Rhythms of the human brain

The human brain is a multifunctional and multilevel system that can produce resonant dynamic reactions. In the presence of external influence, the brain is able to change activity and rhythms of activity. Since the beginning of the 20th century, electrical activity has been studied by scientists around the world.

The human brain is forced to generate electrical impulses in order to maintain its normal functioning throughout a person’s life.

The creation of impulses is the area of ​​responsibility of nerve cells, the total number of which amounts to tens of billions.

Alpha activity was discovered by the German scientist G. Berger, who was able to identify an unusual type of vibration generated by the human brain. The frequency of these oscillations ranged from 8 to 13 Hz. Later G. Berger also discovered other rhythms.

Alpha rhythm value

Alpha rhythms were recorded using EEG, which were suppressed by beta rhythms. Beta waves only appeared if the patient opened his eyes during the diagnostic process. With the help of EEG, doctors today can also detect disorganization of the alpha rhythm, which is already a pathological condition.

The human brain operates on a relatively small amount of electricity, but this allows it to be the main control center and regulate the functioning of the central nervous system and internal organs. Therefore, he needs regular stimulation of electrical activity, which is important for both children and adults.

Alpha brain activity, which occurs when a person is in a relaxed state, is most interesting to scientists. For example, it is recorded in a state of drowsiness, when the observed person is not yet asleep, but has not woken up, and it cannot be said that the person is alert and has completely recovered from sleep.

When the brain works in alpha mode, a person has the opportunity to receive a huge amount of information. It is customary to distinguish between slow and fast variants of alpha rhythms.

Basic rhythms on the EEG

The main EEG rhythms are alpha, beta, delta and theta. They are used to evaluate the brain activity and health status of the subject.

Alpha rhythm

The basis of the encephalogram of an adult who does not have health problems. During relaxed wakefulness (lying with eyes closed, but without sleep) it is recorded in the vast majority of patients examined (from 85 to 90%). During mental activity and visual activity it is partially blocked. It is formed almost from the first days of life.

The EEG shows sinusoidal waves with a frequency of 8-13 oscillations/sec (hertz). Polymorphic activity varies from 25 to 95 microvolts. In this case, the same impulses are observed in both hemispheres. Maximum wave activity is recorded in the parietal and occipital regions.

Various violations are indicated by:

  • fixation of α-activity in the frontal lobes of the brain;
  • deviation of wave oscillations from a sinusoidal shape;
  • significant frequency spread;
  • too low (less than 25 µV) or, conversely, very high (over 95 µV) pulse amplitude.

If there is no alpha rhythm in one of the hemispheres of the brain, this is evidence of a pathology resulting from a heart attack or acute circulatory disorder of brain cells (stroke). An increase in the frequency of waves often indicates possible damage to brain cells and disturbances in their functions.

In children, changes in the alpha rhythm are regarded as a possible sign of mental retardation, and their complete absence indicates probable dementia.

Beta rhythm

Its presence also indicates normal brain activity. Pulse frequency from 14 to 35 hertz. It is registered mainly in the frontal lobes. Activated by tactile sensations, exposure to stimuli on hearing and vision, movement, and mental stress.

During normal brain functioning, the amplitude of β waves is much lower than the alpha rhythm (from 3 to 5 μV). An increased value allows a concussion to be diagnosed. And the predominance of β-activity manifests itself as a result of exposure to various drugs or stress. Also, beta waves determine the presence of encephalitis or an inflammatory process in the body.

In children, a deviation from the norm is considered to be a frequency in the range of 15-16 Hz, and an oscillation amplitude of 40-50 microvolts. Most often, such changes indicate a child’s developmental delay.

Delta rhythm

Electrical impulses in the range of 0.3 (0.5) - 3.5 Hz, appearing in the deep sleep phase, during coma. Sometimes they indicate the presence of hemorrhage or tumor. In the latter case, the delta rhythm is activated in the area of ​​the brain where the tumor is localized.

Theta rhythm

Its characteristics are similar to Δ waves, but have a different frequency (4-7.5 Hz). A stable increase in the amplitude of theta oscillations (over 45 μV), as a rule, signals painful changes in the cerebral cortex. An increase in wave activity suggests severe disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system.

Positive Impact

When the human brain functions in the alpha activity mode, its state is characterized as calm, the most optimal, so its importance is difficult to overestimate. The human central nervous system has two important mechanisms in its work: self-regulation and self-healing. Due to these functions, brain activity increases and the mental resistance to irritants is supported.

When normal, the alpha rhythm of the brain causes many positive effects:

  • There is an improvement in blood supply to the brain structures, therefore the saturation of the organ with useful microelements and oxygen is accelerated.
  • There is an increase in the rate of recovery of the human body as a whole, which is important, for example, after suffering serious illnesses.
  • Increased energy circulation occurs.
  • There is an increase in intuitive mental activity, which allows you to spend less energy on solving assigned problems.
  • The brain, working in alpha activity mode, can reprogram consciousness, resolve many psycho-emotional problems and remove the following interference: tension, anxiety, stress, insomnia, etc.
  • The manifestations of negative conditions are reduced: childhood traumas, life difficulties.

Ways to stimulate alpha waves

On the EEG, alpha rhythms can be observed only in cases when the human body is completely relaxed. Those observed in this state are distracted from problems, so stress is relieved. A slowdown in mental activity has also been noticed, so the consciousness is “cleared”. This allows you to create new ideas, increases the creativity of mental activity, and gets rid of the creative crisis.

If a person experiences severe and prolonged brain activity for some time, then the normal activity of the organ stops. The solution to this problem is to increase alpha waves and relieve mental stress.

There are many techniques that allow you to have a stimulating effect on alpha waves:

  • Sound waves. A simple and accessible technique in all respects, with the help of which alpha activity increases, and the process itself brings a “dose of pleasure” to a person. The technique consists of listening to special music, which consists of stereo sounds.
  • Yoga. Long-term yoga exercises, provided the exercises are performed correctly, act as a powerful activator of alpha activity in the brain, which can moderately and not dramatically increase the necessary indicators.
  • Meditation. With the help of meditation, you can teach your body to relax automatically, but this will require spending a lot of time going through a huge number of practical sessions.
  • Breathing exercises. The method implies that the person will have to constantly maintain deep breathing. This process saturates the brain cells and internal organs with oxygen. If you do breathing exercises systematically so that it becomes a habit, the creation of alpha waves will occur automatically.
  • Hot baths. Relaxation almost always occurs after taking a hot bath, which also eliminates fatigue. The production of alpha waves is the main reason for the relaxation of muscle structures.
  • Alcohol. Not a recommended method, which, oddly enough, also allows you to activate production and get an increased level of alpha waves. Alcohol is used by many people to relieve stress. Immediately after drinking alcohol, alpha waves begin to form, which allows a person to enter a state of relaxation, detachment from the world and relaxation.

Alpha rhythm depression what is it


Alpha waves

What are alpha brain waves? Alpha waves describe the electrical activity of the brain at a frequency of 8-12 Hz. This activity occurs naturally during periods of mild relaxation, or when the eyes are closed but the person is awake.

It is believed that alpha waves are the dominant type of brain waves in people who are in a relaxed or meditative state. It is also clear that children are in a state of alpha wave activity more of the time than adults.

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Source: https://www.BabyBlog.ru/theme/depressiya-alfa-ritma-chto-eto

Pathological indicators

To clarify the current meanings of rhythms, electroencephalography is used as the main diagnostic technique. On EEG, the normal alpha wave index is in the range of 80-90%. If such indicators are absent or are below 50 percent, then this characteristic will indicate the presence of pathology.

It has long been proven that in pre-retirement and retirement age the amplitude of alpha activity begins to decrease significantly, which is due to the deterioration of blood supply to the brain and organs as the body ages.

Normal amplitude values ​​during EEG are in the range from 25 to 95 μV. Research conducted in the middle of the 20th century made it possible to derive such a concept as “brain dysrhythmia.” But further research has shown that not in all cases dysrhythmia will indicate the presence of pathology in the observed person. The EEG can also show special types of BEA (bioelectric activity), epileptiformity and diffuse changes.

Abnormal and insufficient alpha activity values ​​are usually detected in certain diseases:

  • Epilepsy (various forms of this disease, including those associated with drug use). With this pathology, the patient develops direct or interhemispheric asymmetry in the cerebral hemispheres of the head. Both frequency and amplitude suffer. This may indicate disturbances in interhemispheric integration.
  • Oligophrenia. There is an abnormal increase in total alpha wave activity.
  • Problems with blood circulation. Pathology of alpha activity almost always develops with circulatory disorders, narrowing or dilation of cerebral vessels. If the severity of the disease is high, then there is a significant decrease in average activity and frequency indicators. Problems are also observed with beta-lactamase activity of bacterial agents.
  • Hypertonic disease. This pathology can weaken the rhythm frequency, which is not enough for normal relaxation of the body.
  • Inflammatory processes, cysts, tumors on the corpus callosum. Diseases of this type are considered extremely severe, therefore, when they develop, the asymmetry between the left and right hemispheres can be very serious (up to 30%).

To assess the activity of alpha rhythms, EEG is regularly performed in many pathological conditions: dementia (acquired or congenital), VSD, traumatic brain injury. The data obtained will allow us to choose the right treatment for diseases that will correspond to the existing rhythms.

When deciphering the EEG, in some cases the presence of disorganized alpha activity may be noted. Disorganization or complete absence of alpha activity may indicate acquired dementia. Alpha rhythms are also disorganized when psychomotor development is delayed in children.

With OH there is a clear depression of the alpha rhythm, what is it?

In recent years, in connection with the development of electroencephalography, much attention has been paid to studies of bioelectrical activity in various functional states, including psychogenically caused ones.
One of these pathologies is depression. Depression is basically a disorder of emotions, the brain base of which is the limbic system and the old cortex.

The main distinguishing signs of depression are mood disturbances (characterizing the internal emotional state) and affective (external) expressions.

The physiological causes of this condition are a decrease in the regulatory function of the cerebral cortex and the promotion of pathological limbic-subcortical regulations to the first place.

The development of depressive states is accompanied by disturbances in the structure of all frequency ranges of the EEG.

To a greater extent, these changes relate to changes in the basic rhythm of the EEG alpha rhythm (these are rhythmic oscillations mainly in the occipital and parietal cortex with a frequency of 8 to 13/sec and an amplitude of up to 30-70 μV; registration is carried out in a state of quiet wakefulness, with eyes closed and maximum muscle relaxation).

The alpha rhythm in depression can be significantly enhanced or, conversely, reduced, and the spatial distribution of the rhythm also changes. Changes in alpha activity in depression depend on the clinical picture of the disease.

Thus, an increase in the alpha rhythm index is characteristic of patients with “major depression”, and its decrease (a picture of a desynchronous EEG type with smoothed zonal differences and a predominance of faster potentials in the structure of polyrhythmic activity) is characteristic of dysthymic disorders.

During a functional test with opening and closing the eyes, a significantly smaller than normal decrease in the amplitude and power of the alpha rhythm is observed. that is, a decrease in the reactivity of the cerebral cortex. Against this background, there is an increase in the total power of the beta activity index in all areas of the brain. It is worth noting that the changes described above are not type-specific.

With the use of modern treatment methods (along with pharmacotherapy, biofeedback therapy, light therapy, and psychotherapeutic techniques are used), significant improvements are noted in both the psychophysiological and functional state of the patient.

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Since we're talking about alpha, perhaps we should talk a little about this rhythm, especially since I have already accumulated a lot of recordings and excerpts that need to be organized, at least in the form of a structured post.

The alpha rhythm is usually associated with meditation, a feeling of inner peace and tranquility.

Alpha is also often surrounded by an aura of mysticism and associated with states of enlightenment, healing possibilities, and even the potential to connect to a higher mind.

Many different techniques offer ways to increase the alpha rhythm and even methods to achieve constant alpha level. But let's figure out whether these frequencies are always useful, and is it always necessary to increase them?

The alpha rhythm appears as a rhythmic 8-12 Hz wave that has a fairly specific sine wave shape that is much smoother than other frequencies. Physiologically, alpha is associated with inactivity of the brain's visual system.

From a mental point of view, alpha is considered to be a bridge between consciousness (beta) and the subconscious (theta). People who cannot produce the alpha rhythm effectively are usually locked on one side or the other of the dividing line between the conscious and the subconscious.

Theta processors are often labeled ADHD because they have difficulty concentrating, learning new material, organizing their activities, etc. Beta processors, on the other hand, are often locked away from their feelings and deep-seated memories.

The inability to enter the alpha state (the inner observer state) prevents them from being effectively aware of their feelings and emotions.

Alpha rhythm is associated with decreased brain activation. The greater the alpha amplitude in any area of ​​the brain, the less active the brain is in that area. At their core, alpha and beta rhythms are antagonists. Neurons not involved in work can resonate with the thalamus and produce alpha rhythm. And when performing a task, neurons produce beta. They cannot generate both rhythms at the same time.

The alpha rhythm is most pronounced in the occipital, parietal and posterior temporal regions. In some sources, the alpha rhythm in adults is sometimes called the occipital dominant rhythm. In the front part of the head, the amplitude of the alpha rhythm should normally be lower than in the back. High frontal alpha is commonly seen in children, as well as in adults in cases of ADHD, depression and other disorders.

Increasing the alpha level, usually in the parietal and occipital regions, is indicated when its level is insufficient in order to reduce anxiety.

Sometimes training to increase occipital alpha is accompanied by training to increase theta, which is called A/T training and is used to achieve deep trance states. For this purpose, single-channel training is usually used in O1, O2, Oz, Pz or P4.

Deep trance states are successfully used in neurofeedback to treat post-traumatic syndrome and various types of addictions.

Frequency histogram during training to increase the alpha rhythm using the 4-channel Windowed Squash protocol.

Normally, the amplitude of the alpha rhythm increases when the eyes are closed and drops significantly (by at least 30%) when the eyes open. This is called alpha blocking. The opposite behavior of the alpha rhythm usually accompanies chronic sleepiness. If there is no change in alpha amplitude when you close your eyes, especially at the back of your head, this may be a sign of one of the following problems:

1. Inability to produce alpha with eyes closed. This suggests that neurons are not ready or able to jump off beta processing speeds, even when there are no tasks that require such active activity.

2. Inability to block alpha when opening eyes or solving problems. This suggests that the neurons are unable to emerge from their state of inactivity and are actually ignoring attempts to get them to do things.

You can figure out what exactly is happening by looking at the alpha/theta amplitude ratios. If the relationship is low with the eyes closed and normal when the eyes are opened and problems are solved, then this indicates that point 1 occurs.

In this case, neurofeedback usually trains to increase alpha in the parietal leads. If the relationship is normal with eyes closed and high with eyes open or when solving problems, then this suggests point 2.

In this case, alpha blocking training with eyes open in the frontal and central parts of the brain is indicated.

The alpha/theta ratio can be disrupted due to a low peak alpha frequency (as seen in children, for example). Therefore, when conducting an assessment, it is worth paying attention to whether there are activities at neighboring frequencies, the amplitude of which is high when the eyes are closed and decreases when the eyes are open.

Alpha rhythm is also suppressed when solving complex tasks, such as reading difficult-to-understand texts. In contrast, children with ADHD often have difficulty focusing due to an inability to effectively suppress the alpha rhythm.

Alpha asymmetry, especially in the frontal lobes, is important for overall mood.

Normally, the alpha amplitude in the left hemisphere should be 10-15% lower than in the right (with the only exception - in O1 it can be greater than in O2), which is important for normal mood control.

In the case of depression, often the alpha amplitude in the left hemisphere, on the contrary, exceeds the amplitude in the right, so brain training in this case is aimed at restoring the correct asymmetry of the alpha rhythm.

The explanation for this principle is that the left frontal lobe is responsible for positive judgments and uplifting mood, while the right frontal lobe, on the contrary, is responsible for negative judgments and emotional decline.

For a normal mood, the negative (right) side should be less active than the positive (left) side. In addition to decreasing alpha, increasing beta in this brain region can also be used to increase activation of the left frontal lobe.

In depression, the standard protocol for neurofeedback is a decrease in alpha in the left hemisphere, as well as a decrease in the level of frontal alpha.

The peak frequency of the alpha rhythm in adults should be around 10 Hz. This frequency is due to the signal transit time in the thalamus-cortex-thalamus loop, which is approximately 100 ms. However, with old age, the frequency of the alpha rhythm gradually decreases. Also, a decrease in the alpha rhythm is observed in depression and may be evidence of the presence of certain brain dysfunctions.

But if a significant slowdown in alpha is commonly associated with a decline in cognitive abilities, then a general slowdown in alpha with age may simply indicate that more information processing occurs at the end points of the thalamo-cortical cycle, which introduces additional delay into the cycle and thereby slows down its frequency. Well, since a slowdown in the alpha rhythm is also observed in experienced meditators, in this context this may well indicate the acquisition of higher knowledge and perhaps even wisdom.

A high alpha frequency in the back of the head often corresponds to better memory performance and better scores on IQ tests, while a high peak frequency in the front may be associated with increased anxiety. However, an alpha peak that differs in only one specific area may indicate the presence of injury there.

The alpha rhythm in neurofeedback is usually divided into slow (8-10 Hz) and fast (10-12 Hz). Fast alpha is usually an occipital resting rhythm. It reflects background memory processes and a state of inactivity without loss of attention. Slow alpha tends to be more prominent in the front and is associated with emotional processing.

A general slowing of alpha can result in all kinds of cognitive problems: semantic memory, working memory, feelings of depression, decreased energy, sleep and learning abilities (related to working memory) are impaired. Also, when alpha slows down, somatic effects often begin to appear.

Source: https://fobii.org/depressiya/pri-og-chetkaya-depressiya-alfa-ritma-chto-eto-takoe/

Additional indicators

The functioning of the human brain and the electrical activity it generates are inextricably linked states. Activity is caused by the production of impulses by nerve cells. In comparative terms, the electrical activity of our brain can be considered insignificant, because its indicators are at a level of several millionths of a volt.

Three main groups of rhythmic indicators of the human brain can be distinguished:

  1. Beta activity. Beta rhythms begin to form in a person at the age when he begins to think logically for the first time and try to control something. The complete formation of this rhythm is observed, provided the child develops normally, by the age of five. The production of beta rhythms occurs naturally, without external stimulation, when the child is awake. The manifestation of this type of brain activity is observed during mental activity, when reading, during processing of received information. Without beta activity, communication between people and any activity is impossible.
  2. Delta activity. The formation of this rhythm occurs at the moment when the fetus is in the womb. It is usually recorded during the examination of a pregnant woman during the second trimester. Normal indicators of delta activity on the EEG are frequency from 0.1 to 5 Hz, amplitude - from 30 to 40 μV. Delta waves are formed during natural sleep, during comatose states or during a drug-induced coma (in this state, asynchronous delta waves can be recorded).
  3. Theta activity. The formation of theta rhythms occurs at approximately 2-3 months of fetal development in the womb (they are usually recorded only at the end of the third month of pregnancy). Theta activity predominates in children under three years of age. After 18 years, theta rhythms in the human brain are formed in a state of peaceful and moderate wakefulness, gradually turning into sleep.

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