Causes of pain in the arms and legs during neurosis

Pain in the limbs and back

Neurosis is characterized by pain in the lower back and limbs. The symptom is similar to lumbosacral radiculitis, but the discomfort is not localized in one clearly defined area.

Pain in the back may occur due to a minor injury. With neurosis, damage takes a very long time to recover. Pain syndrome can also be caused by excessive suspiciousness of a neurotic person. For example, a person communicates with a patient suffering from osteochondrosis or radiculitis and immediately finds all the symptoms of the disease and feels pain.

Pain in the arms and legs during neurosis is associated with mental symptoms:

  • irritability;
  • weakness;
  • great fatigue;
  • disturbances in sleep and wakefulness;
  • decreased libido;
  • lack of appetite;
  • increased suspiciousness.

Typically, patients suffering from limb neuroses are easily suggestible. They have low self-esteem. Under the influence of the syndrome, the individual becomes irritable and constantly angry.

How to get rid of it?

Do I need to follow a diet?

There is no special diet that would help get rid of abdominal pain caused by nervousness.

However, most people suffering from neurosis know which foods are worse for them to digest (cause slight indigestion, increased gas formation, etc.). These are the products you need to give up. Their list is usually individual for each person.

You can try switching to a diet indicated for irritable bowel syndrome.

You need to be careful when refusing to eat certain foods.

Since suspicious people often have a list that quickly expands. And they convince themselves that they cannot eat many dishes, even dietary ones.


With neurosis, headaches can be permanent or appear only at the time of an emotional outburst. What kind of pain is observed during neurosis:

  • feeling of pressure, constriction;
  • pulling sensations;
  • pulsation.

The aching or stabbing sensation does not go away for a long time. The scalp responds sharply to touch with pain or does not react at all. This is how neuromuscular migraine headaches manifest themselves. It is called tension headache.

The pain syndrome often causes dizziness, weakness, nausea and even vomiting.

The pain point can be located in any part of the head or cervical spine. The occurrence of pain is always associated with increased anxiety and fear. In case of neurosis, the cause of migraine may be hypothermia.

Neurovascular pain manifests itself as pulsation. Is permanent. It is most often localized in the temporal lobes. Nausea and dizziness are rare.

Muscle pain due to neurosis

Muscle pain can be psychogenic in nature. Such pains do not have a clear localization and obvious causes. They are characterized by obvious exacerbations during stress, anxiety, muscle pain increases and during depression. As soon as the stressful effect ends and a period of rest begins, the pain subsides, but with the slightest overload of the nervous system, it returns again, manifesting itself with even greater force.

Very often, neurosis also manifests itself in muscle pain, occurring with severe physical fatigue, as well as with the monotony of work performed. This type of neurosis can also be provoked by a sedentary lifestyle and severe emotional overload.

For neurosis manifested by muscle pain, complex treatment is used - this includes medications, psychotherapy and therapeutic exercises, it is possible to use individual diets and adjustments to the daily routine, and sometimes physiotherapy is included.

It should be remembered that with neurosis, as with any other disease, timely diagnosis and prescription of an individual course of treatment are very important. But as everyone knows, it is easier to prevent the occurrence of a particular disease than to cure it. To do this, let us consider in more detail the causes of neuroses.

Worth seeing: Tachycardia in neurosis

Pain all over the body

With neurosis, patients often complain of unpleasant sensations in the body. Cases of skin syndrome are common. The epidermis itches and burns. Becomes pale with cyanosis. This manifestation is accompanied by special symptoms.

  1. Change in sensitivity.
  2. Deterioration of mobility, which provokes stiffness of the lower extremities, legs hurt and drag.
  3. Dry skin or increased oiliness.
  4. Hallucinations of a tactile nature.

Muscle neuroses are easily confused with a somatic disease. Pathology is provoked by intense physical work aimed at one muscle group.

What hurts with neurosis:

  • thoracic region;
  • neck area;
  • upper, lower limbs;
  • back.

Neurosis of the facial nerve often occurs. Painful sensations are accompanied by tingling and numbness. The burning sensation can spread throughout the body or be localized only in the legs. Symptoms of muscle neurosis are manifested by tissue spasms, convulsive contractions, and prolonged hypertonicity.

The main signs of neurosis

The main difference between neurosis and other mental illnesses is the fact that the patient realizes that he is not healthy and his consciousness is not impaired. The condition of a person suffering from neurosis is not burdened by delusions or hallucinations, and reality is perceived adequately by him.

Neurosis affects various systems of the body, primarily its psyche, which can be reflected in the form of psycho-emotional disorders.

Neurosis and its mental symptoms:

  • Emotional stress;
  • A peculiar response to stress (closedness, isolation, fixation);
  • Memory impairment;
  • Increased sensitivity (irritability in bright light, loud sounds);
  • Frequent, causeless mood swings;
  • Apathy and loss of interest in life.

The physical symptoms of neurosis are very diverse and are in turn divided into vegetative and physical. Disorders that arise in parts of the body associated with the autonomic system are functional and do not have an organic origin. That is, the patient complains of pain and feels certain disorders in a part of the body, but no specific pathological abnormalities are found in him.

Neurosis and its vegetative symptoms:

  • Vasomotor syndrome (headaches, dizziness, blood pressure surges);
  • Vegetative-skin syndrome (itching, rash, redness or pallor of the skin);
  • Visceral syndrome (difficulty breathing, problems with swallowing, frequent urination, abnormal stool);
  • Vegetative-trophic syndrome (trophic ulcers, muscle atrophy);
  • Allergic syndrome (swelling, rash, itching, etc.).

Worth seeing: Muscle tension in neurosis

Neurosis is often combined with a disease such as vegetative-vascular dystonia or VSD. In addition to headaches and heart pain, muscle and joint pain are considered quite common with VSD.

Headache is a vegetative sign of neurosis

Eye pain

Eye soreness during neurosis causes a narrowing of the field of vision, partial or complete loss of vision. A characteristic feature is the preservation of spatial orientation. Even with complete blindness, patients do not bump into pieces of furniture. A detailed study reveals the preservation of the reaction to light.

Visual impairment is under the direct influence of an irritating factor. Loss of visibility occurs instantly. The body tries to protect itself by literally trying not to look at the threat.

Visual neurosis is more often observed in women. The reaction of such patients to the problem is interesting. They completely calmly accept the fact of vision loss. When examined, no physical causes for blindness are found. The symptom is characteristic of the hysterical form of neurosis.

How eyes hurt during neurosis:

  • sharp nagging pain;
  • discomfort inside the cornea.

The eyeballs contain a huge number of nerve endings and pain receptors. When you are overtired or stare for a long time, the receptors transmit the pain impulse directly to the brain.

How to deal with headaches

Headache is a constant companion of a nervous disorder, manifesting itself in all patients. Cephalgia significantly reduces the quality of life, making it practically incapacitating. It is important not only to learn how to relieve a headache, but also to calm yourself down during the peak of nervous tension. Only after complete recovery will the unpleasant sensations disappear completely.

How to relieve headaches due to neurosis:

  • take a painkiller along with a sedative;
  • retire;
  • massage your temples;
  • breathe calmly, measuredly;
  • try to transfer all your attention to the breathing rhythm;
  • from the temples smoothly move to the back of the head;
  • then, running your hands through your hair, pull it up a little.

Such manipulations will bring tangible relief. Try to calm down and no longer react to what caused the pain. Severe pain syndromes accompanied by vomiting, dizziness and loss of consciousness are relieved with the help of tranquilizers: Valium, Gidazepam, Phenazepam, Atarax, Phenibut.

For constant pain that lasts for several days, antidepressants are prescribed: Amitriptyline, Tianeptine, Zyban, Velaxin, Prozac.

Tranquilizers, acting on the nervous system, inhibit its activity. They have a relaxing, anticonvulsant, antiemetic effect. Strong drugs have a pronounced hypnotic effect. Application is indicated for a period of 7 days.

Antidepressants help normalize the amount of neurotransmitters in the brain. The effect is observed from 7-14 days of administration. Under the influence of the drugs, patients' mood improves, fears and feelings of powerlessness go away. Gradually the patient regains strength, and pain appears much less frequently.

Constant pain relief with any painkillers, tranquilizers, or treatment with antidepressants will not give a positive effect without a psychological restructuring. It is important for patients to master relaxation techniques that will help them remain calm even in a stalemate.

How to deal with body pain

There are different ways to relieve pain during neurosis throughout the body. The most effective way is massage and water treatments. For severe pain, painkillers are used: Ortofen, Diclofenac.

To relieve pain, it is necessary to restore the neurotransmitter connection between peripheral receptors located on the body and the receptors of the central nervous system. Under the skin of a person there is a huge number of nerve endings. Through mechanical action on them, it is possible to transmit a signal to the brain to relax a certain part of the body. The transmission of ion impulses accelerates blood flow and tissue regeneration. By launching metabolic processes, the body accelerates the flow of lymph, which allows you to quickly eliminate stagnant processes and restore the previous state of the diseased organ.

Joint pain due to neurosis can be relieved with water treatments. Take a relaxing bath with chamomile, lavender or lemon balm. Rub in body cream and lie down to rest. Only painkillers will help quickly.

Such sensations can also be eliminated through psychocorrection. By establishing a verbal or contact anchor, you can control pain at any time. The method is based on self-hypnosis. Requires a lengthy process of installation and learning to use.

Affirmations are not bad in such cases. This is one of the methods of self-hypnosis. It does not act immediately, but after 7-14 days. Involves the use of short phrases containing certain settings. Let’s take a situation: a person’s knees begin to hurt badly when he needs to go to a certain point. The main cause of the problem lies in the traumatic factors that are located in this place. For 15-20 minutes before going to bed, we recite the attitude: “There is no pain, it is not real.” You can read the affirmation on the way to work: the more repetitions, the faster the brain will accept the installation as a natural reaction.

Symptoms of neurosis

Symptoms of neurosis are divided into two groups: mental and physical. A sick person does not always exhibit both types of symptoms. This can make it difficult to make an immediate diagnosis. Individually, mental and physical signs can be symptoms of other diseases and disorders.

Mental symptoms

Mental symptoms appear in neurosis more often than physical ones. These include:

  • emotional instability,
  • sudden mood swings, irritability,
  • indifference,
  • isolation,
  • anxiety,
  • sensitivity to stress,
  • an unreasonable feeling of fear,
  • panic attacks,
  • touchiness.

With neurosis, memory may deteriorate and thinking abilities may decrease: people become inattentive, confused, and get tired quickly. They are often bothered by insomnia.

Because of this, they become irritable and aggressive. Patients with neurosis observed: low or high self-esteem, changes in life values, the appearance of phobias and a reluctance to communicate with people around them, even with loved ones.

Physical signs

Physical symptoms of neurosis are manifested by disruption of the autonomic system and pain in different parts of the body. Vegetative symptoms appear on the body and in individual body systems, but do not cause pathologies. These include:

  • decreased or increased blood pressure, resulting in dizziness and blurred vision,
  • headaches, pain in the temporal region,
  • skin rashes, redness, itching,
  • allergic reactions without exposure to an allergen - rash on the face or body, edema syndrome,
  • increased sweating, increased heart rate,
  • disruption of the stomach and intestines and, as a result, problems with stool,
  • rapid or difficult breathing, feeling of a lump in the throat,
  • frequent urination.

Bodily symptoms are manifested by pain in the body. Typically, pain is not felt in a specific place, as with an organic disorder of the nervous system. With neurosis, painful and unpleasant sensations alternately appear in different parts of the body and then disappear. This phenomenon depends on the psycho-emotional state of a person.

In people suffering from neurosis, performance decreases, the functioning of the vestibular apparatus is disrupted, sexual desire decreases, and sometimes completely disappears. Sometimes problems with appetite arise - either a constant feeling of hunger or lack of appetite.

Often, patients experience phantom pain due to experiences caused by fear or anxiety about their health or something else. Problems with sleep appear - neurotic people find it difficult to fall asleep. They often wake up at night, have nightmares, and even after a long rest feel tired.

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