Why does the scalp on the top of the head hurt and itch and how to solve the problem?

Special manifestations of discomfort

When the head burns from the inside, this is not the only symptom that patients complain about. The following discomforts also appear:

  1. The whites of the eyes turn red.
  2. The heart begins to beat faster.
  3. Profuse sweating.
  4. Sudden feeling of anxiety, panic.
  5. There is a feeling of tightness and tingling on the scalp.

Osteochondrosis of the neck

Cervical osteochondrosis occurs as a degenerative process in the cartilaginous system of the spine. The tissues located between the vertebrae gradually become thinner. The cartilage begins to wear away, and as a result, the vertebrae touch each other even with the slightest movement. Irreversible processes occurring in the skeleton contribute to salt deposits.

The disease progresses and long-term compression of the capillaries in the cervical region appears, the brain does not receive enough blood. Afterwards, oxygen starvation sets in, causing the back of the head to burn. To alleviate the painful symptom, it is recommended to do a massage in a specialized treatment room. Engage in healing physical exercises to strengthen your back muscles.

A common disease with complaints of a burning sensation in the back of the head, which affects all segments of the world's population. High blood pressure can affect men, women, teenagers, older adults and even children. Nuchal heat and pain intensify with sudden movements. There are other symptoms of the disease - dizziness, increased heart rate, anxiety, and blurred vision.

A sympatho-adrenaline crisis, or also called a panic attack, is manifested by a malfunction of the nervous system, high blood pressure occurs, blood vessels dilate, a feeling of unreasonable fear appears, the heartbeat increases, attacks of suffocation are felt, the head and heart hurt greatly.

A burning sensation may occur due to the sudden flow of blood to the head. Peripheral vessels of the brain open. This condition is caused by severe physical and emotional stress, cancer of the adrenal glands, spinal cord and brain systems, or a history of great anxiety or a stressful situation.

Unpleasant sensations in the head with vegetative-vascular dystonia are almost impossible to relieve with analgesics and antispasmodics. When examined by a doctor, no abnormalities are detected. Patients diagnosed with VDS experience pain in different ways: some characterize it as a burning sensation, others as a feeling of fullness, numbness or emptiness.

Brain tumors

Demyelination of the brain occurs when there is a deficiency of myelin. Lack of the substance leads to the process of damage to the myelin walls of neurons. Afterwards, irreversible destruction of the nerve fibers occurs. The burning sensation is caused by tumors of benign and malignant origin. There is severe constant pain, analgesics do not help, there is a lack of appetite, nausea, the person constantly feels tired, and vision decreases sharply.

Osteochondrosis of the neck

When using hair hygiene products, you must remember about the individual tolerance of shampoo, mask, and hair balm. The cause of scalp irritation may be one of the hygiene products. There may be a burning sensation, dandruff, itching, and sometimes pain in the area of ​​hair growths.

A sedentary lifestyle and lack of walking leads to a malfunction of the entire body. Hormonal imbalances, excess weight, and metabolic disorders may appear. All this leads to malnutrition of the scalp and the development of a “neurasthenic helmet.” The same type of pain accompanies many neurological diseases.

Many patients complain of a burning sensation throughout the head. Less commonly, the burning sensation manifests itself in the form of itching inside the head, which can be compared to the feeling of sitting for a long time under the scorching sun.

This itchy pain may be accompanied by monotonous, slightly throbbing pain inside the head, rapid pulse, high blood pressure and other symptoms.

If it is the scalp that is bothering the burning sensation – this is due to exposure to allergens, then you need to refuse to eat food to which you are allergic or try to avoid sources that cause an allergic reaction. Severe heat in the head can also manifest itself in the form of attacks.

But pain in the head, similar to tingling with needles, may indicate not only overwork of the body, but also the presence of serious illnesses.

When visiting a doctor, the main complaints about a burning sensation in the head are as follows: a feeling of mustard plaster on a separate part of the head; sometimes the burning sensation radiates to the shoulders or chest.

Often, a burning sensation in the back of the head is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • redness of the eyes;
  • tachycardia (heart beats rapidly);
  • throws into sweat;
  • tingling in the head.

All these symptoms appear from time to time all together, sometimes only a burning pain in the head is felt.


Factors that cause itchy scalp and hair loss are associated with the presence of pathologies of internal organs, an unhealthy diet or starvation, and heredity. Also, baldness is a consequence of improper selection of personal hygiene products, use of inappropriate coloring products, and alcohol abuse. The condition of internal organs and follicles is negatively affected by uncontrolled use of medications. Itching of the scalp followed by baldness is the result of psycho-emotional shock, exhausting work, and exposure to the sun.

Seborrheic dermatitis

An inflammatory process that occurs in areas of the densest localization of the sebaceous glands, which include the scalp. Seborrheic dermatitis takes a chronic course, characterized by episodes of exacerbation during the off-season. Occurs due to decreased or increased activity of the sebaceous glands.

Causes of seborrheic dermatitis:

  • endocrine disorders that are accompanied by hormonal imbalance
  • genetic predisposition to develop pathology
  • impact of stress factor
  • neuritis, insomnia
  • physical or psychological fatigue
  • starvation
  • medication abuse
  • alcoholism
  • ultraviolet exposure
  • eating disorder
  • increased activity of the sweat glands

These factors weaken the immune properties of the body, as a result of which it cannot control the reproduction and inhibit the growth of pityrosporus fungi. The volume of microflora increases to 90%, although in a healthy person its limit does not exceed 30%. The disease is characterized by intense hair loss, inflammation of the scalp, and the appearance of copious amounts of dandruff.

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Alopecia, as a consequence of exposure to stressful events, is a common phenomenon: adrenaline interferes with the blood supply to the follicle, and it is rejected. If itching of the scalp occurs after a psycho-emotional shock and leads to hair loss, you should consult a neurologist. In 90% of cases, the patient is prescribed sedatives: they minimize the load on the nervous system, help normalize sleep, and general recovery.


Using paint or shampoo that contains irritating substances leads to allergies.

Symptoms of the condition:

  1. Initially, a slight itching of the scalp occurs, then the symptom intensifies.
  2. The epithelium is swollen and painful.
  3. When examining the skin of the scalp, red spots are observed. The degree of their severity depends on whether the irritant is removed from the epithelium and how quickly this is done.
  4. Then the hair follicles are rejected, and alopecia occurs - total or focal.

Timely removal of dye from strands minimizes the negative impact on the follicles. They recover on their own, and in 80% of cases, baldness does not occur.


Damage to hair by lice. The source of infection is another person, personal items of infected persons. Parasites also occur when personal hygiene measures are not observed, after swimming in polluted waters. The presence of pediculosis is determined by external examination of the scalp. The primary symptom is persistent itching, the need for regular scratching of the disturbing areas of the skin. Treatment is predominantly conservative.


The cause of the lesion is the penetration of fungal microflora into the skin. The disease occurs due to weakened protective properties of the body. Reasons for the development of ringworm:

  • Fasting, eating low quality foods
  • Lack of vitamins or minerals in the body
  • Weakened skin immunity (due to frequent treatment with salicylic acid or other solutions)
  • Recent infectious disease

The pathogen enters when scratching the scalp. Red or white spots with clearly defined edges form on the epithelium. The smell of mice emanates from areas of bald spots. Hair is rejected along with the follicles, but the phenomenon is preceded by itching and flaking of the skin.

Pathologies of internal organs

Baldness is one of the many signs of diseases of such organs as:

  • Prostate
  • Ovaries
  • Adrenal glands
  • Pancreas
  • Liver, gall bladder
  • Stomach, all parts of the intestines
  • Thyroid

Diseases can be inflammatory-infectious, tumoral or destructive in nature. General symptoms are pain (depending on the location of the affected organ), bleeding in the urine, nausea, vomiting, decreased or complete lack of appetite. Additionally – weakened libido, apathy, insomnia, lethargy. In women - disruption of the menstrual cycle, aches in the sacrum and lower back, vaginal discharge of a bloody, foamy or purulent nature.

Common causes of the development of pathologies of the listed organs:

  1. Poor quality food; starvation; abuse of spicy, sour, spicy, salty foods, caffeine and alcohol
  2. Hereditary predisposition to diseases
  3. Being in a stressful environment
  4. Intermittent or promiscuous sex life
  5. Hypothermia
  6. Frequent termination of pregnancy through abortion
  7. Abuse of vaginal tampons
  8. Failure to comply with personal hygiene rules
  9. Working in highly toxic environments
  10. Medication abuse
  11. Past intoxication

If the fragility of the hair shafts is associated with diseases of the internal organs, the condition of the strands will not improve until the underlying pathology is eliminated.

Muscle spasms

They arise due to stress, hypothermia, insufficient blood supply to the epithelium of the head, and neurological disorders. There is a spasm of the capillaries that supply the follicles with blood. Hair follicles do not receive the required amount of nutrients and oxygen, which leads to their death and subsequent rejection. The process occurs gradually, so in 95% of cases massive alopecia can be avoided. Additional signs accompanying the condition: tingling sensation in the root zone of the hair, yawning, dizziness.


Lack of iron, vitamins B and PP in the body leads to weakening of the hair shafts. The strands lose moisture, become tangled when combed, and an insufficient supply of nutrients to the follicles leads to their rejection. The patient experiences itching of the scalp, after which baldness gradually develops. The causes of vitamin deficiency in the body are fasting, intestinal or thyroid diseases, alcohol abuse, diarrhea, vomiting, pregnancy.


The second definition of the disease is “scaly lichen.” Characterized by the appearance of spots with clearly defined boundaries. The surface of the neoplasms consists of crusts. As they are rejected, hair follicles fall out - focal baldness occurs. Psoriasis takes a protracted course and has a wave-like manifestation of symptoms.

Causes of the development of the disease and factors provoking its attacks:

  • Genetic aspect (if close relatives suffer from psoriasis)
  • Hypovitaminosis, fasting
  • Exhaustive physical labor, overwork
  • Psycho-emotional shock
  • Endocrine disorders accompanied by hormonal imbalance
  • Hypothermia

Unlike other pathologies, complete baldness can be avoided with psoriasis - to do this, treatment must begin before the process transfers to the hair follicles.

Demodectic mange or mite

The disease is caused by a parasite, the glandular acne. Favorable conditions for the microorganism to enter the tissue are frequent visits to the sauna or bathhouse, abuse of hormonal drugs, stress, and a passion for spicy food. Facial creams are a breeding ground for the mite that causes demodicosis.

Symptoms of demodicosis:

  1. Acne-type rashes that are not eliminated by standard acne medications
  2. Gray complexion
  3. The appearance of defects on the skin like dents, uneven texture of the epithelium
  4. Loss of eyelashes, hair
  5. An increase in the volume of the nose due to pathological changes in its tissues
  6. Increased secretion of sebaceous glands
  7. Itching of the scalp and facial skin

Demodicosis is a disease that goes undetected for a long time. The symptoms of the pathology resemble a temporary reaction to stress, dietary errors or poor-quality cosmetics. Demodicosis is difficult to eliminate and often leads to problems with the condition of the skin.

Localization of pain and its causes

This type of headache is a “neurasthenic’s helmet.” There are other types of headaches: migraine, chronic, pressing, throbbing. When they occur, a person experiences extremely unpleasant sensations and strives to get rid of the symptom as quickly as possible. Remember that by taking an analgesic drug when you have a headache, you are driving the problem even deeper without solving it.

It is impossible to confuse the “neurasthenic helmet” with another type of headache for a number of reasons. Firstly, it is monotonous, similar to a feeling of constant tension, secondly, all painful sensations are concentrated at the roots of the hair, the pain does not penetrate deeper, thirdly, the intensity of the pain increases gradually, and then also slowly disappears.

Is it worth figuring out why your scalp hurts? This condition is caused by various reasons, but most often it is stress, but rather a person’s reaction to the situation that has arisen. For some, the reaction is less pronounced, others are more sensitive and even with minor experiences they suffer from a tiresome headache. Such features are determined by the type of nervous system; it can be stable or weak, easily becoming excited.

The next reason is disruption of the blood vessels in the head. With atherosclerosis, vegetative-vascular dystonia, arterial hypertension, vessels become more susceptible to changes in pressure, both inside the body and from the outside. People with such diseases are more likely than others to complain of headaches and poor health.

Uncomfortable sensations can be localized in different parts of the head:

  • pain in the frontal area;
  • internal heat and tingling;
  • temporal pain;
  • burning in the back of the head;
  • encircling (comes from the inside and covers the entire head);
  • burning in the neck.

Pain in the forehead area is often associated with vision and respiratory problems. A burning sensation coming from within - without a clear localization, can be sharp or slow, quickly increasing pain occurs. This is the most dangerous type of pain; with such symptoms you need to urgently go to the doctor.

A burning or tingling sensation in the back of the head often occurs from sitting for a long time and with a tense neck. Heat in the back of the head may also progress to a feeling of slight numbness. Girdle pain in the form of a burning sensation often indicates psychological factors that cause it.

Risk factors

An unhealthy lifestyle leads not only to chronic pain in the head, but also to chronic disease. Bad habits, such as smoking, alcohol addiction, or exposure to external negative sources, such as long working hours, constant stress - these are what you need to avoid if you want to be healthy. A burning sensation in the head can also be caused by a number of hormonal disorders in the body.

A burning sensation can be caused by diseases of the scalp, as well as allergic reactions of the body to food and cosmetics.

The causes of a burning sensation inside the head can be: migraines, meningitis, sinusitis, encephalitis, pharyngitis, eye pathologies.

Another very common cause of burning pain in the back of the head and initially the neck is mental stress. If a person is constantly nervous, stress will greatly affect his health. A symptom of this condition is exactly that – a burning pain in the back of the head and neck. People suffering from this said that it is a pain in which the back of the head and neck seem to be on fire, the pain is so strong and unpleasant.

Severe depression may also involve severe nerve disorder. As has been verified, stress can strike not only outside the home, but anywhere. This can happen on the street, at a party, but most often either at work or at home, oddly enough.

The worst way for a person to perceive this condition is in his own home, where he constantly lives and feels protected. This is precisely why strong unexpected stress occurs; a person cannot stand it because, naively hoping that home is a place where he is completely protected from any adversity, where it is cozy and calm, he too quickly sees the real reality.

Also, such pain comes to the person who neglects his abilities and, of course, his health too much. This refers to excessive brain overstrain, which concerns the mental department of a person. If you stay indoors all the time, and, moreover, constantly, without interruption, engage in work that requires intense mental work, the brain may ultimately not be able to withstand it, and then a malfunction of all functioning systems of the body and human organs will begin. Symptoms of such mental overstrain are burning pains in the back of the head, that is, in the back of the head, as well as in the neck.

Itchy scalp in a child

The most common causes of itching in children are:

  • pediculosis,
  • mycosis,
  • seborrheic eczema,
  • scaly lichen.


Infection with pediculosis has already been described above.

Important information! Isolate your child from other children; you cannot take him to kindergarten or school while he is cured of head lice.

Take your child to the doctor. To kill lice, wash the child’s head with a special solution as recommended by a doctor. The child's underwear and clothes should be boiled to destroy the lice present in them.


If a child has mycosis, round and clearly defined red spots are visible on the head. This is an alarming symptom of fungal skin infection. In areas of the disease, the hair is thin and even falls out. Take your child to a dermatologist immediately.

The doctor will prescribe treatment with antifungal agents.

Important information! Mycosis is contagious, so an infected child should not have contact with other children.

Seborrheic eczema

In the first months of life (up to three months), children experience seborrheic eczema. This disease can be recognized when yellow, greasy crusts appear on the head. The areas where the fat glands are located are affected.

Apply a folk remedy: lubricate the child’s head with a small amount of vegetable oil. For the treatment to work, place a thick cap on the baby’s head. Wait a couple of hours, then bathe the baby and comb out the scales (they should come off) with a fine-toothed comb. To avoid causing pain to your child, do not press the comb against the skin.

If it was not possible to get rid of seborrheic eczema on the baby’s head in one go, repeat the procedure the next day.

Squamosal lichen

Sometimes scaly lichen, otherwise called psoriasis, usually localized on the elbows and knees, also affects the scalp of the child. This disease is characterized by the formation of excess epithelial cells. Cure from psoriasis is favored by exposure to the sun and tanning. Medicinal ointments prescribed by a doctor can be effective. Diet and treatment at a sanatorium also help.

Folk remedies can help against psoriasis:

  • Birch tar,
  • grease,
  • baking soda,
  • copper sulfate,
  • patrolulac seeds,
  • propolis,
  • series,

The listed remedies are used topically on psoriasis lesions.

Pathological state of tension

This syndrome is diagnosed in 70% of patients. Tension vertigo is an independent disease, which doctors also call idiopathic, stress or psychomyogenic pain.

A “burning” back of the head is often accompanied by the following phenomena:

  • hyperemia of the eyes;
  • rapid heartbeat;
  • excessive sweating;
  • sudden attacks of dizziness;
  • tingling in the temple, frontal area and back of the head.

The heat is sometimes accompanied by a feeling of pressure in the neck, accompanied by pulsation and goosebumps. Pathology of tension can occur abruptly, periodically, with varying intensity, and be one- or two-sided.

Crises rarely remind us of themselves during sleep. Most often, symptoms of vertigo appear during the day. Doctors diagnose this disease according to the following criteria:

  1. Bilateral nature of the pain.
  2. Feeling of tightness, heat, squeezing.
  3. Symptoms do not worsen with activity.
  4. There is no gagging or nausea.

These manifestations may be accompanied by other pathological phenomena: lack of appetite, increased pain during noise, bright light.

Most often, young patients aged 30-40 years who are engaged in mental work suffer from this syndrome. And if all this is accompanied by a sedentary lifestyle, excessive emotional stress, and focusing of attention, the risks of developing pathology increase by 2-3 times.

If a patient experiences attacks of burning and pressing bilateral pain about 5-6 times a month, lasting an hour or two and not getting worse after exercise, you should not treat the pathology without consulting a neurologist. Episodic discomfort can become chronic. It is better to visit a neurologist and undergo a full examination.

Tension vertigo is an independent disease, which is called idiopathic, stress or psychomyogenic pain.

Physiological failures

Most people who complain that they have a headache have acquired factors that are not a sign of malaise. Such cases can be eliminated by changing habits and lifestyle. Causes of unpleasant headaches include:

  1. Chronic fatigue. Significant mental and physical stress with a lack of sufficient rest leads to vegetative-vascular failures. There is stagnation of blood and disruption of brain nutrition. General and focal symptoms appear - headache, inability of the body, of course, to perceive irritations. In this situation, a night sleep of at least 8 hours and a work regime that is not harmful to health are recommended.
  2. Hypodynamic lifestyle. Sedentary work—as a driver or at a computer—and lack of physical activity slow down cerebral blood circulation.
  3. Changes in the hormonal system. Women experience such changes during pregnancy or menopause. The production of estrogen decreases, this leads to disruption of the functioning of the organs that provide blood circulation in the body, which provokes headaches. In men, testosterone decreases, which can also cause discomfort in the head area.
  4. Having bad habits. Alcohol and nicotine, which contain toxic substances, affect the destruction of vessel walls and promote the growth of blood clots and blood clots. As a result, the capillaries located in the head, due to the influence of various toxic substances on them, become less elastic and durable. Brain tissues do not receive enough oxygen and blood, which is the source of headaches. After completely giving up the bad habit, the unpleasant sensation goes away on its own after two weeks.

Effective treatment

Treatment should begin with determining the cause of the disease. To do this, carefully observe the moment when pain appears. What precedes an attack? Maybe a conflict at work or an unpleasant conversation provokes pain, then it is necessary to treat with sedatives:

  • valerian;
  • motherwort;
  • Novo – Passit.

Sedatives have been used for a long time, their effectiveness is undeniable. One of the most popular is valerian extract, available in the form of infusion, tablets, drops. Can be used by adults, during pregnancy and breastfeeding only after consulting a doctor. Only a doctor can prescribe sedatives to children 6-12 years old. When taking valerian, sleep improves, it becomes deeper, and falling asleep occurs faster.

Valerian can be used in courses of 14-21 days at intervals of 3 months. After sleep, a person wakes up rested, alert, and ready for the day ahead. Becomes less susceptible to stress and reacts more adequately to events occurring around him. The functioning of the nervous system is stabilized.

Motherwort preparations are also very common. These products are available in the form of infusion or tea bags. Motherwort has not only a sedative, but also a hypotensive effect. People with low blood pressure should pay attention to this. The drug can be used by adults; it is not recommended for children.

After taking motherwort, some patients noted the following side effects: nausea, vomiting, confusion, drowsiness. Quincke's edema is possible due to an allergic reaction.

Treatment for itchy scalp

Treatment depends on the pathology that caused it. Particular attention should be paid to dyes and hair care products. Choose wisely balms, shampoos, masks. They should match your skin type and hair structure. It is advisable to avoid using a hair dryer, curling iron or other device that exposes hair to high temperatures.

The main therapy for atopic dermatitis and various allergic reactions are antihistamines - Tavegil, Zyrtec, loratidine and others. But first of all, it is necessary to identify the cause of the body’s hypersensitivity, to which allergen it reacts so violently and stop using it or avoid its use.

Seborrheic dermatitis is treated comprehensively. Local etiotropic therapy consists of the use of shampoos with zinc, keratolytic components and antifungal activity, for example nizoral shampoo. They take a course of one of the antimycotics - ketoconazole, itraconazole, terbinafine, etc. If a bacterial infection occurs, then antibiotics in the form of an ointment are indicated. The use of corticosteroids cannot be ruled out. Physiotherapy procedures are effective - high-frequency Darsonval currents and cryomassage of the scalp.

Complex treatment of demodicosis is long-term and includes drug therapy with antiparasitic agents, local treatment with gel with metronidazole and/or ether or alcohol pharmaceutical "talkers" along with cosmetic procedures that restore the protective functions of the skin. Weak electric currents during the electrophoresis procedure with moisturizing preparations temporarily block the activity of the mite, and moisturizing substances, penetrating into the deep layers of the skin, heal it and normalize sebum production.

The scalp affected by ringworm is treated with a course of oral antifungal drugs, for example Intrazil or other drugs from the group of triazole derivatives. Locally, the skin is treated alternately with one of the iodine-containing solutions and an antifungal gel. Before starting treatment, all hair from the affected surface of the head is shaved. Salicylic ointment and a solution of potassium permanganate help to get rid of the suppurating infiltrate; when applied to the skin, they soften the crusts that have formed, after which they are easily removed.

If the cause of itching is a general disease, then efforts should be directed toward its treatment. If there is a deficiency of vitamins and microelements, take a suitable vitamin and mineral complex. Traditional medicine methods help eliminate dandruff, relieve itching, and strengthen hair roots, but first you should consult a dermatologist to understand the causes and not undergo treatment at home in vain.

What tests should I take?

Medical diagnostic tests will help to identify the cause, make a correct diagnosis and explain why it’s hot in the head. For the examination you will need to apply and visit:

  • a local doctor (therapist), he will give a referral to a cardiologist, neurologist, traumatologist or ophthalmologist;
  • pass general tests - urine and blood;
  • take an X-ray of the brain;
  • undergo an electroencephalogram, echoencephaloscopy or MRI.

To determine the reason why the head is warm, you need to conduct a series of diagnostic studies. The examination is carried out by a neurologist. During the diagnostic process, consultations with an ENT specialist, psychotherapist, therapist, ophthalmologist, neurosurgeon, etc. may be required.

General and biochemical blood testsThey help assess the patient’s general condition and detect chronic diseases.
Electroencephalography (EEG)Registers natural electrical discharges of the brain and displays them in the form of a graph. Allows you to exclude epilepsy and evaluate brain function.
Echoencephalopathy (EchoES)The method is based on the Doppler effect (ultrasound). Allows you to identify large formations.
24-hour blood pressure monitoring (ABPM).Detects arterial hypertension. Involves measuring blood pressure over 24 hours and calculating average values.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)Detects vascular diseases and small tumors.

In order to determine the disease that causes a burning sensation in the head, various tests are performed. It is better to undergo all the tests prescribed by your doctor to rule out the presence of a serious illness.

What tests are prescribed for complaints of a burning sensation in the head?

  1. General examination by a therapist, general urine and blood tests.
  2. Consultation with an ophthalmologist.
  3. X-ray of the skull - to identify a tumor or injury.
  4. Electroencephalogram - allows you to detect the presence of sympatho-adrenal paroxysm.
  5. Echoencephalography - ultrasound examination of the skull - reveals disturbances in the blood supply to the brain, intracranial pressure, etc.
  6. Magnetic resonance imaging of the head to detect brain tumors or demyelination of nerve fibers.

Causes of scalp burning

Unpleasant sensations occur in people of different ages. Sometimes they are irregular and hardly get stronger. But often the discomfort progresses and interferes with sleep. The doctor should tell you what causes the scalp burning. There are usually several main problems:

  • Hormonal imbalances. They usually occur in women of different ages.
  • Skin diseases. Such as eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis.
  • Cervical osteochondrosis. The feeling of discomfort will go away only if the doctor correctly determines the cause of the disorders in the spine.
  • Low indoor humidity. The skin literally dries out, so first itching occurs, and then peeling and burning.
  • Poor quality cosmetics. They may cause an allergic reaction.
  • Taking certain medications.
  • Wrong lifestyle. Smoking and alcohol abuse can also cause discomfort.
  • Diagnostics

    It is impossible to determine the cause of the malaise on your own. There are too many diseases, the symptom of which is a burning sensation. Before visiting a doctor, you can take an online self-diagnosis on our website. However, only diagnostics for burning scalp in a medical facility can be complete.

    You need to make an appointment with a dermatologist or trichologist. The doctor will perform an initial examination to understand why the scalp burning occurs. Afterwards, if necessary, he will prescribe the following examinations:

    Basic methods for diagnosing scalp burning

    Diagnostic techniqueTimeAccuracy
    Blood chemistry15-30 minutesup to 95% (if 1.5 Tesla)
    Skin scraping30 minutes50%
    Microscopic examination of hair20 minutes85%-99%

    Which doctor can help?

    If you feel a burning sensation on your scalp, you should consult a doctor in the following specialties:

    After the examination, the doctor will prescribe the necessary diagnostics in your case. Some diseases are difficult to diagnose, as they say “by eye”. Therefore, you need to trust your doctor when prescribing tests. After all the tests, the doctor will be able to formulate the correct course of treatment. Remember: accurate diagnosis and correct diagnosis are already 50% of success in treatment!

    How to get rid of a burning scalp?

    Certain measures will help you forget about the problem. To understand how to get rid of a burning scalp, you need to realize that the cause may not be in the skin or hair. In addition to taking medications, you must:

    • regularly wash your hair with non-aggressive means;
    • stop using other people's combs;
    • use only a personal towel for your head;
    • Healthy food;
    • quit smoking and alcohol;
    • Visit a dermatologist or trichologist if a burning sensation occurs.

    The following folk remedies will not be superfluous:

    • Decoction of onion peels. In a liter of water you need to boil the peels of 3-4 vegetables for about an hour. After each wash, you should rinse your hair with this decoction.
    • Apple vinegar. Its solution (2 tablespoons per 1 liter of water at room temperature) is rubbed into the scalp 5 minutes before water procedures. You need to repeat this action for about five days.
    • Essential oils. Combine a few drops of geranium, lavender, calendula, palmarosa and chamomile. The composition should be gently rubbed into those parts of the skin that itch the most.

    Rapid treatment of skin diseases

    The correct diagnosis significantly affects the speed of getting rid of a particular disease. And specialists from modern medical institutions will be able to deliver it in a short time. They can draw conclusions regarding the disease during the initial examination. After a series of examinations, there will be no doubt about the accuracy of the diagnosis. In this case, the patient will be prescribed a treatment that will definitely help him forget about the burning sensation of the scalp.

    Itching of the scalp is a rather unpleasant sensation, which is based on the body’s response in the form of irritation of areas of the skin to external or internal provoking factors. In some cases, inflammation of the epidermis and deeper layers of the skin occurs due to certain skin diseases.

    Repeated scratching, which is impossible to resist, only aggravates the problem, leading to the appearance of microcracks, abrasions, and sores. Violation of the integrity of the stratum corneum of the epidermis of the head is accompanied by the addition of infection. To get rid of itching, you first need to find out the cause of its occurrence and eliminate it.

    Eliminating symptoms with folk remedies

    There is no doubt that people who have pain when touching their head experience relief from sedative therapy, but there are additional non-drug therapies available. This includes regular sleep and rest, normalization of the daily routine, and 5 meals a day. Acupressure or self-massage is also useful. When self-massaging, it is recommended to use diluted essential oils and work with the following points.

    Point on the temples: massage it clockwise and counterclockwise for 2-3 minutes, do not press too hard, as nerve fibers pass through this area. Then the point on the bridge of the nose, also work with it. Two more symmetrical points at the base of the eyebrows. Regular work on these areas will not only relieve the feeling of pain, but will also restore the youth of your face.

    Does your scalp hurt? A massage will help you!

    Pain and itching of the scalp on the back of the head or crown can have either a serious or trivial cause.
    This problem primarily concerns women, but men can also encounter it. The skin can be so painful that it is even impossible to touch it! No special cosmetics usually help with pain. If you think it will go away after changing your shampoo or conditioner, then you are wrong. In the short term, it can be alleviated by one action - a massage with vegetable oils, which should be done by gently rubbing the products into the painful areas of the scalp. A massage with herbs, such as lavender, is also wonderful.

    Therapeutic measures to relieve burning sensation

    Therapy for a burning sensation in the head involves getting rid of the disease that led to this symptom. Optimal treatment is prescribed after examination and identification of the cause. Having recovered from the disease, the feeling of heat in the head goes away. Hypertensive crisis, osteochondrosis of the neck and attacks of severe anxiety provoke disorganization of the blood supply to the brain.

    To regenerate normal cerebral circulation in an outpatient setting or at home, the following therapeutic and preventive measures are indicated:

    1. The brain will be able to restore strength and restore healthy blood circulation with the help of manual therapy - massage, which should be performed by a qualified massage therapist.
    2. After an acupuncture session, the blood supply to the vessels of the brain significantly improves.
    3. Gymnastics and yoga without significant strength loads are recommended.
    4. The diaphragmatic breathing technique gives positive results.
    5. Normalization of work and rest schedules.
    6. Healthy sleep is the key to health, at least eight hours at night.
    7. Walking every day for 15-20 minutes, fresh air will help restore health.
    8. Proper nutrition normalizes the functioning of the body's systems and organs.
    9. Completely give up bad habits.
    10. If your entire head is affected by prolonged exposure to the sun, it is recommended to apply a cooling compress or take a cool shower.

    How to prevent the disease?

    To ensure that such a symptom as a burning neck, pain in the top of the head never occurs, you should undergo medication treatment prescribed by a doctor, and also reconsider your lifestyle:

    • walk outdoors more often;
    • walk more;
    • do not slouch, try to keep your back straight;
    • eat healthy, vitamin-rich foods. Food should be fresh and homemade;
    • discuss taking hormonal medications and contraceptives with your doctor;
    • get a good night's sleep;
    • engage in a strengthening and at the same time relaxing sport: Pilates, yoga, qigong gymnastics, calanetics, wushu;
    • stop smoking and drinking alcohol or minimize the amount of harmful substances entering the body;
    • undergo treatment with a psychotherapist;
    • properly treat all diseases of the ear, nose and throat (sinusitis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, otitis);
    • Master techniques for quickly calming down in stressful situations (proper breathing, meditation, etc.).

    Other causes of burning in the head

    Also, a burning sensation in the head can be caused by:

    • Neoplasms inside the brain, malignant and benign.
    • Inflammatory processes occurring in the brain - encephalitis, meningitis.
    • ENT pathologies – sinusitis, pharyngitis.
    • Pinched nerve roots.
    • Premenstrual syndrome.
    • Vegetovascular dystonia.
    • Eye diseases.
    • Migraine.

    In some cases, it feels as if the scalp is burning under the skin. Outwardly it does not appear in any way. Among the symptoms that a person will feel simultaneously with it are a feeling of heaviness, dizziness and headache, increased sweating, general weakness and noises in the head. It is believed that the reasons for this condition lie in the peculiarities of the functioning of blood vessels.

    Often the burning sensation is associated with an allergic reaction to hair care products, as well as food products. Its manifestations should not be confused with those associated with vascular problems. If the body reacts to allergens, the head under the hair itches severely, sometimes the itching affects the back of the head and face. The skin turns red, peels, and dandruff often appears.

    Why the scalp itches and hurts - the causes of the problem

    First, let's pay attention to the banal reasons. If you have long hair and often wear a ponytail that is pulled too tightly, this may result in painful sensations on the back of your head or crown. Try to make the tail more “loose”. Unpleasant sensations can also occur as a result of scratching when combing. This is especially true for those with long and thick hair. These problems can also be encountered by women with wavy hair, which is more difficult to comb and requires effort and pain.

    Provoking diseases

    Diseases that can cause headaches:

    1. A common cause of burning, tingling and sensation of heat in the head and neck is cervical osteochondrosis. With this disease, the intervertebral discs in the spine of the neck are deformed, which leads to their degeneration. The normal blood supply to the head is also disrupted, and tinnitus may occur. The disease progresses quickly in those people who work at a computer or drive a lot. In addition to burning, the development of cervical osteochondrosis may be accompanied by: numbness of parts of the face, crunching when turning the neck, burning and tingling in the back of the head and neck. The pain intensifies after being in the same position for a long time, even after sleeping in an uncomfortable position. The development of the disease is facilitated by: excess weight, sedentary work, lack of sports in life, and even high pillows.
    2. Panic attacks (sympatho-adrenal crisis) also provoke a similar symptom - about 2.5% of people on Earth suffer from them. Such attacks last from six to eight hours, in addition to a burning sensation in the head, patients also experience increased blood pressure, a fear of death, a person suffocates and shudders. The causes of such panic attacks can be tumors of the spine, adrenal glands or spinal cord, or severe stress experienced.
    3. Chronic fatigue. Constant depletion of the body's internal reserves of resources leads to many negative consequences and diseases that can develop into chronic ones. The tone of blood vessels in the head is disrupted, and a delay in blood flow in the brain often manifests itself in the form of a burning sensation inside the head.
    4. Tingling and heat in the back of the head may also indicate hypertension (tension of the artery walls). People who live and work in stressful environments are especially susceptible to it. In addition to a burning sensation in the head, hypertension is accompanied by tingling in the temples and crown of the head, mild dizziness, and problems with the eyes.
    5. Another neuralgic aspect. Inflammation of nerve fibers is often accompanied by pain in the area of ​​nerve innervation. Burning and heat in the back of the head appears with neuralgia of the occipital nerve, as well as the nerve endings emerging at the level of the cervical spine. In this case, the pain has a pronounced burning character and cannot be treated with analgesics. Usually, in addition to pain, other symptoms appear, such as sensory disturbances. When you touch the scalp, the pain only intensifies, and paresthesia often appears (a sensation of crawling, tingling). Treatment is carried out by a neurologist; often the course of treatment includes not only medications, but also physical procedures. Therapy is carried out over a long period of time, from several months to a full year.
    6. If your head burns, this may also indicate eye diseases. Tingling and burning appear with frequent eye fatigue and decreased vision.

    Why does your scalp itch?

    An itchy scalp is unpleasant in many ways. First of all, it causes inconvenience to a person, even if it is not accompanied by pain. This problem can be a symptom of serious illnesses.

    Allergic reactions

    The most common causes of itchy scalp are various allergies. An allergen is not only environmental degradation, but also food, which often contains substances that cause illness. The disease can manifest itself in different ways: headache, weakness, water retention in the body, constipation, diarrhea, palpitations, runny nose, itching and soreness of the skin (including the scalp), rash and other symptoms.


    Psoriasis manifests itself, in particular, as itching and soreness of the scalp in places where the disease is localized. The disease is manifested by inflammation of the skin, sometimes itching, and the appearance of reddened areas of various sizes with dry silvery scales. Most often found on the elbows, knees, back or head. Psoriasis most often first appears in adolescence, and sometimes even around 50 years of age.


    Excess, in particular, vitamin A is manifested by increased fatigue, nervousness, bone pain, headaches, itching and soreness of the skin, and dizziness. Leads to bone fragility. Overdose poses the greatest danger, especially during pregnancy - it can lead to damage to the fetus.

    Diagnostics and differential diagnostics

    Before starting treatment, you must find out what caused the burning and heat in your head. You need to visit a therapist, neurologist and possibly other specialists, take general blood and urine tests, and also make an appointment with an ophthalmologist. This is an initial consultation with doctors.

    In addition, an X-ray of the skull is taken, a CT scan or MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) is performed. In this case, a standard set of studies is used.

    If an anomaly is suddenly discovered in the brain area, then to accurately determine the disease it is necessary to undergo a tomography. This is the best method for diagnosing diseases in the head area. The patient is placed in a tomograph.

    Its principle is based on the effect of hydrogen protons on the human body. After this, encephalography (or ultrasound) is prescribed. The patient's head is lubricated with Vaseline and an ultrasonic sensor is passed over it. The received data is displayed on the monitor. They need to be recorded and decrypted.

    The last stage of the examination is electroencephalography. This method is based on recording nerve impulses emanating from the brain.

    Using electroencephalography, you can find out in which part of the head the disorder occurred. All of the above methods of examining the head are painless, but effective in identifying serious diseases.

    In the process of general diagnostics, the following facts are revealed:

    • frequency of pain in the form of burning and tingling;
    • the connection between pain and the body’s response to pain;
    • nature of pain, intensity, duration, localization.

    Differential diagnosis is a method that allows you to identify a disease in a person by excluding possible diseases due to the patient’s lack of obvious symptoms of the suspected diseases.

    As a result, the correct diagnosis is made and proper treatment is carried out. There are special computer programs that help to most accurately identify the disease based on the detected symptoms.

    Before starting pain treatment, a number of tests are carried out, including laboratory tests - they can look for signs of infection and inflammation. A visit to an ophthalmologist is mandatory for the patient.

    A visit to this doctor is indicated in almost all cases of headaches, since there may be changes in the fundus of the eye that can only be determined by an ophthalmologist using special equipment; The examination also establishes the true cause of the headache. Plus, the ophthalmologist will evaluate the state of refraction, visual acuity and visual fields of the patient.

    Bottom line

    To summarize all of the above, I would like to say the following: there are a lot of reasons for the appearance of itching, regardless of its location.

    In most cases, we are talking about an allergic reaction, which can be caused by a number of factors, ranging from individual intolerance to insect bites.

    In addition to allergies, itching of the body and head can be a symptom of the development of a certain disease within the body.

    Therefore, in order to know how to get rid of itching of the body and head, you first need to understand what caused its manifestation. And only by knowing the true cause can you choose the right treatment.


    Heat in the head also indicates endocrine problems. In particular, about hyperthyroidism - increased function of the thyroid gland. With this pathological condition, it produces slightly more thyroid hormones than the body needs. They, in turn, speed up metabolism.

    In this condition, there is an increase in body temperature and a sensation of heat and burning in the head. Moreover, the patient is in an excited state, he has a rapid heartbeat, trembling limbs, and increased sweating.

    Complex of medical procedures

    After making a diagnosis, the doctor draws up a treatment plan. It takes into account not only the type of problem, but also the age, general condition, gender, and individual characteristics of the patient. It is very important not to try to cope with a headache on your own, even when its causes are known. Experiments will not get rid of the problem, but will only make the situation worse.

    The treatment regimen depends on the type of problem:

    • osteochondrosis of the cervical spine - physiotherapy, intake and external use of NSAIDs, massage, chondroprotectors, exercise therapy, nootropics to restore microcirculation;
    • panic attacks - consultation with a psychologist, identification and treatment of diseases of internal organs that may be provocateurs;
    • chronic fatigue - correction of the daily routine, proper sleep, taking sedatives, restorative drugs, vitamins;
    • mental stress - the use of relaxation techniques, physiotherapy, massage, sedatives;
    • arterial hypertension - antihypertensive drugs, symptomatic therapy, combating the provoking factor (metabolic problems, atherosclerosis, obesity);
    • occipital neuralgia – eliminating the cause of pain, relieving pain;
    • spondylosis – diet, exercise therapy, massage, drug treatment;
    • hypothermia - rest, taking NSAIDs, warming up after the end of the acute period;
    • intracranial hypertension - diuretics, lumbar puncture, eliminating the cause of increased cerebrospinal fluid pressure;
    • VSD – complex therapy depending on the etiology of the disease and clinical picture;
    • cervical migraine – combating the provoking factor, relieving the pain syndrome;
    • Tension headache – normalization of the daily routine, reflexology, taking sedatives.

    If a burning sensation in the back of the head is not a systematic symptom, occurs suddenly, and is not accompanied by other alarming signals, you can try to relieve the pain yourself. Sometimes it is enough to apply a cold compress to the sore spot, massage the collar area, or take a relaxing bath.

    After making the correct diagnosis, you need to undergo the whole range of treatment measures, which includes: magnetic and laser therapy, myofascial release - these are all non-drug methods for treating headaches.

    Treatment begins with manual therapy (professional massage that restores normal blood supply to the brain). Reflexology is also used, sports are practiced, including: yoga, fitness, Pilates, and the right diet is selected.

    As for diet, spicy and fatty foods must be excluded from the daily diet; salty and sweet foods (chocolate) should not be eaten. Also, a person should stop drinking alcohol and not smoke. Pain also decreases when blood pressure is normalized (taking antihypertensive drugs). Normalization of sleep should occur (the period for this is 12-18 days).

    Balneotherapy – water procedures combined with hydrolaser therapy – is mandatory for the patient when treating headaches.

    Music therapy, psychotherapy, auto-training and meditation will also have a positive effect.

    In order to prevent pain, burning, tingling and other unpleasant sensations in the head, you first need to control your blood pressure. You also need to follow the diet recommended by doctors.

    Many doctors advise keeping a special notebook in which you would write down the causes of pain in your head. After identifying the negative factors that cause pain, they need to be avoided. Exercise regularly.

    The right shampoo against itching and flaking of the scalp

    Severe and persistent itching on the scalp is associated with several different problems, so choosing the best shampoo for treatment should begin with determining the cause. This will give you a starting point when shopping for the product you need. In addition, shampoos for the care of itchy skin are available in various formulas, so you need to carefully read the labels before purchasing, having first determined your skin type.

    You or a medical professional can determine the cause of itching by looking at signs that are typical for a particular problem. However, if the itching is accompanied by other symptoms (severe peeling, the appearance of a crust on the head, bleeding, etc.), then it is better to immediately consult a doctor and not self-medicate.

    Improper care

    Since itching is sometimes associated with skin problems caused by improper care, it is recommended to choose a shampoo based on your hair type. Dry scalp should be treated with a shampoo that can moisturize the skin and hair. Replacing your regular shampoo with a moisturizing one can be a simple solution to relieve symptoms. A moisturizing conditioner can also help relieve itching caused by dry skin.

    Insufficient hygiene

    Poor hygiene can also lead to itching and if this is the cause, the solution is simple - regularly cleanse your hair and skin with a suitable shampoo to avoid itching caused by dirt and sebaceous gland secretions. If you have oily hair, you can use shampoo daily to maintain proper conditioning. Normal to dry hair usually requires washing every other day to maintain cleanliness.

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    The most serious causes are contact dermatitis and dandruff, also known as seborrheic dermatitis or simply seborrhea. Only a medical specialist can correctly diagnose and recommend the necessary treatment. In addition, head lice, dry scalp and poor hygiene can also lead to itching and even severe flaking of the skin.

    Shampoos for seborrhea

    If you know why your head itches very much, and the reason for this is dermatitis, special medicated shampoos will help you effectively cope with the problem. Severe cases of the worst may require the use of prescription shampoos, which can only be prescribed by a doctor. Choosing this type of shampoo for itchy skin is recommended only for the most advanced scalp problems:

      Shampoos containing selenium sulfide. This antifungal agent targets a specific yeast - Pityrosporum ovale. Reduces dandruff on the scalp and relieves irritation and itching. Shampoos on the market containing this ingredient include Selsun Blue and Head & Shoulders Clinical.

    Shampoos containing pyrithione zinc, which has both antimicrobial and antifungal properties. Helps cope with inflammation and itching. Pharmacies sell over-the-counter medications that range in strength from 1 to 2 percent, such as Mountain Falls.

    Shampoos containing salicylic acid. Salicylic acid has not been as well studied for seborrheic dermatitis as other ingredients. It is believed to be effective in combination with other treatments. Salicylic acid is the active ingredient in Neutrogena T/Sal Therapeutic, a shampoo specifically formulated to combat the buildup of dead skin cells on the scalp.

    Shampoos containing ketoconazole. This ingredient has been well studied for the treatment of dandruff and related conditions. It prevents the growth of fungus and has a mild anti-inflammatory effect. Present in Nizoral anti-dandruff shampoo.

    Once the initial severe symptoms pass, seborrheic dermatitis can be managed by using ketoconazole shampoos only once or twice a week. Ketoconazole is considered safe. Studies have not shown that it irritates the skin or causes other side effects.

    • Shampoos containing coal tar. Coal tar inhibits fungus and reduces inflammation. This ingredient helps reduce sebum production. Research has shown that coal tar is as effective as ketoconazole due to its ability to reduce fungal growth. Shampoos containing this ingredient include Neutrogena T/Gel Extra Strength, PsoriaTrax, and MG217.

    Home remedies and prevention of the disorder

    We also note that such a symptom may also indicate a period of hormonal changes in the body. For example, about menopause, premenstrual syndrome. During these periods, the proportion of the female hormone called estrogen in the body, which is responsible for vascular tone, decreases. Why its deficiency can lead to disruption of their regulation, which is reflected by periodic ebbs and flows of blood to and from the head. This is felt by a person as heat, burning. A woman may also complain of increased sweating and a feeling of lack of air.

    This problem is also typical for men. Only if the level of the male hormone testosterone decreases. This is observed during menopause, any pathologies, diseases, injuries affecting the testicles. The lack of sex hormone is reflected in the tone of blood vessels. Their systematic expansion and spasms occur. As a result, it seems that your head is burning, your ears and face turn red.

    After consultation with a specialist, you can supplement the main course with home remedies using the method of “treating like with like.” What it is? If heat occurs in the head, it is advisable to carry out thermal procedures on the affected area (after consultation with the doctor).

    In order to avoid unpleasant symptoms in the future, when you feel feverish, there is a burning sensation, an increase in temperature, it is advisable to completely reconsider your lifestyle.

    As preventive measures, regularly:

    • take walks in the fresh air;
    • say “no” to bad habits and junk food;
    • watch your posture;
    • devote time to sports activities (gymnastics, fitness, yoga, Pilates);
    • periodically take medications to improve the condition of the nervous system and attend courses of massage and reflexology.
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