What to write to a man so that he will definitely answer. Add a comment. Here? Yes, easily! Why doesn't a person write, answer

What to write to a guy so that he responds

Original questions:

  • I have a special program that calculates the phone numbers of the coolest guys. Guess whose number was first on the list?
  • I want to tell you something, but first I need to know how you are feeling.
  • Scientists have proven that people who have no personal life hold their phone in their right hand. Which one are you in?
  • Today I realized that I look like a raccoon: there are always circles under my eyes, I seem cute, but I can bite. What animal are you like?
  • I'm looking forward to it like crazy. I can't eat or sleep! Are you also waiting for the finale of Game of Thrones (Avengers, Supernatural, etc.).

See the continuation of the original questions here.

Funny SMS for a guy:

  • You have 3 seconds to refuse a date with me... Oops, I didn't have time!
  • I want to feel something sticky and tasty on my lips...could you buy a chocolate bar?
  • I’m burning with impatience: I can’t eat, sleep or work...Are you also looking forward to the finale of the “Game of Thrones” (the Football Championship, or any other movie/series/sporting or cultural event)?
  • Since I recently received my driver's license, it is my duty to warn you about a new danger on the roads. Tell me where you live and I will try my best to be careful while driving. But I can not promise.

Flirting messages:

  • Do you want to tell me a secret? I'm beautiful, but you are not!
  • Today I dreamed of a guy very similar to you. True, he had a white horse, a crown and a sword. Maybe you are my handsome prince?
  • You look great. How do you do it?
  • What is your priority: intelligence or beauty?
  • Do you believe in love on the Internet?

He ignores your messages and calls

Don't worry about your guy answering messages late or missing a phone call. You don't need to worry about such things. It happens to even the most organized among us.

If a guy constantly ignores your texts or calls, something is definitely wrong. In the vast majority of cases, when something like this happens, it means he has someone on his side. If you constantly encounter this situation, your relationship is in its final stages.

What to write to a guy so that he responds to SMS. Examples


  • What I dreamed that night was completely crazy! And you were at the center of it!
  • I have a serious problem...I want to write you something, but I don’t know what exactly.
  • Today I bet my cat that you won’t respond to this message. Has Murka won Whiskas, or will the poor animal be left without dinner?

About the eternal:

  • Is it true that men prefer blondes?
  • If you met an alien, what would you ask him?
  • What would you choose: a cozy house outside the city or the center of a metropolis?
  • Would you like to spend your whole life with just one person?
  • Imagine, tomorrow will be the end of the world. How would you like to spend your last day?

With compliments:

  • Your eyes are very beautiful in the photo, but so sad. Do you want me to cheer you up?
  • I saw your photo (on Vkontakte, Instagram, Facebook) and understood what the phrase “Attracts with your gaze like a magnet” means.
  • I want to check if the original is as good as its photo. Let's meet?
  • I'm sure this smile looks even better in real life. How do you manage to look so cool?

See the link for a ton of other cool compliments.

With requests:

  • I’m writing an article on the topic: “What to write to a guy so that he responds to SMS.” Can you help?
  • Can you help me choose a laptop? I don't understand technology at all.
  • I pressed some button on the keyboard, and now nothing loads. What to do?
  • How to pass level 6 in "Name of the Game" (Call of Duty, Tomb Raider, etc.)? Nothing works. Can you help me?


  • I agree. (?)
  • I want to do 3 things with you. (?) see, hear and touch...
  • Today is such a wonderful day. And I know how to make it even more enjoyable.(?) Spend it together.
  • I've already seen you somewhere.(?) Probably in my dream.

Why text a guy who ignores you?

Ideally, a girl should not be intrusive and write to a man first, especially if he ignores her. Unfortunately, the era of knights has passed, and representatives of the fairer sex sometimes have to dot the i’s. What reasons can cause women to be so assertive:

  1. The girl is so bored that ignoring her doesn’t stop her. She thinks that she will take the guy by force and hear the sound of the long-awaited reply SMS. Most women live by emotions, which pushes them to take such a rash step.
  2. She was madly in love with a man and continues to experience this deep feeling. It's not so easy to just pick up and forget a guy you're crazy about. Therefore, even his aloofness does not serve as an obstacle to attempts to receive a response message.
  3. Simple curiosity makes you call a young man for a conversation. Why did he disappear into nothingness if everything was in order? What did the man not like and what does he see as the meaning of ignoring?
  4. A woman wants to try to rebuild a relationship after a painful breakup. The couple broke up, but the girl’s heart never found peace. The girl decides that this is fate and tries to glue the fragments of the broken vase of love.
  5. She feels guilty towards the guy she offended. Finally, seeing the beam in her eye, the lady writes words of repentance, but hits a tightly closed gate.
  6. The girl seeks revenge. Maybe she wants to re-start an affair with the guy and, having gained trust, brutally break the man. Or wants to share details of a happy personal life without him.
  7. She wants to express everything that is boiling over. It is not always possible to silently swallow the insult and leave gracefully. Many girls dream of throwing out negativity and therefore seek an answer from the ignoring guy.

What should you write to a young man if he himself does not take the initiative?

If you don’t see anything criminal in the fact that you have to be the first to write to a man after a long silence, at least use the right tactics. There are many ways to get a guy to talk, we have selected the best of them:

  1. Intrigue. When you watch TV, you are probably annoyed by advertising that cuts off a movie or talk show at the most interesting point. But I really want to know how this episode ends. No fools came up with this effect that makes you wait for the show to continue without looking up from your favorite chair. A similar method can be used in correspondence with an ignoring guy. Examples of what to write to a man after a long silence:
  • “If you don’t answer me, you will never know the answer to your most exciting question,”
  • “And I found out something about you and I’m still in shock,”
  • “How could you do this, I didn’t suspect that you were like that...”

Just don't resort to blackmail and suicide threats. Such attempts will not lead to anything good, and you will be known as the local crazy person.

  1. 2. Compliment. Men are susceptible to flattery, that's for sure. They, like happy cats, will read messages with compliments, and your chances of starting long-awaited negotiations will increase. What to write to a guy so that he responds:
  • “Even though you don’t answer, know that you are the best thing in my life. I hope it will be."
  • “You are still silent, and I imagine how beautiful you are when you are angry,”
  • “We don’t communicate, but it’s absolutely impossible to forget you: you’re just space.”
  1. Request for help. What to write to a guy who ignores you? Ask for his help with a serious problem. No matter how angry a man is, he will not refuse a girl in need. Come up with some sob story, for example, that you can’t wash yourself because the faucet in the bathroom is broken. Ask the guy to come, while praising his masculine skills. If all is not lost, the man must come to the rescue, and first, finally answer the SMS. Follow your intuition, come up with a situation to which the young man simply cannot help but react.
  2. Common interests. You both loved football, and soon there will be a match involving your favorite team? Buy two tickets and send a photo of them in a message with the caption: “You can continue to ignore me, but we simply must go to the football game.” Expect an immediate reaction; the man must appreciate your surprise.

Or a simpler option. Let's say that a guy is interested in computers, and you learned about the imminent appearance of a new store with equipment of this kind. Of course, in honor of the opening there will be a win-win lottery, plus crazy discounts. Why not notify your silent boyfriend about this? He should appreciate the concern and take a step forward, at least by answering the message.

  1. An exciting question. What to write to a guy if he doesn't write? It is better to provoke him to answer with an intriguing question. You can demand that the guy give you a personal item or ask some romantic question like: “Do you remember our cozy evenings together?” Or you can also ask about something personal. This way you will emphasize how close you were: “How is your grandmother? Does she bake equally delicious pies?”
  2. 6. Support in difficult times. What should you write to a guy if he is silent, and you know that he is currently experiencing life difficulties? Tell him words of encouragement that will certainly touch the strings of his soul. What to write to a guy if he doesn’t answer and gets into trouble:
  • “Know that I still worry about you, and if you need my help, please contact me,”
  • “Even though you are not answering me now, I still sympathize with your grief and hope that you get out of it quickly,”
  • “Despite your ignorance, I wish you happiness and I know that everything will be fine for you, it can’t be any other way!”

With such messages you will show yourself as a kind and positive person. Most likely, the guy will answer you feeling supported.

What to do if a man ignores you.

And so, now I will give you a clear plan on what to do if a man ignores you. There is no need to make any adjustments, change or change it. Completed the first point - move on to the next. Remember, these are someone's experiences, not just made up words.

1. It is necessary to determine the reason for ignoring.

Do not rush. Sit and think. Shove your virtues up your ass and soberly assess the situation. Perhaps you messed up badly and didn’t even realize it. In most cases, you will understand this reason if you turn off your emotions and leave a sober and cool mind.

2. Take a break, take your mind off the problem.

Maybe you have long wanted to go ice skating, or go to Kamchatka. Get involved with someone and go and live as savages in the forest, go to the mountains, see Lake Baikal, etc. Not only will you be distracted, but you will also have a chance to meet a person worthy of you. Maybe you will like to lead such a reckless lifestyle, and you will discover other facets and paths of development in yourself.

For some it really makes a difference. The person understands that all this time he has been living the wrong life and communicating with the wrong people. Then the problem if a man ignores you disappears by itself. Try it, maybe you really don’t live like that.

After this point, many men stop ignoring you and start looking for you. And at this time you post your photos on Instagram of yourself in the Himalayas, in Kamchatka in hot springs, on Lake Baikal, in Altai, etc. And suddenly he wonders. “I don’t understand, does she give a damn about me?!” There is a desire to understand your behavior, contacts are renewed. Well, then reconciliation is just a stone’s throw away.

3. Change.

Change your appearance. No, really. Here I meet some of my friends, classmates. And that’s how they were and remain. Down to the same clothes and hairstyle. How the hell can you live like this?!!! Isn't it interesting to change yourself? Try new hairstyles, new clothing styles. In general, a complete change of image!

By the way, I have one such girl, we studied at university together. She was like a ruffly, inconspicuous sparrow. Whether it's a boy or a girl, you can't tell. And then I met her a few years later and didn’t recognize her. It was a LADY! Yes, with a capital letter. A complete change of image and lifestyle. Like in the movie "Office Romance". And as a result, a rich life, an excellent husband, good children. Like this. And it was not the other way around, as you probably already thought. That's exactly it. First, a complete change of image and lifestyle, and then, husband, money, wealth.

Change internally. It is equally important to change your inner world. Realize that it is not rags, pouting lips, tits and asses that are important, but your spiritual world. Men feel this very well. Get all the crap out of your head. Contrived and instilled empty values.

There's crap in your head right now. Do not believe? But answer yourself honestly. What do you want in a situation if a man ignores you? Yes, you are ready to tear your ass with your manicured fingers, but to ensure that this brute lies at your feet and asks for forgiveness for ignoring you. And after that I was a slave and loved you madly. So? No? Yes, yes, yes.


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Well, tell me after that, what were you thinking at that moment with your ass or your head, or is it one and the same for you? Well, then what’s the problem if a man ignores you? Who needs such a stupid sheep?

Men like smart women, but they just fuck such stupid ones in every hole, touching their ego and bringing base instincts and desires to life.

They will never allow this to happen to an intelligent, educated, worthy woman. Such people receive only careful, gentle, affectionate treatment. Choose what you want to become.

Become visible.

As a rule, few people reach this point. However, as before the next one. Either it’s already enough and everything has fallen into place as you need, or they simply ignore it.

One of the reasons why a man ignores you is that he has become uninterested in you. I'm tired of it in short. He stopped being interested in you completely. He doesn’t visit your page, doesn’t follow your story updates, well, in general, you understand, you don’t exist for him. And how will he find out about you? Right. Only when you become noticeable to many people.

Only then will he notice you, start watching you and oh... how you have become. After all, your goal is to make him think about you again, and the more often the better. What to do?

You need to make sure that people around you, friends, girlfriends, acquaintances, subscribers and any people in general start talking about you. How can this be achieved? This is where the most difficult thing begins for you - to think, to use brains that you didn’t have before (just kidding, no offense). Well, okay, you have an advanced girl like me who will help you solve the problem if a man ignores you. And so start thinking.

  • You need to do something to surprise his friends. They should definitely tell him about you. Something like: “Listen Bro. Yesterday I saw your ex-chick, it’s crazy, I didn’t recognize her, really Bro. She really became cooler, I would blow her myself.” I brought this limited vocabulary of Zimbabwean macaques specifically for your better understanding of what you need to do.
  • Think about how to get some of his work colleagues to become interested in your page and send him a link: “Dear manager, look how your ex is having a blast!”
  • Make his new chick jealous of you. Well, think for yourself.
  • Make his friends tell him about you.
  • Change your social profile. networks so that he gasps when he sees it.
  • Make his friend dumbfound him with the phrase: Listening, I can’t go with you today because... I’m dating... (you).”

Is flirting appropriate when ignored?

Girls often mistakenly believe that if they write something playful to a guy after a long silence, he will definitely rush to bombard them with promising SMS messages in response. This is not entirely the right tactic. Each specific situation requires a special approach. It all depends on the depth of the quarrel and your temperaments. For some, ignoring means breaking up, and some guys perceive it as a kind of game and a way to take a break from each other for a while.

Light flirting is possible after a minor, frivolous quarrel. If a couple of days have passed and the young man is still offended, then you can send him a couple of romantically silly SMSs. What flirty thing to write to a guy if he ignores:

  • “Are you bored yet? Or are you still sulking? But I want to see your pretty face,”
  • “Darling, stop playing the silent game. I have so much to tell you that I'm about to burst. You don’t want my death like this, do you?”
  • “Is my cat still offended by his guilty cat? Maybe my magic mur will fix the situation?”,
  • “Darling, did you accidentally break your finger? If not, then answer. If so, just call me, I miss you."

Prolonged ignorance and serious conflict do not imply such frivolous communication. If you start flirting with a man in this case, he will only become more convinced of the correctness of his decision. Try to be more thoughtful to improve your relationship. If you decide to fight for your happiness, do not lose your chances of success with the help of inappropriate messages.

He changes his passwords on the Internet

Let's say at the beginning of your relationship he was very comfortable with you using his phone or sitting with him while he checked his email. If he suddenly becomes secretive and changes his passwords, this should alert you. This most likely means that he is texting another girl and is not being honest with you.

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Why did the guy turn on ignore: let’s look at the reasons

It's just great if you know the reason for ignoring. One less problem: you won’t torment yourself with doubts and will easily move in the right direction. But the reason for silence is not always clear in full view. Let's look at the main reasons why a man doesn't respond to messages:

  1. He's really busy. Perhaps he did not have time to warn you about the future emergency, and now there is no time. Hard workdays do not leave a minute for idle pastime. If you know that this is possible and there have been no recent conflicts, calm down and wait a little longer.
  2. He is afraid of a serious relationship. Seeing that your romance is going too far, a fearful guy may retreat in an attempt to avoid legal marriage. If this is confirmed, just forget about it. Why do you need some infantile subject, presumably male, who cannot even say his opinion to his face?
  3. He met someone else. Cowardice does not allow a man to admit what he has done. He hopes that you will understand everything and leave him alone. Ask your mutual friends, maybe they know something?
  4. He abandoned you like that. The relationship reached a dead end, and thus the guy cut off all the threads that connected you. It’s unpleasant when they don’t even bother to communicate their decision. Therefore, if the ignore continues, just spit on such an ill-mannered man.
  5. He was very offended. If you had a hand in the current state of affairs and feel that you are largely to blame, try to understand the guy. Let it cool down, and in the meantime, look for ways to atone for your sins.
  6. He forgot his account password or there is no money on his phone. And such technical reasons take place when the ignore does not last long. Wait a little, a decent guy will definitely show up and explain the reason for the sudden disappearance.


Men are the same people as women, they tend to experience similar feelings. Put yourself in his shoes.

Let's say you have three male colleagues at work, one of whom you like very much. You have tickets to a concert (football, theater, opera).

You can calmly go up and invite a colleague you don’t care about to go to an event with you. Refused?

Well, it’s okay, you easily offer to accompany you to another colleague for whom you have no feelings.

Now imagine that you need to approach a third person with this proposal, with whom you like or are secretly in love. You lie awake at night, scroll through phrases in your head, select the right words, and ultimately don’t dare to approach. And why? You are afraid that you will be rejected.

are just as afraid of rejection , afraid of seeming funny. This is one of the reasons why a guy ignores the girl he likes, and it is called timidity, fear of rejection, shyness.

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What to write to a guy to get him to respond?

Today's communication is becoming easier and more natural than before. This makes the problem of starting communication and maintaining it easier. Today you don’t have to wait weeks or months for a response to a letter. Communication speeds up, as does the decision-making process in relationships. In other words, now in just a couple of minutes there is a chance to get a response from an interesting person, as well as certain actions. For this reason, be bolder and start communicating with the guy you like first. Today this does not surprise anyone and is not considered reprehensible, since today’s girls are in most cases bolder.

Simple ways to interest a guy

So, let's look at simple ways to interest a member of the opposite sex:

The easiest option is to let him know that you want to get to know him. All representatives of the stronger sex are polygamous, so even if a guy has already found the one, he will definitely respond to a message with a proposal for acquaintance from a beautiful lady. At first it will be regular flirting, but further communication is completely up to you;

if you specifically mean an unfamiliar man (with whom you want to get acquainted), then the main way is cunning. It is precisely this that even the most intelligent representatives of the stronger sex cannot solve. Ask if he has a sister who went to some school. Or say that he looks too much like the brother of your friend, whom you just can’t find. A man will certainly fall for such a technique. Of course, he will say that you were mistaken, and he doesn’t have any sister. But this is not important, the main thing is that the conversation has begun. Then write about your own carelessness, and also repent of your stupid mistake. Further correspondence will proceed by itself;

There is another effective method. Of course, he is not suitable for VKontakte, but if you know the man’s email address, then use this chance. Propose a meeting, indicate the time and place. The man will definitely be shocked. When he gets over the stupor of such a message, he will certainly answer. Next, you should act according to the situation. If he asks who wrote this, answer. If he tells you that she is unknown to him, say that he is faking it. After being surprised, he will understand that you have mixed up the address and will report this fact. But here again it is important to imagine the “unhappy” girl who has the wrong address.

Girls are sure that the phrase “Hello. How are you?" unoriginal and banal, that today's guys don't fall for it. But it's not right. This is about the same if you write that you want to make an acquaintance. And all men, as already mentioned, are polygamous, and a simple “Hello” does not go unnoticed. Perhaps out of curiosity, or perhaps to amuse myself. They are all proud.

These simple methods will help you get acquainted with a guy through correspondence. Then everything depends on you. But remember that in any situation you should remember tact and not become intrusive. Don't make stupid spelling mistakes. Although guys are usually not models of literacy, there is no need to take risks.

He gets irritated by little things

As a rule, this is a sign that the guy is looking for easy ways to break off the relationship. If he constantly fights over small things, he probably wants to break up but can't talk about it directly. Arguing is a common tactic when people are bored with their current relationship.

He may get angry over something small, such as if you forget to buy something at the store or respond to a message late. These are all examples of completely normal things, but if a guy always goes crazy over little things like this, it's a sure sign that he's unhappy in the relationship.

What to write to a man in SMS so that he responds

It is also important to know what to write to a man in SMS to encourage him to respond. But it’s worth noting right away that it’s too difficult to interest a stranger with one message. Many girls want to know the answer to just such a question. But there is only one way to get a man to respond to the first message. And this method is not the most decent, so we don’t take it into account.

So, you got your lover’s number (it doesn’t matter how you got it). How to use this chance correctly? Of course, it’s scary to call. But this is not surprising, because you need to think about what to write in the message in order to encourage him to respond. The best option is “wrong number.” It’s easier to do this with a phone, because just one wrong number and the SMS will arrive just to the right recipient. There are many ways to adjust the dialogue:

propose a meeting, ask if he is going to a lecture on higher mathematics, if he will share notes from the lecture, if he will pick you up before work, etc. Use your imagination, just come up with a conversation plan ahead of time, your answers and his; tell him that a friend gave you the number and that you want to talk to him. Just immediately, after his answer, take the conversation in a different direction, so that suddenly he is not interested in that “friend” and not in your conversation;

Dating on VKontakte. What to write to a guy

In the modern world, social networks are gaining great popularity. Dating on VKontakte makes you think about what to write to a guy in order to become interesting to him and get an answer. Write the usual “Hello.” He will most likely respond in kind, because he will become curious about what you will do next.

Keep in mind that before writing to a stranger for the first time, it is important to put things in order on your own page. Delete all photos with ex-boyfriends, all bad shots and pretty girls. A potential guy will first go through your personal information on the page in detail.

One more thing, the avatar should definitely have your photo on it, and not a picture from the Internet. The man's interest immediately disappears. They certainly love mystery, but not to that extent. He will wonder why you are hiding your face. And here doubts about your attractiveness will arise.

If you send a man some picture with meaning on your VKontakte wall, then most likely he will ask what you meant and ask you to help him figure it out. Do not send overly original or intricate pictures, otherwise the guy will be scared. Men don’t like “misunderstandings,” which is why they consider the female sex to be inhabitants of another planet. What is a subtle and understandable hint for women is a complex puzzle for men.

Deliberate ignoring

There is such a psychological technique - alternating a good relationship with a bad one. This technique is annoying and can even drive a girl in love to hysterics.

In reality, it looks like this : a person behaves like perfection for several days - he calls, asks about business, tells his news, asks for advice, plans joint walks, and then “disappears” for several days.

He simply stops calling, and reluctantly answers your calls, pretending that he has no time or that he is consumed by worries, but he doesn’t push him away completely, he just changes his attitude.

You don’t understand what’s the matter, why he either shows interest or ignores him, this whole gentle, charming man has turned into a silent man, you get angry, offended, you promise yourself never to communicate with him again, or at least not to call him first.

But after a few days there is a “return” - he again showers you with compliments and invites you on dates. That’s it, you melted and became even more attached to him.

If some men do such things consciously - they deliberately ignore a woman (naturally, you), then others - unconsciously: what does this mean, how to behave in this situation?

There is only one way out - do not succumb to provocation, do not call, but respond in kind.

What to write to a guy after a quarrel

If you had a fight, then the question arises of what to write to a guy after a quarrel in order to make peace and get an answer. So, let's look at some options:

write him kind words. To smooth out negative emotions, you should write ordinary messages like: “I think about you all the time,” “I miss you very much,” “Let’s meet.” But this will not help if the man is very offended by you; option with the message “Let's meet. We need to talk” is suitable if it is difficult to forget the problem that has arisen. In other words, when the heat of passion has passed, but the problem needs to be clarified; If you are not concentrating on the question of who is wrong and who is right, then write this: “Stupid situation. You are very dear to me. Maybe we can make peace?" or “I really miss you. Let's meet and take a walk." These options are the most suitable. They will show that it is important for you to maintain your relationship with a man, and not to sort it out.

If you write to a man after a quarrel, then both of you must be in a sober mind. Do not have such conversations in a negative way, when emotions are high. You can only make peace when you finally calm down, so it’s worth having patience.

He begins to act secretly

For example, your boyfriend doesn't always tell you where he is or who he is with. He becomes secretive, hiding his phone from you or closing his social network page when you approach. You will never know who he is writing or calling.

In many cases, this means that the relationship is over before he makes a final decision. If a man hides something from you, this is a very bad sign. Trust and honesty are absolutely essential to any successful relationship. If you can't trust him, he's not worth your attention.

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What to write to your ex-boyfriend to get an answer

The question of what to write to your ex-boyfriend is quite difficult. The main problem here is to understand whether he should write at all. First of all, it’s worth remembering your breakup, who took the initiative, and why this happened. Maybe you shouldn’t write him anything at all, since a broken vase won’t be able to be mended. But if you decide to take this step, stepping over your own principles and pride, then listen to the following advice:

You shouldn’t write right after a breakup. Let him think. Even if you want to return it again, this is done unobtrusively and carefully. It’s better to write the usual after a few weeks/months: “Hello. What's up? We haven’t corresponded for a long time.” By this you will demonstrate that you do not remember the grievances (even if the situation is exactly the opposite), you will not beg him to return; In addition, if you both experienced true feelings in the past, and the guy is not the worst person, then he will certainly answer you. After that, write that everything is fine with you, tell the news about mutual friends. In other words, defuse the situation from the very beginning. It turns out that you will not go on the offensive immediately.

If you feel that a man only writes off routine proposals, is not interested in you, does not ask anything, then there is no place for you in his destiny, he has been taken by someone else. You shouldn’t threaten him or be annoying, like overly “smart” girls do. This is not the way. Actually, he is not the last guy on the planet; if you broke up, it means it was necessary. Someone else will be lucky. Remain proud, value yourself and your own merits.

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