is taken to the hospital. Analogue of the drug "Glycine"
  6. “Encephabol”, “Nootropil” - restore brain metabolism, activate the processes of regeneration of tissue structures, stimulate amino acid metabolism, and protect neurons from oxygen starvation
  7. “Aminalon” or more often “Piracetam” - these drugs work as nootropics and vasoactives at the same time. Mental abilities and attention improve, mental recovery is faster.
  8. Aspirin is a blood thinner. Normalizes cerebral circulation and prevents the formation of new blood clots in the vessels. Indicated for the prevention of stroke. Warfarin is used as an analogue.
  9. “Mydocalm” is indicated in the early rehabilitation period, when the patient’s nervous tension is greatly increased, and a new attack may begin, which will lead to death. The drug has a hypnotic effect and relaxes the nervous system.
  10. "Captopril", "Cardosal" - reduce blood pressure. Prescribed in any form of stroke, since elevated blood pressure provokes the risk of a repeat crisis.
  11. "Furosemide" - has a diuretic, decongestant effect, reduces blood pressure.

There are a lot of drugs for the treatment of cerebral stroke; neurologists and rehabilitation specialists decide individually what drugs to take after a stroke after examining the patient. You cannot take medications on your own. If the attack has just begun, then before the doctors arrive, you can give the person “Glycine” - this is a safe and effective drug. Please note that the effectiveness of medications depends on the age of the patient. For older people, the effect of medications is reduced, just as for those suffering from complex chronic pathologies.


These are drugs for stroke that do not have the properties of psychostimulants, but at the same time increase the ability to learn, improve memory and cognitive functions. Allows you to establish communication. Nootropics are taken over a long course; they have no serious contraindications and this is their undoubted advantage.

Let's look at various nootropic drugs used to improve cerebral circulation:

PiracetamIt has been known for a long time, but was not initially used to treat such patients. During Soviet times, it was often prescribed to elderly patients. This practice in medicine is due to positive dynamics. Today, Piracetam is prescribed less frequently, due to objective reasons. One of which is considered to be anxiety that occurs after a long course of use.
Pantogam and PhenibutFor the brain can be used both in combination and separately. They have a distinct nootropic effect. Intracranial hypertension, high blood pressure, hypertension - all this can (to some extent) be corrected by taking Pantogam. The duration of therapy ranges from 1 to 6 months. This nootropic has a pronounced anticonvulsant effect and also normalizes the sleep cycle. As for Fenebut, it was developed in our country and used on astronauts. The “special development” helped many patients “get back on their feet.” Small-sized tablets with a sour taste have a sedative effect. They calm, but do not suppress communicative functions, making awakening soft, even if the sleep was heavy and short.
ActoveginAntihypertensive therapy can be carried out with its participation. But Actovegin is mostly rich in peptides and amino acids. If desired, it can be replaced with Solcoseryl. Discharged for 10-30 days. Used to treat metabolic and vascular disorders.
Cortexin and CerebralysinNeurometabolic cerebroprotectors with good neurotrophic effects. Contains various components: peptides, amino acids. After administration, slight excitement is observed, brain activity increases, so it is advisable to give injections in the morning.
GliatilinIt is in the group of vasoactive drugs, as it improves memory and attention, as well as the process of remembering information. Contains choline, suitable for long-term use (up to six months). Strengthens the membranes of nerve cells, while improving mood and removing irritability and emotional instability.
GlycineImproves mood and improves learning ability. But you will have to take Glycine in a high dosage. It is combined with other nootropics due to its weak effect.
EncephabolIt is considered a combined nootropic used in the first weeks of recovery. Helps normalize the level of intracranial pressure. Indicated for severe ischemia. Often prescribed to reduce the risk of relapse.
VinpocetineIt is one of the best neurological drugs because it improves cerebral circulation and also affects the mind. Has a powerful effect. It is also worth noting the organic origin of Vinpocetine; it is produced from plant flowers. This suggests that the medication has no serious contraindications or side effects. Like Pantocalcin, it is used in the treatment of children and newborns.

For ischemic cerebral stroke, when the consequences are not so serious, nootropics are prescribed for a period of 1-3 months. If everything ends in a cerebral hemorrhage, then the duration of therapy is at least 4-6 months.

What kind of IVs are used for a stroke?

Restoration of the body during the period of early post-stroke rehabilitation is based on the normalization of cerebral blood flow and neuron circuits. This must be done quickly, so the medications are administered through IVs. It contains a base solution of sodium hydrochloride and the active substance. This could be Piracetam, Cinnarizine and other drugs. It is also possible to combine medications by drip, which enhances the treatment effect two to three times.

The advantage of intravenous infusions is the gradual introduction of drugs. In this case, the active substances evenly enter the blood. The treatment result is higher than with intramuscular and intravenous injections

Droppers for stroke are prescribed by a neurologist based on the type of brain damage - ischemic or hemorrhagic, the general condition of the patient, age factors and concomitant pathologies.

Vitamins after a stroke

In order for the body, weakened by damage, to quickly return to normal, vitamin preparations are prescribed. This:

  1. Retinol (A) - has regenerating properties
  2. Thiamine (B1) and adermin (B6) - normalize blood pressure, cerebral circulation, increase neural conductivity.
  3. Ascorbic acid (C) – protects blood vessels from ruptures and restores them
  4. Cobalamin (B12) – enhances peripheral blood flow, improves and renews blood composition, regenerates brain cell connections
  5. Tocferol (E) – activates metabolic processes due to its antioxidant properties.

Minerals and trace elements must also be added to vitamin complexes. Potassium, magnesium, and zinc are especially important. In hospital settings, vitamins are injected intramuscularly; at home, the patient can take vitamin and mineral complexes in tablets. Pharmacies have a large selection with different effects, so it is better to consult with your doctor before taking vitamins yourself. An incorrectly selected composition of vitamins and minerals can negatively affect the health of a stroke patient, worsening his condition.

For ischemic stroke

The ischemic form of stroke is characterized by a stoppage of blood supply to the brain due to blockage of blood vessels. Blood clots or atherosclerotic plaques can clog the vessel. To treat ischemia, drugs are used that restore normal blood circulation in the area of ​​affected brain tissue. This:

  1. Nootropics. The neuroprotective effect of the drugs stops oxygen starvation of brain cells, promotes the restoration of damaged neurons, and prevents damage to healthy areas of the brain.
  2. Anticoagulants (blood thinners) - make the blood more liquid, thereby activating cerebral circulation and preventing the formation of new clots of platelet cells.
  3. Sedatives - calm the nervous system and normalize sleep, which is necessary for patients in the acute stage of ischemic stroke. If the patient is calm, then the size of neuronal damage is significantly reduced, and the risk of heart rhythm disturbances, increased blood pressure, and other complications is reduced.
  4. Hypotensives – medications for blood pressure after a stroke reduce blood pressure, which prevents vascular rupture and new blood flow disorders.
  5. Diuretics – have a decongestant effect, which reduces cerebral edema and promotes rapid recovery.
  6. Antihypertensives – medications that lower blood pressure are necessary to prevent unwanted stress on blood vessels.

In the acute period of the disease, drugs with analgesic and antispasmodic effects are contraindicated. Antispasmodics reduce vascular tone and worsen cerebral blood flow, which is already worse. If necessary, antispasmodics are prescribed after relief of acute symptoms, and only under the supervision of a neurologist.

The form of drug administration depends on the stage of the lesion. In the acute and post-acute stages, the drugs are administered intravenously, intramuscularly, or through droppers. During the rehabilitation stage, medications are prescribed in tablets and capsules. Please note that there is no quick and effective panacea for stroke that works in a few hours. All prescribed drugs work gradually; treatment of ischemic stroke is long and complex.

Antiplatelet agents and anticoagulants

In case of a cerebral stroke, these medications help thin the blood. They are used only for ischemic forms. The main danger of therapy with their use is considered to be the high probability of bleeding.

An example is regular Aspirin, it reduces the density of biological fluid, normalizes blood flow, and therefore eliminates oxygen starvation of vital organs.

If an anticoagulant is prescribed by a doctor, then it can be taken without any particular concerns. They are often included in the list of means used in first aid.

For hemorrhagic stroke

The hemorrhagic form develops against the background of rupture of the vascular walls and the formation of a hematoma inside the skull or hemorrhage in the brain. In this case, not only oxygen starvation of brain tissue is prevented, but also the development of deeper and more extensive hemorrhage. Therapy for the hemorrhagic form of stroke differs little from the treatment of the ischemic type; the same drugs are prescribed, but they are added:

Ganglion blockers - used to reduce blood pressure and have a vasodilating effect. Reduces blood pressure during a hypertensive attack for 2-6 hours. Not suitable for continuous use due to the large number of side effects. Among this group of products are “Benzohekson” and “Pyrilene”.

Angioprotectors – used for cardiovascular diseases. They stimulate the functioning of blood vessels, blood microcirculation, and normalize metabolic processes in tissues.

If the hematoma is extensive, then surgery is performed to relieve intracranial pressure, removing blood accumulations. After surgical treatment, a standard set of drugs is prescribed to relieve the lesion and its consequences.

Infusion therapy

Tablets are not prescribed or used rarely as part of this procedure. This is a type of intensive therapy performed for various forms of the disease.

What kind of IVs do doctors give to a patient?

  • various solutions are used that can normalize the condition of the admitted patient;
  • it is permissible to clarify the name of the intravenously administered electrolyte agent;
  • injections in a syringe or dropper may contain colloidal solutions.

Droppers after a stroke are necessary to: maintain the amount of blood circulating in the body, they also restore fluid deficiency.

Saline sodium chloride solution is administered intravenously, but its characteristics differ significantly from the properties of blood plasma. For this reason, preference is given to modern drugs that have an approximate composition. In terms of their properties: the amount of electrolytes, acidity, they are similar to plasma.

As part of the injections, other solutions based on human albumin are also administered; they are classified as natural. But there are also synthetic ones: solutions of dextrans, gelatin and hydroxyethyl starch.

Preventive measures

The main prevention of stroke is maintaining a healthy lifestyle. That is, getting rid of nicotine and alcohol addiction, proper nutrition, physical activity and movement. But for those who have suffered an ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke, these measures are not enough; they need drug prophylaxis. This will reduce the risk of relapse.

Some medications are taken temporarily, while others are taken constantly with short breaks. The best drugs after a stroke:

  • antihypertensive drugs after stroke
  • Statins (for high blood lipid levels)
  • Anticoagulants

Other means to maintain the body are prescribed once every six months. They use intravenous and intramuscular injections, droppers, and pills. Most often these are courses of Piracetam, Cavinton, Actovegin, B12 AND B6.

Regular use of Piracetam has a psychostimulating effect, which in turn activates normal brain function. Concentration and memory, which are most often affected by a stroke, improves. Be sure to take vitamin supplements, medications to improve immunity, and general strengthening agents. Regular use of medications after a stroke reduces destructive changes in brain tissue, protects against pathological complications, and promotes the rapid restoration of lost capabilities. Prevents the formation of new accumulations of platelet cells and atherosclerotic plaques, which can again block blood circulation.

A weakened body is twice as likely to be at risk of re-injury. Before using any medications, consultation with a neurologist is required. Self-medication after a stroke is unacceptable. The wrong dosage or the wrong medicine can worsen the patient's condition and lead to irreversible consequences.


These are post-stroke medications, the effectiveness of which was confirmed by research conducted at the University of Iowa. Antidepressants are included in a complex of drugs that are used in the process of rehabilitation of patients. Psychotherapy plays an important role. But antidepressants work differently, they:

  1. Increases learning ability.
  2. Improves memory.
  3. Helps normalize mood.
  4. Increase attention.

Sedatives or sedatives will not help achieve this result. In practice, it is proposed to use selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors.

The studies were carried out on patients of two groups. Some patients were given a placebo (dummy pills), others were given antidepressants. In the second group, upon completion of the course of treatment, an increase in conjectural functions was noted.

Research and their results made it possible to include antidepressants in the list of drugs used after a cerebral stroke. The duration of the course is determined by the doctor.

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