Transmission of thoughts over a distance. Experiments with brain rays

How to influence a person’s subconscious and instill thoughts in him at a distance without his knowledge

So, in order to instill thoughts at a distance, it is important not only to learn how to do it correctly, but also to master the technique:

Thought suggestion technique

First, prepare the room. The conditions should be comfortable for you. The environment should help you relax.

Prepare yourself. Take a comfortable position, turn off everything that may distract you. Focus on your breathing - inhale for 4 counts and exhale for 8 counts.

Tune in to the person. Imagine it - how it looks, moves, feel it. To make it easier, look at his photo. Only when you have tuned in to a person and it seems to you that he is nearby, then begin telepathic influence. Send him a clear request. Confidently, firmly, as if you won’t accept refusal, make a request. It's better to do it out loud. You must not just say, but feel what needs to be done. Allow 3-4 minutes for this stage, but no more. Now get out of your state

This is important to consider because you have to come back to yourself. Hug or pinch yourself

Look around at familiar objects.

After completing the procedure, it would be nice to rest. To do this, take a walk, drink tea, in general, do something that feels good to you.

Lack of jealousy

Can love that lasts at a distance do without jealousy? It’s hard to fight this phenomenon, and if the relationship is long distance, it’s almost impossible. Therefore, you should not even try to fight jealousy in this case.

All you can do is simply trust your chosen one, there are no other options.

You will have to accept this, and if you are not ready to accept it, it is better to break up immediately, as well as if he is not ready for this: after all, this will still happen a little later, but before that, your partner will have time to greatly ruin your life, forcing you to make excuses all the time.

Transmitting thoughts with a glance, touch

The activity of the brain is more complex and broader than our consciousness. Consciousness is the result of the work of some group of nerve cells that are most intensely active at the moment. This group is not constant: new and new cells are constantly switched on and off. However, even in cells that are switched off from intensive work, certain processes continue that are not directly reflected in consciousness. But these cells will instantly convey vital signals to our consciousness.

It is clear that the emergence of thoughts is possible under the influence of certain influences that themselves remain unnoticed. But they may ask the question: aren’t experiments with “thought transfer” something unusual that cannot yet be explained by science? After all, artists with amazing experiences perform on the stage. In a crowded room, spectators come up with problems, write them on paper and hand them over to the jury.

The artist is behind the stage at this time, then he is brought onto the stage and one of the spectators who came up with the task is invited there. The viewer takes the artist by the hand and he, concentrating, begins to perform the task. The only form of communication between the viewer and the artist is at this time the viewer’s hand tightly squeezing the artist’s hand.

Sometimes they don’t even do this - the viewer is simply next to the artist. How does the artist know what he has planned? It must be immediately emphasized that these experiments have nothing to do with the topic to which this article is devoted, because what is happening here is not the transmission, but the guessing of thoughts.

This process is reminiscent of the common children's game of “quiet music”. One of the players goes out the door, while the others hide an object. When the child starts searching, someone is playing a musical instrument. If the seeker approaches the object, the music intensifies; when he moves away from the object, the music becomes quiet or stops completely. Guided by the strength of the sound, the seeker eventually finds the object and carries out the intended order.

The artist guesses the task in approximately the same way, with the only difference that the signal for him is the reaction of the viewer who conceived the wish. Without noticing it, the person squeezes the artist’s hand with varying strength and the more strongly, the more the artist’s action resembles the condition of the task. You can use other audience reactions as well.

An artist who has trained for a long time easily picks up any reaction and navigates it. You don't need any supernatural sense to do this. After training, each of us is able to perceive impressions that previously went unnoticed. It is known how sensitively blind people feel sounds, how finely developed their sense of touch and smell is.

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Direct transmission of thoughts from person to person

There have been reports in the foreign press about attempts to directly transmit thoughts from person to person. In particular, such an experience was described. The submarine sank in the open sea; there was a man in one of her cabins. When left alone, at certain hours he sat on a table on which many paper cards were scattered. On each of them one of five figures was drawn: a circle, an asterisk, a cross, three wavy lines, and a triangle.

Looking at the cards, the person chose one. He would then place the card in an envelope and seal it with the date and time. The captain locked the envelope in the safe. Over many days of sailing, a stack of envelopes had accumulated in the safe.

Another person was in a room in one of the buildings on the shore. There was a drawing machine with thousands of cards on which were depicted the same five figures. The machine automatically shuffled the cards and threw out one of them at a certain time. The man took the card and looked at it carefully, as if trying to convey a thought about it to another person aboard the submerged submarine. He would then seal the card in an envelope, write the date and time on it, and give it to other people, who would lock the envelope in a safe.

When the boat returned from the voyage, a special commission laid out the envelopes so that next to them were those marked with the same date and hour, and then opened them and compared the cards. It turned out that in 70 percent of cases the figures on the cards from the corresponding envelopes were the same. This made it possible to draw an astonishing, albeit unlikely, conclusion: across a long distance and thickness of water, the thought of one person was transmitted to another without any auxiliary means!

Upon learning of this, the military became alarmed. In fact, messages and commands can be transmitted in this way. According to the theory of probability, with five different signs, a random coincidence is only possible by 20 percent; therefore, 70 percent of the matches could not have occurred by chance. Such comparative accuracy of matches is sufficient to convey any information using such symbols

How important this is! After all, with all other methods of transmission, information can be intercepted and decrypted

But is such a simple and amazing transfer of thoughts possible? After all, if this is so, then why did humanity need to use signal fires, carrier pigeons, and invent the telegraph, telephone, and radio? All this somehow does not fit with the sensational report about experiments on a submarine.

Opinions were divided. Some believed that this method of transmitting thoughts was a hoax, others believed in it and gave numerous examples of premonitions, coincidence of thoughts and actions among people located at a great distance from each other; they also referred to various everyday facts, cases described in literature, opinions of writers, scientists, etc.

There are no words, such facts are described. However, the situation in which they arose, and often their very content, deprived all these facts of scientific reliability. Moreover, messages of this kind were usually disseminated and disseminated by all kinds of obscurantists to prove “communication of souls,” “divine revelation,” etc.

Naturally, real scientists and serious people in general dismiss such messages in the same way as fairy tales about goblins and brownies. In science, the final judge is only experiment, experience. And similar experiments have been repeatedly undertaken in different countries. If we exclude the numerous hoaxes of charlatans like spiritualists, etc., then not many studies have been carried out that fully meet the conditions of a scientific experiment.

Is it possible to suggest thoughts to another person at a distance?

The first thoughts of scientists and psychologists on this topic appeared in the 19th century. And the answer was yes. People who are not in a stable nervous state are most susceptible to this influence. For example, when a person falls asleep or wakes up, with severe nervous exhaustion or during a period of aggression.

But most of all, you can influence close people from a distance, since there is always an invisible connection with relatives. This is even expressed in how a person feels when trouble happens to a loved one. And for this it is not necessary to enter the astral plane.

These may not necessarily be blood relatives. This type of connection occurs among people who spend a lot of time together. Between best friends, lovers and so on. Sometimes the suggestion of thoughts at a distance is due to the fact that a person knows the habits of the person being suggested well.

Sometimes this becomes not enough for a person. Then he wants to know how to instill a thought in a person at a distance. The following article will be devoted specifically to this topic.


Telepathy is a specific ability of the human brain to transmit or receive thoughts, images and feelings at a distance. In this case, no additional means are used. At the moment, there is no experimental evidence of the existence of this phenomenon, and therefore all statements are built at the level of hypotheses. Most scientists consider this phenomenon impossible, since there are no prerequisites for it in the human body.

People first started talking about the existence of telepathy in 1882. This term was coined by Frederick Myers, who is known as the founder of the British Society for Psychical Research. He, together with his like-minded people, conducted numerous experiments on transmitting thoughts at a distance. Later, similar studies were carried out in the USA, USSR and some European countries. Of course, some positive results were obtained, but experiments under more stringent conditions were not successful.

Myth or reality

Feeling someone else's gaze

While reading a book, we suddenly feel that someone is looking at us. We turn around and really see someone else’s gaze fixed on us

How were we able to sense it? If someone begins to look at us carefully and concentrates his attention, he to some extent changes his behavior: he begins to breathe differently, stops moving, his heart beats differently, etc.

And, although these very weak signals do not reach our consciousness, they can be perceived by the brain and cause a reaction.

We have no idea how complex perturbations occur in the body when the external environment changes. And many of them are not reflected in consciousness at all. This does not at all indicate the limitations of our consciousness or thinking. No, on the contrary. If consciousness perceived all signals, then thousands and millions of irritations would continuously interfere with our lives and disrupt the integrity of perception of the external world.

Therefore, in the process of evolution, nature created mechanisms that turned off the flow of currently unimportant signals from the internal and external environment and retained only the most important, most significant signals and impressions

This allows a person to concentrate attention on the most important objects, that is, to concentrate

Thus, what we feel, but do not grasp with consciousness, is by no means something mysterious. Attempts to declare it supernatural indicate a misunderstanding of the phenomenon or a deliberate distortion of the facts.

Types of telepathy

Telepathy is a rather complex concept that has not yet been fully studied. Parapsychologists tend to divide this phenomenon into conscious and unconscious. In the first case we are talking about the transfer of thoughts, and in the second - about telepathy in its pure form. This division eliminated disputes between spiritualists and paranormal researchers. Speaking about the transmission of thoughts at a distance, it is worth noting that it may well be the object of scientific research and experimentation. But with subjective telepathy, the object may not even suspect that some kind of mental message is being sent in its direction, and therefore does not prepare itself to receive thoughts.

Impact on people

Hypnosis at a distance without the person's knowledge is most easily carried out on someone who perceives information without subjecting it to any criticism. Such people always easily accept the statements of others and prefer not to argue with anyone. The presence of the following qualities can aggravate the situation:

  • Shyness;
  • Innocence, gullibility;
  • Weakness of character, timidity;
  • Dependence on other people's opinions.

If you have any of the listed qualities, you should engage in self-development in order to get rid of it. This will allow you to become a different person, as well as reduce the risk of external influence on the subconscious.

People of strong character are practically not susceptible to suggestibility. Such individuals always get their way, accept other people’s words only after critical analysis, and easily resist the suggestor’s attempts to influence their brain. The following conditions will be useful against suggestibility:

  • Developed willpower, arrogance;
  • Seasoned character, frankness;
  • Initiative, eccentricity;
  • Narcissism, energy;
  • Availability of other employees subordinate to them;
  • Personal independence, lack of sociability.

People with strong character traits in leadership positions have little to worry about. Only real professionals who understand psychology and who have managed to train their skills to the highest levels can instill anything in them.

Method 1: reviving the mental image

A mental image means a phantom of a person into whom you want to instill your thoughts. The main task is to present it as realistically as possible, to detail the image, to endow it with the characteristics inherent in the object of influence. To begin with, you can use a photograph, but in the future everything will work out without photographs.

  1. Sit on a chair, take a photograph and hold it in your hands at the level of your solar plexus. Close your eyes.
  2. Visualize the right person, try to hear his voice, smell his smell, see his face and clothes in detail. Watch him for a few minutes.
  3. Concentrate on your third eye area. Imagine that rays emanate from it and connect with the same point on the forehead of the object of influence.
  4. Start transmitting the necessary information through the rays. For example, you can send the following message: “(name) call now (your name)”, “(name) remember now about (your name)”, etc. Try to use a simple formulation that does not require a lot of energy.
  5. Complete the exercise by opening your eyes. Hold the mental image in your mind for a while, then smoothly release it.

Method No. 2: projection method

This technique is recommended to be used after mastering the first one, since it is more difficult, requires more concentration and takes a lot of energy. Of course, the response from the object of suggestion will follow faster than in the first case. The essence of the method is to project the body of a specific person onto yourself and mentally perform the desired actions for him. Thus, a certain program will be written in the invisible shell of a real subject, and he will unconsciously begin to follow it.

  1. Take a comfortable sitting position. Place your palms together in a prayer gesture and place them at the level of your solar plexus.
  2. Think about the person you need, while simultaneously feeling the warmth in your palms. Spend 5-7 minutes on this step.
  3. Begin to slowly spread your arms to the sides, imagining the hands of the target instead of your own. Project his image onto yourself, but do not copy him, but try to become what you think about. This may take 10-20 minutes.
  4. Mentally perform the actions that a real subject should perform in reality. For example, imagine dialing a specific phone number, saying certain words, etc.
  5. When you want to finish the exercise, smoothly return to your shell. The projection should disappear gradually; do not rush to abruptly break off the connection. After this technique, a short-term loss of strength is possible.

Rada Cherny Expert in the field of spiritual practices

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About the power of thought

Thoughts have enormous power and are believed to be waves tuned to a specific frequency.

These waves can be transmitted over very long distances. The person to whom the suggested thoughts are transferred is a kind of “receiver”.

The great power of thoughts is no secret to anyone: how many times have you had amazing situations when you called a person who was dialing your number at the same moment?

There are such examples in everyone's life. Scientists claim that one information field has been created around our planet, in which all our thoughts “float”.

They are on different waves, so each person picks up from the outside world only those thoughts that correspond to his personal wave.

How to suggest a thought?

In addition to the above practices of instilling thoughts, there is another interesting technique. Free your mind, don’t think about anything, close your eyes and clearly imagine the sun’s disk. After the image of the sun has steadily appeared in your imagination, switch to the person to whom you want to send the message.

Recreate his image in your head, imagine his characteristic features, bring the phantom to life. Having tuned in to the same wavelength as the receiving person, clearly imagine on the solar disk the phrase that you want to inspire.

Be sure to use first person to overcome subconscious defenses.

The practitioner of suggestion must repeat the phrase sixteen times, and then imagine a person in the solar disk who begins to carry out a kind of order.

In this experiment you will send a message to your friend. Concept of nonlocality:

How to attract a man from a distance?

It is impossible to make a man fall in love with the power of thought.

Using this technique, you can only make him think about a woman, make him interested in a person and evoke positive emotions associated with the image of a lady.

The ritual must be performed while full of strength and health. If you are sick, it is better not to resort to suggestion, as there will be no result.

Go to bed around the same time your lover is going to bed. Relax, clear your mind. You can turn on pleasant music or light some essential oils. Mentally imagine the image of a man, connect with him, penetrate his consciousness.

After this, start saying short phrases, for example, “get bored,” “think,” “remember,” each time adding your own name. If the process is reproduced efficiently, soon the man will start thinking about you

How to attract someone from a distance. Working with submodalities:

How to get your loved one back?

Women often suffer greatly if their lover leaves them. They cannot come to terms with what happened and want to return it. With the help of suggestion of thoughts you can significantly speed up this process. First, a woman must work on herself.

She should no longer feel sorry for herself and expect pity from others. She must radiate love and positive emotions so that a man with all his soul wants to return to a woman filled with harmony.

If you are tired, exhausted and miserable, you don’t even have to try to renew the relationship, because a man will not connect his life with such a lady.

After careful work on yourself, proceed to suggestion using the above methods. Every day imagine the image of a man in your thoughts and inspire him that he thinks about you, that he wants to call, come and ultimately return forever.

How to call?

How to attract a person? If you want to call a person who is at a distance, but cannot enter into an open dialogue with him, use the power of thought.

Constantly think about the person, try to instill in him the idea that he should come.

At least five times a day, perform special rituals, which consist of complete relaxation, a thorough presentation of the image of a person and instilling in him the necessary thought.

A sincere message must come from a pure heart, then the person receiving your thoughts will definitely respond and come.

How to act based on a photo?

The appearance of photographs has made life much easier for various magicians who read thoughts at a distance, instill thoughts and influence a person. Photography is great for instilling thoughts at a distance if it is difficult for a person to reproduce the image in his mind.

It must be placed in front of you and examined for a long time, trying to “revive” the image depicted in the picture.

Here lies a certain danger for a person who does not think about the power of photography and distributes it to everyone. Never give your images to strangers who may want to harm you.

Transmission of thoughts over a distance. Experiments with brain rays



Not so long ago, science completely rejected the possibility of influencing one person at a distance on another, in the form of guessing thoughts, reproducing intended images, sounds, etc., relegating all this to the realm of superstition or magic tricks.

However, the abundance of cases of this nature, recorded by individual observers, forced us to take these phenomena more seriously over time. In the 80s of the last century, in New York, a commission of scientists examined the 'work' of the mind reader, Brown. In 1882, in England, a commission of scientists, which included the Crown Prince, examined the “supernatural” abilities of a certain Bishop. In 1887, a special scientific society was established in England for the study of psychic phenomena, which included professors Gurney, Podmore and Myers, who registered in a special work about 600 more or less accurately verified cases of psychic influence at a distance. At the initiative of the French scientist Pierre Janet, an international psychic institute was established for the same purpose, in whose work scientists from various nations participate.

Here in Russia, prof. devoted a lot of work to the study of the issue of thought transmission. I. Tarkhanov, and in 1903 prof. Bekhterev, having familiarized himself with the experiments in guessing thoughts in Vienna, confirmed that “there could be no conditional communication between the inductor and the guesser” and that the experiments gave the most successful results “without the slightest sign from the inductor.”

Thus, the presence of the phenomena was recognized, and the discovery of their causes and mechanism became the next step.

Beard tried to explain the transmission by 'muscular contractions'. But the above-mentioned scientific commission rejected this explanation. Prof. Tarkhanov also tried to explain the transmission of thoughts by 'ideomotor' movements, and even built a special device with a drum that recorded these movements. Dr. Gamaleya suggested 'an effect on breathing'. However, perhaps only the same “evil spirit” can transform muscular tremors or fluctuations in breathing directly into colorful visual images or into complex, often abstract mental forms.

None of the above explanations stood up to scrutiny upon closer examination. The inconsistency of such an explanation was clearly revealed back in 1898 after a report by the senior resident of the Tambov psychiatric hospital, Dr. A.N. Khovrin, who carefully called the phenomenon he observed “a rare form of hyperesthesia of the higher sense organs.”

Dr. Khovrin's patient, a 32-year-old teacher, without any outside influence, read sealed letters, distinguished light shades through 4 layers of paper, and distinguished the colors of silk in sealed glass test tubes by touch. How strictly the possibility of error was excluded in Khovrin's experiments is demonstrated by the situation, for example, in the following experiment. Psychiatrist, Dr. N.N. Shchelochilin took a sensitive photographic film, wrote a phrase on it in light that did not affect it, placed the film in 2 light-proof envelopes, then in an ordinary envelope, sealed it with seals and sent it to Khovrina’s patient, who read the phrase without opening the letter. Not to mention the integrity of the seals, if you were to open the envelope even for a second in the moonlight, the film would turn black and become veiled when developed. Dr. Shchelochilin, in the protocol of the Tambov Medical Society dated May 4, 1894, testifies that the film remained inviolable.

In 1904, Dr. N.G. Kotik reported very interesting experiences of mind reading by 14-year-old Sophia Shtarker. In 1906, in a special work, he reported new experiments in the same direction with a special “medium”. What is interesting about the experiments of this observer is his desire to connect the mysterious phenomena with the discovered prof. Blondlot a new form of radiant energy, while Kotick's predecessors, even prof. Richet in France, who during the period from 1886 to 1888 achieved almost 50% (16/35) of quite successful results in strictly organized experiments of transmitting psychic influence over a distance, allowed only the participation of hypnosis, the essence of which still remains a mystery.

Recently the press carried the sensational news of Commander Darge's discovery of a 'thought photograph'.

Darge, applying a photographic plate to his forehead, reproduced on it: “a mental cane in his hands,” his own “anger,” and even “the eagle that his wife dreamed of.” These photographs have circulated in all magazines and, judging by reports appearing from time to time in the French press, Darget's discovery is being taken very seriously. Time will tell how much the discovery deserves such treatment. It is known that every, even the simplest mental representation is composed of countless individual perceptions received by the sense organs scattered throughout the body. These perceptions travel along nerve pathways to the brain, are purified, transformed and amplified at intermediate stations of the nervous apparatus, reaching small pyramidal cells of the gray matter of the large brain, which in some mysterious way transform what is perceived into mental images.

The idea that thoughts in finished form fly out like “eagles” from the skull onto a photographic plate does not yet fit well with the idea of ​​​​the complexity of the neuro-cerebral apparatus.

The research of Prof. is much more conclusive. Blondlot over N rays; N rays do not act on a photographic plate and, perhaps, it is due to this lack of “physical evidence” that can be easily reproduced in print that the Russian reading public has almost forgotten about them recently.

Meanwhile, the energy discovered by Blondlot is interesting simply because to detect it and even to carry out quite complex experiments with it, you do not need a laboratory or expensive instruments. The experiments can be easily performed at home, costing at most 5-6 rubles. N rays are invisible to the eye, as are those lying beyond the violet part of the spectrum - 'chemical' rays, X X-rays and most radiation from radioactive substances. To detect the invisible brothers of newly discovered energy, two methods are used. Either they are imprinted on a photographic plate, or fluorescent screens are placed in their path, that is, the substance that converts the rays into light rays itself begins to glow noticeably to the eye.

N rays do not affect the photographic plate and are not capable of causing fluorescence. They only enhance the direct and reflected glow. A faintly flickering body will flare up brighter if N rays fall on it. In addition, N rays increase the sensitivity of the senses, including the eyes, to light.

For experiments, therefore, it is necessary first of all to stock up on a screen. A glass test tube with calcium sulfide, previously exposed to light for 1-2 seconds, is suitable. Much more convenient is a cardboard screen, on which N is detected as light spots on a dimmer background. It is prepared like this. In a dark room, calcium sulfide is mixed with an equal volume of damar varnish. The mixture is spread on cardboard with a layer of 1/2-1/3 millimeters. Before the experiment, the screen must be placed in a bright room (not in front of a window) for 1 second. This is enough for it to flicker in the dark with a dull glow for 7-12 minutes. With the help of this screen one can test the penetrating power of N rays, in which they surpass all hitherto discovered types of radiant energy. They freely penetrate thick cardboard, wood (for example, an oak board 2 fingers thick), several sheets of aluminum, and bones. Even stone walls, although they weaken them, do not delay them. But the thinnest layer of fresh water serves as an impenetrable barrier for them, so it’s worth moistening tissue paper with water so that it becomes impenetrable to N. But it’s worth salting the water, and N rays will freely pass through the thickest layer of it.

Blondlot discovered N rays using a Crookes tube emitting X-rays. But later it turned out that the sources of N rays are any well-heated body - a lamp with an Auer burner, a gas jet, a voltaic arc, red-hot steel and iron, and ... the sun itself. It is enough to protect the source with a wooden damper to prevent the passage of light and heat, bring the screen described above to this damper, and a bright spot of light will flash on it, corresponding to the position of the source behind the damper. To detect N rays in the sun's rays, I did this. In a dark closet with thick brick walls, a small window was covered with a shutter made of thick cardboard nailed to a board. First, one of the glasses was sealed from the inside with paper moistened with salt water, while the rest of the glasses were sealed from the outside with paper and moistened with fresh water. Thus, all the window glass was protected from light in exactly the same way, but a light spot appeared on the screen, corresponding only to the “salty” glass.

In addition to those described, any body can serve as a source of N rays if the equilibrium of its constituent infinitesimal particles, 'molecules', is brought into a particularly tense state. Under this strong pressure, glass, rubber and wood emit N. Brass and aluminum can be made to emit it under a strong hammer blow. The steel strip becomes a source of N rays if it is bent or twisted.

In all these cases, the radiation stops as soon as the pressure disappears and the body regains normal elasticity. Therefore, it is much more convenient to test bodies with a 'constant tension of molecular equilibrium'. An example of such a state occurs during rapid cooling 'hardening'. By hardening a good steel knife, you can acquire an eternal source of N rays. Time is powerless in front of him. Blondlot became convinced of this by testing a blade from the Merovingian tomb, hardened almost 1000 years ago. You can also melt glass and drop a larger drop into cold water. Let's learn the 'Batavian tear', which we meet at school in physics class. This teardrop cries continuously... N with rays even through a wooden, cardboard or aluminum box.

The sounds of music are usually generated by vibrations of an elastic string or the walls of wind instruments. According to Depinay's research, the abundant development of N is accompanied by music. You can easily verify this by opening the lid of a piano in a dark room and placing a screen over the strings.

Some bodies have the ability to accumulate N. Among such bodies, we point to flint. It is enough to expose it to the sun for a day so that it then emits N in the dark for several days.

Research by Prof. Meir showed that N is secreted by all living organisms, starting with the simplest. For the question that interests us, it should be noted that in the plant kingdom, seeds and green leaves emit N especially strongly during germination.

In March 1904, prof. Charpentier made a report to the Paris Academy of Sciences on the propagation of N rays along nerve pathways, and reported that if N is directed to a part of the skull opposite the brain center of hearing, smell, vision, etc., then the susceptibility of the corresponding sense organ to the most subtle irritations increases greatly . The same thing happens when N falls directly on the sense organ itself.

You can check it like this. In a dimly lit room, white cardboard with small black letters is hung on the wall. The observer moves 4-6 steps away from the wall, so much so that he loses the ability to make out what is written in the darkness. It is enough to bring the source N to the eye, for example, a flint well 'charged' in the above manner, or a large 'tear drop', and the eye will again be able to make out the inscription and, on the contrary, will lose this ability as soon as the source N is removed from it at some distance .

On the other hand, prof. Andre and others discovered that any brain activity in general is accompanied in humans by abundant radiation of mysterious N rays.

Fig.1. Detection of brain radiation through a phosphorescent screen.

Fig.2. Increased glow of calcium sulphide under the influence of N rays.

Place the subject in a dark room and ask him to concentrate silently on something, for example, do mental multiplication. It is enough to bring our screen (Fig. 1) to the head from above, closer to the forehead, at a distance of several centimeters, so that a light ring appears on it¹.


The motor nerve pathways that carry orders from the brain to the muscles intersect - some, penetrating the medulla oblongata, others - in the gray matter of the spinal cord.

The result of this is that the centers that control the movement of the right half of the body are located in the left hemisphere, and the left - in the right. Make the subject move his right leg, and the screen tube will glow brighter when brought to the left side of the head (Fig. 2). Invite the subject to think carefully about the meaning of a word. The test tube will intensify the glow at the left temple (same picture), since it works, and, therefore, emits N, the 'center for memorizing the meaning of words', sitting in the 1st temporal left gyrus (Fig. 3 a). Make one speak as loudly as possible, and the test tube will have to be moved closer to the forehead, since the “memorization center for movements necessary for the speech process” lies at the base of the third frontal gyrus (Figure 3 b). The experiments work well if the hair on the subject's head is removed.

As has already been mentioned, the course of the conscious process appears from a modern point of view in general terms to be as follows.

The reason for the appearance of a ring rather than a solid circle is believed to be the inability of the central part of the retina to capture gentle light vibrations. People suffering from a disease of the outermost parts of the retina (retinitis pigmentos) cannot see at dusk (night blindness).

Rice. 3. The left side of the human brain: a - center for remembering the meaning of words (shaded), b - center for remembering movements during speech processes (shaded), c - center for remembering the meaning of written words.

The irritation perceived by the nerve ending (Fig. 4) reaches the small pyramidal cells of the gray matter of the hemispheres through the cells of the medulla oblongata (Fig. 4 a, Fig. 5). These cells transmit the perceived irritation to the large motor cells of the spinal cord in the form of an “order,” and they, in turn, transmit the order to the muscles. Charpentier proved that N rays propagate best in the body precisely along the nerve pathways and in the same way travel both “centripetally” and “centrifugally” in relation to the brain, which obviously explains the increase in the receptivity of an organ if the brain center that controls it is illuminated by N rays.

The connection of N rays with brain activity and the dependence on them of the receptivity of the senses, and, on the other hand, the development of N by musical instruments, germinating seeds and green leaves, obviously throw new light on the long-recognized influence of music and spring nature on the mental mood of a person . But in order to put N energy in connection with the reading of thoughts not by chance, but occurring at the request of the dictator, it is necessary, first of all, that a person be able to direct it at will. In hypnosis, a powerful weapon of psychic influence is, as we know, the gaze.

With the cheapest air pump available, it is possible to construct a type of instrument to replace Jouard's 'stenometer'. Inside a thin glass cap (Fig. 6), a dry thin silk thread is suspended with a drop of damar varnish, Canada balsam, or glass melted with brown, at the end of which a thin dry straw is fixed in balance, serving as a pointer arrow. At the end of the straw there is a thin cotton of absorbent cotton fluffed out. The pump disk is sprinkled with finely crushed salt. The pump hole is protected with a piece of dry cardboard with holes drilled and a small side (Fig. 6 d) so that the salt does not blow away. The air is thinned carefully, and the device is ready for action. By focusing your gaze on a piece of cotton wool, you can turn the arrow with your gaze.

Rice. 4. a - cerebrum, b - medulla oblongata, c - spinal cord.

It is even easier to direct mysterious energy along an artificial path. The fact is that it competes with electricity in its ability to propagate through copper conductors. Place a copper plate on the subject’s head, and lead the copper wire from it into another (dark) room and immerse the end into a test tube with calcium sulfide. The latter will intensify the glow whenever a subject in another room performs the brain exercises described above. The same can be observed by exposing the receiver plate to inanimate N sources.

In Russia, during experiments with the transmission of thoughts, Dr. Kotik was the first to use copper conductors. Despite the primitive device (a wire wrapped around a pencil), the influence of the conductor significantly increased the positive results.

By describing my own experiments, I am, of course, far from wanting to express any final conclusions, but intend only to point the way to checking the results obtained and further research.

Rice. 5. Microscopic structure of gray matter. brain (cortex): a - small. will protect. molecular cells (external), b - small pyramidal cells, c - large pyramidal cells, d - polymorphic cells, e - white matter (first processes of cortical cells), a1 - cell body, b1 - dendrites.

Rice. 6. A device that replaces a stenometer; a - cotton wool.

It is necessary first of all to establish that N-rays alone cannot in any way be considered the exclusive and direct engine of thought, if only because in brain radiations physical N, studied from inanimate sources, are associated with some other type of energy, being in connection with it 'physiological N', which differ from physical penetration abilities (according to Charpentier - they are not absorbed by water and tin, but by aluminum already at 0.05 mm thickness). It is impossible to look at N as thoughts themselves, but this does not prevent one from reasoning in this way. Nervous excitation is traced to the small pyramidal cells of the cerebral cortex, then it becomes a motor coming from the brain, as a result of sensation. The sensation itself, the thought, occurs, therefore, in some way, probably in these cells. They think that changes occur in the smallest components of the body-molecules. These molecular changes (we can consider them mechanical) are, as we have seen, in direct connection with the radiation N. The letter A, seen by observer I (Fig. 7), produced a molecular change in the cells of area a of his brain. In this case, the cells of the area emitted a certain number of N rays (Fig. 7 b). Mechanical energy is converted into all other types of energy and, with a slight loss, can be reversible again. If the corresponding part of the brain of another person (Fig. 7 a), which is at rest, is exposed to the action of N emitted by part a and transmitted along a copper conductor p, will the 'nth' energy generated by the mechanical changes of part a produce corresponding mechanical molecular changes of part a , causing in the mind of the second participant in the experiment the idea of ​​the letter A?!.. 'Mind readers' usually hold the dictator's hand.

Rice. 7. Beam transmission scheme N.

If we assume transmission using N, then it obviously goes this way. The energy is born in the brain of the dictator, goes along the nerve pathways to the fingers or hand, and along the nerves of the “reader’s” hand rises to his brain. Figure 5 shows that nerve cells consist of a body (a) and branched legs (b), which can retract and extend to some extent, as in amoebas. According to Bekhterev, for a nervous, and therefore mental connection, not only contact, but also simply the proximity of these branches is sufficient. Throughout the described transmission path, countless “legs” of neighboring cells reach out to it. Some of them are charged with part of the energy flowing by, others add what they have accumulated themselves.

Thus, the transmission, on the one hand, fades, and on the other, is obscured by third-party sensations. It is another matter if brain energy, easily penetrating the skull, acts directly on the corresponding part of another brain, passing through a solitary copper conductor. The dictator sees the samovar and tries to evoke a visual image of it in the mind of the 'reader'. If, acting on the visual center of the latter through a guide, you invite him to depict what he perceived on paper, he, if successful, will outline the figure of the samovar, put shadows, and convey color. If the dictator tries to inspire the “reader” with the word “samovar” written on paper, again acting exclusively on the visual center, then don’t we have a right to expect that in the mind of the “reader” a visual idea of ​​the letters that make up the word “samovar” will first arise? ; In order for an idea of ​​the object itself to arise, it is necessary to involve in the work the centers for memorizing the meaning of words (Fig. 3 b) and written (Fig. 3 c).

In practice, complete isolation of the centers is unattainable, and one has to confine oneself to observing which of the described ideas arises in the reader’s brain first.

As a receiver and spotlight of physiological N, I used a copper plate 'a' (Fig. 8), corresponding to the position of the visual center in both occipital lobes of the brain, and a plate 'b', covering the centers for memorizing the meaning of words spoken and written. The rest of the skull is protected by 0.5 mm thick aluminum. The edges of the plates and aluminum are equipped with punctures, along which they are lined with silk tape along the same cord, so that the edges of the metal are outlined with a silk roller. With these rollers, the edges are tightly basted to each other, making up a complete 'helmet' that covers the head. The ends of copper wires are soldered into copper plates. Acting on all three centers, baste both plates (a and b). Acting only on the visual, instead of the plate 'b' they baste the same aluminum one.

Rice. 8. a and b - copper plates; c - copper sink; d - aluminum; e - silk headbands.

Rice. 9. Retina (greatly enlarged). a - pigment layer, b - cones, c - rods, d - optic nerve fibers.

Rice. 10. Section of the human brain: c - optic nerve, h - optic thalamus, g - pineal gland, f - titular body.

For the successful transmission of thoughts, all researchers consider it necessary for the guesser to have a semi-conscious, passive state and the absence of spontaneous excitations. This necessity follows from the above-described “sociability” of nerve cells that entertain a specific working center. Most excitations arise under the influence of external stimuli of the sensory organs. The reader must be isolated from these irritations. The participant of the experiment takes a calm position in a comfortable chair. It is more difficult to exclude auditory and visual irritations. If you plug your ears tightly, your attention will focus on the pulse beats in the vessels closest to the ear. Try to close your eyes and you will see changing light figures, depending on various irritations of the retina and nerve and attracting attention. Light is absorbed by the pigment of the retina (Fig. 9), lining the back wall of the eye. The pigment converts light into a special energy, which acts on the nerve endings of the “rods” and “cones” immersed in it. Along the nerve (Fig. 10), the irritation goes to the visual hillocks (Fig. 10), where it is again modified in the immediate vicinity of the same intermediate stations of hearing, smell and touch, lying in the same hillocks, and then reaches the cortex.

The complexity of the path and the proximity to the paths of other senses, as well as its sharpness in comparison with the sense of touch, make auditory and visual indifference especially difficult. It can be achieved if, without closing your eyes and ears, you expose them to constant, formless, irritation that does not evoke certain ideas.

Copper shells are sewn to the described 'helmet' (Fig. 8c), loosely adjacent to the cheekbones in front. The ear experiences the impression of a formless, lulling hum, without a single specific sound on which to concentrate. A wooden disk or oval is placed in front of the eyes, covered tightly with black, pure woolen cloth, or blackened with charcoal or Italian pencil. A place is hollowed out in the tree (Fig. 11 point) on the reverse side for a copper plate connected by copper wire to the same plate of another 'station'. The described screen, illuminated by a weak source placed behind and slightly above the observer, completely absorbs light vibrations, and contemplation of it distracts the vision from external irritations.

Experiments are carried out like this. The dictator and the reader sit in quiet chairs in separate rooms in front of absorbing screens (Fig. 11), with 'helmets' on their heads. A switch is inserted into the wires connecting the 'stations'.

In front of the 'reader' is a small music stand with a sheet of white and black paper and white and black pencils (Fig. 11). A drawing or inscription is placed on the dictating screen, on which he must concentrate, trying to capture the details in his mind. 1-1.5 minutes after this, someone closes the circuit by turning the switch lever. The experiment gives results within the next 10-15 minutes. The drawings convey the results of experiments to which teacher N.L., 23 years old, was subjected as a “reader”, in normal health, and in the past also did not suffer from diseases of the nervous system. The dictators, besides the author, were two different persons.

Series I - the copper plate has been removed from the screen.

Rice. 11. a - absorbing screen, b - music stand. The white dotted line is the location of the copper plate.

Rice. 12. Both helmet plates are included in the 'chain'; There is a drawing of a samovar on the dictation screen.

Rice. 13. Only the visual plate is turned on; on the dictation screen there is a piece of paper with the word 'samovar'.

Experiment 3. The visual plate is turned off. On dict. screen drawing of a samovar. 'Reader' writes the word 'samovar' on a white sheet of paper.

Rice. 14. Only the visual plate is turned on.

Rice. 15. Both records are on.

Series II. A copper plate is inserted into the screen at the back.

Rice. 16. Both helmet plates are included.

Rice. 17. Only the visual plate of the helmet is turned on.

This is followed by Episode III, in which the helmet's vision plate is turned off. In this series, the same image is transmitted differently depending on whether a copper plate is embedded in the absorbing screen at the back or not. If it is laid down, then the drawing is either conveyed graphically, or is not conveyed at all, especially the more complex one. If there is no plate on the screen, then the drawing evokes the corresponding word in the reader, which seems to 'sound in the head'. In Series IV, both copper plates of the helmet are replaced with aluminum ones. The shells described above are connected by wire.

The transfer of the samovar pattern with the plate on the screen fails. Without it (at the 20th minute): 'sa... tsa... tsar... sa-mo-var!.. I can't hear well!..'. Also, with the plate on the screen, the transmission of the written word 'fate' failed. The record was taken out. After 12 minutes: 'I hear... su... court... judge!..'.

In all cases, when some 'visual' plates were connected, first of all a graphic image of what was planned appeared, which was immediately written down by the 'reader'. In cases where the copper plate was removed from the screen, the image was transmitted negatively. The black screen became foggy and against a gray background the letters appeared white, sometimes surrounded by a luminous border. With the plate in the screen, the image was transmitted positively. On the contrary, the image was positive without the plate and negative with it, if there was no picture or inscription in front of the dictator, and he reproduced the object mentally, looking at the screen (4 non-illustrated experiments). In cases when the visual plate was turned off, or shells were connected instead of the helmet plates, the dictated word, in the words of the reader, began to “sound silently in the head,” gradually emerging from the hum of the shells.

The following experiences should be noted:

Conceived without the notation 'sew'. Guessed with the visual plate turned off: 'live'. Intended: 'reaps'. Guessed: 'sews'. The visual plate of the helmet is turned on: what is conceived is meaningless - 'horror' (in anticipation of the usual: 'jester', or 'horror'). Guessed: 'horror'. The reader says: 'I must have made a mistake'!..

In total, 10 experiments of 5 tasks each were carried out over 3 weeks. Out of 50 problems, 30 gave a completely correct transmission, 9 were questionable, and 11 remained unresolved.

Errors in w and z are not considered errors. An example of a dubious transmission in Fig. 15.

Those wishing to test the described phenomena with personal experiments should be warned against continuing the experiment for longer than 1/2 hour, even with the most positive results, especially if the visual plate or both plates of the helmet are turned off during the task. Otherwise, both “stations” (especially the “reader”) risk paying with severe and persistent headaches. It’s best to split the experience into 2 parts of 15-20 minutes each. and between them a rest of 15 minutes, during which it is necessary to unfasten the shells from the ears.

Essay by A. Barchenko // Nature and People, No. 31-32, 1911

The world through the eyes of a clairvoyant

Dear Goldie! Thank you so much for your site, I read it, I just can’t get enough of it, I re-read it endlessly to understand everything and sort it out. I can imagine the flow of letters you receive, if you have a minute, maybe you will be interested in my letter, and you can tell me what to do. I have been tormented by this for several years now, I cannot find peace, and most importantly, there is no reliable information.

During my student years, I dated a foreign guy,

I loved him very much, these feelings were mutual. But by the time we met and developed our relationship, it turned out that he had a girlfriend, he had met her long before me. In general, our relationship lasted for many years, but we broke up, he married his girlfriend, and went to his homeland. A few years later we saw each other, quarreled, and I never saw him again. Many years passed, I mentally seemed to be with him all the time, often remembering our meetings.

Subsequently, I greatly regretted not taking his coordinates. Several years ago I lost my mother, I was in a terrible state, and suddenly my friend began to come to my mind, and I mentally began to call him to me at night,

sentencing him to respond, to send a message.

At this point the dream seemed to be interrupted. You know, Goldie, I don’t remember such dreams in my life! I cried a lot and was simply in a state of shock for several days. Why did my friend dream about me like that? His words couldn’t be more frank

So I thought, maybe he died and I bothered him? Goldie, believe me, it’s very important for me to know what happened to him? What do i do? I still love him, although about 20 years have passed

Thank you for your advice and help.

In order to determine whether a person is alive or dead, you need to work with his photograph.

I won’t do this, but will analyze the dream. Whether the person in the dream is dead or alive - the meaning of his message is the same. Don't bother him or distract him with your thoughts.

Many people disturb the dead with their thoughts, and many disturb the living - but rarely receive such definite answers to their actions. I am inclined to believe that this person is alive, has high sensitivity and strong energy.

He felt your calls physically. I do not say this as a reproach, but so that you understand that thoughts have a physical effect.

Especially, you did this when you were very bad. This means that your bad state was also transmitted to him along with thoughts about him. A person may feel this as causeless anxiety, an unpleasant feeling that something is happening. Something similar is felt when your ears start to burn. And if this happens constantly, it is exhausting. Not everyone feels other people's thoughts - this requires developed sensitivity.

I advise you to forgive him, ask him for forgiveness, and let him go with ease.

I had such a case in my youth. I started dating a young man who understood esotericism and had high sensitivity. After the date, I was overwhelmed with feelings, and for the next few days I constantly returned in my mind to the moment of our meeting, reliving everything again. A day later, I had a toothache, I went to the dental clinic, and there, in severe pain, I continued to think about it, distracting myself with pleasant memories. When we met, he immediately told me that I had been thinking about him a lot in recent days, he felt it was bothering him. And he asked me not to do this again. This is how I learned the first lesson that I need to think more carefully :).

Another letter from someone who likes to think:

Hello goldy. I have been turning (mentally) to my first love for three years now - the result is zero, what should I do?

I think that in three years you can understand and leave the person alone. No one will run around, tug on your sleeve endlessly. Because they understand it’s impossible. And turning mentally is the same twitching, only of a subtle field.

When someone shows excessive persistence, it only pushes away and causes resistance in response. A person may not understand what is going on, but irritability will accumulate in him. Another person is not an object that you can put next to you so that he does what you want.

What you can and should do mentally is to harmonize yourself and your relationships with the outside world and people.

Limitations and possible consequences

There are more suggestible and less suggestible people. You can influence anyone - the main thing is to guess the moment when he or she is least protected.

  1. The easiest way is to influence loved ones who do not put boundaries between you and them. After all, telepathy can not only harm, but also support, convey a sense of protection and even improve health.
  2. The most vulnerable periods of a person’s life are moments of intense emotions (sorrow, joy, fear), sleep (using the technique described above, you can learn to influence a person’s dreams), communication with loved ones (for example, lovers are at their weakest when enjoying each other’s company).
  3. Remember! When you establish a telepathic connection with a person, your mind is also open to him, although to a lesser extent than his. You should not start your training by influencing enemies, murderers, or just shady people. The consequences can be very dire!
  4. Don't forget about the boomerang effect. Negative influence will result in negative consequences for you.

How to make a man think about you

Many people ask me whether it is possible to “work” with a person at a distance. I answer everyone at once - it is possible. At the beginning of the article, you read how our thoughts move from one person to another.

Now I want to tell you how to direct your thought so that the right person “catch” it. This is done very simply - using your imagination.

You simply imagine this person and imagine that the thought you need enters his head.

And now I’ll tell you a more piquant way of instilling thoughts in a person, and not even thoughts, but rather desires... That is, for a person to think about you. This is only suitable in the case of a love relationship.

The author of the “Magic Touch” method is Amargi Killer.

Don't be ashamed to express your feelings

Writing sentimental messages quickly gets boring, lisping on the phone looks ridiculous, video calling is also not conducive to tenderness. However, you should realize that you need it.

After all, you have already lost a large layer in your relationship, since lovers mostly express their feelings non-verbally: holding hands, hugging, kissing.

When the opportunity to do all this is temporarily absent, it is necessary to somehow replenish tenderness through words.

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