USDG MAG is an ultrasound examination of the great vessels of the head

Frequent headaches and dizziness can be a consequence of vascular pathologies of the brain. In order to identify them, there are various diagnostic and research methods, one of which is duplex scanning of the vessels of the neck and head.

This method is non-invasive and therefore considered safe. What is especially attractive is that it does not require any special training and has no contraindications.

Description of the study

Duplex examination of the great arteries is painless and safe for the patient. Before the scan, the doctor talks with the patient, studies his complaints, symptoms, and the results of other studies in order to have the most complete clinical picture.

MAG duplex scanning lasts from 15 to 30 minutes. The doctor applies a special gel to the required area of ​​the skin, which promotes better transmission of the sound signal, after which the specialist begins to move the sensor and continuously monitor the image on the monitor on which the sections are reflected. After the examination, a conclusion about the scan results is immediately issued.

The mechanism of duplex scanning of the arteries of the head and neck is based on the principle of echolocation, in which the vessel is imaged in two planes (across and along). When performing a duplex study, the area in question is displayed in color. The doctor gets the opportunity to study the walls of blood vessels, surrounding tissues, lumen, speed and direction of blood movement.

Indications for use

The main factor that has a negative impact on the treatment of vascular diseases is untimely contact with a neurologist and late diagnosis of the disease. The circulatory system is closed in a cycle, so disruption of the blood supply to tissues in one area inevitably causes problems in another. Main indications for duplex scanning of the great arteries:

  • problems with vision, coordination, understanding, or speech production;
  • headache and frequent dizziness;
  • fainting or attacks of impaired consciousness;
  • unsteadiness of gait;
  • numbness of the limbs.

Duplex scanning of the main arteries of the head is also carried out if any pathologies of the vascular system are detected during other studies. Diagnostics are necessary so that the neurologist can assess the effect of the disease on the brain and prescribe adequate treatment.

There are two types of duplex scanning: two-dimensional mode and Doppler effect. The two-dimensional mode is used for visualization of blood vessels. The doctor receives information about the direction and speed of blood flow using the Doppler mode. These studies are indicated in the presence of the following pathologies or symptoms:

  • fainting;
  • sharp and frequent headaches;
  • a feeling of coldness in the extremities or their swelling, cyanosis;
  • development of trophic ulcers;
  • sudden changes in blood pressure;
  • tinnitus;
  • weakness in the legs when walking.

The Neurology Clinic of the Yusupov Hospital employs neurologists with extensive experience who treat patients even with serious illnesses that other specialists have refused. An individual approach, modern treatment methods, high-precision and effective equipment allow us to promptly identify problems and develop ways to eliminate them.

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No special preparation of the patient is required before the study. Taking medications should be carried out as usual, but you must inform your doctor about taking medications. Duplex scanning is performed in a comfortable and calm environment for both the patient and the staff. During duplex MAG, the main arteries of the head and neck are examined in the supine position.

Before scanning, the doctor applies an acoustic gel to the surface of the patient’s skin; it increases sound conductivity and makes it easier for the device to glide over the surface of the skin.

Then a special sensor is placed in place of the vessels being examined. When installing sensors, the doctor takes into account the location of the “ultrasonic windows” - areas of the skull with the thinnest bones or those with holes. Through these zones, the ultrasound beam easily enters the skull.

This diagnostic method does not cause discomfort in the patient. During the test, the doctor may ask the patient to take a certain position or hold his breath. The duration of the study does not exceed half an hour.

Experienced doctors include the main advantages of this method: the ability to obtain adequate characteristics, identify various vascular diseases in the early stages of development, the ability to detect the presence of a blood clot, and the low invasiveness of the method.

Do you need any preparation for the procedure?

Ultrasound duplex scanning does not require special preparation, the only exception is ultrasound scanning of the abdominal vessels (abdominal aorta).

Ultrasound scanning
of the abdominal aorta
requires additional preparation, including:

  • fasting for 8 hours before the procedure;
  • a three-day diet excluding raw vegetables, meat, milk and black bread, in addition, the patient is prescribed a drug to eliminate gas formation.

MAG research methods

Ultrasound of cerebral vessels can be performed in several modes, each of which allows one to obtain certain information. Often, a patient who has been referred by a neurologist for diagnostics does not fully understand the features of these techniques and the results obtained.

Doppler ultrasound of the main arteries of the head is performed using a sensor operating on the basis of the Doppler effect. In this study, the reflection of sound waves from moving objects is measured, the result is an image of the vessels in 2D mode, which shows problem areas. Doppler sonography is used to determine obstructions and blood flow parameters.

Duplex scanning of the main arteries of the head allows the doctor to obtain information about the anatomy of the vessels, their condition, direction and speed of blood flow. This method is highly informative; it allows you to identify even minor disorders before the appearance of serious symptoms. Triplex scanning of the main arteries of the head is a duplex scanning mode, when using which the doctor receives a color image. The scanning device operates in three modes.

The neurology clinic performs Doppler sonography of the main arteries of the head and other studies. The Yusupov Hospital is equipped with modern equipment, so the research results are as accurate as possible, which helps to successfully verify the diagnosis.

Decoding the results

As a rule, results can be obtained within a few minutes after ultrasound scanning. The result is a printout containing a list of examined vessels with a description, and the presence of anatomical anomalies is also reflected there.

The description of the condition of the artery includes the following indicators:

  • nature of blood flow;
  • the speed of blood movement along the artery – maximum (max) systolic (during contraction of the heart muscle) and minimum (min) diastolic (at the moment of relaxation):
  • pulsatory index - calculated based on the maximum and minimum blood flow speed;
  • resistive index - also calculated based on speed indicators;
  • the ratio of speeds in systole and diastole - maximum divided by minimum;
  • wall thickness, artery diameter.

Pulsator and resistive indices, as well as the max/min ratio are measured to assess arterial patency.

Normal values ​​vary for different arteries.

As an example, the table shows the recommended indicators for some arterial lines:

IndexCommon carotid arteryExternal branch of the carotid arteryInternal branch of the carotid arteryVertebral arteries
Diameter, mm4–73–63–6,52–4,5
Speed ​​in systole (max), cm/sec50–10535–10533–10020–60
Velocity in diastole (min), cm/sec9–366–259–355–25
Resistive index0,6–0,90,5–0,90,5–0,90,5–0,8

Normally, the artery should not contain narrowings (0% stenosis), thickening or plaque, and blood should move freely without flow turbulence (eddies).

Common deviations from normal vascular characteristics include:

  • stenosis - the lumen is narrowed, blood is not able to flow freely;
  • aneurysm - local expansion of the vessel wall against the background of a weakening of its tone;
  • atherosclerotic changes - the lumen of the vessel is narrowed due to the presence of cholesterol plaques. The conclusion describes the structure, size, degree of narrowing;
  • turbulent blood flow - the presence of turbulence in the blood flow;
  • disturbance of vascular tone in vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • vasculitis - a wall thickened over a long period or exfoliating.

Ultrasound scanning of veins contains fewer digital indicators; here it is assessed:

  • anatomy and tortuosity;
  • patency and quality of outflow;
  • diameter and presence of obstacles in the lumen of the vein.

Duplex MAG: scanning of the main arteries of the head and neck

At the neurology clinic, part of the Yusupov Hospital, experienced doctors diagnose various diseases using modern equipment. Duplex scanning of the main arteries of the head and neck allows you to identify circulatory disorders. The results of the study allow the neurologist to make a diagnosis and choose effective treatment tactics.

Experienced doctors at the clinic are proficient in the technique of duplex ultrasound scanning, which is used to identify various forms of cerebral ischemia, monitor the condition of blood vessels after strokes and in cases of hypertension and cerebral atherosclerosis.

The Yusupov Hospital not only diagnoses diseases, but also treats them, and works with patients who require rehabilitation after illnesses.

Each patient of the neurology clinic can receive the necessary information about research, treatment of diseases, and rehabilitation by calling the Yusupov Hospital.


For duplex scanning of head vessels, the price in our clinic is one of the most reasonable in Moscow. The study is complex and requires expensive, high-precision ultrasound equipment and qualified doctors. We have both. When using DSMAG you can get the following advantages:

  1. Maximum level of information content.
  2. No pain during the procedure.
  3. No side effects.
  4. There are no contraindications.
  5. It is possible to repeat the session and you do not have to wait a certain amount of time.
  6. No special preparation required.
  7. The duration of the event is no more than half an hour.

Duplex scanning of the vessels of the head is performed in the same way as any other ultrasound.

Triplex scanning of the great arteries: what research shows

If there is a need to undergo an ultrasound of the main arteries, then this can be done at the Yusupov Hospital almost in the center of Moscow and receive specialist advice with detailed diagnostic results. And all this at an affordable price.

DS of the main arteries of the head allows you to obtain information:

  • about the structure of the vessel wall, its tortuosity. This information is important not only when making a diagnosis, but also before performing surgery;
  • about the speed and direction of blood flow;
  • about the presence of a blood clot or narrowing of a vein, the image is displayed in color mode.

Color duplex scanning of the main arteries of the head, in comparison with other methods, allows doctors to obtain the most complete information, since the ultrasound machine is configured to operate in three modes. This method is an alternative to x-ray examination with a contrast agent, which was previously used in medicine.

Neurologists at the Yusupov Hospital use ultrasound scanning of the main arteries of the head, the price of which is optimal, to diagnose a number of serious diseases. By contacting a neurology clinic, you entrust your health to experienced specialists who work even with those patients who were rejected by other clinics.

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What is the scanning procedure like?

Regardless of which vessel is being examined, duplex scanning of vessels

The procedure follows approximately the same plan: the patient lies down in such a way that the area being examined is accessible to the sonologist. The doctor moves the scanner over the vessels of interest and reads the readings from the monitor.

Differences between duplex and triplex scanning

Duplex and triplex scanning of blood vessels are not interchangeable. With duplex scanning, you can view the lumen and wall of the vessel in a two-dimensional plane. While triplex scanning involves the use of three modes, including gray scale, as well as color and spectral Dopplerography.

Doppler ultrasound of the main arteries of the head: indications for performing

An ultrasound examination is prescribed by a neurologist for patients who have factors contributing to the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system, as well as during the treatment phase. Ultrasound scanning of the main arteries of the head, the price of which in the neurology clinic is available for patients with various financial capabilities, is performed in the following cases:

  • for early diagnosis of thrombophlebitis;
  • for thrombosis;
  • for varicose veins, diagnosis is especially important in the severe stage of the disease;
  • when preparing the patient for surgery to determine the location of the lesion;
  • for pathologies of deep veins;
  • when a patient is diagnosed with atherosclerosis of the main arteries of the head.

Neurologists at the Yusupov Hospital are attentive to the condition of each patient, therefore, before making a diagnosis, a comprehensive diagnosis and collection of information are carried out. When referring a patient for examination, the specialist explains what a triplex scan of the main arteries of the head shows and what results can be expected.

Triplex scanning MAG in Moscow

A person who is scheduled for diagnosis seeks to find a clinic in close proximity to his home or place of work. If triplex scanning of the main arteries of the head is required, then the Nagornaya metro station is one of the most accessible and convenient for travel.

Near the Nagornaya metro station there is the Yusupov Hospital, which has several clinics, including a neurology clinic. Experienced doctors treat patients with various diseases of the nervous system. To diagnose violations, specialists use modern high-precision equipment. In the neurology clinic, the main arteries of the head are examined using ultrasound machines.

Patients of the clinic can undergo various tests at affordable prices. For the convenience of clients, various options for making an appointment are provided; in addition, you can visit a specialist at a convenient time without a long wait in line. In order to make an appointment with a neurologist and undergo an ultrasound scan of the main arteries of the head, please contact the clinic staff by phone.

Duplex MAG: service price

People diagnosed with stenosing atherosclerosis of the main arteries of the head and other vascular diseases strive to find a clinic that will provide medical care at an affordable price. At the Neurology Clinic of the Yusupov Hospital, the price for diagnostic and therapeutic methods is optimal. In addition, the hospital provides rehabilitation programs for patients who have suffered strokes, suffer from dementia and other diseases.

A beneficial option for the rehabilitation of patients after Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, stroke, multiple sclerosis are comprehensive programs, including examination by experienced doctors, development of a rehabilitation program and other activities. If necessary, duplex scanning of the main arteries of the head and neck and other studies are performed.

When contacting the Yusupov Hospital, you can be confident in the accuracy of the diagnosis, the quality of treatment, and the friendly attitude of the staff. A personal quality manager helps patients resolve any issues. For the convenience of patients and their relatives, the clinic has created the necessary conditions: the ability to receive medical care 24 hours a day, healthy and tasty food, comfortable rooms with satellite TV and wireless Internet. If you need a triplex scan of the main arteries of the head or a consultation with a neurologist, please contact the clinic staff to make an appointment.

The main indicators revealed during the MAG ultrasound procedure

Scanning helps identify:

  • ​ quantitative and qualitative characteristics of cholesterol deposits and blood clots;
  • the degree of damage to the arteries, deformation of their shape;
  • the quality and degree of thickening of the walls of blood vessels and their loss of plasticity;
  • parameters of imbalance between vasoconstriction and vasodilation of the endothelium (motor function of arteries);
  • damage and integrity of vascular walls;
  • the presence of aneurysms and their parameters;
  • the degree of disturbance and the size of the gaps in the walls of the arteries;
  • any conditions that cause brain hypoxia due to circulatory disorders.

This procedure can also be prescribed to monitor the quality of medical therapy for disorders of the blood supply to the brain.

The most complete picture of the extent of pathologies can be given by color (triplex) scanning. In this case, with changes in blood flow and its speed characteristics, the colors of the image also change. Thus, color Doppler sonography provides the optimal number of changes and a better result regarding the state of blood circulation.

Duplex scanning MAG in Moscow

At the neurology clinic of the Yusupov Hospital you can undergo a MAG duplex scan. Diagnostics are carried out using highly informative ultrasound equipment that has sensitive sensors, due to which a specialist can objectively assess the parameters being studied and make a diagnosis based on the information received.

The experience and professionalism of the medical staff of the Yusupov Hospital allows us to successfully diagnose even minor problems and quickly choose tactics for eliminating them, using innovative techniques during therapy and recovery. Doctors at the Neurology Clinic, together with other specialists, provide detailed consultations to patients and their families in an accessible manner. Thus, the patient has information about the state of health, the course of the disease, and risk factors.

MAG duplex scanning in the neurology clinic is performed in accordance with current standards and legislation. The Yusupov Hospital offers affordable prices in the segment of highly informative ultrasound examinations. You can find out the details of the procedure, sign up for a consultation and diagnostics through a special form on the website, after which a clinic employee will contact you to clarify the details or by phone.

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