The seven most beneficial spices for blood vessels and immunity

Vascular diseases are familiar today not only to older people, but also to very young people. An incorrect lifestyle leads to the fact that by the age of 35-40, most people acquire “bouquets” of diseases, and begin to believe that getting sick is almost normal. Visits to clinics are also becoming the norm, or a “necessary evil.” But avoiding serious diseases such as atherosclerosis, rheumatism, hypertension, stroke, ischemia or varicose veins is not so difficult. Or rather, it’s not difficult at all - it can be difficult to solve problems in mathematics. Health requires care, self-love, effort and patience.

Vitamin C

  • Vitamin C or ascorbic acid is perhaps the simplest, but very effective remedy that is worth adopting. Here are the benefits it brings:
  • Increases the amount of healthy cholesterol, which in turn reduces the risk of blood clots, normalizes blood pressure and makes the walls of blood vessels stronger.
  • The body contains a substance called nitric oxide, which properly relaxes the arteries. However, a large number of free radicals reduces their activity. Vitamin C destroys these radicals and maintains the health of the heart and blood vessels.

An established fact: ascorbic acid can treat arrhythmia and restore blood vessels in people suffering from diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

  • Regular intake of vitamin C reduces systolic and diastolic blood pressure.
  • Dilates blood vessels, allowing blood to flow freely to the heart and brain.

Important point! Even if a blood clot has formed on the artery wall, vitamin C makes it more resistant to rupture. This significantly reduces the risk of heart attack.

But it is best to prevent the problem and engage in prevention. It is especially important for smokers to take vitamin C, since the level of free radicals in their body is increased, and on the contrary, there is less vitamin C.

The same goes for lovers of fatty foods. Fat constricts blood vessels and complicates the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Therefore, if you often eat at McDonald's or eat too fatty foods, you need to take additional vitamin C. It will dilate blood vessels and neutralize the harmful effects of fats.

Where is vitamin C found?

Ascorbic acid is not able to accumulate in the body, and all excess that we receive with food or supplements is excreted in urine and feces in a short period of time. That is why the body does not create even a minimal supply of useful substances. That's why you need to eat foods and take natural vitamin C supplements every day.

The daily requirement of an adult is 50-100 mg.

The most vitamin C contains:

  • Red bell pepper
  • Orange
  • Kiwi
  • Dog-rose fruit
  • Cauliflower
  • Rowan
  • Strawberries
  • Broccoli
  • Cheremsha
  • Black currant

In principle, all products are quite accessible, but many of them are seasonal. Therefore, in addition to nutrition, it is good to take natural products with vitamin C.

I really like Essential C-curity . It contains five natural forms of vitamin C, which are well absorbed in the body (unlike synthetic analogues). Also, the vitamin is enhanced with rosehip powder, juniper and acerola extracts, citrus bioflavonoids, zinc, indoles from cruciferous vegetables, rutin and hesperidin complex.

And if for some reason you were unable to eat the required amount of foods with vitamin C, you can easily correct this omission with the help of one Essential C-curity .

It is best to purchase the supplement on the official Santegra Shop website. So, you will protect yourself from counterfeits and get a really high-quality product to strengthen the heart and blood vessels.

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In total, 6 locations of pathological narrowing of the lumen of the arteries can be distinguished:

  • Cerebral. As the name suggests, the brain suffers.
  • Ophthalmic. The disorder involves the retina.
  • Venechnoye. A deviation associated with dangerous consequences for the heart.
  • Abdominal.
  • Cervical.
  • Peripheral. Limbs, upper and lower.

Based on the localization, we can talk about one or another clinical picture.

Ocular localization

When the organs of vision are involved in the process, a spasm of the retinal vessels develops.

Manifestations develop rapidly and are immediately visible (literally).

The following points are revealed:

  • The appearance of bright luminous objects, the simplest hallucinations such as flashing dots, rings, circles, geometric shapes.
  • Scotomas. Loss of visual fields. Usually in one eye, since the vessels on both sides are involved in the process relatively rarely. They look like large black spots that block the field of view.
  • Impaired visual acuity. Fog, blurred outlines of even nearby objects.
  • Severe headache. On the one hand, it is precisely localized in the affected area.
  • Nausea, rarely vomiting. A reflex response to a pronounced disturbance.
  • The appearance of dark-colored floating spots in the field of view. When a vessel ruptures and hemophthalmos (hemorrhage), the color changes to reddish-brown, which directly indicates the onset of a dangerous complication.


If the blood is not immediately “pumped out” from the vitreous, degeneration and retinal detachment may begin with the inability to restore vision on the affected side.

Symptoms of ocular vasospasm are specific, which makes diagnosis easy. Additional manifestations similar to signs of glaucoma are possible.

Sharp unbearable pain in the eye, redness of the sclera (white), lacrimation, intolerance to light.

An increase in pressure in an organ occurs as a response to an emergency condition and requires immediate correction. Mandatory in a specialized hospital.

Possible rapid death of the optic nerve and complete loss of the ability to see.

Cerebral localization

Brain nutrition suffers. The pathological processes that develop in this regard are not the same.

From transient cerebrovascular insufficiency to tissue necrosis (stroke). Symptoms vary greatly.

If we take the average clinical picture:

  • Headache. Strong, unbearable. Baling or shooting, bursting. Localized in the area of ​​the back of the head, crown. Can spread everywhere (diffuse).
  • Nausea, vomiting. Reflex signs. They do not bring relief even after the act of emptying the stomach. The manifestation does not always occur.
  • Disorientation in space as a result of dizziness.
  • Lethargy, weakness, drowsiness, asthenic signs.
  • Focal symptoms, such as sensory disturbances, paralysis, paresis, visual, auditory, speech dysfunction and other points.

Coenzyme for the heart and blood vessels

Coenzyme or ubiquinone is a ubiquitous substance that is found in all cells of our body. It is considered the most powerful natural antioxidant and is therefore widely used in clinical practice. Here are the benefits it brings:

  • Helps the myocardium (heart muscle) contract better;
  • Improves blood supply to the heart muscle;
  • Has an antiarrhythmic effect;
  • Helps reduce blood pressure to normal levels;
  • Helps a person to be more physically resilient, including with cardiac problems;
  • Promotes fat burning by saturating fat cells with oxygen;
  • Normalizes blood lipid composition;
  • Reduces the risk of atherosclerosis;
  • Regulates glucose levels and improves blood composition;
  • Promotes better hematopoiesis;
  • Strengthens the immune system;
  • Reduces the risk of cancer;
  • Protects liver cells from destruction;
  • Serves as a prevention of periodontal disease;
  • Slows down aging, which means prolongs youth

KoQ10 plays an important role for the heart and blood vessels. For three decades, experts have conducted clinical studies that have proven the high effectiveness of ubiquinone against cardiac diseases. It maintains energy levels, especially needed by heart muscle cells.

If the level of coenzyme decreases by 25%, bioenergy metabolism in the myocardium is disrupted. A 75% reduction in KoQ10 leads to cell death.

Some scientific data on the use of Q10 in medical practice:

  • Reduces the risk of death with a second heart attack;
  • Improves dynamics in chronic heart failure. In studies conducted in 173 centers in Italy, it was found that patients who took Coenzyme Q10 for three months in a row had a decrease in symptoms such as edema, cyanosis, dizziness and insomnia.
  • Improves the strength of contraction of the heart muscle;
  • Improves the condition of arterial hypertension. Coenzyme at a dose of 120 mg/day for 8 weeks reduces systolic and diastolic blood pressure, as well as fasting insulin levels and 2 hours after a sugar load.
  • Reduces symptoms of atherosclerosis

Sources Q10

I’ll start with the main products that allow you to maintain normal levels of coenzyme in the body:

  • Pig heart
  • Beef heart
  • Beef liver
  • Beef
  • Pork liver
  • Chicken meat
  • Canned tuna
  • Herring
  • Trout
  • Cheese
  • Eggs
  • Black currant
  • Peas
  • Cauliflower
  • Beans
  • Carrot
  • Tomatoes
  • Strawberry
  • Oranges
  • Apples
  • Yogurt
  • Orange juice
  • Milk

Products are listed in descending order of useful substance.

Norm Q10

The normal level of coenzyme in the adult human body is considered to be approximately 1 g/ml. To increase the concentration of coenzyme and obtain a therapeutic effect, you need to take at least 100 mg per day. This will increase the amount of the beneficial substance in the blood by about 2 g/ml.

However, even if you eat a lot of foods rich in coenzyme, you will find it extremely difficult to reach the target intake level of 100 mg per day. Therefore, adults should definitely take additional ubiquinone supplements.

CoQ10 has proven itself to be excellent . One capsule contains 50 mg of beneficial substance. This is quite enough for prevention. If you have problems with the heart and blood vessels, your doctor can choose the necessary dosage for you.

CoQ10 has undergone clinical studies at medical institutes in Moscow and St. Petersburg, and is included in health programs approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

This additive is one of the few certified according to the GMP standard and is officially approved for sale in Russia.

After just 2-3 months of regularly taking CoQ10 , you will notice an improvement in your well-being.

Follow the link and order Coenzyme Q10 on the official website at the prices set by the manufacturer.

Magnesium and potassium for the cardiovascular system

Magnesium and potassium ions are fundamental microelements that affect the electrolyte balance of the blood, heart, blood vessels and other organs. Their deficiency leads to changes in the myocardium, skeletal muscles, kidneys and bones. Moreover, magnesium deficiency reduces the absorption of potassium and vice versa. This phenomenon is quite common, especially in old age. Therefore, many doctors believe that it is necessary to replenish the reserves of these microelements.

A study was conducted in Russia in which 2,000 people from 18 to 90 years old who were in a hospital were examined. The result was that 956 people had magnesium deficiency. Agree that this is a fairly large percentage.

Magnesium deficiency causes a wide range of health problems, including:

  • Obesity
  • Sleep disturbance
  • Cramps during sleep and during exercise
  • Myopia
  • Cerebral infarction caused by thrombosis;
  • Primary hypertension
  • Mitral valve prolapse
  • Angina pectoris
  • Tachycardia
  • Diabetes mellitus type 2
  • Sensitivity to stress

In general, there are more than fifty diseases that can develop against the background of magnesium deficiency.

What are potassium and magnesium needed for?

If you consume enough of both substances, it will provide both a decrease in blood pressure and an increase in low blood pressure. This significantly reduces the risk of hypertension and hypotension.

Magnesium prevents potassium from being washed out of the body; this is very important for maintaining proper heart function.

Magnesium deficiency manifests itself:

  • Muscle weakness
  • Fatigue
  • Loss of energy even after sleep
  • Insomnia
  • Cramps in the legs at night and during exercise
  • Constipation
  • Slow wound healing

I want to emphasize that magnesium regulates the role of calcium in the body and has a kind of potassium-saving effect. Therefore, sooner or later, a lack of magnesium will lead to a deficiency of potassium. This may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Problems with bowel movements
  • Ulcers and erosion on mucous membranes
  • Acne
  • Poor tissue regeneration
  • Dry skin
  • Thinning hair

It has been scientifically proven that additional intake of potassium and magnesium increases life expectancy, maintains normal heart rhythm and prevents the development of arrhythmia.

Products with magnesium

Be sure to include in your diet:

  • Raw pumpkin seeds
  • Cocoa (20%)
  • Hazelnut
  • Roasted almonds
  • Buckwheat
  • Wheat bran
  • Sesame
  • Cashews (raw)
  • Pine nuts
  • Watermelon
  • Peanut
  • Oatmeal
  • Rose hip
  • Peas
  • Dates
  • Pearl barley
  • Dried apricots and prunes
  • Rye bread
  • Lentils

Products with potassium

  • Dried fruits (dried apricots, prunes, raisins)
  • Legumes (beans, lentils, peas)
  • Nuts
  • Bananas
  • Carrot
  • Citrus
  • Tomatoes
  • Watermelon

Notice how both lists are similar? This means that you can eat one or another product and get both nutrients. I never cease to admire the perfection of nature!

As I wrote above, with age the need for nutrients increases. Therefore, starting from 35-40 years old, you can safely take natural remedies.

CardioPhyt is good for the heart and blood vessels . Many people like him. That it contains magnesium and potassium and other substances necessary for the health of the cardiovascular system. Namely: vitamins C, E, B3 and B9 (folic acid), zinc, selenium, coenzyme, L-carnitine, extracts of ginkgo biloba, garlic and hawthorn berries.

CardioPhyt is prescribed in addition to treatment and for the prevention of cardiac diseases. Also, it can be taken without a doctor's prescription. I periodically take this remedy for my dad, as he has problems with blood pressure and heart. A course of 2-3 months helps him improve his health and feel better.

Here is a link to the official website, where you will learn more about this product and can order it.

Be careful! My friend’s mother decided to save money and bought CardioPhyt on an incomprehensible website where it was cheaper. She received a similar product that was past its expiration date. In order not to run into a fake, be sure to buy the product only through the official Santegra Shop website. The prices there are set by the manufacturer himself!

What should you avoid?

To live long and in good health, a person, even at a young age, must be well aware of the consequences of regularly consuming foods harmful to blood vessels and the heart. We must try to minimize them in the diet, and if atherosclerosis occurs, they must be eliminated completely.

  1. Saturated fats. These include fatty meat and dairy products, fatty parts of poultry (chicken skin), refined oils and fast food, palm oil.
  2. Trans fats. These are all types of spreads, margarine, baked goods, cookies and industrial cakes that use margarines.
  3. More than 5 g of salt per day. In order not to exceed the daily dosage, you should not add additional salt to the food on the plate, eat chips, sausages, soy sauce, ready-made seasonings with salt, etc.
  4. Store-bought sweets. In addition to containing too much sugar, factory-made candies and other sweets contain preservatives, thickeners, flavor enhancers and other harmful additives that greatly worsen the composition of the blood when consumed regularly.
  5. Ready-made yoghurts and other dairy products with sugar and fruit additives. The sugar norm there, as a rule, is exceeded, and also contains artificial additives: thickeners, flavorings and preservatives that have a bad effect on the circulatory and vascular systems.
  6. Smoked meats. They have an unacceptably high content of salt, fat, and additional flavoring additives.
  7. Alcohol, strong tea and coffee. These products themselves may even be useful, but in large quantities they are dangerous, as they interfere with the healing of blood vessels and lead to complications in the treatment and cleansing of the organs of the cardiovascular system.

L-carnitine benefits for the heart and blood vessels

L-carnitine is a vitamin-like substance and in order for it to be produced, vitamin C, vitamin B3, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, folic acid and iron are required. A deficiency of any of these substances reduces the production of carnitine and this affects health.

Beneficial properties of carnitine

  • Participates in the production of lecithin in the liver, which reduces cholesterol levels and prevents the development of atherosclerosis;
  • Helps to recover faster after intense physical activity, and also reduces the production of lactic acid. Therefore, a person experiences less pain after playing sports;
  • Removes harmful substances from the body;
  • Participates in energy metabolism and protects cells from destruction

A lack of L-carnitine leads to the development of cardiovascular diseases, decreased immunity, fatigue and excess weight.

Carnitine is used in the treatment of severe damage to the central nervous system, dysfunction of the heart muscle and vegetative-vascular dystonia with low blood pressure.

It is especially useful to take L-carnitine together with coenzyme Q10, it improves energy metabolism and supports the functioning of the heart, blood vessels and central nervous system. about CardioFit above; it contains both useful substances.

Products with carnitine

The main products with L-carnitine are:

  • Beef
  • Fish
  • Chicken meat
  • Dairy products (cheese, cottage cheese, cream)
  • Avocado
  • Soya beans
  • Crab meat

Exercises to strengthen the cardiovascular system

Many people with heart and vascular diseases lead a sedentary lifestyle. And this is one of the reasons for poor health. To prevent or solve the problem, it is imperative to train the heart muscle.

There is no need to burden yourself with too intense and heavy exercises, this will only harm you. The load should increase gradually so that your cardiovascular system has time to adapt to it.

Cardio training rules

Cardio exercise includes different types of sports. You can go running, swimming, cycling or Nordic walking. On the Internet you can find many online workouts or videos with aerobics, which are also great for training the heart muscle. With these activities you will develop endurance and improve your cardiovascular health.

  • The workout should last from 20 to 40 minutes.
  • It is very important to control your pulse. For beginners, it can reach 160 beats per minute, this is normal. But if the frequency of impacts rises higher, the training should be stopped or its intensity reduced. A pulse of 145-150 beats/min is considered ideal; in this mode, excess fat is burned well and the heart is trained.
  • One workout will not give you anything and may even harm you, since the body will perceive it as stress. Exercise regularly, 3-4 times a week.
  • A workout should always begin with a warm-up. Warm up and stretch your muscles, perform circular rotations in your joints.

I like working out with coach Nastya Kolsanova. She conducts free online training on her Instagram account 4 times a week. Every day different muscle groups are worked out, but the main emphasis is on cardio exercise. The workout is saved throughout the day, so you can exercise at a time convenient for you. For beginners, this is an excellent option for training with a qualified trainer.

Here is the link to her account


Therapy is conservative, if necessary - surgical. The tasks are always identical: eliminate the cause, relieve symptoms, prevent complications.

An approximate list of medications that are used in the early stages of therapy and beyond:

  • Peripheral vasodilators. Dilate blood vessels and normalize blood flow. This is mainly Nitroglycerin and similar products.
  • Antispasmodics. They relax the muscles of the arteries, help quickly relieve vascular spasm, and restore tissue nutrition. Names: Papaverine, Drotaverine.
  • Calcium antagonists. By biochemical means they prevent further vasospasm, promote the expansion of the lumen?
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