Friedreich's disease: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, ICD-10 code

Causes of Friedreich's ataxia

A person can get this pathology only if both of his parents are carriers of the mutating gene. The mutation occurs in the long arm of the ninth chromosome, which provokes disturbances in the synthesis of the frataxin protein from mitochondria, which, in turn, act as “cellular energy stations.”

Iron accumulates in mitochondria and is oxidized. Oxygen transport occurs in the body. When iron synthesis is disrupted, its amount in mitochondria increases sharply and significantly (about ten times). In this case, cellular iron remains within normal limits, and the level of cytosolic iron decreases.

Such processes activate genes that encode fragments responsible for iron transport—ferroxidases and permeases. The intracellular iron balance is further disrupted. As a result of a high concentration of iron in the cell, radicals are activated, which have a damaging effect and destroy the cell from the inside. The most vulnerable cells are neurons (especially in the posterior and lateral columns of the spinal cord, in the spinocerebellar tracts, and peripheral nerve fibers).

Considering the degree of gene mutation, “classical” forms of the disease and atypical, so to speak lighter versions, benign syndromes are distinguished.

Friedreich's hereditary ataxia is the most common ataxia.

Pathogenesis of Friedreich's anomaly

The main manifestation of the disease is cerebellar ataxia. It occurs due to the gradual degeneration of cells in the nervous system. The mechanism of damage is that due to the mutant gene contained on the 9th chromosome, the body stops producing a substance - frataxin. As a result, cells accumulate increased amounts of iron. This triggers the next pathological process - the accumulation of free radicals and lipid peroxidation. As a result, cell membranes and nerve tissue are destroyed. Most often, this process affects the dorsal horns of the spinal cord and the pyramidal system. These structures are responsible for the motor function of the body, which is why coordination disorder occurs. In some cases, other brain structures are also affected: anterior horns, peripheral fibers, and the central nervous system. Most often, degeneration does not affect the cranial nerves and vital centers (respiratory, vascular). In rare cases, visual and hearing disturbances are observed.

In addition to neurological symptoms, changes in the skeletal system occur. Patients with Friedreich's anomaly often experience curvature of the spine and deformation of the feet. In addition, the pathological process affects the heart muscle. In this case, normal cardiomyocytes are replaced by fibrous and adipose tissue.

Symptoms of Friedreich's ataxia

The clinical picture develops more clearly between the ages of 10 and 20 years, although it is possible that symptoms of Friedreich’s ataxia may be detected at a later age. There is a hypothesis that the classic and atypical forms of this disease can be caused by various mutations of one or more genes. The first symptoms most often appear during the formation of the reproductive system.

The clinical picture is characterized by a combination of neurological and extraneural symptoms. Before the advent of DNA diagnostics, the clinical picture of the disease was described only in the classical form. Later, scientists came to the conclusion that the spectrum of the disease is much deeper and the prevalence is higher, so they began to identify erased and atypical forms of Friedreich's ataxia.

Among the neurological symptoms of Friedreich's ataxia are:

  1. A feeling of awkwardness and uncertainty when walking (appears as one of the very first symptoms), which intensifies if a person is in the dark. There is staggering, the person often stumbles, and unmotivated falls occur. There is instability in the Romberg position and the inability to repeat the knee-heel test. Over time, disorientation appears in the hands, legs quickly get tired, and handwriting may change. With outstretched arms, tremor is observed, and the finger-nose test is impossible (the patient constantly misses).
  2. Dysarthria (may not be observed in all cases), disorders of the speech apparatus.
  3. There is a disturbance or complete disappearance of tendon and periosteal reflexes (observed already in the early period of the clinical picture, and is an important diagnostic link).
  4. Inhibition of the Achilles and knee reflexes (sometimes appear long before the onset of other signs of the disease).
  5. Total areflexia (more often occurs in the advanced stage).
  6. Impaired joint-muscular and vibration sensitivity.
  7. Babinski's sign (extension of the big toe as a reaction to painful stimulation of the foot) is one of the earliest signs of the disease.
  8. Muscular hypotonia.
  9. Weakness of the legs and decreased muscle tone can give way to complete atrophy.
  10. Cerebellar and sensory ataxia.
  11. Over time, hand ataxia, amyotrophy, deep sensitivity disorder may occur, and motor functions decay, which ultimately leads to the impossibility of self-care.
  12. Nystagmus (tremor of the eyelid), atrophy of the optic and auditory nerves, mental weakness, in the absence of adequate treatment, dysfunction of the pelvic organs may be observed.

Extraneural symptoms include:

  1. Heart damage.
  2. Increasing hypertrophic or dilated cardiomyopathy (pain in the heart, rapid heartbeat, frequent shortness of breath, even with minor exertion, systolic heart murmur). Often it is cardiomyopathy as a concomitant disease that is the cause of death in Friedreich's ataxia.

Often, electrocartographic symptoms significantly precede the neurological signs of Friedreich's ataxia (sometimes by several years), so it can be very difficult to correctly diagnose this disease. Patients most often spend a long time registered with a cardiologist with a diagnosis of rheumatic heart disease.

Signs of this disease that are also important for diagnosis are skeletal deformities:

  • severe scoliosis;
  • Friedreich's foot (the arch of the foot is highly concave, the toes are hyperextended in the main phalanges and bent in the distal phalanges);
  • kyphoscoliosis;
  • the fingers of the upper and lower extremities are deformed.

Such signs, like cardiomyopathy, may appear long before neurological symptoms.

With Friedreich's ataxia, a disorder of the endocrine system is observed, which can manifest itself in the form of the following diseases:

  • ovarian dysfunction;
  • diabetes;
  • infantilism;
  • hypogonadism.

Very often, patients with Friedreich's ataxia have cataracts, so they are also considered part of the clinical picture of this disease.

Friedreich's ataxia is characterized by rapid progression and increasing symptoms. The duration of the disease is often no more than twenty years.

The pronounced clinical picture of atypical Friedreich's ataxia is observed later than in the classical form - approximately in the third to fifth decade of a person's life.

The course occurs in a more mild form than with classical ataxia and the outcome of the disease is more favorable:

  1. The patient retains the ability to self-care for a long time.
  2. There is no development of diabetes mellitus.
  3. There are no paresis, reflexes are preserved.

Such clinical cases are described under the name “late Friedreich's ataxia” or “Friedreich's ataxia with preserved reflexes.”

Disease prognosis

Given the lack of pathogenetic treatment, it should be understood that the disease is steadily progressive. Patients with a diagnosed disease live on average 10-15 years and, as a rule, no more than 30 years from the onset of its development; in women, the course of the disease is more favorable - their life expectancy often exceeds 20 years. Death occurs as a result of the development of pulmonary or heart failure.

However, timely diagnosis and application of the above treatment methods, impact on concomitant pathology, and prevention of complications contribute to improving the quality of life and prolonging it in patients with Friedreich's ataxia.

CT scan

The lack of adequate treatment accelerates the progression of the disease and leads it to a severe stage. The main diagnostic method for all ataxias is computed tomography of the brain. But in this case, it is ineffective, since most changes in the brain with Friedreich's ataxia are detected only in the later stages. This is explained by the spinal localization of changes. Early stages of the disease are not visible on CT scans. In the later stages, only minor atrophies of the cerebellum and hemispheres, some expansion of the cerebral cisterns, lateral ventricles, and subarachnoid space can be detected.

History and distribution of pathology

Friedreich's ataxia was first identified as an independent disease in the 60s of the 19th century. It was then discovered that the epidemiology of this anomaly is uneven. It is also possible to trace the connection between the disease and the ethnicity of the patients. Most often, this pathology occurs in people born from consanguineous marriages. For the same reason, it is more common among small ethnic groups. Compared to other ataxias, Friedreich's disease is quite common. It occurs in 1–7 people per 100 thousand population. Currently, it is already known what genetic disorders lead to this pathology, therefore, with a burdened hereditary history, it can be diagnosed at the stage of intrauterine development of the fetus.


MRI is prescribed, with the help of which it is possible to detect atrophy in the spinal cord in the early stages, and also examines the transverse dimensions of the spinal cord. With Friedreich's ataxia they are below normal. Moderate atrophy of the pons, cerebellum and medulla oblongata is also visible.

Using an electrophysiological study, the degree of damage to the sensitivity of the nerves of the limbs is determined. With Friedreich's ataxia, the amplitude of the action potentials of the sensitivity of the nerves of the limbs is significantly reduced or completely absent.

Differential diagnosis

For an objective diagnosis, the patient must undergo a consultation with several doctors: an endocrinologist, an ophthalmologist, an orthopedist, and a cardiologist.

Diagnosis of this genetic disease is a difficult process due to the difficulty of differentiating the disease from a number of other, almost identical, and often concomitant diseases:

  1. Hereditary ataxia due to a lack of vitamin E. For differentiation, the concentration of vitamin E in the blood is determined, the blood lipid profile is examined, and the presence of acanthocytosis is detected using a blood smear.
  2. Bassen-Kornzweig syndrome.
  3. Diseases associated with metabolic disorders that are inherited in an autosomal recessive manner. For example, Krabbe disease, Niemann-Pick disease.
  4. Multiple sclerosis.


Physical blocking

Friedrich's disease, or Friedrich's ataxia, is a familial disease that initially manifests itself in a violation of physical balance in a standing position, and the person otherwise appears completely healthy. This symptom is followed by clumsiness in movements and trembling in the hands, which gradually intensifies. The patient's speech becomes slurred, he begins to speak in syllables. All these symptoms indicate brain damage.

Emotional blockage

This disease signals that a person is too influenced by his family members. He has become emotionally dependent on those he loves and chooses not to do things that might displease them, even if it means not being himself.

Mental block

If you suffer from this disease, your body encourages you to make a decision and become yourself, instead of feeling completely helpless and unable to live up to the expectations of your parents (usually your mother) or other family members. Perhaps your mother had these expectations and hopes even before you were born. Try to understand her. As a rule, when parents expect some incredible success from their children, they strive to compensate for their failures in this way and want their children to achieve what they themselves could not achieve.

Show more compassion to your mother and other family members. Stop being angry at them. Decide what you want and take action. Accept that your choices may disappoint your mother, and tell yourself that how she feels about your decisions is her problem. She has her dreams, you have yours.

Spiritual blockage and imprisonment

To understand the spiritual blockage that prevents you from meeting an important need of your true Self

, ask yourself the questions at the end of this book. Answering these questions will allow you to more accurately determine the real cause of your physical problem.


A boil, or BOIL, is an infectious, painful subcutaneous inflammation that results in the formation of an abscess with a large amount of pus. A boil occurs around the hair follicle. See the article ABSCESS, with the addition that some situation poisons a person’s life, causing him severe anger, anxiety and fear. These negative emotions are so intense that they prevent the body from naturally eliminating harmful substances.


This disease is characterized by a constant, non-painful increase in the volume of lymphatic tissue. It is also called cancer of the lymphatic system. See articles CANCER and LYMPH NODES (SPOLMING).


Cholera is a disease caused by cholera bacteria entering the small intestine. As a result of the action of these bacteria, intense diarrhea begins, which leads to dehydration of the body and disrupts its ionic balance. See the article INTESTINES (PROBLEMS), with the addition that a person should stop considering himself evil, obnoxious, cholera.


Cholesterol is a lipid (fat) essential to the human body. One of the important functions of cholesterol is to protect the walls of blood vessels from wear and tear that occurs as a result of the constant movement of blood. The liver synthesizes almost all the substances that the body needs. Excess cholesterol entering the body with food is sent to the gallbladder and then excreted from the body through the intestines. When this natural function of the body is disrupted, cholesterol enters the blood in large quantities. This phenomenon is called HYPERCHOLESTEROLEMIA. Cholesterol can be deposited in the skin and tendons, along the edges of the cornea and eyelids, and in the walls of arteries. In the latter case, it causes the most serious problems, as it impedes blood circulation. See articles ARTERIES (PROBLEMS), as well as ATHEROSCLEROSIS.


Physical blocking

Snoring is a noise that occurs during breathing during sleep.

Emotional blockage

During sleep, a person is freed from the tension accumulated in the waking state. This is why we all dream. Snoring is usually someone who is inclined to make more noise during the day, but does not have such an opportunity or restrains himself. As a rule, he is a timid, modest person, but at night he takes over. He does not dare to speak during the day because he is afraid of being rejected, but he still finds himself rejected at night because others find his snoring unpleasant.

Mental block

The most important thing is to find out what is bothering you the most about your snoring. If it is something that pushes others away from you, then you must realize that you are rejecting yourself. Other people only reflect your attitude towards yourself.

If snoring bothers you because it is too loud, give yourself the right to demand attention to your personality and be heard. Understand: if you feel like others aren’t hearing you, it’s only because you don’t consider yourself important and meaningful enough to be heard. In addition, if others do not hear you, this may indicate that you yourself do not know how to listen. Your body is telling you: “Listen to other people and they will hear you. If you learn to listen to them, they will enjoy listening to you.”

Spiritual blockage and imprisonment

To understand the spiritual blockage that prevents you from meeting an important need of your true Self

, ask yourself the questions at the end of this book. Answering these questions will allow you to more accurately determine the real cause of your physical problem.


See article LARINGITIS.


Physical blocking

Unlike weight loss, being thin is not a sign of illness or disease and is an aesthetic rather than a medical problem. As a rule, the cause of excessive thinness, as well as excessive fatness, is a mental and emotional blockage.

Emotional blockage

Thin people are typically people who don't like themselves, feel insignificant compared to other people, and are afraid of rejection. A person of this type often feels a desire to disappear, to fall through the ground. He tries to be inconspicuous and very kind. The fear of rejection causes him to act contrary to his interests and may even prevent him from taking action.

It is also possible that this person is very dependent on others, because he believes that he has never had enough attention and care.

Mental block

If you have suffered from being thin all your life, it means that you began to feel rejected or abandoned in early childhood. It is even possible that this feeling arose before you were born, if one of your parents did not want a child or wanted a child of a different gender. You must ask your parents to sincerely tell you how they feel about you and what they felt before and at the moment of your birth.

Even if your parents rejected you or did not pay enough attention to you, think that if one person rejects another, he may have reached the limit of his capabilities and thus admits his powerlessness. He cannot, he is simply not capable of doing otherwise. Only you can convince yourself that you have everything you need to manage your life on your own, and that deprivation or lack of attention from other people is a necessary experience in your life. You can accept this experience patiently and with understanding, or you can be indignant, angry and ruin your health. Responsibility for this decision and its consequences rests solely with you.

Spiritual blockage and imprisonment

To understand the spiritual blockage that prevents you from meeting an important need of your true Self

, ask yourself the questions at the end of this book. Answering these questions will allow you to more accurately determine the real cause of your physical problem.


Physical blocking

This disease is most common in women and mainly affects the neck, torso, buttocks and thighs, causing problems mainly of an aesthetic nature. Cellulite is an inflammation of cellular tissue that can cause painful hardening of the affected area of ​​the body. Cellulite is very easily recognized, since the area of ​​the body affected by it, when squeezed, is very similar to an orange peel

– many depressions and rounded protrusions. In addition, small and hard granule-like formations can be easily felt in this area.

Emotional blockage

This disease indicates that a woman’s creative abilities are blocked. In order to find out in which area of ​​her life these abilities are blocked, she must first determine exactly what part of her body is affected by cellulite. As a rule, women who restrain themselves and do not trust themselves suffer from cellulite.

Since cellulite creates aesthetic problems, it indicates that a woman takes too seriously what others think of her. She is easily influenced by others and allows other people to restrain her creative impulses. She is afraid to show her true self

, demonstrate your creative abilities. Cellulite can also be a sign that a woman wants to control her loved ones, but does not want others to know about this desire, and therefore hides and restrains her emotions. In difficult situations, she shows toughness and makes herself believe that nothing bothers her.

Mental block

You should ask yourself the following questions: “Why am I afraid to express my creativity? What terrible thing will happen if I draw attention to my talents and show what I am capable of? Maybe I'm afraid of not being up to par? Do I consider myself a weak-willed person?

What bothers you is that, while restraining yourself, you try to restrain others, and in most cases you do this unconsciously.

You must stop clinging to the past, as it prevents you from living a full life in the present. You can allow yourself to stand out from the crowd, show your strength, and earn praise and admiration for your talents. See also “ features of inflammatory diseases


Spiritual blockage and imprisonment

To understand the spiritual blockage that prevents you from meeting an important need of your true Self

, ask yourself the questions at the end of this book. Answering these questions will allow you to more accurately determine the real cause of your physical problem.


Physical blocking

Scurvy is a disease caused by the absence or deficiency of vitamin C in food. Symptoms of scurvy include severe lethargy, weak knees, muscle pain, skin lesions, lesions on the lining of the mouth, gum inflammation, bleeding gums and tooth loss.

Emotional blockage

A lack of something on a physical level indicates a lack on an emotional level. A person suffering from scurvy is overly dependent on others and needs their love, care and attention in order to feel important and loved. He must learn to satisfy his need for love mainly through self-love, and consider the love of other people only as a pleasant addition. He rarely dares to express his demands and directly seek the satisfaction of his desires.

Mental block

You must realize as soon as possible that you have everything you need to enjoy life. First, realize your desires, then decide to realize them yourself. You should not refuse the help of other people, but learn not to depend on them in your decisions. Being independent does not mean doing everything yourself. An independent person is one who makes decisions on his own and does not despair, but looks for other paths to the goal when someone refuses to help him.

Spiritual blockage and imprisonment

To understand the spiritual blockage that prevents you from meeting an important need of your true Self

, ask yourself the questions at the end of this book. Answering these questions will allow you to more accurately determine the real cause of your physical problem.


Cirrhosis is a global disorder of the physiological functions of the liver. In most cases, the cause of cirrhosis is alcoholism (in 90% of cases in men and in 75% of cases in women). First, digestive disorders occur (loss of appetite, indigestion, heaviness and burning in the stomach), as well as general disorders (fatigue, weight loss). Then much more serious problems associated with the vascular system appear. See the article LIVER (PROBLEMS). Cirrhosis is the most serious liver disease and tells a person that he needs to pull himself together as soon as possible. He has reached his physical, emotional and mental limits and only he can heal himself. If a patient with cirrhosis does not change his lifestyle, he will destroy himself. He must stop rebelling and believing that life is unfair.


Physical blocking

Cystitis is an inflammation of the bladder; may be accompanied by high fever, burning sensation, frequent and strong urge to urinate, even if very little urine comes out.

Emotional blockage

A patient with cystitis experiences some kind of strong disappointment. burning him

the fact that others do not even notice what experiences they bring to him.
He has little understanding of what is happening around him and acts inconsistently. He expects too much from others. He burned
by inner anger.

Mental block

Your body is telling you that you need to take responsibility for your life. Only you can make yourself happy. If you hope that someone will come and make you happy, you may wait too many years for it. You yourself will better understand your desires and feelings by explaining them to the people they concern. Remember: you experience some emotions precisely when you blame other people. Learn to love without conditions and demands, and you will have to experience significantly less emotions. See also the article BLADDER (PROBLEMS) and the description “ Features of inflammatory diseases


Spiritual blockage and imprisonment

To understand the spiritual blockage that prevents you from meeting an important need of your true Self

, ask yourself the questions at the end of this book. Answering these questions will allow you to more accurately determine the real cause of your physical problem.


Physical blocking

The jaws are the bony basis of the middle and lower parts of the face. The most common jaw problems include PAIN, FRACTURE and DISLOCATION.

Emotional blockage

Since the jaw ensures the normal functioning of the teeth, problems with it indicate suppressed anger, which prevents a person from expressing himself correctly. If the jaw is dislocated, that is, it does not close and generally moves poorly, this indicates that the person is struggling to restrain himself and is about to explode. He can no longer control himself, just like he can't control his jaw. He urgently needs to “let off steam”, since any delay is fraught with serious damage to his health.

Mental block

Since the jaws and teeth allow us to bite and chew food to better digest it, problems in this part of the body indicate that a person is preventing himself from biting

in life or
to cling with a death grip
to what he needs. Your body wants you to check how real the fears are that force you to restrain your emotions and constantly control yourself. You have what it takes to overcome these fears. For more information about jaw problems, see the article TEETH (PROBLEMS). If a FRACTURE or DISLOCATION occurs, see the corresponding article.

Spiritual blockage and imprisonment

To understand the spiritual blockage that prevents you from meeting an important need of your true Self

, ask yourself the questions at the end of this book. Answering these questions will allow you to more accurately determine the real cause of your physical problem.


See the article SKIN (PROBLEMS).


Scabies is a harmless but highly contagious skin disease transmitted by direct contact. If you do not get rid of it in time, it turns into eczema as a result of a secondary infection. See the article SKIN (PROBLEMS), with the addition that a person suffering from this skin disease is too susceptible to the influence of other people. Every little thing irritates him. Since scabies causes an irresistible urge to scratch, see also the article LCH.


See the article BURUNCULES.


Physical blocking

A sneeze consists of a sharp inhalation and an immediate, involuntary sharp exhalation, releasing moisture through the nose and mouth. By sneezing, the body rids the mucous membranes of the nose of excess secretions released as a result of exposure to dust, odor or sudden changes in temperature. Sneezing becomes a problem when it becomes paroxysmal, that is, repeated very often.

Emotional blockage

Since the function of sneezing is to cleanse the nasal mucosa, a person who sneezes frequently is irritated by some other person or situation and wants to get rid of it. These emotions may be unconscious.

Mental block

When you start sneezing, try to remember what you were thinking a few seconds or minutes earlier. You will discover that something has irritated you. Perhaps you were about to criticize something. Instead of suppressing irritation and criticism and trying to get rid of the situation or person, try to find something useful for yourself in what is happening. It should be noted that sometimes this is impossible, but even in such cases you must look for the right way out. If, for example, you are among people who criticize another person, and this annoys you, you should express your attitude towards the situation and leave, and not arouse hostility towards these people.

Spiritual blockage and imprisonment

To understand the spiritual blockage that prevents you from meeting an important need of your true Self

, ask yourself the questions at the end of this book. Answering these questions will allow you to more accurately determine the real cause of your physical problem.


Physical blocking

The neck is a very important part of the body, connecting the head with the torso on a physical level, and on a metaphysical level connecting the spiritual with the material. Neck pain is uncomfortable and worsens when a person turns his head. If your neck does not hurt, but is very tense, see the article CERVICAL OSTEOCHONDROSIS.

Emotional blockage

Since the neck is a flexible part of the body, any pain in it is a sign of insufficient internal flexibility. As a rule, neck pain occurs in those who do not want to objectively perceive the situation, since they cannot control it. An insufficiently flexible neck does not allow you to turn your head back or look around - such a person is afraid to see or hear what is happening behind him. He pretends that the situation does not particularly bother him, although in reality he is very worried.

Mental block

Neck pain indicates that you are doing the wrong thing by ignoring the current situation. Your apparent indifference deprives you of flexibility and the ability to find a solution. If you are afraid of what is happening behind your back, this fear is most likely a figment of your imagination and not reality. I invite you to carefully analyze the situation with those affected by it and share your opinions and concerns with them.

Also determine whether neck pain interferes with affirmative or negative head movements. If you find it difficult to nod your head affirmatively, the reason you are preventing yourself from saying “yes” to a person or accepting a situation is negative. Find the fear in yourself that prevents you from saying yes. I advise you to also find out, with the help of the person to whom you are afraid to say “yes,” how justified your fears are. In short, if neck pain is stopping you from saying yes, your body is telling you it's better to say yes. It tells you that your stubbornness and inflexibility are only hurting you, not helping you as you might be inclined to think. If you find it difficult to pronounce the word “no,” follow the same procedure, but with the word “no.”

Spiritual blockage and imprisonment

To understand the spiritual blockage that prevents you from meeting an important need of your true Self

, ask yourself the questions at the end of this book. Answering these questions will allow you to more accurately determine the real cause of your physical problem.


See article PSYCHOSIS.


Physical blocking

A spine is a bony protrusion. Spikes come in different sizes. The Lenoir spike is located under or near the heel. Pain occurs only when there is pressure on this bony prominence.

Emotional blockage

The thorn prevents a person from standing for a long time and indicates that this person has rather unstable plans for the future. He does not allow himself to move forward because he is afraid of causing the disapproval of some person, usually the one who represents power for him. Perhaps he is also inclined to look into the future with pessimism and a sense of hopelessness.

Mental block

Your attitude towards the future is as harmful to you on the metaphysical level as a thorn is on the physical level. You must gain self-confidence, learn to take risks and take responsibility for your decisions, whatever their consequences.

Realize that some of the people around you may not agree with your plans. They have their own fears and their own shortcomings, but this should not stop you from insisting on your own. Everything you have done and will do will not be useless; new events and situations give you new experiences. Your body is telling you that you should take risks and that you have what it takes to move forward.

Spiritual blockage and imprisonment

To understand the spiritual blockage that prevents you from meeting an important need of your true Self

, ask yourself the questions at the end of this book. Answering these questions will allow you to more accurately determine the real cause of your physical problem.


See article EDEMA.


Treatment of Friedreich's ataxia

Since the disease is hereditary, the entire treatment process comes down to delaying the progression of the disease. In most cases, this allows the patient to lead an active lifestyle for a long time and avoid complications.

To treat Friedreich's ataxia, metabolic medications are prescribed, which come in three types:

  • stimulators of mitochondrial respiratory function;
  • antioxidants - drugs that slow down oxidation;
  • cofactors of enzyme reactions.

Drugs that nourish the heart muscle and improve its metabolism may also be prescribed.

In some cases, it is necessary to take butolotoxin, a drug that eliminates muscle spasms.

Exercise therapy is considered an important link in treatment. Particular attention is paid to muscle training and coordination of movements. A properly selected set of exercises helps to get rid of painful sensations when moving.

Sometimes attributed to dietary nutrition. The principle of the diet is to limit the consumption of carbohydrates, an excess of which provokes symptoms.

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