How dangerous is a mild concussion and what can be its consequences?

Mild concussion - damage to the functioning of the neurological system of the first level in severity, due to a blow or bruise of the skull against a hard object. When struck or bruised, the brain moves inside the head, hitting its walls. As a result, the neural chain is disrupted, and the patient begins to feel clouded consciousness and a feeling of nausea. A mild concussion often lasts no more than half an hour.

Such a mild form does not arise only due to the mediocre contact of something hard and the skull. It can occur when falling on a hard surface or during sudden movements while driving in a car. The phenomenon in question always goes along with confusion in the mind for a short period of time. If the phenomenon is minor, it can be a provoking factor for the occurrence of neurological diseases in the form of inflammatory or pathological processes.

All subsequent impacts causing a concussion are summed up and lead to a severe degree of the phenomenon in question. With regular head injuries, regardless of severity, concussions cause a negative impact on the functionality of the body. The patient feels pain in the head, vegetative-vascular dystonia appears, memory performance is impaired, attentiveness decreases, and Parkinson's disease or first-stage dementia may develop.


This phenomenon can be quite unsafe for young children. If a mild form of concussion is not treated in a timely manner, it can become more severe, bringing with it negative consequences for the body - damage to the central nervous system, high intracranial pressure, hematomas, cerebral edema, etc. However, despite this, children still endure a bruise on the head more easily and recover faster than adults.

Signs of a minor concussion

In a minor concussion, the symptoms may be short-lived and go away within half an hour after the injury is caused. The main and main symptoms of injury include:

  • Dizziness;
  • Damage to vision performance – double vision, loss of visibility;
  • Damage to memory performance, loss of attentiveness and concentration, short-term fainting;
  • Hearing impairment – ​​ringing, vacuum effect;
  • Feeling of nausea, vomiting at first after injury;
  • Vague pain sensations near the blow, in the head, the appearance of heaviness;
  • Loss of orientation in the environment;
  • Pallor of the skin;
  • Feeling tired and drowsy;
  • Brief bleeding from the sinuses.

In addition, there are also symptoms of this disease, which are expressed in:

  • the appearance of dizziness,
  • slight feeling of nausea,
  • insomnia or, conversely, excessive sleepiness,
  • pain in the head,
  • loss of appetite, lethargy, which can occur for another day or two after the blow is struck.

Symptoms may worsen if bed rest is not followed after an injury to restore the body's performance. If the head injury was minor and there are no obvious symptoms or signs of internal damage, then it is best to visit a specialist in order to eliminate the possibility of damaged tissue of the brain and skull as a whole.

How is diagnosis carried out?

Only a specialist can diagnose a mild form of concussion. If the symptoms went away in a fairly short time or did not occur at all, then it is not recommended to engage in self-diagnosis, as well as not to visit a specialist to diagnose the body. Diagnosis of a mild form of concussion is carried out through the following examinations:

  • Examination of the skull by a specialist;
  • Obtaining answers from the patient regarding their well-being;
  • Carrying out brain tests;
  • Conducting an examination for the reaction and state of physiological reflexes;
  • Assessing the patient’s emotional and psychological well-being.

In addition, the examining doctor must prescribe a blood test and computed tomography to detect more severe damage in the body. If the child had a mild concussion, then it is quite difficult to diagnose it, which is why not the child, but the adults are asked about the condition of the victim - what is the nature of the injury, are there any deviations in behavior, or the child’s well-being. In addition to the above, the specialist must examine the baby’s head, study and evaluate his well-being and physiological reflexes.

Methods for diagnosing mild concussions

Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis after a detailed examination. Based on the patient’s condition and the testimony of eyewitnesses, the doctor refers the patient for diagnosis.
If the patient can speak, the doctor tests him to determine his reaction to what is happening around him. In addition, a thorough palpation of the problem area is carried out. It is also necessary to conduct a hardware study in order to determine the extent and location of the lesion. In order to refute or confirm the presence of a concussion after an injury, blow or bruise and, if necessary, prescribe competent treatment, the following tests must be taken:

  1. Magnetic resonance and computed tomography of the brain.
  2. Echo and electroencephalogram.
  3. Ultrasound examination of the brain or Doppler sonography.
  4. Radiography.

What to do if a child has a mild concussion

If a child has a mild concussion, it can be caused by a bruise, which will lead to a disruption in the neurological and psychological systems. In addition, the child may either lose consciousness or remain unconscious. Today, mild concussions are observed in children every day; this happens due to carelessness.

One of the positive features of a concussion is the lack of opportunity for various processes to develop. It should be noted that the symptoms of a mild concussion in a child are much different from the symptoms of a concussion in an adult. After a head injury, an adult may faint, begin to vomit and feel nausea, headaches, memory impairment, loss of coordination and balance. The child feels all this in a milder form, if some symptoms are not absent at all. Due to the characteristics of a child’s body, after a strong blow to their head on a hard surface, they do not feel any discomfort. However, over time his health will worsen.

First of all, if a child has a mild concussion, it is necessary to create a calm environment for him, cover him with a blanket, and put him on the bed. If a child faints, then it is necessary to turn him over on his right side and bend his left side 90°. The same movements must be performed if the child begins to vomit. Next, the head is examined to treat any existing scratches. After providing first aid, call an ambulance. It is also worth noting what actions are prohibited. Do not give your child liquids or medications as they may interfere with gagging. You also cannot take your child to the hospital yourself.

Symptoms of a mild concussion

With a mild form of concussion, brain tissue is damaged from contact with the bones of the skull, which affects the well-being of the victim.

Signs of a mild concussion:

  1. Pain and dizziness. The throbbing pain is first concentrated at the site of the impact, then spreads to the rest of the head. In rare cases, pain appears several hours later, which gives a false impression that the injury is not serious.
  2. Disorders of the cardiovascular system. The victim experiences pressure surges and heart rhythm disturbances.
  3. Temporary visual impairment. The patient may experience discomfort when moving the eyeballs, sensitivity to bright light, difficulty focusing vision, and double vision.
  4. Temporary memory loss. The victim may not remember the circumstances of the injury.
  5. General deterioration of condition. Paleness, tremors in the limbs, sweat on the forehead, drowsiness, lack of strength.
  6. Malfunction of the vestibular apparatus. After the blow, the victim becomes dizzy, feels nauseous, and loses coordination of movements.
  7. Increased moodiness and refusal to eat in children.

Throbbing pain appears immediately after the injury and lasts from 20 minutes to several hours. Loss of consciousness with a mild concussion is also common, but rare.

Important! If fainting lasts more than 5 minutes, the injury is more severe, call an ambulance immediately.

How to provide first aid for a concussion?

First aid to a victim with a mild form of concussion is quite important, since it can save a person’s life and minimize the possibility of the occurrence and development of severe consequences of an injury or bruise. Immediately after a person has suffered a mild concussion, the following actions must be taken:

  1. A thorough examination of the patient is carried out to identify visible damage to the skull.
  2. Often, with a mild concussion, it is accompanied by a fainting state, where there is a possibility of falling and hitting again. Because of this, in order to prevent re-injury, the patient should lie in an upright position on something hard.
  3. If the patient has lost consciousness, it is necessary to lay him on his side, with a pillow or a lump of improvised means placed below to elevate his legs. This will create a rush of blood to the brain. It is also necessary to free the neck and make sure that the victim receives unhindered fresh air.
  4. Then call an ambulance, despite the absence of obvious symptoms.
  5. Make sure that the victim does not fall asleep within an hour after the impact.
  6. Keep the patient calm - remove bright lights in the room, reduce extraneous noise.
  7. Check the patient's well-being regularly until a specialist arrives.

First aid at home for a patient with a mild concussion

Pre-hospital care without the participation of doctors at home is just very important, when first of all it is necessary to ensure peace and cold on the head of the victim - an adult patient or a child. It is this period that determines the severity of future consequences of concussion in adults and children.

To minimize complications or avoid them altogether, you need to use homeopathy and herbal medicine. In my practice, there have been cases of not only mild, but also severe traumatic brain injuries as a result of car accidents.

Thanks to the inclusion of homeopathic remedies in the treatment, everything ended well, contrary to the predictions of resuscitators and neurosurgeons. There are two equivalent pharmaceutical preparations - Tramosan and Traumeel , both homeopathic, made on the basis of mountain arnica. It’s not for nothing that this plant is sometimes called “fall grass.” Its hemostatic, injury-healing and brain-strengthening properties have long been used in folk medicine.

Immediately after injury, you should place 5 grains of Traumosan or 1 tablet of Traumeel under the tongue every 15-20 minutes. In the first 3 days - at least 5-10 doses, then 2-4 weeks 2-3 times a day.

If the affected child or adult cannot use the medicine on their own, it is diluted in water (boiled or settled) and dropped under the tongue with a pipette. Such home emergency and emergency care will significantly alleviate the consequences of a head injury, and not just a mild one.

The main active ingredients of Tramosan and Traumeel partially contain inexpensive homeopathic remedies with the number 3 after the name ( arnica, witch hazel, hypericum, symphytum, rue, bellis perennis ).

Stir 7 grains of each into 0.5 glasses of water until dissolved with a non-metallic spoon (plastic, wooden stick) and give the victim 1-2 sips to drink every 15-20 minutes according to the same recommended regimen.

Traumosan ointment and Traumeel cream are used to lubricate bruises and surrounding tissue wounds.

Don’t forget about the “soldier’s grass” - yarrow. Its 1.5-2 hour infusion (1 tablespoon per 1 cup of boiling water) is drunk 1/4-1/3 cup 3 times a day 30 minutes before or an hour after meals to stop bleeding (including intracranial ), rapid restoration of damaged brain tissue and wound healing.

Treatment of concussion

The course of treatment for a mild concussion can take several forms. In severe cases, neurosurgical intervention is used. If there are epidural hematomas, they are also removed through surgery. Milder forms can be cured with medication. Even with a mild concussion, the victim must be hospitalized and taken to the neurology department. In some cases, a course of mild form of therapy can be carried out at home, but is under the supervision of a specialist. It remains important to keep the victim calm. Within a week, depending on the severity of the concussion, the victim must remain in bed. In addition, limit the patient from bright lighting, extraneous noise, and unimportant conversations. It is worth noting that relaxation does not mean spending time watching TV or reading books.

Drug therapy includes the use of drugs that improve metabolism in the brain and tissues, drugs that increase the performance of the vascular system. For deeper treatment, the doctor may prescribe symptomatic therapy - analgesics, sedatives, medications that combat dizziness, etc. To eliminate asthenic phenomena during the recovery period, it is necessary to take multivitamins in the form of neuromultivit or milgamma.

What should you not do if you have a mild concussion?

There are a number of contraindications that should be observed during treatment.

For a mild concussion, a full 8-hour sleep is important.

After a concussion you cannot:

  • watch TV for a long time, listen to music;
  • use a computer and read;
  • use headphones;
  • ignore bed rest;
  • do housework and sports, walk a lot;
  • drink tea, coffee, alcohol;
  • sleep less than 8 hours;
  • eat spicy food.

The above factors have a physical and psycho-emotional effect on the brain and slow down the healing process.

Within a year after a head injury, the victim should be regularly observed by a neurologist - this rule cannot be neglected.

If all recommendations and contraindications are followed, the recovery period lasts no more than 3 weeks.

What consequences can be expected from TBI?

If the victim is lucky and does not have any dysfunction of the speech apparatus, decreased mental abilities, or paralysis, this does not mean that he has fully recovered. The consequences after any form of concussion can be very different. Often they are expressed in asthenia, which manifests itself in the form of decreased work activity, increased fatigue, exhaustion and weakness in the limbs. You can also often notice an increased desire to drink alcoholic beverages. The peculiarity of this desire is expressed in the fact that even a small dosage can cause an ambiguous and unusual reaction of the body, reaching psychosis or intoxication of the highest level.

Weather sensitivity is also considered a fairly common symptom. In this case, the victim begins to feel changes in the weather and atmospheric pressure. These phenomena affect the body in the form of disruption of the circulatory system, accompanied by headaches and dizziness. This especially interferes with physical activity or when moving the body. If the injury is severe, epilepsy may occur.

Also, the possibility of psychological lability cannot be excluded - a sharp change in the patient’s mood, irritability towards the environment, tearfulness. Quite rare phenomena are neurosis, psychosis and dementia due to trauma. Often, a concussion is treated without any consequences. However, there is still a risk if TBIs are periodic, as in boxers or other athletes.

First aid

Before doctors arrive at the scene, the victim must be given first aid at home. To do this, follow these simple steps:

  • immobilize and ensure complete calm;
  • the head must be placed on a soft surface;
  • apply a cold compress, for example ice cubes work well.

If a person who has suffered a mild concussion remains unconscious, they need to be placed in the correct position:

  • turn the body onto the right side;
  • throw back your head and turn your face to the ground;
  • bend your left arm and leg at an angle of 90° (if there are no fractures of the limbs or spine).

In this position, the flow of air to the lungs and the free flow of liquid from the mouth are fully ensured, which prevents the possibility of the tongue sinking and the entry of vomit, blood or saliva into the respiratory tract. If there are visible wounds, a bandage must be applied.

Upon arrival of the medical team, the victim will be hospitalized in a hospital, where he will need to undergo a course of treatment with certain medications, consisting of at least 12 days. During this time, he will be prohibited from intellectual and emotional stress (TV, reading, music, etc.). Brain activity should be minimal for a speedy recovery.


In order for recovery to be successful and without complications in the future, you must strictly adhere to the treatment plan prescribed by the specialist. Otherwise, the consequences of a concussion may negatively affect your health in the long term.

The patient needs the help of a physiotherapist and massage therapist. Vitamins and tea made from medicinal herbs are also prescribed. Even after getting rid of all the consequences of a mild concussion, you should refrain from active sports, especially when it comes to the gym.

It is also necessary to avoid strong mental stress and stressful situations that can lead to deterioration in well-being. A good solution would be a long, relaxing vacation, for example, a trip to a sanatorium.


A doctor must make a diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment. This area is dealt with by a traumatologist, as well as a neurologist.

The process of injury plays an important role in the diagnosis and development of a treatment plan, so it is necessary to describe all the details to the specialist in as much detail as possible.

Although eyewitness observations are a fairly significant factor that the attending physician pays attention to, it is far from the only one. Diagnostics also rely on modern medical equipment:

  • studying the internal structure of the brain to determine the nature of the injuries received using X-rays;
  • study brain activity
  • diagnostics provided by magnetic resonance imaging;
  • detection of pathological processes, as well as changes in brain structure;
  • examination of the condition cerebral vessels
  • tomography, which allows for examination of all types of tissues and formations.

The doctor conducts tests to assess disorders using the Glasgow scale. The procedure is carried out using specially designed tests, and the patient's reactions are assessed using a point system. Based on the results of the analysis, it is possible to draw conclusions both about the current condition of the victim and about the timing of his full recovery.

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When the number of points scored is less than 8, there is a real threat to the patient’s life. A specialist can diagnose a mild concussion when the patient scores 14 or more on the Glasgow scale.

Using the tools and techniques described above, the specialist draws conclusions about the condition of the victim, prescribes an appropriate treatment plan and can predict when the patient will fully recover from the injury, as well as what consequences of a concussion are possible in the future. The doctor also examines the cervical spine, which is directly related to the head.

Based on the nature of the injuries received, the traumatologist decides whether the patient can go home and recover on his own, or whether he should remain in the inpatient department under the supervision of medical personnel.

An important factor in this matter is the patient’s reaction to the trauma suffered and the resulting stress. The reaction of each individual person may differ due to certain characteristics of his body.

When it comes to a child who has suffered a mild concussion, most often the doctor will prefer to leave him in the department under the supervision of a nurse. Parents can also stay.


Regardless of the severity of the concussion, it requires immediate treatment under the supervision of hospital workers. If the victim did not undergo treatment at all, or did not follow the doctor’s orders, the consequences can be very different:

  • memory impairment;
  • Strong headache;
  • disturbed sleep;
  • development of diseases associated with the nervous system.

Often in people, after a mild concussion, one can notice increased irritability and a clear dependence on climatic conditions. In rare cases, the consequences may be much more serious - epilepsy or mental disorders may develop.

Consequences, possible complications and prognosis

In most cases, early symptoms disappear within 2-3 days, sometimes several weeks, but sometimes they persist for a long period of time and are accompanied by complications. In approximately 10-20% of cases, signs of injury persist for 2-3 months.

The overall health of the patient, as well as his age, can greatly influence the recovery period. People over 55 years of age take longer to recover than younger people.

A number of factors that can complicate the situation include:

  • history of mental disorders;
  • prolonged depression;
  • excessive alcohol consumption, tobacco smoking abuse;

  • stressful state;
  • presence of concomitant diseases.

Once a concussion occurs, it can affect a person’s physical and mental activity and lead to loss of temporary memory. If the condition is neglected, symptoms can persist and manifest themselves periodically for up to 3 years or more.

Signs of a concussion in an adult, as well as the severity of the injury, can have an impact on future health. If the trauma is repeated, it can lead to a disorder that is typical for some people due to their professional activities.

Post-traumatic encephalopathy, which can develop against the background of a concussion, is characterized by staggering, temporary loss of balance, and a slight lag in the reaction of one of the limbs from the other.

Some victims have:

  • confusion;
  • psychical deviations;
  • lethargy;
  • tremor of the limbs and head.

This type of injury is considered minor, but the consequences are not only serious, but also pose a health risk.

These include the following signs:

Frequency of occurrenceSigns
Quite commonIncreased emotionality, outbursts of rage, aggression and irritability. Post-concussion syndrome, which is manifested by sharp paroxysmal pain in the head, insomnia, anxiety and difficulty concentrating.
Rarely foundVascular health related disorders:
  • headaches that worsen with increased physical activity;
  • dizziness;
  • fatigue;
  • increased sweating;
  • pallor of the skin.

Inappropriate reaction to infection or alcohol consumption. These conditions can cause various mental abnormalities and clouding of consciousness in the patient.

Very rare
  • psychoses;
  • hallucinations;
  • rave;
  • problems with adequate perception of reality;
  • dementia associated with critical disorders of thinking and memory;
  • loss of orientation in space;
  • apathy in all areas of life.

Convulsions, similar in their manifestations to epileptic seizures. A paranoid state in which the patient is constantly haunted by anxiety and fear.

Since such injuries most often occur as a result of an accident, they are not easy to prevent.

Protection of the skull is of great importance when playing certain sports and performing work in hazardous industries. Certain sports require the wearing of helmets (riding a motorcycle, cycling, rollerblading, skateboarding, playing baseball or hockey).

Motorists experience this type of injury with high frequency, so it is important to wear your seat belt. To avoid such a situation at home, it is recommended to ensure that the passages and corridors of the apartment are cleared of things, and that accidentally spilled liquids are wiped up without delay.

In an adult, the signs of a concussion cannot be ignored, even if the victim himself believes that the injury was not serious. Complete and fastest recovery is possible only with timely diagnosis and adequate therapy.

In addition, only the use of modern research methods and examination by a qualified doctor will make it possible to exclude more severe brain damage that can lead to a number of complications that pose a threat to health and life.

Article design: Vladimir the Great

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