What to do when the head is cast iron?

There is hardly at least one person in the world who has never had a headache in his life. Sometimes the pain is frequent and long-lasting, but usually people experience headaches “from overwork,” from time to time. And then doctors diagnose “tension headache.”

What voltage exactly are we talking about? And why do some people get headaches more often than others? Let's try to figure it out.

Tension headaches, according to experts, are the most common form of headache. According to statistics, it accounts for more than 80% of all headache cases. In Europe, 78% of women and 64% of men experience it at least once a year. Other types of headaches are relatively rare.

The good news is that although tension headaches are common, the pain itself is usually relatively mild. Roughly speaking, the head does not “split with pain,” but rather “aches.” However, usually this is enough to seriously ruin a person’s life. For example, Danish doctors found that 12% of those suffering from tension headaches completely lose their ability to work during an attack. Well, if such pain becomes chronic, it is very difficult for a person to live.

Woe from mind

Doctors began to deal with tension headaches only in the second half of the 19th century; before that, it was believed that there were more serious illnesses. To begin with, scientists described the symptoms of the disease: monotonous, dull, pressing pain, which has no clear localization, does not intensify with physical activity and is not accompanied by nausea. It was not yet possible to find out the cause of the pain, but in medical articles of the 19th century it was noted that this type of headache usually occurs in people with mental work and people prone to “a mild form of hysteria.” It turned out that my head hurt from nervous and mental overstrain.

It was proposed to treat headaches in the spirit of that time: a combination of gymnastics, ice baths and taking opium tincture. Now the latter method of treatment seems wild, but then many doctors believed in the healing power of narcotic drugs, for example, almost every pharmacy sold medicines containing coca extract as a remedy for asthma.

Significant progress in studying the causes of tension headaches occurred in the 60s of the 20th century. Then scientists suggested that prolonged tension in the muscles of the head and neck leads to a narrowing of arterial vessels and spasm of the capillaries that provide nutrition to the muscles. As a result, the muscles are insufficiently supplied with blood, become sluggish and swollen due to the fact that metabolic products accumulate in them. At some point, all of these factors lead to headaches. It turned out that problems arise not because of intense mental work, but because of what accompanies it: a static posture when writing, a constantly tense neck, a head bent over the desk...

Requests for help Write your story I’m 29, I don’t work, I have no desires, I’m not independent, I have no friends and girlfriend, I masturbate... I hate myself, I can’t do this anymore... My mother hates me, I agree with her. There are always some fears... I don’t know how to get out of this situation... People try to avoid me, because I’m like a swamp - boring and uninteresting. I can’t think straight, I don’t understand people, I’m too trusting and simple, I’m constantly waiting for someone to make decisions for me, very lazy. People are evil, they feel it and try to inject them somehow, I can’t be in society..

Roman, age: 29 / 04/11/2017


Roman, I advise you to read on the Internet about the dangers of masturbation and quit this activity by any means necessary. This terrible activity is one of the reasons for life's failures.

Andrey, age: 31 / 04/12/2017

Hello. Roman, look for incentives and motivation to act. Get out of your comfort zone. Fight laziness, and to everything “I don’t want” and “I can’t”, answer “I must” and “everything will work out.” A lot can be learned by comparison, when you wake up in the morning - you don’t feel like horror, you think - go back to this job, and then another thought - how good it is that I’m not unemployed! Decide on a job and start looking for your soulmate, there are so many dating sites now, and by the way there are many times more available women than men. I wish you success!

Irina, age: 29 / 04/12/2017

Hello Roman! And yet, no matter what - don’t be discouraged - if you’re not happy with the current situation - take action. Jogging in the morning, a cold shower and a cup of coffee invigorate you well. You can also take a course of vitamins and fish oil. You can also contact a neurologist - let him prescribe you medications to speed up your metabolism. Try to help your mother in any way you can to make her difficult life easier. And turn to God - the Lord loves people like you - devoid of cunning and deceit and will help - you just need to ask and pray. If you have not yet been baptized, get baptized and regularly go to confession and communion, and, if possible, attend services. Perhaps you will be able to find a job at the temple. God's help to you and your Guardian Angel!

Mikhail, age: 47 / 04/12/2017

Roman, you don’t need to isolate yourself, but just go out into the world. Don’t look and don’t talk evil about people, etc., smile at them more often, smile at the world, and you will see how you feel better. Find a girl and then everything will change for you, life, etc. Just don’t sit at home, but go out and walk, do what you love. All the best to you and good health:***

Nadya, age: 20 / 04/12/2017

Hello Roma! I want to say that you are not the only one. I have exactly the same problems, I understand you very well. Roman, I would really like to advise you to read Nick Vujicic’s book “Life without Borders.” It is freely available in on the Internet. This book has greatly changed my worldview. The strength of spirit of a man without arms and without legs is simply mesmerizing and inspiring. So, read it if you want. I wish you success, positivity and believe that you will overcome yourself. All the best, hugs to you !

Irina, age: 25 / 04/12/2017

Roma, of course, can’t think straight if he indulges in philandering and watches pornography. Brains are literally melting. Here's what helped me leave my sins: pray to accept Christ as the Lord and Savior of your life (in your own words). Go to church every day, go to a good confession. Renounce sinful habits (pornography, masturbation, smoking, alcoholism, etc.) You cannot cope on your own, so every day ask the Holy Spirit to enter into you and change your habits. Naturally, look for a job. And I advise you to read the book “Life Without Borders” by Nick Vujicic, which is available on the Internet; it helped me a lot in difficult times. Don’t expect a miracle right away, in my life God worked after half a year of good withdrawals and living according to the commandments.

BADman, age: 28 / 04/12/2017

It's never too late to start life again, to go towards your goal, and there is only one goal - to live your life happily. think about what you dream about. and let a new day come in your life. throw away the whole past, forget it. a person can do anything, if only he has the desire! Moreover, you have nothing to lose... believe in yourself, no one will live your life for you, and life is given to a person for happiness. Don't be afraid of failures, start your life again!

Julia, age: 26 / 04/12/2017

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Are all diseases caused by nerves?

The latest research has proven that it is not only about the muscles, but also about the functioning of the central nervous system. It is known that each person has his own threshold for pain sensitivity: one may find a slight pin prick very painful, while another may not even notice it. The suppression of pain sensitivity in the human body is carried out by the antinociceptive system, which consists of the hypothalamus, as well as structures of the midbrain and medulla oblongata, which direct fibers to the nociceptive neurons of the spinal cord and control their activity. The better this system works, the less pain a person feels.

Unfortunately, sometimes the antinociceptive system begins to fail. As a rule, this is associated with emotional stress and overly intense mental work. For example, in a situation of preparing for an exam, a student’s nervous system may be overloaded, which leads to the fact that the internal defense against pain begins to weaken. The same nerve impulses that come from tension in the muscles of the neck and head would normally not produce painful sensations, since they would be blocked by the antinociceptive system. But when it works worse due to overload, a person begins to feel like he has a headache.

What should I do if sometimes I have trouble thinking, and how can I improve the efficiency of my brain?

I am also an athlete, so I will answer with a sports analogy, which is relevant. The brain acts like a muscle. This means that in order for him to be not only big and prominent, but hardy and trained, he needs to be trained. At the same time, we think every second of our lives, so in essence we can say that the brain works intensively to one degree or another. It is narrow to think that the brain develops mainly through reading. This is the most accessible and universal method. Just like in sports, you don’t need much to take off and run. Jogging - strength and endurance. Reading - thinking and imagination.

It so happened that I got hooked on ChGK. I consider myself well-read and thoughtful, but at first I had trouble answering questions. Gradually it became easier and easier for me to see the question and the direction in which I needed to think. Reason and logic worked. I realized that by reading a lot, I was developing only some part of the brain, or rather, some part of thinking. Just because you're a great runner doesn't mean you're a great pull-up. So I realized that brain development lies in a variety of activities. To the point of putting down the calculator and spending an extra 30 seconds adding complex numbers; buy a scanword; on the subway, play chess on your smartphone, if after a hard day you don’t feel like reading, but want to develop; learn to do something with a weak hand, take new routes home, come to new places and try to memorize the map first, and then navigate yourself; Finally, just invent work for the brain. This is very important if you want your brain to work. Because in order to keep your brain in shape, you must first acquire this shape.

And just like muscles, the brain needs to be warmed up. For some time I started the day right away by reading complex literature. The feeling that your brain is clogged and you are running through paragraphs without getting into it. (Again, like muscles. Starting to work without warming up is a disastrous task) Then I pumped myself up with applications like “Speed ​​Reading”, “Mnemonics” and I start the morning by memorizing and reproducing the series numbers (10, 15, 25 numbers and more), Schulte tables, repeating words in the languages ​​I am learning (English, German), etc. It warms up the brain well.

And the most important thing, as in sports, is the regime. Don't be scared by this word. Eat regularly (it’s enough just not to feel hungry), sleep for 7-8 hours, engage in physical activity, even walking up the stairs, escalator, listen to music that inspires you and try to do only what you like. The brain will repay with proper functioning.

Tested on me. I would love to read the answers to this question and would be grateful if you share your experience in the comments!

Ps Some time has passed since the publication of the post, and it makes sense to add a little to what was written in several theses.

1. Try to give your brain rest during the day. Doing the above operations in the morning, sometimes I warmed up the brain to such an extent that my head became clogged and sticky. Continuing with sports analogies, it is better to start the day with proportionate loads: something that warms up, not extinguishes an unprepared body. And no matter how useful a 10 km run is, it is not suitable for everyone in the morning. Dose

2. There is a general speed of consideration, and there is a special one. I have already discussed the latter above. I advise you to do exercises for associative connections like “where is the logic?” - after all, the brain works on the principle of a network, which means that by refreshing the “paths” there is a greater chance of developing mobility of the entire network, which means the permeability of information and knowledge.

But special can also mean momentary. This is the need to be productive here and now. Recently, before My game, I was just faced with the need to quickly “warm up.” Someone hits themselves on the cheeks (either to get angry or to get blood out), but I began to simply perform mental operations such as multiplying two-digit numbers and reading in my mind words that randomly come to mind in reverse. This helped me quite a lot.

In conclusion, I recommend the Peak application, which I recently discovered. Among the advantages:

-Based on Oxford research and developed by its scientists

-Games for various areas of brain work

-Great interface and inexpensive premium for access to the entire arsenal of exercises.

The last one is not an advertisement. A worthy application worthy of coverage and recommendations. Good luck to everyone!

How to diagnose?

The only and sure way to determine the cause of poor health is to consult a doctor. As a rule, the patient is referred for examinations:

  • taking tests;
  • x-ray, , MRI;
  • consultation of specialized specialists.

The prescription of other measures depends on the severity and frequency of symptoms. In most cases, the diagnosed cause of pressure, wooliness and head fog is damage to the cervical vertebrae.


If you experience a feeling of foggy thoughts, you should contact your local therapist. If possible, you should prepare a short diary for the visit indicating the time and frequency of the symptom, its duration, and the presence of additional alarming signs. Pathologies that cause brain fog can be treated by a therapist, ENT specialist, neurologist, psychotherapist and other specialized specialists.

To find out the cause of heaviness in the head, the following diagnostic methods are used:

  • general blood and urine tests - help to exclude the presence of infections, inflammations and establish the causes of atherosclerosis;
  • Ultrasound of the brain, neck vessels;
  • CT and MRI of the cervical spine and head;
  • angiography of cerebral vessels.

You will learn more about vascular angiography from this article.

Even in cases where the causes of the symptom are clearly due to a violation of the sleep schedule or overwork, it is better to undergo an examination under the supervision of a neurologist. This will eliminate organic brain damage and concomitant pathologies and will help select the optimal treatment option for the condition.

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