Tongue twisters for the development of speech and diction: exercises for children, teenagers and adults

Various disturbances in the functioning of the speech apparatus are a common complication in people who have suffered a stroke. These disorders can be either chronic or temporary. Patients lose the ability to communicate normally with people, which often leads to depression, which worsens an already difficult situation. Many relatives wonder how to restore and how long it takes to restore speech after a stroke. To answer such questions, it is necessary to study the causes of speech disorders, their types and recommendations of speech therapists.

Why is speech impaired during a stroke?

The ability to reproduce sounds and phrases after a stroke is lost due to damage to the areas of the brain responsible for speech function. These include Broca's area, located in the posterior inferior part of the frontal gyrus, and Wernicke's area, located in the posterior superior part of the temporal gyrus. In right-handed people, these areas are usually located in the left hemisphere of the brain, while in left-handed people, they are in the right hemisphere.

If Wernicke's area is damaged, the patient's speech becomes meaningless and incoherent, and if Broca's center is damaged, speech function may be completely lost. However, it is worth noting that even a complete loss of speech does not mean that it cannot be restored. The fact is that the speech areas may not be damaged by a violation of cerebral circulation, and the reason for their incapacity is the protective reaction of the brain - they are simply turned off. The brain, trying to preserve the maximum number of unaffected neurons, inhibits the vital activity of some areas of the brain. If the speech zones of the brain are switched off, then after some time speech can be completely restored.


A stroke is an acute disruption of blood flow to the brain. Depending on the area of ​​damage, different parts of the brain are affected, including those responsible for speech and thinking.


is a term that refers to the loss of speech and communication skills and is common to describe these consequences after a stroke. However, this only applies to problems with language and thinking. There are several types of aphasia:

  • sensory (Wernicke's aphasia) - impaired understanding of speech due to the inability to isolate and distinguish sounds, slurred and incoherent speech of the patient;
  • motor (Broca's aphasia) - impaired pronunciation of words while maintaining the ability to pronounce individual sounds and understand someone else's speech;
  • amnestic - memory impairment associated with difficulty naming objects, the main purpose of which is extremely clear;
  • mixed – efferent-motor with sensory, afferent-motor with sensory, total (complete destruction of the speech apparatus).

Difficulty pronouncing words and sounds due to weakening and paralysis of the face, mouth, tongue and jaw is called dysarthria. Symptoms of the disease include slurred speech, slow or too fast speech, impaired speech tone and rhythm, increased salivation, and decreased mouth mobility. Depending on the area of ​​damage, the following types of dysarthria are distinguished:


– loss of speech due to impaired movement and coordination of the muscles that allow you to pronounce sounds. In this case, the muscles are not paralyzed, but work in the wrong order, which interferes with the ability to pronounce words correctly. These speech disorders significantly impede communication and can affect interactions with family, friends and loved ones. However, there are other factors that affect communication skills after a stroke:

  • changes in emotional background and personality; deterioration of the senses; physical and psychological fatigue; decreased memory and concentration; problems with swallowing.

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Types of aphasia

The complete absence of formed speech or its disturbance is called aphasia. This disease occurs due to organic lesions of the speech areas of the cerebral cortex. There are the following types of this disease:

  1. Damage to Wernicke's area leads to sensory aphasia. The patient does not understand the addressed speech, as phonemic hearing, speech synthesis and analysis are impaired.
  2. Damage to Broca's center is characteristic of efferent motor aphasia. The person completely loses speech function.
  3. Damage to the prefrontal region of the left hemisphere of the brain causes dynamic aphasia. The patient cannot build a program of inner speech and express it out loud.
  4. Damage to the parieto-occipital zone of the hemisphere responsible for speech leads to amnestic-semantic aphasia. A person experiences a disruption in the synthesis and analysis of grammatical structures, and he also begins to forget everyday objects and phenomena.
  5. Damage to the parietal or postcentral cortex causes afferent motor aphasia. A person loses the ability to distinguish sounds that are similar in pronunciation and articulation, which leads to the inability to reproduce sound.

In general, the speech of patients with aphasia is poor in vocabulary - adverbs are rarely used, descriptive phrases, adjectives, sayings and proverbs are practically not used.

This disease is studied within such sciences and disciplines as speech therapy, neurolinguistics and neuropsychology.

Alternative medicine

Folk remedies help restore the process of cerebral circulation and quickly return speech to the patient. There are many ways and techniques. The most popular folk remedies are presented below:

  1. Hold the grated black radish under your tongue until your mouth tingles. It is recommended to do this procedure three times a day. It is not worth preparing raw materials in advance, as radish loses its medicinal properties.
  2. Drink a mixture of honey and wormwood juice, 6 grams several times a day.
  3. Use a mixture of crushed citrus peels with May honey. To prepare the remedy you will need 2 lemons, 2 oranges and 2 tablespoons of honey. The mixture is infused for 24 hours and kept in the refrigerator. Take 1 tablespoon three times a day.

Folk remedies will help the patient undergo rehabilitation faster. All methods of alternative medicine must be discussed with your doctor.

Is speech restored after a stroke?

Restoring speech after a stroke requires a number of basic measures:

  1. Seeking medical help (immediately after the onset of the disease).
  2. Classes with a speech therapist.
  3. Medication support.

Constantly performing a set of exercises aimed at restoring pronunciation.

The environment surrounding the patient has a great influence on the progress of speech function recovery. Relatives and friends should provide all possible support to the patient, which promotes recovery processes. The patient's relatives should know how to teach him to speak and what conditions to create for him. To restore speech you need:

  1. Create an environment that excludes loud noises and sounds that contribute to anxiety and stress. Caring for the patient.
  2. Constantly maintain communication. You need to talk to the patient in any case, even if he does not react to it in any way. The brain will gradually begin not only to perceive the information it hears, but will also try to reproduce it.
  3. Rehabilitation of the patient consists of different stages that must be implemented gradually. These stages are responsible for the regeneration of various speech abilities - understanding speech, pronunciation of sounds, letters, words, phrases, entire sentences, conscious extended speech, improving the quality of pronunciation.
  4. Restoring speech function may require varying amounts of time (a week, half a month, a month, a year or more). The maximum effect from measures to restore speech occurs in the first year after a stroke, but continues for at least another 3-5 years.
  5. The rehabilitation process must be systematic. It is not recommended to overexert yourself or devote insufficient time to it.
  6. The main thing is not to dwell on the achieved results and not to give up.
  7. Constantly work with a speech therapist, carry out the exercises prescribed by him and evaluate the results achieved.
  8. It is recommended to periodically visit a rehabilitologist and neurologist, who, for their part, will make every effort for a faster recovery process.

What is the likelihood of recovery for young people?

Resuming speech usually requires a fairly long period, since it is necessary not only to teach a person to pronounce sounds and words correctly, but also to fully communicate with others. The earlier the restoration of speech function begins, the greater the chances of success.

At a young age, the rehabilitation process proceeds much faster, this is due to the fact that usually one area of ​​the brain is damaged, and the hemorrhagic form of stroke is more common. With this type of disease, the cerebral cortex is less often affected, and the perception and understanding of speech and intellectual abilities are not affected.

It has been proven that if you start classes with a speech therapist in the first three months, studying for at least 3 hours a week, then in most young and middle-aged patients it is possible to achieve complete speech restoration or significant progress.

As a rule, this will take 4 - 5 months. With a major stroke, improvement in this function continues throughout the year; there are known cases of complete rehabilitation at a later date.

Visiting a speech therapist

Before you begin restoring speech after a stroke at home, you must consult with a specialist in the field of speech therapy. Based on the nature of aphasia and the existing types of speech disorders, the speech therapist will draw up a personal program of rehabilitation measures. Contacting a speech therapist at an early stage in 30-35% of cases helps the patient’s speech become intelligible by the time he is discharged from the hospital. At home, it is necessary to perform exercises prescribed by a specialist to restore speech, but contact a speech therapist on a monthly or weekly basis to make possible adjustments to the rehabilitation program.

In his work, the specialist uses some principles and techniques for restoring speech after a stroke, the use of which during self-rehabilitation will help achieve tangible results:

  1. Recognizing responses to soft and loud voices.
  2. Smooth increase in loads and complication of tasks.
  3. Only after working out and mastering simple functions - pronunciation of sounds and their understanding - can you master complex speech structures - words, phrases and sentences.
  4. Talk about what interests the patient.
  5. Monitor not only how words or phrases are pronounced, but also their semantic understanding.
  6. Using a technique in which one of the relatives begins a phrase or sentence, and the patient finishes it.
  7. Combine drawing with pronunciation practice - what is difficult for the patient to say, he must express through drawing.
  8. Use musical techniques - the patient should sing along to the lyrics of his favorite songs, which greatly helps restore speaking function.

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The use of such simple techniques has a positive effect on the restoration of the speech areas of the brain.


For the treatment of stroke, drugs such as encephabol, vinocetin, actovegin are prescribed - they can improve overall health. Speech recovery occurs slowly How to restore speech after a stroke: exercises Treatment of people who have suffered a stroke is a long process with many stages.

A special role in this algorithm is given to the restoration of speech, which is disrupted in 70% of cases. Restoring speech after a stroke is necessary because it will help the person continue his previous active life activities. Read more about how to improve.

How to start rehabilitation? Immediately after the patient’s general condition has stabilized, experts recommend starting to optimize his speech skills at home. Of course, in order for recovery after a stroke to occur more quickly and effectively, a speech therapist should conduct classes with the patient. However, the support and help of family members and joint exercises are no less necessary.

The speech therapist will use various techniques. Since we are talking about the gradual restoration of speech, you can combine and select the most effective exercises. In particular, this can be classes using cards, children's lotto, reading an ABC book and other simple children's books, pronunciation of words syllable by syllable and whole.

It is the speech therapist who will tell you how to replace speech after a stroke using sign language and much more. Additional tips and recommendations Surrounding a person who has suffered a stroke with your own attention and care can also contribute to the process of returning him to the usual rhythm of life. It should be noted that: it is unacceptable to avoid verbal contact with the patient; speech within the framework of communication should remain slow, not very loud and calm; it is necessary to ask the patient various questions, sing along with him or pronounce simple tongue twisters.

A significant effect can be achieved if you read aloud, and then ask the stroke specialist to retell them. You can use different number series, suggesting, for example, naming the days of the week in a certain order. All this can be done not by a speech therapist, but by one of the family members at home. General Features

In conditions of absolute loss of speech abilities, it is necessary to produce certain individual sounds and syllables. To do this, the patient is told some part of a word or phrase, but the ending is not said to the end so that the speech is not so clear. A person should try to pronounce them on his own. Systematically, the total volume of spoken words should become larger. The final stage will be the repetition of short poems, quatrains and tongue twisters. Singing has a positive effect on the development of speech abilities. If the patient hears songs and then, together with family members, tries to sing what they heard, he will be able to do this much faster than usual speech.

In this regard, it is necessary to implement the presented method of rehabilitation of patients after a stroke in order to restore speech abilities and make speech more understandable. An important stage in speech restoration is the restoration of the ability to pronounce sounds. This is because the person presumably may be able to talk.

However, due to prolonged disruption of the activity of the facial and masticatory muscles, their systematic hardening is noted. It is advisable that at this stage, a speech therapist is involved in recovery, combining exercises as necessary. At home, such actions will be less successful.

In such situations, the speech apparatus must be actively developed through: exercises to curl the lips into a narrow tube; prolonged baring of teeth, growling; pushing the language forward as much as possible, which is incompatible with folk remedies; slight biting of each lip with the jaws in turn; licking lips using any direction (from left to right and vice versa - ideally restores speech). In order for the exercises to be effective and the efforts made by the speech therapist not to be in vain, you should remember the regularity of these exercises. It is also permissible to study guides on how to restore speech after a stroke. Exercises Many exercises have been developed to restore the speech apparatus. They depend on the type of aphasia. For example, with efferent motor aphasia, the following activities will be effective: completing proverbs, sayings according to their meaning, as well as counting objects based on numbers.

You can also use the method of oppositions (white - black). One word is spoken by a family member, the next by the patient. Verbalization of actions is also important (the patient pronounces in detail what he is doing, optimizing speech).

With afferent motor aphasia, one should read poetry, pronounce it rhythmically with synchronous tapping of the rhythm of what is being said. A speech therapist can teach you how to count from 1 to 10 and list the days of the week. Dynamic aphasia involves the introduction of “role-playing conversations” that play out a specific situation. It is also acceptable to compose postcards and congratulatory texts and letters. A desirable element will be listening to texts on the plot, as well as positive or negative answers. Other forms include: sensory aphasia - choosing the correct name for an object, answering simple questions or participating in dialogue, filling in empty spaces in phrases, composing short stories from a series of pictures based on the plot; acoustic-mnestic aphasia - listening to texts and answering simple questions, vocabulary dictations with systematic complication of phrases, oral composition of sentences using short phrases, classification of heard words according to any criterion; semantic aphasia - description of the plan of the room, the route to follow, composing sentences with conjunctions, presentation, improvisation on a certain topic, the ability to complete a story, story; amnestic aphasia - generalization of visual pictures and independent image of certain objects that have been designated by name words.

It is also necessary to isolate the main subject characteristics (objects or phenomena), which is incompatible with folk remedies. Medicines There are no medications prescribed specifically for speech loss. However, medications have been developed to help cope with stroke in general. We are talking about Cerebrolysin and glycine, which are known as the safest.

They have no side effects, but they stabilize blood pressure and cerebral circulation. For the treatment of stroke, drugs such as encephabol, vinocetin, actovegin are prescribed - they can improve overall health. According to indications, intravenous antihypertensive, vasotonic, antispasmodic, cardiotonic and decongestant drugs are prescribed and administered intravenously. Antihypocanthics and antioxidants are often prescribed in the treatment of all stroke patients, because they force the saturation of brain cells with oxygen and optimize hypodynamics. Mesquidol has proven itself to be excellent in this role. The prescription of antidepressants is also indicated to speed up the process by which speech is restored. Thanks to their influence, it is possible not only to avoid feelings of fear, but also to eliminate negative symptoms. They are experienced by any patient with disorders of brain processes.

Prevention In order for treatment to be effective, it is necessary to take adequate preventive measures. They consist of the use of medications, exercise therapy, and the use of folk remedies (after consultation with the doctor). You also need to eat right and completely give up bad habits. In this case, the speech therapist and his actions will be 100% effective, and the person who has suffered a stroke will be able to maintain excellent health and speech.

When treating headaches, one should note a unique homeopathic remedy - the Monastic Collection of Father George. The collection is a complete healing complex that not only eliminates diseases, but also supplies the body with useful microelements and vitamins. This is what Nikolai Baskov says about the monastery gathering of Father George.


Exercises to do at home

At home, it is recommended to perform a number of exercises to restore speech after an ischemic stroke, which improve control of the muscles involved in speaking and articulation. The following muscle workouts should be performed:

  1. Grasp the upper lip with the lower jaw.
  2. Stretch your lips, forming a kind of “tube”, and hold this state for a couple of seconds, then repeat again.
  3. Try to reach the chin with the upper jaw.

It is also recommended to perform “language” exercises:

  • try to reach the chin and tip of the nose with your tongue;
  • “clack”, contacting the sky;
  • roll the tongue into a “tube”;
  • stretch your neck forward with your mouth open and stick out your tongue as much as possible, hissing as you do so;
  • lick your lips in a circular motion;
  • Curl the tongue back towards the larynx.

Such exercises can be used by healthy people who, due to their profession, are forced to talk a lot. It is recommended to repeat each exercise no more than 10 times.

Folk Means.RU

Folk Remedies » Blood » Restoring speech after a stroke

Restoring speech after a stroke

More than a third of stroke patients experience speech disorders. I offer exercises to restore speech.

Start your classes with exercises that engage the muscles involved in pronouncing sounds. On the first day, it is enough to do the exercises 2 times, and then add one approach every 3 days. Bring the repetition of each exercise up to 5-7 times. Do the whole complex 5 times a day.

1. Pull your lips out with a tube for 3-5 seconds, then rest for 3-5 seconds, repeat the exercise.

2. With your lower teeth, grab your upper lip with tension for 3-5 seconds, then rest for 3-5 seconds, and then repeat.

3. With your upper teeth, grab the lower lip with tension for 3-5 seconds, then rest for 3-5 seconds, repeat.

4. Stick out your tongue as much as possible and at the same time slowly stretch your neck forward for 3 seconds, return to the starting position within 3 seconds.

5. Lick your lips: first from right to left the upper lip, then from left to right, and then lick the lower lip in the same order.

6. Lick your lips in a circle: first clockwise, then counterclockwise.

7. Try folding your tongue into a tube and stretching it out. Stay in this position for 3 seconds.

8. Open your mouth slightly, try to cup your tongue and hold it there for 3 seconds.

9. Lift the tip of your tongue up and reach the soft palate.

10. Teeth are open, lips are closed. Run your tongue between the upper gums and cheeks to the lower gums clockwise and in the opposite direction.

The next exercise is performed with an assistant. Have your assistant start saying a word and you finish it. For example, an assistant says: “Now a dog is running down the street...”, and you add: “ka.” Start with one syllable, then move to two syllables. For example, the assistant says: “Across the sky

white floats about...”, and you add: “varnish.”

Have your assistant sit next to you and sing the song quietly, in an undertone. Try to pick up the words and join in the singing.

Pronouncing tongue twisters gives a very good effect.

Tongue twisters with the sounds b-p: “The bull is blunt-lipped, the dumb-lipped bull”, “The bull had a white lip and was dumb.”

Tongue twisters with the sounds l -v: “The queen gave the gentleman a caravel, the queen and the gentleman retired to the caravel.” “The cap is sewn, but not in the Kolpakov style; the bell is poured, but not in the Kolokolov style. It is necessary to re-cap and re-cap. We need to re-bell the bell, and re-bell it.” “The butt is on the head, the cap is on the butt. A shock under the butt, a priest under the cap.”

Improve the articulation of tongue twisters with the sounds r and v. “There is grass in the yard, there is firewood on the grass, don’t cut wood on the grass in the yard.”

Alexander Vladimirovich Goyaovkov.

Tongue twisters after a stroke

The use of tongue twisters for the development of speech in adults after a stroke is a very effective tool. All speech therapists include it in the rehabilitation program for patients.

Important! It is recommended to use only those texts that are recommended by your doctor. He will select exactly those phrases that improve diction and restore the mobility of the patient’s tongue.

Tongue twisters for restoring speech after a stroke are mainly aimed at pronouncing a specific letter. For example, tongue twisters with an emphasis on the sounds “P” and “B” train the work of the lips, and with an emphasis on the sounds “V” and “L” they improve the work of the tongue.

How tongue twisters can help

For the treatment of patients with dysarthria, along with gymnastics and myostimulation, exercises for pronouncing tongue twisters are indicated. These speech forms are aimed at pronouncing a letter or combination; they help eliminate articulation disorders. Only a speech therapist or neurophysiologist can choose the right type of sayings correctly .

For independent training, you need to change the letter that is most often found in the phrase every day. Some patients find it easier to sing tongue twisters at first.

Stem cell treatment

A modern way to restore speech after an ischemic stroke is stem cell transplantation. Such cell therapy promotes the manifestation of volitional impulses in the patient, and his desire to speak increases. The greatest effect from such treatment can be achieved in the initial stage of the disease.

Stem cell transplantation is performed on an outpatient basis twice, with an interval of three months between procedures. First of all, treatment is aimed at eliminating vascular ischemia, atherosclerotic plaques and blood clots. There is a gradual restoration of the elasticity of blood vessels and normalization of the thickness of their walls. In areas of rupture or blockage of blood vessels, new collateral channels are formed.


Herbal medicine is an addition to the main therapy for stroke. Medicinal herbs have a general healing effect on the body, calm, relieve nervous and emotional tension and have other effects necessary to restore speech. It is recommended to discuss the duration of taking decoctions and the types of herbs and infusions with a specialist, since medicinal plants have certain contraindications and side effects. The following options are effective in treating the consequences of a stroke:

sage; aloe; celandine; arnica; sagebrush; lofant; plantain; hawthorn; St. John's wort; motherwort; strawberries; rose hip; yarrow; fir cones; gray yellowtail; dill seeds; pine nut shell; calendula; cornflower; medicinal dawn; black root; sweet clover; cyanosis root; mint; primrose; Chernobyl

Other speech restoration methods

Working on pronunciation and speech perception is the most important tool for recovery, but not the only one. You can also help restore speech after a stroke with auxiliary methods, for example:

  1. Physiotherapeutic method. Includes myostimulation, massage of facial muscles and tongue, acupuncture, electropulse therapy and other techniques.
  2. Medication method. The use of medications that restore the function and blood circulation of brain cells.
  3. Surgical method. Carrying out operations on blood vessels that improve the functioning of brain cells and their blood circulation.

Stroke is a complex disease with serious consequences, such as various speech disorders. To rehabilitate the patient, it is necessary to strictly follow the prescribed recommendations of the doctor, as well as show maximum attention to him and be patient. You shouldn't get your hopes up for quick results. Together with the patient, gradually move towards your goals by doing speech exercises after a stroke, and rejoice at any successes.


There are ways to restore speech after a stroke, so it is possible to learn to communicate again. Comprehensive treatment is required, which includes the following rehabilitation methods:

  • taking medications; Tongue Twisters; pronouncing and memorizing phrases, catchphrases and short poems; magnetic therapy; classes with a speech therapist; psychotherapy sessions; music therapy; classes with a speech therapist; breathing exercises; acupuncture; facial and tongue massage; reflexology; muscle myostimulation.

Causes of aphasia

When a person loses the ability to speak, this phenomenon is commonly called aphasia in medicine. Pathology makes itself felt due to impaired blood flow in the brain. This process, in turn, provokes tissue atrophy, especially the departments responsible for the perception and processing of incoming information.

Reference! Usually, immediately after an acute attack, there is a lack of speech. The site of the lesion itself is in the prefrontal areas of the brain.

In order to fully restore speech function, a lot of time must pass. This period depends on the following factors:

  1. degree of neglect of the disease;
  2. type of memory loss;
  3. timeliness of starting the fight against the disease;
  4. localization of the lesion;
  5. volume of cerebral blood flow.

It is worth understanding that after a stroke there is a chance of regaining normal speech. However, it is very difficult to predict what the period of speech rehabilitation will be, because it depends on each specific clinical case. A patient who has lost speech must make great efforts to recover. They should be aimed at implementing all the recommendations of relevant specialists, which will be discussed below.


One of the components of therapy is drug treatment. The medications are selected by the attending physician after a preliminary examination and examination.

fight against depression and stress
calm, relieve emotional stress, facilitate the onset of natural sleep
preserve the structure and function of neurons
prevent blood clots, thin the blood
improve memory and perception of information, accelerate thinking skills

Types of pathology

Depending on the affected area, the following types of speech loss are distinguished:

  1. motor aphasia. This consequence develops due to improper functioning of cerebral structures in the area of ​​Broca's area. The patient perceives and normally recognizes words addressed to him, but so far he cannot speak independently. If we talk about the development factor, it lies in the deformation of the brain structures responsible for the motor function of various muscles. As a result, nerve conduction is disrupted;
  2. sensory. Then the person loses the ability to understand the words of other people. The patient can speak, but at a partial level. The monologue then looks like it’s abrupt;
  3. sensorimotor. This type is mixed; the ability not only to speak, but also to understand others is lost. In this case, it is difficult to say anything about how quickly speech function can be restored;
  4. total. Here the patient completely loses the functions associated with the generation and perception of speech. The corresponding pathology is observed in the case of massive disturbances of normal blood flow;
  5. semantic defeat. A person can perfectly understand the words spoken by the interlocutor and speak, but the ability to analyze complex written and speech structures is lost, he confuses endings, practically does not control word combinations, the meaning of some constructions is lost;
  6. amnestic. In this case, the patient does not remember the names of familiar objects, abstract concepts are mostly confused;
  7. afferent. There are difficulties with the pronunciation of several sounds;
  8. dynamic. Analytical skills related to the search and use of correct semantic structures change.

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Important! There are other subtypes of violations. Sometimes the patient has a lively speech, but devoid of any meaning.

Is speech restored after a brain accident? Of course yes. But only with a systematic and integrated approach will it be possible to achieve a positive result.


Depending on the cause of speech problems, certain types of massages are selected. Tongue massage is prescribed if tongue mobility has decreased and sensitivity in the mouth has disappeared. Since the tongue is involved in articulation, it is necessary to restore its functions. It is recommended to entrust the selection of actions aimed at increasing the sensitivity of the oral cavity to a speech therapist, who will also prescribe additional recovery methods. Facial massage helps relieve muscle weakness and paralysis. You should contact a qualified specialist to get the maximum effect from the procedure, namely improved blood circulation, elimination of fatigue, stress and tension, and increased muscle tone. It is worth considering that pain during and after a massage, bruises, circles under the eyes, cracks and other negative consequences indicate damage to the structure of muscle fibers and impaired blood circulation. In this case, you should refuse further sessions or change the massage therapist if his competence is in doubt.

Restoring speech abilities

How to restore lost function and teach a person to speak again?

Like any lost brain function, speech loss does not return immediately.

In 70% of cases this process is very slow.

The maximum recovery period can reach 3-5 years.

If the disturbances do not go away within this period, then speech most likely will not return.

Basic rules to follow:

  1. constant work on oneself;
  2. alternation of periods of active exercise must be observed;
  3. gradual increase in lesson time;
  4. contact specialized specialists: rehabilitation specialist, neurologist, speech therapist.

Important! Treatment should be based solely on a systematic approach.

Use of medications

Some may question how a person can be taught to speak using drugs.

However, they play a big role in restoring brain function, and this means speech.

The drug therapy prescribed by the doctor will depend solely on the severity of the patient’s condition.

If the disorders are not global, then the following types of drugs are used:

  1. anticoagulants , which help reduce blood clotting;
  2. nootropics that restore full brain activity;
  3. antihypertensive medications that reduce blood pressure;
  4. diureticsprescribed to relieve swelling of the brain, fluid is removed from the body faster.

If the rehabilitation process is very complex, then doctors move on to therapy with more serious drugs:

  1. Gliatilin;
  2. Ceraxon;
  3. Actovegin;
  4. Maxidol.

All of the above drugs provoke rapid regeneration of dead neurons. In addition, a method associated with stem cells is often used. For these purposes, doctors take biomaterial from the patient, grow it under artificial conditions, and then gradually introduce it into the patient’s body.

Classes with a speech therapist

The first thing you need to do before starting to restore speech is to contact a speech therapist who specializes in post-stroke patients. He will determine the nature of the loss of abilities and create a personal program suitable for this particular patient. With an appropriate approach, already a third of patients begin to talk at the stage of discharge from a medical institution.

Attention! You need to practice on your own at home. From time to time you will have to visit a specialist for speech correction.

Speech therapy classes can also be carried out at home, but then a speech therapist will have to be called privately.

Next, we’ll talk about the key techniques and principles of a specialist’s work:

  1. identifying the patient’s reaction to a weak voice and a fairly loud sound;
  2. increasing the load should be carried out in stages;
  3. only after mastering simple functions, you need to move on to studying more complex ones;
  4. It is necessary to monitor not only diction, but also how the patient understands the meaning of phrases and words;
  5. technique is used: the specialist starts, the patient finishes;
  6. musical techniques are used. The patient tries to sing along to his favorite songs;
  7. Pronunciation training should be combined with drawing. What the post-stroke patient is unable to say out loud, he depicts on paper.

All data received have a positive effect on speech restoration.


Is it possible to restore speech without contacting a specialist?

It's practically unrealistic.

It is the speech therapist who must outline the stages of rehabilitation and monitor the process.

However, the patient can train himself in front of the mirror every day, performing various exercises, and from time to time conducting control sessions with a specialist.

How to restore speech with the help of exercises, even at home? Regardless of the type of speech loss, a person needs to perform special movements with the speech apparatus. This is due to the fact that a mixed type of aphasia is often recorded.

Effective techniques include the following:

  1. doctors advise stretching both lips so that they take the shape of a tube and remain in the corresponding position for 7 seconds. The number of repetitions is 5-10 times;
  2. the upper lip usually tightens the lower lip, it is recommended to hold in this state for 5 seconds and repeat the exercise up to 10 times;
  3. you need to open your mouth , and try to stretch your neck and head a little forward, your tongue extending out of your mouth as much as possible. The person lingers in the corresponding position for several seconds. The number of repetitions is the same as in the previous two methods;
  4. You should lick your upper and lower lips . First this is done from right to left, and then in the opposite direction;
  5. to lick your lips with your tongue several times , following a circular direction in different directions;
  6. the tongue is curled into a narrow tube and in this position is pulled out;
  7. with your mouth closed, experts advise turning your tongue up and trying to reach the roof of your mouth;
  8. It is recommended to cover your mouth so that your lips are closed. Between them and the teeth it is necessary to carry out circular movements in different directions;
  9. It is recommended to click your tongue on the hard palate. When done correctly, the sound resembles the noise of a fast galloping horse;
  10. from the mouth and moves forward as much as possible , emitting a somewhat hissing sound reminiscent of a snake;
  11. It is recommended to blow a kiss with a smack;
  12. the tongue protrudes and alternately reaches up to the tip of the nose;
  13. you need to try to smile with your mouth closed , and then open your lips and show your teeth.

Read also: Is it possible to smoke after a stroke?

Important! Any exercise to develop the speech apparatus should be performed 5-10 times, depending on how you feel.

Useful video

We invite you to watch the exercises for speech restoration on video:

Tongue Twisters

Tongue twisters help people restore speech not only after a severe form of stroke, but also after other diseases.

The sounds that are emphasized are determined by a specialist after a preliminary examination of the patient.

Tongue twisters for speech development will be an excellent solution for practicing at home without a speech therapist.

Here are examples of some of them:

  • Alyosha gives a signal to Alena. Alena will hear and find Lesha.
  • Arina and Agrafena's dahlias are growing.
  • Borya gave Ira toffee, Ira Borya gave barberry.
  • All beavers are kind to their cubs. The beavers go to their forests.
  • Marusya was bought beautiful beads by her beloved grandmother.
  • The bull is fed with the bull, they run around in a circle, take care of the runner's sides from the aggressive bull.
  • The barrel rested for itself.
  • The crow missed the little crow.
  • Thieves stole all the firewood from the widow Varvara's yard. The widow got angry and removed all the wood. In the stable with the wise men, the magician practiced magic.

It is recommended to repeat tongue twisters several times on a systematic basis.


Depending on the severity of the consequences after a stroke, partial or complete restoration of speech with the help of exercises is possible, but in some cases the therapy is ineffective. As a rule, this happens with serious damage to the departments responsible for speech and thinking. The complex includes the following exercises to restore the ability to communicate:

  • Warm up for lips.
    Run your tongue over your lips, first in one direction and then in the other direction.
  • Warm up for the tongue.
    Tighten your tongue, touch its tip to the upper palate, return to its original position and relax.
  • Improving tongue mobility.
    Stick out tongue. Stretch the tip first towards the nose, and then towards the chin.
  • Pronouncing vowel sounds.
    Pronounce each vowel sound, stretching it and trying to articulate it correctly.
  • Pronouncing sibilant consonant sounds.
    Pronounce each sibilant consonant, pushing your tongue forward as much as possible.
  • Reading by syllables.
    Study using textbooks for children, in which words are written large and divided by syllables.
  • Working with cards.
    Name the objects shown in the pictures. When the patient copes with the task, you can begin to describe the components of the image.
  • Singing.
    Sing his favorite songs with the patient.
  • Playing the harmonica.
    Play the harmonica for 3-5 minutes every day. If possible, you can teach the patient his favorite melodies.
  • Watching short videos or films.
    Watch programs and films and discuss after that. It is recommended to choose genres that are interesting to the patient.

Prognosis after speech loss

According to statistics, major strokes have the most severe consequences, one of which is speech disorder. On average, if you follow all the recommendations, recovery occurs:

  1. in 55% of cases after a severe phase of stroke;
  2. in 75% with moderate disease;
  3. in 92% if a mild form is diagnosed.

When rehabilitation measures are not carried out, you should not expect a positive result. The probability of recovery does not exceed 15%.

Thus, it is possible to restore speech after a stroke, but for this the patient will have to work hard. You need to attend speech therapist classes and do not forget to do special exercises yourself. It is important to start rehabilitation as early as possible, otherwise the chance of a positive outcome is reduced. You should not self-medicate; all drugs to improve speech are prescribed only by a doctor.

Long tongue twisters for the development of speech and diction in teenagers - ready-made exercises

If speech defects were not corrected in childhood, then you should not despair. Properly selected long tongue twisters for the development of speech and diction also work great for teenagers if used in speech therapy exercises. But it is worth noting that at this age, a specialist should be involved in the selection of texts for diction correction. Only a qualified speech therapist can select texts for exercises of the required length, rhythm and focus based on the teenager’s data. However, if there are no defects, but there is a desire to improve the clarity of pronunciation, then you can get by with universal tongue twisters.

Long tongue twisters for speech and diction development exercises for teenagers

Below you will find a selection of long tongue twisters for the development of speech and diction, which are perfect for teenagers without any problems in pronunciation.

No apricot, coconut, radish, Halibut, vinegar, kvass and rice, No compass, longboat and rope, Thermos, press, Indian sailor, No bass, no taste, weight and demand, No interest - no question.

Kira and Fira had a feast in the apartment: Fakir ate marshmallows and Fakir drank kefir. But Fira and Kira did not drink kefir, did not eat marshmallows - they fed the fakir.

Whoever wants to talk must pronounce everything correctly and clearly, so that everyone can understand. We will talk and we will pronounce it so correctly and clearly, so that everyone can understand.

Count Toto plays lotto, and Countess Toto knows that Count Toto plays lotto, if Count Toto knew that Countess Toto knows that Count Toto plays lotto, then Count Toto would never have lived I wouldn't play lotto.

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