Vitamins for brain vessels: a complete list

Mechanism of action

If blood circulation in the vessels of the brain is not good enough, a person experiences dizziness, ringing or noise in the ears.
He often has headaches, suffers from insomnia at night and drowsiness during the day. The patient complains of poor memory and low performance. All of these signs should cause concern, as they directly indicate that the brain is experiencing problems due to poor blood circulation.

Kinks and constrictions of cerebral vessels, embolisms and aneurysms, the formation of blood clots, narrowing of the lumens in blood vessels and arteries are the direct causes of impaired blood supply to the brain tissues.

With hypertension, ruptures of the walls of large and small vessels can occur. The greatest danger is a hypertensive crisis, during which the pressure rises to dangerous levels.

The cause of hemorrhage can also be a rupture of an aneurysm - a bulge (protrusion) on the wall of the vessel. If such a pathology is present in the body, then the cause of the rupture may be heavy lifting, nervous tension, or a jump in blood pressure.

Blood flow can be slowed down by a blood clot or atherosclerotic plaque - embolus. Impaired blood supply can lead to a sharp spasm of the walls of blood vessels. The consequences of blood flow into the brain tissue can be paralysis, loss of sensitivity in certain parts of the body, difficulty speaking, severe headache, and loss of consciousness.

Important: Medicines play a major role in the treatment of these diseases. Medicines thin the blood, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, dissolve blood clots, prevent the formation of cholesterol plaques, and improve blood flow. A doctor can prescribe a patient one medicine or a complex of drugs, depending on the severity of the person’s condition.

Minerals for the heart

The following minerals, along with vitamins, are necessary for the heart and blood vessels to function properly.

  • Magnesium. The mineral ensures normal heart function and improves the metabolism occurring in the heart muscle. With a sufficient concentration of magnesium in the blood, the blood vessels dilate, thereby reducing blood pressure in them.

Magnesium is found in foods such as:

  • meat;
  • seafood;
  • fish;
  • legumes. For the treatment of diseases of the heart and blood vessels, the drug “Cardiomagnyl”, containing a large dose of magnesium, is often taken.

Calcium. The element is important in establishing a normal heart rhythm, strengthens vascular walls, and improves blood clotting.

You can get the required dose of calcium by including the following foods in your diet:
  • dried herbs and spices (savory, basil, pepper, marjoram, bay leaf, dill, sage, oregano, mint, etc.);
  • seeds (poppy, dill, fennel, coriander, anise, caraway, cumin, flax);
  • greens (parsley, dill);
  • cheese;
  • powdered and fresh milk;
  • eggs;
  • dairy products;
  • nuts (almonds, nutmeg, Brazil nuts, hazelnuts, pistachios);
  • legumes (soybeans, beans, mung beans).

You can also compensate for the lack of calcium in the body with the drug “Calcemin”.

Potassium. Induces contraction of the heart and skeletal muscles. You can get a lot of potassium from:
  • apricots (fresh or dried);
  • potatoes;
  • chocolate;
  • beans.
  • Among the most popular potassium-containing drugs, Asparkam stands out.
  • Phosphorus. The element ensures energy metabolism and muscle contractions. A sufficient amount of phosphorus can be obtained by eating a lot of fish, cheese, and seafood.

Vitamins for blood vessels and heart

In order for the heart and blood vessels to function fully, the body must receive many vitamins in sufficient quantities. Among them, several elements are of paramount importance.

Vitamin A. Thanks to retinol, the body's metabolism is normalized. The element has powerful antioxidant properties. Record doses of retinol are found in products such as:
Carotene, a precursor to retinol, is found in plant foods:
Vitamin C. Ascorbic acid directly affects the health of blood vessels, as it strengthens their walls, making them strong and elastic. The vitamin improves blood clotting, reduces the concentration of cholesterol in the blood, dissolves existing cholesterol plaques, and protects the body from toxins and free radicals. Vitamin C is present in any vegetable and fruit. The following products contain the most of it:
Vitamin E. Tocopherol is a strong antioxidant that can slow down oxidative processes in the body. Most of the element is found in natural vegetable oils, seeds and nuts. Among preparations with vitamins, Aevit is especially popular.
Vitamin R. Rutin increases the elasticity of blood vessels, making them less permeable. Lots of routine in:

Thanks to rutin, the oxidation of ascorbic acid in the body is reduced, so the most common preparation with vitamin P is “Ascorutin”, containing rutin and vitamin C.

Vitamin B1. Responsible for energy and plastic metabolism. Thanks to it, the heart muscle maintains its tone, and its rhythm remains normal. Thiamine is found in large quantities in:
Vitamin B6. Important in metabolism. Thanks to it, blood clots do not form in the vessels, which can lead to blockage. Pyridoxine is also responsible for the formation of prostaglandin, an element responsible for vascular and muscle tone. Lots of vitamin B6 in:
Vitamins of group F. The tone of the vascular walls depends on them. Also, polyunsaturated fatty acids prevent the occurrence of atherosclerosis. The following products contain many of these acids:
Coenzyme Q10. This is a coenzyme involved in the formation of energy and maintaining the youth of the body. The element is found in the greatest quantity in the heart muscle, as it controls its full functioning.

Causes of vascular damage

There are many reasons for vascular damage; with age, they accumulate and become a serious problem. This:

  • overweight;
  • lack of physical activity;
  • ill-conceived diet;
  • great psycho-emotional stress.

You should pay attention to your daily food intake. Eating a range of foods containing fats and cholesterol is harmful. A plant-based diet and a low-calorie food set will benefit. Once a year it is recommended to take vitamins to strengthen the blood vessels of the brain.

It is vitamins that make the vascular framework strong and at the same time give them elasticity. Vitamins help get rid of cholesterol plaques and increase blood flow. Due to this, the brain is supplied with nutrients and oxygen. We remember information better, reaction speed improves, and clarity of thinking appears.

Important! Cerebral hemorrhages are typical for people 50 years old, cerebral thrombosis (ischemic stroke) - for people 60-80 years old. 50% of patients lose memory, coordination, and speech. In critical situations this ends in death.

Connections for the brain

Let's start looking at the B-group vitamins that are essential for the central nervous system. They are united by the following factors:

  • they contain nitrogen;
  • classified as water-soluble;
  • have a similar effect on the body;
  • often found together in the same products;

Initially, after the discovery, scientists believed that they were dealing with only one vitamin, and only over time they found out that these were different compounds with similar properties. There are 7 main B vitamins:

  1. B1 or thiamine – essential for a clear mind and strong memory. In addition, it reduces fatigue, since it takes part in almost all metabolic processes of the body associated with energy production.
  2. B2 or riboflavin - affects the quality and speed of brain reactions, is involved in the formation of red blood cells, hemoglobin synthesis, and iron absorption. Riboflavin is responsible for the activity of the adrenal glands and affects vision.
  3. B3 or nicotinic acid is necessary for concentration and memory improvement. Protects us from stress. Helps red blood cells transport oxygen.
  4. B5 or pantothenic acid is a necessary element that allows the production of neurotransmitters that transmit electrochemical impulses between neurons. Pantothenic acid is needed for the synthesis of fatty acids, which are responsible for long-term memory.
  5. B6 or pyridoxine – is also involved in the production of neurotransmitters. It also helps absorb amino acids necessary for normal brain function.
  6. B9 or folic acid – improves memory and speed of thinking. It is responsible for the formation and functioning of the immune and circulatory systems. It is especially important in the first trimester of pregnancy for the healthy development of the fetal neural tube.
  7. B12 – helps form the melin sheath of the neuron, which is responsible for the speed of transmission of nerve impulses. Participates in the formation of red blood cells, which means it ensures the supply of oxygen to the brain.

Clinical manifestations and treatment approaches

Many different medications can be taken to adjust and normalize the functioning of the body, to improve brain function and memory. But how can we take them all together? Instead of lunch, should they be divided into first, second and compote? Isn't it funny and inconvenient? But there is a way out: complex drugs to improve brain function.

There are a huge number of them on the modern pharmacological market. But do not forget that the drugs you want to take must be balanced.

They shouldn't harm you, they should help you improve your quality of life.

Drugs for adults

Cerebrovascular accident with cervical osteochondrosis is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • constant headaches with different localization;
  • frequent dizziness;
  • soreness in the eyes;
  • mild nausea, which sometimes provokes vomiting;
  • noise or ringing in the ears;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • suffocation, shortness of breath and lack of air;
  • fainting;
  • numbness of the limbs.

How to improve cerebral circulation in cervical osteochondrosis when identifying a prolapsed intervertebral disc or its rupture? For this, surgical treatment is used. After eliminating the cause, blood flow improves and the clinical manifestations of the pathology are eliminated.

Doctors use radical surgical methods for:

  • determining the acute course of blood flow disorders in the brain,
  • severe pain,
  • signs of paralysis of the upper limbs and cerebral edema.

This type of treatment involves complete removal of the causative intervertebral disc. The operation is called laminectomy.

To restore impaired blood circulation, if necessary, angioplasty of the arteries is performed, which leads to a rapid improvement and restoration of cerebral circulation in case of osteochondrosis of the neck.

Popular vitamin complexes

Vitamins for brain vessels can be taken either individually in the form of mono-preparations or as part of complex products. The advantage of such complexes is the presence of all the necessary substances and microelements at once, and they are selected in the most effective combination and ratio.

Photos of the most popular vitamins in pharmacies:

It's easy to get confused

Modern pharmaceuticals have come a long way and continue to actively develop, so the range of vitamin preparations in pharmacies is very wide. The main differences between them are the list and quantity of useful components and the country of production. The price of the drug and the effects it provides depend on these characteristics.

There are a lot of vitamins and microelements that are important for the blood vessels of the brain. You cannot include them all in one complex, since not all of them will be assimilated in such a combination. Therefore, you need to pay attention to ensure that the composition contains the most significant components. They are presented in the table below:

Table 1. The most important substances for the central nervous system

Most often, neurologists prescribe the following vitamin complexes to adults:

  • “Neuro Plas” (Russia) – contains tonic components (gingko biloba, ginger, licorice, gota kola);
  • “Neurostrong” (Russia) – a vitamin complex with tonic substances, additionally enriched with blueberry extracts and L-glutamic acid;
  • “Memory Rise” (Russia) – a rich vitamin preparation with amino acids and plant extracts;
  • “Intellan” (Pakistan) – is distinguished by the presence of extracts of medicinal herbs in its composition (ginkgo biloba, centella asiatica, herpestis, coriander, amomum, emblica);
  • “Brain and Memory” (USA) – a concentrate in the form of a solution with extracts of medicinal plants.

In pediatric neurology, the following vitamins for the vessels of the neck and head are more popular:

  • “Glycine Bio” (Russia) is a mono-drug made from one amino acid (glycine), absolutely safe, approved for use in children from birth;
  • "Biotredin" (Russia) - a product based on vit. B6 and amino acids L-threonine;
  • “Pikovit Omega-3” (Slovenia) – a vitamin complex in the form of a peach-flavored syrup, often used during the period of a child’s adaptation to school;
  • “Vitrum Memory” (USA) – ginkgo biloba extract with zinc, vit. C and group B;
  • “Junior Bee Smart” (Iceland) – vitamins combined with omega-3 fatty acids in the form of chewing marmalade.

Popular children's vitamin complexes

The doctor must decide which vitamin complex for the arteries of the brain to choose. He will help you choose the most effective drug depending on the situation.

In some cases, the use of monovitamins in the form of injections is required. Most often, this need arises after injuries, acute illnesses or severe vitamin deficiencies.

Not only tablets, but also ampoules

Conservative therapy

It is carried out in several directions for a comprehensive impact on pathology. The drugs should:

  • expand the lumen of blood vessels;
  • restore impaired functions by enriching the blood with oxygen;
  • facilitate blood flow by thinning the blood;
  • restore neck joints.

Attention! The following groups of drugs and their examples are provided for informational purposes only and in no way constitute a call to take or purchase them.

Non-drug treatment methods for the most part relate to general prophylaxis and are recommended for patients with this pathology only during a period of stable remission.

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