How to treat cerebral atherosclerosis at home

Is it possible to treat cerebral atherosclerosis without medications?

According to some doctors, cerebral atherosclerosis can be cured using traditional methods. Exceptions are cases when the disease is deeply advanced and immediate medical attention is required. It is possible to successfully get rid of atherosclerosis only with complex and long-term treatment using appropriate medications. You cannot get rid of such a serious problem just by drinking a decoction of one plant for a week.

The most effective will be decoctions and infusions from herbal collections that have the following properties:

  • They contain essential minerals and vitamins.
  • Improve metabolic processes, including lipid metabolism.
  • They have a blood thinning effect.
  • Relieves vascular spasms.
  • Increases cardiac tone.
  • They have an antihypoxic effect.
  • Give a slight sedative effect.

It is quite possible to cure the initial stages of atherosclerosis using traditional methods , but you must follow the necessary diet and lifestyle (physical activity).

The article will tell you how to deal with the disease; Find out how to treat the disease here.

When should you contact specialists?

Let's start with the fact that you need to contact a specialist at the slightest suspicion of this disease.
There are no symptoms that can accurately characterize the onset of atherosclerosis. In the initial stages, this disease is detected in the results of a blood test: increased levels of cholesterol and beta lipoproteins. The doctor should send you for additional examinations, which will determine the presence of this diagnosis, as well as its stage. And only a doctor can say whether such treatment can be carried out in a given situation.

If, when using herbal infusions or other folk methods, any unpleasant sensations, pain, or deterioration in general condition appear, you should consult your doctor again. At the end of treatment, you must be examined again to see the result.

Attention! Atherosclerosis (ICD 10) is deadly!
Therefore, a preliminary examination can save lives.

Reasons for development

The following reasons for the development of cerebral atherosclerosis are identified:

  1. Poor nutrition. Overeating, abuse of fatty, fried foods, fast foods, and semi-finished products leads to disruption of lipid metabolism in the body with subsequent deposition of cholesterol plaques in the blood vessels.
  2. Age. It has been established that with age, the likelihood of developing cerebral atherosclerosis increases. Women are partially protected by high estrogen levels before menopause.
  3. Smoking and alcohol abuse. By themselves, these bad habits do not cause the development of atherosclerosis, but in combination with other risk factors, alcohol and nicotine greatly aggravate the atherosclerosis process and cause great harm to blood vessels.
  4. Genetic predisposition. In people whose relatives suffer from atherosclerosis, a hereditary connection to the development of the disease can be traced.
  5. Diabetes mellitus and obesity are triggers for the development of cerebral atherosclerosis.
  6. Stress. Daily stressful situations disable the nervous system and are good soil for the development of cerebral atherosclerosis.

Obesity may be the cause of cerebral atherosclerosis

Folk remedies

Let's consider various methods of traditional medicine to defeat atherosclerosis. Any of the following decoctions and infusions should be used for a long time.


Infusions are means in which the raw materials are prepared with boiling water, or poured with water of any temperature, and infused for some time before use. In some cases, slight heating in a water bath is possible, less than 15 minutes. Leaf, berry and flower raw materials are often prepared by infusion. Here are the most effective ones :

  • You need to take dandelion (roots, leaves and stems in equal parts by weight), strawberries (leaves and roots), lemon balm and nettle leaves. Equal parts of the raw materials of each plant are taken and mixed. 6 grams of herbal mixture are poured into 300 grams of boiling water, let stand for an hour. Drink in small portions throughout the day.
  • Mix 1 part birch leaves, 1 part coltsfoot leaf with 2 parts hawthorn flowers and 2 parts yarrow flowers. Brew 400 grams of boiling water and 2 dessert spoons of the mixture. Wrap up and leave for 3 hours. Divide 200 grams into morning and afternoon doses, and drink the rest (200 grams) in the evening.
  • Mix one part by weight of immortelle flowers, wild raspberry shoots (important!), and lingonberry leaves with 2 parts of hawthorn berries. Brew 3 grams of the collection with 200 ml of boiling water, wrap and leave for an hour. Divide into 4 daily doses.


The denser parts of plants are usually boiled: woody shoots, roots, bark. Decoctions are prepared using the water bath method. The raw materials are combined with water, heated and maintained in a state of simmering for 30-40 minutes. Here are some of them :

  1. Take oat straw, rose hips, peppermint and wild strawberry leaves in equal proportions. To prepare you need to take a tbsp. spoon and combine with 2 glasses of water. Prepare the decoction for 30 minutes. Divide the finished product into 3 daily portions.
  2. Mix blackberry leaves, elecampane root, oregano and shepherd's purse equally. 1 tbsp. Combine a spoon with 1.5 glasses of water. Prepare the decoction according to the standard procedure. Divide into 4 daily servings.
  3. Combine rowan berries, corn silk, calendula and clover flowers in equal parts. Make a decoction of 1 tbsp. spoons of the mixture and 300 ml of water. Divide into 4 doses.

We invite you to watch the video where you will learn another decoction recipe:

Something else

In addition to herbal remedies, there are other effective folk remedies against atherosclerosis:

  • With honey . A glass of onion juice, 50 gr. chopped lemon peel, and 250 gr. mix honey, leave for 3 days. Store in a dark place, away from heating appliances. Take a tablespoon of the product 3 times a day half an hour before meals.
  • With garlic . Mix garlic juice in equal proportions with fresh honey. Take 1 tbsp. spoon half an hour before meals. This recipe is not intended for long-term use. After 1-1.5 months you need to take a break for a month.
  • With rosehip . Dry berries are poured into the bottle 2/3 of the way up, vodka is added. Infuse in a dark place for 10-14 days, shaking daily. Then the liquid is separated. Drink 20 drops three times a day. Drop the tincture onto a piece of sugar.
  • With dandelion . The roots of the plant are dried and crushed. Take 3-5 grams of powder. before every meal. The course of treatment is six months.

Now you know how to treat a disease at home that also affects the blood vessels of the brain.

Treatment of atherosclerosis with drugs

Normalization of cholesterol

Elevated levels of lipids in the blood cause the development of ischemic strokes - triglycerides corrode the walls of blood vessels, rendering them unusable. Statins are used to treat cerebral atherosclerosis - the doctor selects the drug, taking into account the level of cholesterol in the blood, indications and side effects.

Effective - Pravastatin, Rosuvastatin, Atorvastatin. If the blood vessels of the brain are affected by atherosclerosis, Pravastin becomes the drug of choice; antibiotics and alcohol cannot be taken against its background. It is not surprising that doctors study the contraindications of the drug; a drug from the statin group is prescribed only after a study of kidney function.

Lipitor and Lescol are statins with increased toxicity, which is why they are rarely prescribed. If it is necessary to take medications for a long time to regulate cholesterol levels, new generation drugs are prescribed - cerivastine, atorvastine.

Treatment of specific forms of the disease

Some folk remedies may be more effective depending on the location of the disease.

In cerebral form

In this form of the disease, the blood vessels of the brain are especially affected. A person’s memory and attention deteriorate, irritability increases, limbs may become cold and fainting may occur. Traditional medicine offers the following recipes for the treatment of cerebral atherosclerosis :

  1. Pour dried apricots, raisins, prunes, rose hips and figs equally with the same amount of cold water. Leave for about 10 hours. Grind the swollen fruits in a meat grinder. Eat 1 tbsp. spoon of the resulting paste half an hour before meals.

  2. For 1 part grated horseradish, take 10 parts sour cream. Eat 1-2 tbsp. spoon 30 minutes before meals.
  3. Mix 100 grams of onion juice with 100 grams of sugar. Leave in the dark for 24 hours. Drink a tablespoon after meals.

  4. Drink 30-50 ml of brewed hawthorn berries before meals. To prepare the infusion, take 2 tbsp. spoons of berries per 300 ml of water.

  5. Pour the crushed elecampane root with alcohol. 100 grams per 20 grams of raw materials. Leave for 20 days in the dark. Before use, mix with a bottle of pharmaceutical propolis tincture. Drink 25 drops morning and evening.

With obliterating endarteritis

To treat this disease, anticoagulants are used, which load the liver and kidneys in large quantities. You can partially replace chemicals with traditional medicine at home:

  • Dilute horse chestnut juice with water 1:1. Drink 25 drops morning and evening. There are ready-made preparations from this plant.
  • Drink 100 ml of cucumber juice on an empty stomach in the morning.
  • 50 g of white mistletoe pour ½ liter of vodka. Leave in the dark for a month. Drink a small spoon 3 times a day. The course is limited to 3 months.

Atherosclerosis of the aorta of the heart

The most dangerous location for atherosclerosis is the aorta of the heart . Pathology that can lead to disability or death. For treatment at home, the following recipes are recommended:

  • 150 gr. Garlic pulp needs to be poured with 250 grams of vodka. Keep in a dark place for 21 days. Take 20 drops diluted in 1/2 glass of milk.
  • Take equal parts of finely chopped plantain leaf and fresh honey, mix and simmer in a water bath for 20 minutes. Take 1 tbsp. spoon per day. Store in a dark and cool place.
  • 100 gr. Combine chopped garlic with 200 grams of fresh honey. Drink 20-30 minutes before meals 3-4 times a day.

Nutrition for atherosclerosis

Is it possible to cure atherosclerosis using traditional methods without adjusting the diet and menu?

The success of treatment depends on a properly selected and balanced menu, the main goal of which is to limit foods that favor the accumulation of cholesterol and include cholesterol “solvents” in the diet.

Diet for atherosclerosis

Foods that prevent the accumulation of excess cholesterol and promote its breakdown:

  • vegetable oil;
  • bread made from bran or whole grains;
  • veal and poultry;
  • lean fish and seafood;
  • greens, onions, lettuce, garlic;
  • porridge made from coarse grains (wheat, buckwheat, corn, rice);
  • low-fat cottage cheese, soft margarine;
  • vegetables, berries, fruits.

A diet for cerebral and neck vascular atherosclerosis limits (but does not completely prohibit) the consumption of the following food groups:

  • fatty dairy and meat products;
  • offal (kidneys, heart, liver) and sausages;
  • salty, pickled, smoked and sweet dishes;
  • semi-finished products and canned food;
  • animal fats (lard, butter);
  • yeast, butter, puff confectionery products.

Salt and sugar significantly affect the accumulation of cholesterol, so their consumption should be kept to a minimum.

Drinks play an important role in the treatment of atherosclerosis, because the patient needs to drink at least two liters of liquid per day to prevent the blood from thickening.

Teas and juices for atherosclerosis

Any fruit and vegetable juices will be useful for cerebral atherosclerosis, but the greatest effect in treating the disease is the consumption of juices from pomegranate, wild strawberries, strawberries, cherries, black currants and black rowan.

In addition, it is recommended to include in the diet:

  1. Potato juice. Squeeze the juice from a medium-sized peeled potato and drink immediately before meals (on an empty stomach).
  2. Plantain juice. Fresh plantain leaves are crushed and the juice is squeezed out through cheesecloth. Add honey to the resulting mixture (there should be the same amount as juice) and place on medium heat. After 20 minutes, the juice should be removed from the heat and cooled. Drink two tablespoons per day.
  3. Celery juice. Celery juice is mixed (in equal parts) with carrot juice. I drink a glass of the drink regularly (on an empty stomach).
  4. Radish juice. Before meals, drink a tablespoon of freshly squeezed drink.
  5. Hawthorn juice. Hawthorn fruits are crushed using a blender, and the juice is squeezed out of the mixture, which must be drunk on an empty stomach.

For atherosclerosis, preference should be given to green tea, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of blood vessels.

But drinking green tea more than twice a day is not recommended, so medicinal teas will help diversify your “drinking”:

  1. Melissa tea. Brew like regular tea and drink throughout the day.
  2. Parsley tea. Pour boiling water over fresh parsley (1 bunch) and drink a glass morning and evening.
  3. Strawberry tea. Pour a glass of boiling water over strawberry leaves (about 20 g) and place on the fire. Boil slightly (for 15 minutes) and then dilute with boiled water (30 g). The tea is drunk in four doses.
  4. Clover tea. Brew a tablespoon of dried plant flowers with a glass of boiling water. After 15 minutes, a third of the glass is poured out, diluted with boiled water and drunk like tea.
  5. Buckwheat tea. Pour boiled water (500 ml) into buckwheat flowers (1 large spoon), infuse the drink for several hours in a thermos, and then drink warm in three doses.



In order to avoid cerebral atherosclerosis, traditional medicine offers tasty and healthy herbal teas, the regular use of which normalizes metabolic processes, helps reduce cholesterol and strengthens blood vessels:

  1. Equal parts chicory root, dandelion root and elecampane root.
  2. Strawberry leaf, raspberry leaf and rose hips.
  3. Birch leaf, oat straw, nettle, rose hips, mint.
  4. Pink lemon balm petals, herbal part of strawberry, rowan berries.

Advice! To prepare, add 1 teaspoon of any mixture to the usual tea leaves, and prepare tea as usual.

Diagnostic methods

To make a diagnosis, the following data must be taken into account:

  • patient complaints and the dynamics of disease development;
  • clinical examination results;
  • data from laboratory and instrumental examination methods.

Biochemical indicators of atherosclerosis can be detected in the blood. The diagnosis is confirmed by some instrumental study that reveals the localization of cholesterol plaques and the degree of blood flow disturbance.

Nicotinic acid for atherosclerosis

Changes in the vessels of the head during atherosclerosis are accompanied by circulatory disorders and a subsequent increase in neurotic syndrome. In this case, nicotinic acid or, as it is also called, vitamin PP, will help regulate metabolism.

The medicine is prescribed to patients who cannot restore normal blood circulation through physical activity due to old age and other reasons. Vitamin PP regulates fat metabolism, normalizes cholesterol levels, improves blood circulation, increases mental activity and improves memory.

Patients after a stroke quickly recover by taking nicotinic acid. Contraindications to taking vitamin PP are pathologies of the liver and stomach, heart and lungs, and intestines.

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