Intercostal neuralgia during pregnancy: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, drug therapy and traditional treatment methods


Intercostal neuralgia is characterized by severe pain under the ribs. The chest wall closes the chest cavity and is made up of bone and soft tissue. The severity of neurogenic pain and the exact location varies from patient to patient. If pain between the ribs lasts more than 3-4 days, it is most likely neuralgia.

MN can be caused by a variety of injuries or illnesses. Neuralgia between the ribs is always a symptom of an underlying disease, but not a separate disease. A common cause of MR is herpes zoster infection. This viral disease mainly occurs in people with weakened immune systems and is associated with inflammation of the nerves. If there is inflammation of the nerves, it leads to the typical symptoms of MN.


Prompt diagnosis of MN is important because the pain symptom can become chronic without treatment. If the pain does not disappear after 2-3 days, it is called neuralgia. However, this is not an actual diagnosis, but only a symptom. To diagnose the underlying condition, the treating physician first takes a medical history. He then conducts a physical examination. With MN, areas are identified that respond to pressure with pain. After the physical examination, depending on the suspected diagnosis, radiography or ultrasound examination (ultrasound) follows.

Treatment methods

Many people ask: how should MN be treated? Etiotropic therapy depends on the underlying disease. In some cases, the healthcare provider cannot determine what is causing MN. In these situations, pain-relieving therapy is usually given. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are suitable for this purpose. These analgesics are particularly effective in treating nerve pain because they act in the periphery of the body rather than the central nervous system (CNS). During pregnancy, NSAIDs are prescribed as symptomatic treatment only for acute symptoms.

Sometimes MN causes unbearable pain, so stronger medications are required. Opioid analgesics are associated with serious side effects during pregnancy and are therefore not routinely prescribed. Infiltration therapy has a stronger effect, but is contraindicated in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy. Causal treatment may include, but is not limited to, physical therapy.

Advice! If an acute neuralgic attack occurs, it is not recommended to be treated at home. In case of severe symptoms (manifestations of the disease), it is necessary to consult a doctor and not use medicinal ointments, do gymnastics or physical therapy (exercises). You can relieve symptoms with medications for no more than a week without consulting a doctor. Delaying a visit to the doctor for a long time can lead to dangerous consequences. If the pain is severe on the right or left, you need to call an ambulance to prevent complications of a potential illness.

Treatment with medications

Intercostal neuralgia can be treated at home only if the diagnosis does not reveal any life-threatening diseases for the patient and the unborn baby.

  • compliance with bed rest for several days (to prevent sudden movements and hypothermia);
  • light massage;
  • vitamin therapy;
  • applying dry warming compresses to the area where pain is felt (for example, heated salt in a flannel bag). The temperature should not be higher than 40 - 45 degrees.
  • Rubbing painkillers and anti-inflammatory creams and gels that do not contain diclofenac into painful areas;
  • in exceptional cases, novocaine blockade is possible as prescribed by a doctor.

Important! Under no circumstances take medications on the advice of friends. The drug can only be prescribed by a doctor, and treatment must be carried out under his supervision.

After childbirth, the symptoms of neuralgia may disappear on their own.

When breastfeeding, as well as during pregnancy, painkillers (tablets and injections) should not be used to relieve pain from intercostal neuralgia. If you still cannot do without them, then for the period of treatment it is better to stop breastfeeding and switch the baby to formula.

Important! After finishing taking the medication, wait at least a day, providing the patient with plenty of fluids, and only after that begin to put the baby to the breast.

The following also have a positive effect:

  • preparations for local anesthesia (ointments, gels, rubbing);
  • massage and acupuncture;
  • physical stretching exercises;
  • taking vitamins;
  • physiotherapy (as prescribed by a doctor).

Watch your child's reaction carefully. If he becomes capricious or a rash appears, change the treatment method by consulting your pediatrician.

Preference, according to experts, should be given to non-drug methods of treatment.

Ointments should be analgesic, based on novocaine or lidocaine, and anti-inflammatory (the active ingredient is diclofenac or ibuprofen).

Today it is the most effective in the fight against neuralgia. Only the procedures must be carried out by well-trained specialists, taking into account all the risks for the expectant mother and child.

Exercises and gymnastics for intercostal neuralgia are best done under the supervision of a physical therapy specialist. At home, care should be taken to ensure that all actions are aimed at stretching and warming. This will relieve pressure on the intercostal nerve. Exercises should bring pleasure, relieve pain and not cause fatigue.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine successfully uses available remedies for pain relief and reduction of inflammation during exacerbation of intercostal neuralgia, which it is advisable for everyone to have at home. To prepare them you will need very little time and material costs.

Recipe No. 1:

  • medical alcohol (or strong vodka) – 300 g;
  • analgin – 10 tablets;
  • camphor alcohol - 1 bottle;
  • iodine – 1 bottle.

Mix all the ingredients in a container and, shaking occasionally, wait until the tablets are completely dissolved. The product for rubbing and compresses is ready. It should be rubbed into problem areas or applied as a compress for 20 to 30 minutes.

Recipe No. 2

  • “Triple” cologne – 200 ml;
  • "Menovazin" - 1 bottle (40 ml);
  • analgin – 10 tablets.

Preparation - as in the first case. Used for rubbing.

The remedies have been tested for more than one generation, are harmless and effective not only for neuralgia, but also for bruises, headaches, sprains and dislocations.

Remember! The initial stage responds well to conservative treatment.

How to treat neuralgia during pregnancy? Drug therapy is rarely prescribed in severe conditions. The principles of treatment of neuralgia during pregnancy are:

  • compliance with bed rest, but the bed itself should be quite hard. This will reduce the load on the spine and chest. If it happens that the woman still has to work at this time, then every few hours she needs to take a “lying” position;
  • strictly under the supervision of a doctor, treatment can be carried out in the form of a blockade with novocaine along the nerve fibers. It is prescribed only for very unbearable pain and if the risk of consequences of the disease for the mother exceeds the risk of consequences of the drug for the child;
  • treatment is also carried out with local therapy, for example, ointments or various gels. Such remedies will quite effectively relieve pain, reduce inflammatory syndrome and improve the general condition of the woman;
  • again, under the strict supervision of a doctor, and if these measures are really necessary, intercostal neuralgia can be treated with the help of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Only in extreme cases, when the pain cannot be tolerated. Such drugs have practically no effect on the damage to the fetus and practically do not penetrate the placenta, but in any case it is not worth risking the health of a little person;
  • vitamin therapy, in the form of tablets or injections, mainly B vitamins;
  • physiotherapy treatments such as exercise therapy, pregnancy massage or acupuncture;
  • You should not use standard methods of treating neuralgia during pregnancy, since medicine has not fully studied the effect of drugs and procedures on the fetus;
  • It is good to purchase a prenatal bandage during pregnancy, it will help hold the stomach and fix the spinal column.

Can such a pathology during pregnancy be dangerous for the fetus? The disease itself cannot affect the fetus in any way. But at the same time, as soon as pain appears, you should definitely consult a doctor. Only he can prescribe an adequate diagnosis of the disease.

To stop an attack of pain, it is recommended to apply dry heat to the problem area (wrap the chest with natural wool). It is important not to overheat the body.

Treatment of intercostal neuralgia during pregnancy is recommended using topical non-steroidal drugs:

  • "Voltaren";
  • "Diclofenac";
  • "Nise."

The active ingredients of these drugs practically do not penetrate into the blood, thereby not affecting the development of the child. Anti-inflammatory drugs in tablet form are allowed to be taken in the second trimester. At other times, these medications can cause miscarriage or premature birth.

Intercostal neuralgia during pregnancy often causes intense pain, so novocaine blockades are used in the treatment of the pathological condition. This method is used in extreme cases, since the administered drugs affect the condition of the fetus.

It is recommended to combine medications with physiotherapeutic procedures that accelerate blood flow in the problem area. Thanks to this, muscle spasm disappears and pain is relieved. During pregnancy, the following physiotherapy methods are used:

  • acupuncture;
  • electrophoresis;
  • massage.

In addition to physiotherapeutic procedures, specialized exercises and gymnastics help improve the patient’s condition during pregnancy.

You can treat neuralgia at home using your doctor’s recommendations. The main rule is to remain calm and lie down more. The place to sleep should be hard, this will relieve some of the pressure from the inflamed nerve endings.

The chest should be kept warm at all times. Ironed flannel is suitable for this. Rolling out a warm boiled egg also works well.

Many pain medications can cause abnormal changes in the fetus. Therefore, doctors try to make do with physiotherapeutic and manual procedures. It is also recommended to wear a special bandage for pregnant women. This will allow the pressure of the uterus to be evenly distributed and the nerves will not be pinched.

But if the pain does not subside, medications are prescribed that are not capable of causing harm to mother and baby:

  • ointments and creams based on bee venom (“Apizatron”) - these medications are intended for local use; they need to be applied to places where biologically active points accumulate. Bee venom stimulates nerve endings and promotes vasodilation. Rapid saturation of tissues with oxygen helps to get rid of painful sensations;
  • Zovirax cream is used to get rid of shingles;
  • preparations containing calcium and B vitamins;

Injections, tablets

To treat neuralgia caused by herpes zoster, the doctor prescribes acyclovir tablets. The drug is quite safe because it acts selectively and destroys only infected cells.

Injections in the form of novocaine blockades are used for severe and prolonged pain. Under the supervision of a doctor, it is possible to take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory tablets (Voltaren, Diclofenac).

Important! Heart pain goes away quickly after taking appropriate medications. Neurological pain lasts a long time and intensifies with physical activity. This difference is very important for correct diagnosis.

Herbs, minerals and oils are very effective in treating neuralgia

Water treatments

The main component of therapeutic baths is sea salt. One procedure will require 170 g of salt. You need to stay in the water for no more than a quarter of an hour.

You can add sage decoction to the salt. Take 35 g of raw materials for 210 ml of boiling water. After infusing for half an hour, the drug can be mixed with salt and water.

Aromatherapy oils will make your therapeutic bath even more enjoyable. Soothing oils (lavender, eucalyptus) are suitable. Coniferous and citrus preparations have healing properties. You need to add a few drops of aromatic raw materials to the salt.

Flax or wormwood seeds are good for relieving swelling and inflammation. In 220 ml of boiling water you need to place 7 g of raw materials. After 5 minutes, place the hot seeds in a bag made of natural fabric. Keep on the affected area until it cools down.

In the summer, you can make compresses from fresh burdock leaves. Burdock can remain on the inflamed area all night. Burdock can be alternated with coltsfoot leaves.


The best remedy for treating neuralgia from the inside is chamomile infusion.

  1. Brew 45 g of herb with a glass of boiling water.
  2. Simmer the mixture over low heat for about a quarter of an hour.
  3. Drink 70 ml three times a day.

Comprehensive treatment of neuralgia necessarily includes massage sessions. Relief occurs after the first procedure:

  • the manifestation of pain symptoms is significantly reduced, which completely disappears by the end of treatment;
  • blood flow improves and accelerates;
  • the functioning of nerve tissues is normalized;
  • metabolic processes in the affected nerves are restored;
  • complete detoxification of the body occurs, foci of inflammation disappear;
  • the muscles between the ribs and in the spinal frame relax.



Most cases of the disease occur in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, when the uterus is already greatly enlarged, the intercostal spaces become smaller, and the load on the spine is greater.

The main manifestation of inflammation (neuralgia) is severe pain, which is paroxysmal in nature. It follows the direction of the nerve and is often confused with a heart attack or breast pain. Even a slight movement leads to an intense intensification of the attack. The pain is always burning and sharp. It is localized in the area of ​​the ribs and can radiate to the back and spine.


Serious difficulties in treatment occur due to the fact that many medications are prohibited for use during pregnancy. This applies to a number of analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs. If possible, the doctor selects a drug for external use.

The main therapeutic measures are as follows:

  • Rest - lying on a hard surface will reduce the intensity of pain and the frequency of attacks. If it is not possible to stay at home all the time, then you should lie down for 15 minutes every 2 hours. This reduces discomfort.
  • Novocaine blockade is done in exceptional cases when the pain is so severe that it poses a danger to the unborn child. The procedure is performed only by a doctor. The effect of the medicine lasts for 20 days.
  • The application of topical ointments and gels, which are permitted during pregnancy, means that the penetration of their components into the systemic bloodstream is not very intense.
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - they can be used if the pain is very severe and painful. The drug is selected depending on the duration of pregnancy and the woman’s condition.
  • Physiotherapy methods - which procedures are needed are determined by the doctor. They give a quick and pronounced effect and allow you to reduce the number of medications prescribed orally.

Timely initiation of treatment allows the problem to be eliminated quickly. Advanced neuralgia requires long-term therapy and occurs with particularly severe pain. Without treatment, inflammation of the intercostal nerve does not go away .


Why is neuralgia dangerous in pregnant women?

  • development of painful shock;
  • spread of pain to other muscles;
  • the appearance of weakness of the abdominal muscles and respiratory system;
  • inflammatory process in the intervertebral sections;
  • development of disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

To avoid undesirable consequences and possible complications during the period of bearing a baby, at the first manifestations of neuralgia, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor to establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment, and also to exclude the possibility of self-medication.

What can you do

If signs of the disease appear, the following measures must be taken:

  • immediately consult a doctor to establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the necessary treatment;
  • exclude the use of ointments and local anesthetic creams without a doctor’s prescription in order to avoid absorption of their components into the circulatory system;
  • avoid hypothermia and drafts;
  • strictly follow all doctor's recommendations.

In most cases, the disease goes away on its own after childbirth without the use of medications. Therefore, treatment of neuralgia is aimed at relieving pain and alleviating the condition of the pregnant woman.

What can a doctor do?

The doctor, as a rule, prescribes complex treatment taking into account the woman’s situation. Typically it consists of the following procedures:

  • Acupressure. It perfectly relaxes muscles. However, it should not be confused with regular massage, the use of which during pregnancy is contraindicated due to the possibility of provoking premature birth.
  • In case of severe pain, local anesthetics may be used. Only by doctor's prescription.
  • Lubricating the sore spot with a warming ointment containing bee venom. It helps relax muscles and relieve nerve swelling.
  • Performing special gymnastics in a lightweight version. Helps improve blood circulation.
  • Maintain bed rest to minimize stress on the ribs and spine.
  • Novocaine blockade. Use only for unbearable pain under medical supervision.
  • Pain-relieving ointments and rubbing creams approved for use in pregnant women, after consultation with a specialist.
  • Taking vitamin complexes, including vitamins B and C.
  • Physiotherapeutic procedures (reflexotherapy, physical therapy).

Traditional medicines

To treat intercostal neuralgia during pregnancy, one turns to the experience of traditional medicine. The use of fir essential oil gives good results. They rub the area of ​​the diseased nerve in the morning and evening. The drug has a mild warming effect and also relieves pain. If the oil is used for the first time, you need to test its tolerance on the skin of the inside of the elbow.

In the evening, to facilitate the process of falling asleep, you can use a water infusion of valerian or motherwort. Regarding the use of such drugs, although they are approved for pregnant women, it is worth consulting with a doctor.


Prevention helps reduce the risk of intercostal neuralgia. It is necessary to prepare the body for pregnancy at the planning stage. A woman should perform special exercises for the thoracic spine, preparing it for new loads. Quitting smoking and overload is also required. If you have problems with the spine, in order to prevent their worsening, you need to determine in advance with your doctor what measures will be taken for this.

The appearance of intercostal neuralgia during pregnancy is a fairly common problem and treatable. It is necessary not to neglect the pathology, but to begin therapy immediately.

Why does neuralgia occur?

The occurrence of intercostal neuralgia in pregnant women is influenced by slightly different factors than in the case of the disease in an ordinary person.

There are several main provoking factors.

  1. Mechanical compression processes. When a pregnant woman's belly grows, pressure on the chest and internal organs increases. This affects the functioning of the entire body. Starting from 4-5 months of pregnancy, increased pressure on the chest becomes the norm. Pressure also affects the exit point of the intercostal nerve endings from the spine. In some cases, compression accompanies a woman throughout the entire period of bearing a child, but completely disappears after the birth of the baby;
  2. Herpes zoster type. When you have chickenpox in childhood, the causative agent of the disease remains inside the body. It is located on nerve ganglia and nerve fibers. When favorable conditions arise, the pathogen manifests itself in the form of rashes. Most often the disease affects the intercostal nerves. Such neuralgia causes serious discomfort. You can get rid of it by eliminating the rash itself;
  3. Hypothermia. Under the influence of low temperatures, disruption of the normal blood circulation process in the intercostal area often occurs. The intercostal nerves themselves may be directly affected. This entails neuralgia. It is very easy to get rid of an illness caused by such reasons;
  4. Osteochondrosis. In women, it is the period of pregnancy that becomes the ideal condition for the occurrence of osteochondrosis, since the load on the spine increases significantly. Nerve damage occurs as it exits the spine.


Symptoms and treatment are directly related. The task of a pregnant woman is to notice the primary signs of intercostal neuralgia in time, then consult a doctor and undergo an appropriate course of therapy.

The reason to seek help with suspected intercostal neuralgia may be symptoms characteristic of this disease during pregnancy.

  1. Pain in the intercostal space. The disease may affect one or more nerves. At the same time, the pain has its own characteristics - it is burning and acute, occurs in attacks and is accompanied by tingling. The pain seems to pierce the ribs. Increased pain occurs even with minor movements - turning, laughing or coughing;
  2. Similar to heart pain. Many suspicious women begin to panic, considering the pain caused by intercostal neuralgia to be heart problems. Yes, the sensations are really similar. This is due to the fact that some nerve branches of the intercostal space are directed to the heart muscle. The heart also moves slightly due to pressure from the fetus;
  3. Wave symptoms. If intercostal neuralgia occurs during pregnancy, then after childbirth the problems completely go away. When carrying a baby, symptoms appear in waves - they appear, subside and disappear, after which they appear again. The closer the time comes to giving birth, the more often the unpleasant sensations recur;
  4. Skin changes. Intercostal neuralgia, diagnosed in women during pregnancy, can occur along with a rash, itching and redness of the skin. This is possible if the provoking factor for intercostal neuralgia was herpes zoster.

How is the treatment carried out?

Before starting treatment for intercostal neuralgia, pregnant women should undergo appropriate diagnosis. This will confirm suspicions of intercostal neuralgia, determine the degree of development of the disease and identify problem areas.

Diagnostics is carried out using the following methods:

  • blood analysis;
  • Ultrasound;
  • electrocardiogram;
  • chest x-ray;
  • MRI;
  • CT scan;
  • myelography.

The specific list of necessary procedures is determined by the doctor. All of them are not carried out at the same time, but serve as a possible choice. Having confirmed the diagnosis of intercostal neuralgia, the doctor develops an individual treatment regimen for the pregnant woman.

A peculiarity and partial difficulty of treating intercostal neuralgia in pregnant women is the fact that they cannot take many medications. But there are still quite effective methods of influence that allow you to quickly and efficiently cope with the disease.

  1. Maximum peace. If severe pain occurs due to intercostal neuralgia, a pregnant woman should definitely lie down. Moreover, this should be done on hard blood, and not on soft mattresses. This reduces the load on the ribs and the spine itself. Women still working are strongly recommended to take a horizontal position at least once every 2 hours and lie down for 10-20 minutes;
  2. Novocaine blockade. It is not recommended to abuse this method. The blockade is done only if intercostal neuralgia causes serious discomfort, the pain is severe and excruciating. Only a specialist can perform such an injection. The effect usually lasts about 3 weeks;
  3. For neuralgia, pregnant women may be prescribed topical medications. This is a gel, ointment or cream that is used to treat the skin in the affected area. With their help, it is possible to reduce pain, cope with inflammation and have a beneficial effect on the general condition of a pregnant woman diagnosed with intercostal neuralgia;
  4. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They can be used by pregnant women diagnosed with neuralgia if the pain is pronounced and causes serious suffering. Basically, for intercostal neuralgia, Diclofenac, Paracetamol or drugs based on it are prescribed. Such medications are practically safe, since they hardly penetrate into the fetus, and therefore do not affect the condition of the child or the pregnant woman herself. But you should never abuse medications. Like the novocaine blockade, NSAIDs are prescribed only by a specialist, and administration is carried out strictly according to an individual regimen;
  5. Physiotherapy. For neuralgia, pregnant women are recommended to attend physiotherapy sessions. Mostly, pregnant women are prescribed reflexology, physical therapy or massage. Other methods are contraindicated for pregnant women, since their effects on the fetus have not been fully studied.

Most common symptoms

If we consider the most common symptoms of such an unpleasant disease, then we need to highlight the pain that occurs in the intercostal nerves. This pain syndrome has very different intensities. It appears in the form of not too long attacks. Since a pregnant woman can feel pain directly in the chest area, it is very often considered cardiac. In addition, the expectant mother may experience unpleasant sensations in the area of ​​the spleen, liver, shoulder blades or stomach.

The most common sign of the development of intercostal neuralgia is the effect of chest movement on the intensity of the pain that occurs. In this case, unpleasant sensations appear not only when moving, but also in a state of complete rest. When moving your arms, turning your body sharply, sneezing and coughing, the pain intensifies.

Uncontrollable pain attacks are accompanied by sweating, frequent muscle twitching, numbness of the skin areas located in the area of ​​the affected nerve, and convulsions. When pressing on the intercostal spaces, the pain intensifies. It is impossible to relieve the painful condition of neuralgia with nitroglycerin, but the condition of a pregnant woman will improve after taking properly selected sedatives.

A woman who is preparing to become a mother can be diagnosed with intercostal neuralgia by a physician based on previously performed laboratory tests and examination of the abdominal and chest organs, since their pathology is the most important cause of the development of the disease. In order to completely eliminate deviations in the functioning of certain organs of a pregnant woman, a woman may be prescribed an ultrasound examination.

How to treat intercostal neuralgia during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, a woman often experiences exacerbations of various diseases.
One of the most common ailments found in pregnant women is intercostal neuralgia .

Often its symptoms can be confused with heart pain.

Therefore, doctors talk about the need for correct diagnosis.

Neuralgia during this period has some differences from the classical development of pathology.

Signs of the disease are severe, paroxysmal pain in the chest and ribs.

What treatment can a doctor offer a woman?

Timely treatment of neuralgia in a woman who is preparing to become a mother, in most cases, is aimed at relieving frequently occurring spasms and pain. In order to reduce the effect of medications on the health of a child developing in the womb, patients are prescribed gentle therapy.

To eliminate developing inflammation and swelling, doctors recommend very healthy physical procedures, reflexology and gymnastics. To relieve muscle tension, a pregnant woman can use dry heat. For example, for treatment at home, a flannel cloth, which has been previously warmed with an iron, should be applied to the place where intense pain was detected.

The attending physician can tell you how to treat this disease in pregnant women, who will examine the patient and make the correct diagnosis.

During treatment, it is imperative to observe bed rest for a certain time. A woman's resting place should be the most rigid. Thus, the intercostal spaces will not be injured. To relieve pain, pregnant women are recommended to wear a special prenatal bandage.

Since one of the main causes of chest neuralgia is a lack of vitamins, it is recommended to start regularly taking medications suitable for pregnant women. These can be special multivitamin complexes.

The use of anti-inflammatory drugs during pregnancy is not recommended due to their harmful effects on the developing fetus. However, in some cases, the doctor may prescribe the expectant mother to take the above medications, taking into account the individual tolerance of the drugs and the duration of pregnancy. If the pain lasts too long, the doctor may prescribe the patient new generation anesthetic drugs.

Intercostal neuralgia is a condition in which compression of the nerve fibers located between the ribs occurs. This pathology is often found in young women, including during pregnancy. Is intercostal neuralgia dangerous for an expectant mother? How to cope with this condition and not harm the baby?

The main reason for the development of neuralgia is compression of the intercostal roots at their exit from the spine. The following conditions can provoke this phenomenon:

  • diseases of the spine (osteochondrosis, spondylitis, ankylosing spondylitis, tumors of the thoracic spinal cord or metastases from the primary focus);
  • significant physical activity;
  • hypothermia;
  • stress;
  • infections (herpes zoster);
  • chest injuries;
  • metabolic pathology.

Osteochondrosis is the main cause of the development of intercostal neuralgia during pregnancy. While waiting for a baby, the load on the thoracic spine increases significantly, which inevitably affects its functioning. The growing uterus puts pressure on the diaphragm, shifts it upward, leading to a decrease in the intercostal spaces. All this leads to pain and other unpleasant symptoms of intercostal neuralgia.

The cause of neuralgia can also be a decrease in immunity and activation of herpes viruses in the body. The resulting shingles leads to the appearance of unpleasant and even painful sensations on the skin in the intercostal spaces. An attack of neuralgia develops against the background of characteristic rashes and other typical symptoms of herpes zoster.

Intercostal neuralgia occurs mainly in the third trimester of pregnancy. After 24 weeks, the uterus rises high enough to put significant pressure on the diaphragm. Reducing the intercostal spaces and compression of nerve fibers leads to the following symptoms:

  • acute, piercing, paroxysmal pain in the chest along the nerve trunks;
  • increased pain when inhaling and with sudden movements;
  • numbness, tingling in the chest;
  • muscle cramps;
  • intense sweating;
  • pale skin.

The severity of symptoms can vary and depends on the individual reaction of the woman and the intensity of compression of the intercostal nerves.

Pain on palpation of the intercostal spaces is a hallmark of neuralgia. Temporary numbness of the skin may also occur in the area of ​​palpation. Pain may radiate to the shoulder blade and shoulder, which greatly complicates the diagnosis of the disease.

What is intercostal neuralgia

Intercostal neuralgia is called compression, damage to the intercostal nerve roots , in which a person experiences very strong pain. They are expressed in the form of sharp, paroxysmal lumbago between several ribs, in the interval from the spine to the chest.

This condition can occur for several reasons, for example, with osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia (in the sternum), due to hypothermia, infection, pinched nerve endings .

Often this disease is caused by herpes zoster or damage to internal organs. Very often, neuralgia is caused by injuries, fractures, bruised ribs, benign tumors and neoplasms. In the initial period, the pain syndrome is mild, but very soon the pain intensifies significantly. In addition, the patient has pallor, swelling, and shallow breathing.

What is the risk for the baby?

Intercostal neuralgia, despite the severity of the discomfort and severity of the course, does not pose a danger to the fetus and does not disrupt the natural course of pregnancy. The only factor worthy of attention is the tone of the uterus, which appears due to severe pain. If during an attack there is nagging pain in the lower abdomen and bloody discharge, the expectant mother is placed in a hospital to exclude premature termination of pregnancy.

Medicines during pregnancy are taken only under the supervision of a doctor.

Pregnancy and intercostal neuralgia

To get rid of constant, debilitating pain, you need to consult a doctor as soon as possible for advice. This is important for accurate diagnosis in order to exclude the development of cardiac pathology and prescribe adequate treatment.

How does the first trimester proceed with neuralgia?

It is worth noting that neuralgia is more typical for the second half of pregnancy (II and III trimesters). In the first trimester, the disease can appear only at the end of the period (11-12 weeks).

This is due to the fact that the growing uterus slightly changes the position of the internal organs, and the bones of the skeleton expand. As a result, the location of the chest changes slightly, which contributes to pinching of the nerve endings.

It is rare, but it happens that neuralgia can begin at an earlier stage, especially in the presence of concomitant pathologies of the spine.

It could be:

Diseases can be diagnosed before pregnancy, but more often, women have no idea about their presence. The difficulty is that at the beginning of the trimester, any drug treatment is contraindicated for a woman. Therefore, you will have to cope with pain with the help of massage and therapeutic exercises.

Video: “What you need to know about osteochondrosis during pregnancy?”

The course of neuralgia in the second trimester

During this period, the development of the disease is more common , and the cause is the formation of edema, an increase in the volume of fluid in the body. All this leads to a decrease in the clearance between the ribs and compression of the nerve roots extending beyond the spine.

In addition, neuralgia can be a consequence of herpes zoster, hypothermia, metabolic disorders, fatigue, or physical exertion . Another reason may be decreased immunity, colds and viral diseases. In this case, toxins, spreading throughout the body, cause damage to nerve endings.

Reasons for appearance

Intercostal neuralgia during pregnancy develops due to the enormous changes occurring in a woman’s body during this period. The uterus grows and displaces internal organs, causes the bone structure to change, expands the chest, which in turn cannot but affect the nerve endings. Those patients who, even before conception, had disorders in the ridge (cyst, protusion, osteochondrosis) are especially susceptible to pathology.

The following factors can trigger the onset of the disease:

  • Vitamin B deficiency, which affects metabolic processes and normal functioning of the central nervous system.
  • Infections that cause intoxication in the body and affect nerve endings.
  • Pathological processes in the lungs.
  • Compression of the chest by the growing uterus.
  • Severe hypothermia, which disrupted blood circulation in the ribs.
  • The appearance of shingles or any herpes virus.
  • Severe decrease in immunity with activation of pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Severe stress or depression due to hormonal changes.

A woman’s body undergoes a serious restructuring that affects almost all parts of the body. Therefore, any factor can provoke intercostal neuralgia. The exact cause is determined by the doctor in order to choose the most effective treatment tactics.

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