4 Analytical Skills You Should List on Your Resume

Analytic skills. The phrases “mathematical mind” and “humanitarian mind” are not a stupid set of words. These concepts have certain foundations. Scientists have noticed that the hemispheres of the human brain develop differently. The left is responsible for analysis, technical thinking, logic. And the right is for emotionality, imaginative thinking, creativity.

The truly unhappy are those individuals in whom one hemisphere completely prevails over the other. If the analytical mindset is brought to the maximum, then such a person turns out to be asocial, insensitive, completely immersed in science. But it’s not easy for an individual with a dominance of imaginative thinking: a person constantly builds castles in the air, fantasizes, and is easily influenced. But for the majority of people, both hemispheres are developed almost equally, with a slight “preponderance” in one direction.

What does it mean to have an analytical mind?

To explain what the concept of “analytical mindset” means, we need to remember the different purposes of the brain hemispheres. If an individual is dominated by the left half of the brain, then he has an analytical mind, here reason prevails over emotions.

Anyone who knows how to compare data and draw a conclusion can do work that requires analysis. This type of thinking means working with PC programs, documents, and not with people. Today, many training centers create programs that help develop the thinking of an analyst.

Other characteristics of analysts include the fact that they first think and then take action. But it is difficult for them to understand the situation if imagination is required. In addition, people with the ability to analyze only in appearance seem inhuman and cold. This is only the outer shell, for them the main role is played by facts. Logic and analytics are often intertwined with a creative perception of the world and creativity. In this case, a person develops a talent for something. This is a rare combination.

What analytical skills should you include on your resume?

There are several key analytical skills that you should include on your resume, so we'll break them down right now. You'll want to include some variation of these items in the skills section of your resume:

  • Ability to research, fact check and collect accurate data
  • Ability to communicate and solve problems in teams
  • Critical thinking and complex thinking skills
  • Management abilities (regarding time, risks, teams, etc.)

You'll probably integrate most of them seamlessly into your cover letter anyway, so you don't waste time repeating information on your resume. And not all jobs will require all of these skills. Plus, things like "critical thinking" aren't exactly groundbreaking resume material—it's more of a silly, corporate-flavoured buzzphrase than anything else. It doesn't describe your worth. So why is it on our list of recommended skills?

This is where the “include some variation of these elements” part of our resume writing instructions comes into play. You shouldn't directly write, "I'm a critical thinker," because it will be counterproductive and make you look stupid. But if you rephrase that idea and rephrase it in words that apply to whatever job and field you're applying for, chances are , it might work out. The point is to convey the idea that you are a critical thinker without having to overtly say it.

This last point is key: it's how you define your analytical skill repertoire that matters. Don't start shouting analytical buzzwords en masse because they sound cool on paper. Customize them to suit your specific situation.

Analytic mind. Advantages and disadvantages

An analytical mindset has its own pros and cons. You can't say that any particular type of thinking is better. Everything has advantages and disadvantages. It is necessary to evaluate them correctly in order to turn a negative into a positive quality. People cannot choose the type of thought themselves, but they are able to adjust it.

Those with a dominant analytical mindset require new information and data analysis constantly. A person understands a problem for a long time, but there is almost no time for a final solution. In a situation where a quick response is needed, analysts fall into a stupor. Such people do not like change and live according to established routines.

Role-playing games

The best way to improve analytical thinking in primary schoolchildren is through various games. They help you develop while having fun. If a child does not want to engage in any type of activity, or he simply does not like a certain game, then there is no need to force him, because in this case there will be no benefit.

What games will be effective:

  1. Quests. You can come up with a variety of quest options, but for a small child you should give preference to the simplest ones. For example, draw a map of the yard for him, according to which he will have to find treasures hidden by his parents.
  2. Puzzles. Finding the right elements and gradually assembling the big picture involves not only thinking, but also a person's attention. Schoolchildren should choose images that are not too large, with no more than 500 details.
  3. Board games. You can improve your analytical skills only in those board games where all participants are required to think about their decisions or calculate future steps. This option is perfect for the whole family.

Game-based development is very effective, which is why it is practiced by many parents. You just need to choose the right games for your child.

Recently, trainings where role-playing games are held have become very popular. There is no time to think, so participants must make decisions and write down their own thoughts immediately. After this, a collective analysis of the situation takes place. Such exercises have a positive effect on the development of analytical skills.

If you don’t have the time or money for such trainings, you can organize them at home. To do this, you should invite a friend or comrade who has analytical thinking. It will help you simulate life situations and find extraordinary ways out of them.

How to develop an analytical mind

If imaginative thinking predominates in you, then you are interested in learning how to develop an analytical mind. There are various exercises. They should start with small loads: scanwords, puzzles, logic problems. Effective trainings - word games. Reading high-quality detective stories contributes well to the development of analytical thinking. After all, as you read, a person reflects on the main question of the book, looking for villains.

Excellent development of analytical skills - checkers and chess. In addition, specific programs have been created to help develop the skill of analyzing facts. All kinds of programs on geography and history provide a lot of new information. Thinking about various situations and events, a person analyzes information, suggests development options, and schemes.

In addition, while working on yourself, it is worth remembering that analytics and logic are inseparable. Therefore, if you often solve logical problems, then learn to restructure your thinking. We learn basic analytical skills in school through math classes. But over time, people often pay less attention to development, believing that it is not required in their work.

People develop analytical thinking in their own way, with different results and speed. The ability to analyze is especially rapidly improved when studying programming, working with technical devices and mechanisms, and a huge amount of data.

So, some steps to develop the ability to think logically. Come up with situations. This technique is accessible and simple because you only need a little time and your brain. The essence lies in inventing situations, setting goals and forming effective exits and solutions. For example, you decide to fly into space. To do this, you need to become a participant in the space program, or buy a ticket as a space tourist. If you have health problems, you are old, and your physical fitness is poor, then the only way out is to purchase a seat on the shuttle.

By developing this kind of thought, working to create solutions, conducting data analysis, you are developing an analytical way of thinking. If you don’t want to waste time, then plan a business, buy a car or a house. Analyze the situation, think about what you will need to implement it.

Many games and special simulators have been created to develop logic and the ability to analyze. There are tasks that are aimed at finding optimal solutions, restoring the whole picture based on several details.

Why are analytical skills important?

As you can see from the long example detailed above, analytical skills can help you move from not knowing to knowing everything to being able to take action. You can see how this can be useful. Imagine your boss gives you a “die but do” problem that you are not familiar with how to solve. How will you deal with this and keep your job? Through analytical skills. Just apply the above methodology to your problem and chances are a solution will emerge. This is probably what your employer expects you to do when they give you a task that requires analytical skills.

And these skills not only can help you keep your current job, but can help you find a new job if you include them on your resume.

Food for the brain

As you develop analytical thinking, it is important to pay attention to nutrition. There is food for the brain, which helps the functioning of the main organ of the body and stimulates its work. Moreover, mental work always requires a lot of energy expenditure, and it is important to replenish these costs correctly. The brain needs a lot of glucose. Other foods that improve brain function include:

  • different types of nuts;
  • chocolate, but only bitter;
  • dried fruits;
  • berries (blueberries, cranberries);
  • lemon;
  • beet;
  • spinach;
  • fish from the salmon family;
  • White cabbage.

In addition, for the normal functioning of the body, including the brain, minerals and vitamins are required. First of all, we need: boron, calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron. It is important to monitor your diet and maintain balance. This will help the brain work properly and perceive information. Replace sugar with complete carbohydrates, eat more protein, and as little fat as possible.

Books that develop analytical thinking

Literature for the analyst:

  1. Samantha Kleinberg. "Why. A guide to finding causes and making decisions." It is interesting because it is written in quite understandable and simple language. The basis is to develop the skill of making quick decisions in any situation.
  2. Jones Morgan. “Solving problems using the methods of special services. 14 powerful tools." The true story of a man who worked for the CIA. The book is full of exercises and problems that will have you scratching your head.
  3. Roger Sipe. “Brain development. How to read faster, remember better, and achieve bigger goals.” Actually developed method for fast reading. Also, it will help develop memory and spatial thinking.
  4. Richard W. Galland. "Puzzles of Sherlock Holmes." It will immerse you in the atmosphere of the criminal world, making you feel like a real detective. Many complicated cases and mysteries will await the one who solves them.
  5. Matthew MacDonald. "Teach your brain to work." Here you can find information about how to eat right and remember well. The book was written by leading biologists, psychologists and nutritionists. After all, the most important thing is to keep your brain in good shape and not fill it with unnecessary information.
  6. Joel Levy. “Charge for the brain. Raise your IQ." It will show that there is no limit to the expansion of the brain's capabilities. That you can expand your memory, think faster, and age is not an obstacle to this. There are several IQ tests in the book that will help you see weaknesses that you need to work on.
  7. Jan Perelman. “5 minutes to think.” In addition to analytical thinking, the book teaches imagination and creativity. With such qualities it is easier to be a reasonable and interesting conversationalist.

In addition to self-development, you can seek help from a specialist. He will help you go in the right direction, point out weaknesses and ways to eliminate them. The most important thing is the experience of the person who will be training. You should not attend classes of unqualified people.

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