Why won't self-hypnosis help cure cancer?

Self-hypnosis is the ability of a person to suggest to himself (usually in a trance state) using thoughts, images, ideas, imagination and visualization, certain specific attitudes of a positive or negative nature. It has another name: the placebo effect.

Often there is unconscious self-hypnosis for illnesses or, on the contrary, self-hypnosis for recovery, for increasing self-confidence, for realizing what has been planned, and so on.

What is the power of self-hypnosis?

The power of self-hypnosis is very great, although almost all people underestimate it. Naturally, this is not a magic wand that instantly solves any problem, but it is very helpful in life for getting rid of certain conditions.

It is important to approach conscious self-hypnosis very carefully, performing it not for fun, but when there is a dire need for it.

Self-hypnosis may be of an irrational nature, unconscious, and comes from attitudes, convictions and beliefs that were instilled in a person by his ancestors and society. In this case, when they have a bad disposition, a person unconsciously instills in himself various pathologies, setting himself up for trouble in his career or love.

If you learn to monitor your mental state, thanks to the technique of self-hypnosis, you can significantly improve your life: you will gain health and longevity, improve the quality of your own life, become successful, and attract love. Constant use of the method will allow it to become automatic.

Myth 4. Cancer is a psychosomatic disease

Cancer is not a psychosomatic disease; the basis of this misconception is a confusion of cause and effect. The psyche is a secondary product of human life, which reflects external reality, and it does not work straightforwardly, like an ax, the expert emphasizes. It is impossible to cure cancer with psychotherapy; there are medical techniques for this.

Who then needs the help of an oncopsychologist? Patients who cannot adapt to this difficult life situation. Domestic and foreign studies show that most people can adapt to cancer on their own (60%). The remaining 40% need professional psychological support, with one in four of them requiring the help of a psychotherapist rather than a psychologist.

Self-hypnosis for recovery

If you suffer from any pathologies - physical or psychological, then we advise you to use controlled self-hypnosis for recovery.

But please note that the technique of self-hypnosis can be used as an aid to healing along with other methods of therapy (pharmaceutical, physiotherapeutic, and so on). Although in some cases, self-hypnosis allows you to get rid of pathologies without additional intervention.

And if you apply the concept of “recovery” on a social, personal and sensory-psychic level, then self-hypnosis will improve your position in society, improve interpersonal affairs and allow you to make your life successful and happy.

Watch the following video to learn how the placebo effect works.

Myth 5: Cancer causes depression

As Vagaitseva says, at the beginning of her work she was also subject to this misconception and thought that in a hospice people “do not live, but suffer,” and patients at the initial stage of treatment are more positive.

But her experience working in a hospice and her dissertation research show that the reaction to a situation depends on personal characteristics, and not on the stage of the disease. “The stage plays, of course, a fairly significant role, but a person will work through this stage as it is,” the expert emphasizes. “There are amazing resource people in hospice, and there are emotionally weak people at any stage of the disease.”

If a person did not have a depressive disorder before cancer, then cancer itself will not cause it. Another thing, Vagaitseva notes, is that the patient could have been underexamined or not know about his diagnosis.

All these everyday misconceptions harm both patients and society: a person gains a feeling of hopelessness, a sense of guilt and, perhaps, becomes more susceptible to manipulation by people who are ready to profit from his condition. The task of an oncopsychologist is to form in patients an adaptive attitude towards a serious illness: to move from a feeling of helplessness to a state of “I can cope, I’m doing everything to overcome this situation with dignity.” A well-adapted patient does not infect society with these fears and does not force them to crowd out a real threat, but allows him to calmly take responsibility for his own health.

“[Oncology] is a purely biological category: even if you are at least three times psychic, even if you are a maniac capable of fooling yourself and not meeting your own resistance, it still does not work when it comes, for example, to melanoma,” concludes Vagaitseva .

Self-hypnosis bases

To effectively use autosuggestion, you first need to become familiar with its basics. Below we provide you with rules that must be observed in this case if you want to get a suitable result:

  • Be 100% confident in the final action. The presence of hesitation calls into question the effectiveness of the technique. The presence of your fears and prejudices can prevent you from achieving your goal, which will ultimately end in complete failure.
  • Positive thinking. If you use the word “not” in your own speech, your brain automatically begins to be programmed to defeat. Therefore, you need to try to construct your judgments in such a way that they do not contain negative formulations. For example, you decide to lose weight and if you have a desire to eat something harmful, you convince yourself that you do not feel hungry. But soon you will feel a treacherous nausea. It would be more accurate to convince yourself that at this moment you are full and feel great.
  • Don't force yourself. If you resort to coercion, you will face constant internal conflict. And fighting with yourself is the worst thing you can think of. Therefore, do not try to force yourself, but try to use persuasion to find a compromise.
  • Focus on true time. You will never correct the mistakes of the past, and thinking about the distant future is also not very good. Therefore, place the right emphasis on the real - concentrate on the present moment.
  • Give yourself the right settings. It is important that they be short and succinct, yet clearly and correctly formulated. If you spend a long time thinking about the formulation of your own desire, it will acquire blurred contours and will not act. Try to repeat your settings more often.

Myth 3. You can convince yourself of health

This is the reverse side of the previous myth. A person wants to overcome the fear of death and begins to cling to an irrational defense, thinking that “everything is in my hands.” Conditionally healthy people can afford these games, the psychologist notes, but for cancer patients this emotional load is excessive.

“A wild responsibility [falls] on a person: if I haven’t recovered, it means I didn’t inspire well, it means I don’t know how to hope,” explains Vagaitseva. “Patients understand that they cannot deceive themselves so much, and this again begins to feel guilty. They can’t escape the underlying thought: I can’t handle this.”

Self-hypnosis of diseases

There is such a thing as iatrogenic disease, which is a psychological disorder provoked by the careless expression of a doctor. Thus, for particularly impressionable patients, because of an imprudent word uttered by a doctor, a conviction arises in the presence of a severe pathology. Although this condition may develop without the doctor’s fault.

Suspicious people tend to establish different diagnoses for themselves without the help of others. The most unsafe thing in this case is that as a result of such self-hypnosis, a person actually faces a real pathology.

If you focus on yourself, different configurations of negative disposition begin to occur in your body. Gastrodigestive pathologies develop most rapidly. A person under bad self-hypnosis experiences a state of stress, and stress provokes almost all real diseases.

Myth 1. Cancer occurs from stress

According to Hans Selye's theory, stress is the body's response to any demands placed on it. It makes no difference whether they are pleasant or not, the only important thing is that the body needs to adapt to the new situation. It is impossible to prevent stress, Margarita Vagaitseva emphasizes, it is something that a person must face and cope with on his own.

“It cannot be said that stress causes the launch of an atypical cell, and even in such an arbitrary way - in the membrane of the eye, the soft palate, the pancreas, in the bones... These are all very different diseases that cannot be directly linked to stress overloads.”

Why does this myth scare cancer patients so much? Since stress is inevitable, the expert answers, the patient blames himself for not coping with it. In the case of cancer, a person already bears a strong emotional burden, and he should not experience despair and excessive responsibility for stressful situations in the past.

Healing by self-suggestion

Our pathologies are our spiritual experiences, all the worries and horrors. To gain health, you need to remain calm and confident in your own abilities, and also think much less about negative aspects.

Self-hypnosis or the placebo effect is a great power that will help you change your reality. Using the power of self-hypnosis, you will get rid of various physical and psychological pathologies, and you can also achieve a state of internal harmony and happiness.

Source: tayniymir.com


Self-hypnosis: say “Yes” to health and success

Stage 1

So, if you are depressed by a psychological problem, or you are in a bad mood, put aside your daily activities, choose a cozy place to be alone and alone. Focus on your physical, bodily sensations. Try to find sensations in your body that are supposedly associated with the negative emotions you are experiencing. Find those areas of your body where physical discomfort is especially noticeable - it could be a headache, or a “lump” in the throat, or a sucking feeling of emptiness “in the pit of the stomach.” It is these sensations that serve as material for further work, signaling psychological changes that occur in the body at an involuntary or subconscious level.

Stage 2

Take a blank sheet of paper and divide it into two halves with a vertical line. On the left, “dark” half, write the negative thought that first comes to mind when you think about the problem that has arisen. Say it out loud or mentally, “to yourself.” Observe how uncomfortable bodily sensations react in this case - as a rule, they intensify.

For example: I'm nervous about the wedding.

Stage 3

Now begin in the same way to pronounce statements that are the opposite in meaning - as arguments in a dispute, helping to overcome the opposite point of view (or rather, to convince your own subconscious, on which your emotional well-being and optimistic mood directly depend). You can't say, "I won't be nervous about the wedding." Go through the options, find the one to which the body will “respond.” Do it slowly, without rushing; if there is a response, then these are the “installations” that turned out to be the most convincing for your subconscious. Most likely, something similar to “I am calm before and during the wedding” will work. Write them down on the right side of the sheet. Usually it is enough to select 4-5 such phrases and 15-20 minutes for your health to return to normal. Try to add comparisons to this “set” - the subconscious perceives images well.

For example: I am calm as a rock.

Stage 4

Then cut your paper along the dividing line. You can get rid of its left half and forget its contents. Crumple the paper and throw it in the trash. You can come up with a whole ritual for yourself to destroy negative thoughts, including the ceremonial burning of the ill-fated leaf and scattering of the ashes. Or, what is more practical, you can combine both methods, doing the first of them in reality, and the second in your imagination.

Stage 5

Save the right half of the sheet and remember your entire “right” list of positive thoughts. These are your personal affirmations - statements that create a life-affirming mood that will help you in difficult times.

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