What business qualities should you include in your resume?

Summary as a price list ↑

A resume is essentially a price list, because every line of it states the value of a person as a specialist and employee.

The fewer functions it can perform, the cheaper its services will cost and vice versa.

The “price” of a person consists of those qualities that the employer wants to see in the applicant. That is, an economist and, for example, a chef need a different set of qualities, a different price list.


A person of any character and temperament can find in himself strong qualities that can make him a competent specialist. It takes a lot of inner work and years of life experience to develop these traits. However, seeing potential in yourself, realizing personal advantages and the willingness to work efficiently in your chosen field are one of the main conditions for business success. An instructive anecdote about entrepreneurial life illustrates this point:

One shoe company decided to expand its market and sent two representatives to a developing African country. The first specialist gave a disappointing verdict: “Absolutely no business opportunities. Everyone walks around barefoot here.” And the second one brought back a sea of ​​enthusiasm from a business trip: “Grand prospects! People still walk around barefoot here!”

Evaluate yourself soberly ↑

When starting to indicate all his good qualities in his resume, a person must first of all adequately evaluate himself professionally. As a rule, all unsuccessful attempts to get a job or promotion are due to overestimated or, conversely, underestimated self-esteem, leading to an incorrectly compiled resume.

Thus, it is necessary to soberly assess your abilities and understand what specific knowledge and skills are at your best. They should be included in your resume.

At the same time, it is worth considering the resumes of other applicants for the position, understanding where they are superior and also reflecting this in your list.

It is worth emphasizing personal characteristics only if the employer’s requirements do not have enough qualifications.

Human qualities for a resume. List ↑

A sample list looks like this, but it is, of course, not completely exhaustive:

  • activity;
  • accuracy;
  • analytic skills;
  • ambition;
  • fast learner;
  • attentiveness;
  • politeness;
  • high efficiency;
  • flexibility;
  • discipline;
  • conscientiousness;
  • friendliness;
  • diligence;
  • initiative;
  • creativity;
  • communication skills;
  • loyalty;
  • persistence;
  • reliability;
  • resourcefulness;
  • focus on results;
  • non-conflict;
  • optimism;
  • organizational skills;
  • oratory;
  • result orientation;
  • organization;
  • responsiveness;
  • responsibility;
  • decency;
  • presentable appearance;
  • enterprise;
  • integrity;
  • punctuality;
  • innovation;
  • self-control;
  • independence;
  • self-criticism;
  • scrupulousness;
  • justice;
  • ability to make quick and independent decisions;
  • stress resistance;
  • desire to improve professional level, self-improvement, professional growth, development;
  • a creative approach to finding ways to complete assigned tasks;
  • hard work;
  • self confidence;
  • skill to work in team;
  • ability to adapt to change;
  • ability to persuade;
  • good diction;
  • determination;
  • sense of humor;
  • honesty;
  • energy.


It’s not enough to just list all your best qualities in your resume; you also need to justify them. The rule of the “golden mean” works here - a person should not excessively praise and describe at length all his positive aspects.

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A resume should not exceed 1-1.5 pages, and besides, the employer has neither the time nor the desire to read someone’s stories about himself.

You can imagine yourself in the place of the head of the organization, understand what he needs, and slightly embellish the qualities required at this place, describe them in a short and concise form.

We highlight the business aspects

Whether a person is hired is influenced not so much by his personal qualities as by his professional ones. Therefore, it is on them that the main emphasis should be placed.

There is no need to list all your skills. Much in this matter depends on the position for which the person is applying. Different business qualities will be preferable for a manager and an accountant.

Therefore, you need to look at the text of the vacancy announcement, look at the professional requirements and indicate in your resume exactly those that are available.

It is also worth describing business qualities briefly, in one sentence, for example: “Six years of work as deputy chief accountant.”

It is important to ensure that business and personal qualities do not conflict with each other.


If the employer does not ask you to indicate separately bad qualities in your resume, then you do not need to do this yourself.

Examples of qualities that are likely to be perceived as negative are:

  • excessive emotionality;
  • inability to lie;
  • poor communication skills;
  • inability to work in a team;
  • lack of work experience;
  • lack of specialized education, etc.

Filling rules

The principles that should be followed when compiling a list of your business traits are similar to the general laws of writing a resume:

  1. All professional advantages of an individual must be correlated with the target position. If a self-presentation is compiled for databases, without relying on information from a specific vacancy or information about the desired employer, you need to start from the needs of the specialty.
  2. Business virtues, like skills, are more significant than other character traits, so you can expand the list of positive qualities to ten.
  3. When presenting the business aspects of a person for a resume, it is wise to combine template phrases with your own wording. If an HR manager filters documentation from applicants using keywords, the presence of recognizable clichés will work; If the recruiter is inclined to look for candidates who think outside the box, individualized statements will help. From applicants for middle and senior management positions, HR employees expect greater originality, independence and an active approach to developing the content of a resume.

Strengths and weaknesses in a resume ↑

When indicating the positive and negative qualities of a person in a resume, you need to be extremely careful. Much depends on the specific position and corporate culture of the company - in one situation a certain quality will be perceived as positive, and in another as negative.

An accountant does not need leadership skills or charisma. From the list above, it is enough to select 5-10 personal qualities that are strengths of the individual and meet the requirements of the employer.

Self-assessment algorithm for professional suitability

The relative importance of these characteristics is explained by the fact that different job responsibilities imply variations in the relevance of each of the positive business qualities. For example, such a topical indicator in the selection of effective participants in modern business as focus on results is completely unimportant for specialties that require high-quality execution of the process during monotonous work - stamping equipment operators, air traffic controllers, office clerks, lawyers and accountants, mainly engaged in data analysis and accounting. .

The factor “performance” depends on the type of personality and the characteristics of the chosen professional path: if a person prone to productive creative thinking and successful in generating solutions is entrusted with the punctual execution of other people’s or his own ideas, then the unfruitful implementation of these functions can lead an illiterate observer to the conclusion of passivity and employee's disability. Therefore, when drawing up your professional portrait, you should adhere to the specific requirements of your specialty and personality traits. So, by what parameters can one generally assess one’s accomplished mastery or being one of the desired employees?

  1. Attitude to work. Many psychologists believe that laziness and inaction at work can characterize a person only if he is immature and infantile. At the same time, the influence of external stimuli (disciplinary sanctions, life crisis, stressful situation, systematic psychological work) or a person’s desire can raise the level of self-awareness and lead to changes in attitude towards work. In other cases, parasitism is a sign of a discrepancy between professional inclinations and the goals of the position held. Nevertheless, hard work is one of the most important factors in the success of a professional.
  2. Efficiency: shows the ratio of the employee’s independent contribution to solving assigned tasks to the assistance provided from outside. This indicator may be expectedly low for novice employees in specialized areas when there is a lack of practice, motivation or personal abilities. For example, a sales representative at first is poorly versed in the product (lack of knowledge), is embarrassed or embarrassed to use persuasion techniques on customers (inappropriate character traits, undeveloped professional skills).
  3. Productivity depends on the perfection of the skills required for a given specialty, and is determined by the ratio of completed and unresolved production tasks.
  4. Communication skills are often necessary even for those employees whose main activity is not related to communication. How developed is the ability to accept tasks from management, clarify details and clarify unclear points; inform colleagues or boss about progress; the ability to discuss the scope of one’s responsibility with other employees, report on emerging difficulties and failures - the overall success of the company depends on this.
  5. Reliability shows whether the employee fulfills his promises and assigned responsibilities, whether he can inform about the problem in a timely manner and ask for outside help.
  6. Interest can be initiated by professional aspirations, social ambitions or materialistic expectations. Ideally, passion for work should include all of these aspects. In addition, interest is a guarantee of professional growth and prospects.

How a cover letter will help you get a position

Advice from professional personnel officers ↑

It goes without saying that personnel officers are directly interested in ensuring that a person who wants to get a position independently evaluates himself and his abilities, presenting everything on paper.

Therefore, to make their work easier, they compiled a list of tips based on which you can please your prospective superiors:

  1. The resume should be written in a restrained manner; humor is inappropriate here. Unless, of course, we are talking about a creative and creative position;
  2. Template resumes copied from somewhere will not bring success, because personnel officers are well aware of such tricks;
  3. more than 5 professional characteristics , and standard “professionalism” should not be included in this list, and “stress resistance” is always highly valued;
  4. It is necessary to indicate only qualities that are suitable for the desired position;
  5. answering exactly what was asked at the interview; you won’t be able to chat with the personnel officer anyway, and the impression will be irrevocably spoiled.

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Personality qualities

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Practicing the Silovik condition.


Personality qualities are stable internal characteristics of a person, assessed positively. These are positive character traits, knowledge, skills and abilities. A broader category is personality traits, which includes both positive and other personality traits.

Classification of personality traits

There is an interesting classification: all qualities can be divided into two large categories: internal qualities (forming a person’s rich inner world), and external qualities (behavior and image), which form a beautiful sign.

By spiritual peace we mean those qualities that are not striking, but make a person a welcome guest in any company.

The trainer (curator) must have all these qualities developed and developed well. If you have a sagging sign but rich content, great, but who are you going to tell about it?

And if you have the brightest sign, but there is a problem with the content, then maybe they will come to you one day, but, alas, there won’t be a second time...

Qualities that make for a bright sign

  • Artistry, ability to perform
  • Beautiful appearance, ability to dress
  • Delivered, clear speech
  • Beautiful gestures

Qualities that work for rich content

  • Positions of perception, the ability to look at a situation from different angles
  • Ability to care for others
  • The ability to think, freedom of thought. Thinking is not just a mental function, it is a personality quality that is not adequately developed in everyone and in this sense is not typical for some people.
  • Positive outlook
  • Wisdom

We have included some of the qualities that are characteristic of a developed personality and less common in mass individuals in the Self-Improvement section. We attributed to such traits positivity, constructiveness, responsibility, energy, determination, love of order, willingness to cooperate, as well as the ability and habit of living with love - unfortunately, these traits are clearly lacking at least in Russian people, both in workers and close relationships.

How to develop

Many of your personal qualities can be successfully developed by working with your body. In particular, making the necessary gestures (external gestures, and then internal gestures) develops the necessary personality qualities. There are many other methods of working on yourself, see - How to work on yourself

We keep the brand ↑

When pointing out strengths and hiding weaknesses, you need to be prepared for the fact that during an interview the personnel officer may ask you to demonstrate some of them using a specific example. That is, if “modesty” is written on the resume, the appearance should be appropriate.

Stress resistance can be tested by a two-hour delay in admission, during which the applicant’s behavior will be monitored.

When pushing your intellectual abilities, you need to be prepared to face tests. Etc. and so on.

Examples of descriptions by profession ↑

Sales Manager

Required qualities: communication skills, activity, result orientation. Will be well appreciated: competent speech, resistance to stress, non-standard thinking, competent speech.


Required qualities: attentiveness, responsibility, learning ability. Will be well appreciated: resistance to stress, non-conflict, scrupulousness.


Required qualities: competent speech, resistance to stress, accuracy, diligence. Will be well appreciated: pleasant appearance, well-groomed, neat.

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