Who is a melancholic person? Let us characterize the mysterious temperament

  1. Main characteristics of a melancholic person
  2. What character and behavior traits will help you recognize a melancholic person?
  3. Strengths and weaknesses of melancholic people
  4. Melancholic at work
  5. Melancholic children

Hippocrates describes melancholic people as easily vulnerable, sluggishly reacting to their surroundings, withdrawn, and restrained in speech. Despite such “unenviable” characteristics, melancholic people have the main important quality - high sensitivity of the nervous system

, allowing them to become great musicians, artists, philosophers. Melancholic people have a certain margin of strength, so they are not at all as fragile as one might think, however, compared to phlegmatic people, sanguine people and choleric people, this type of temperament is considered the weakest.

Melancholic temperament type: characteristics.

The versatility of character is the main advantage of this type. Psychologists identify the main character traits of a melancholic person :

  1. Stubbornness is the main and leading quality that allows a melancholic person to feel like an individual and express his opinion and vision of the problem (issue) being solved. Such people consider themselves to be right in everything they say and do. In their subconscious they have built an ideal model of life, for this reason most suffer from loneliness, since not everyone is ready to follow the same path with them. But unlike others, the melancho-carrier is not one of those who “go with the flow”;
  2. Analysis allows you to draw up a personal action plan. It is for this reason that carriers of this temperament do not like uncertainty and spontaneity; because of such a positive quality, many call them bores;
  3. A tearful, plaintive state. Everything is achieved through compassionate manipulation;
  4. They are considered the instigator of all conflict situations. In controversial situations, they try to think logically, collecting analytical data into a single whole;
  5. Low self-esteem, shy qualities. Compliments are not for them, as they try to find a compelling argument to accept them at their true worth;
  6. Natives are convinced that life must be brought to perfection, where every detail is in its place. Because of this, they often create a problem out of thin air if the work done seems less than ideal. They evaluate not only their own person, but also the persons of others according to inflated standards;
  7. If reality does not correspond to their own requirements, representatives of the personality discussed today experience and experience a feeling of shame;
  8. Extremely precise and careful in their actions;
  9. Melancholic people are sensitive and emotional individuals, excellent manipulators. They try to evoke feelings of pity and compassion.

The psycho-emotional state of the melancho type is excitability, increased emotionality, suspiciousness and touchiness. Even a simple small unpleasant moment can spoil his good mood at the moment. By nature, melancholic people are very demanding, but they do not show aggression towards people.

Psychological portrait: description

Speaking about melancholic people, it is necessary to note such qualities as thoughtfulness and isolation. Such a person is often immersed in his experiences and does not notice anything around him. He doesn't really like speaking in public and noisy companies. And in general, it’s difficult to call him sociable.

One of the main signs of a melancholic person is pessimism. He often begins to worry about a problem even before it appears. He is easily hurt, hurt or offended.

This is a person who loves to create, think, and plan. Melancholic people are comfortable with repetitive monotonous actions , especially if this is necessary to achieve the task.

What is the meaning of the word "melancholic"? Find out about it in the video:

Melancholic: description of mental state.

Regular states of renunciation prevent melancholic people from living fully and moving up the career ladder. This manifests itself in the following:

  • They remember poorly and quickly forget unnecessary information (In cases where the information is really interesting and important to them, they cling to every detail and successfully use it in practice);
  • Difficulties arise in learning, since it is difficult for them to concentrate on the task, since at this moment they can think about something completely different - more important (They strive to do everything the other way around or at their own discretion, because they consider only themselves to be right);
  • Low self-esteem gives rise to additional complexes, for example, underestimation by superiors, representatives of the opposite sex (such self-esteem always motivates actions to improve the quality of work, the experience necessary to complete it, the state of appearance and education);
  • Slow movements do not allow you to do a lot of work. Despite this, in comfort and tranquility, this type of personality can be distinguished by high performance. Any external irritant can confuse a melancholic person, destroying his perfectly coordinated work process. As a result, people with this personality type may not finish the job they start.

The Melancholic temperament type is observed in almost every person to a small extent, so many manage to hide its presence.

Definition and characteristics

To begin with, we note that an extrovert is a sociable, friendly, open person. From this it becomes clear that melancholic extroverts, in principle, cannot exist.

A melancholic introvert is a person who is focused on his own inner world, takes failures hard and has difficulty communicating.

Choleric and melancholic in one person . Pure types of temperaments are rare. Most often they are mixed: a person absorbs the qualities of two or even three.

Melancholic-choleric temperament at the same time is quite rare. Such people constantly experience periods of activity, which are replaced by apathy.

They combine the impetuosity of a choleric person and the thoughtfulness of a melancholic person. Thanks to this combination, they are able to achieve greater success in business than people with a pure choleric or melancholic temperament.

Professions suitable for a melancholic person.

There are no restrictions on the professional activities of melancholic people, but a significant condition for choosing a profession is the presence of regular rest breaks. A more receptive schedule would be several hours of productive work, followed by a half-hour break.

Recreation can include walks in the fresh air, drinking tea, relaxation - a distraction from the main activity. A friendly, well-coordinated work team is perceived better. What professions are suitable for melancholic people ? The most suitable professions that do not require deadlines to complete certain tasks:

  • Nanny in kindergarten;
  • Nurse in a hospital, private clinic;
  • Programmer;
  • Librarian;
  • Psychologist;
  • and any other professions related to mental activity.

Melancholic in love, family. Melancholic in communication

Constant apathy left its mark on the sociability of melancholic people.

They avoid other people and are not the first to make contact. They are most interested in their own world than relationships with neighbors and colleagues.

Melancholic people have very few friends , but they are very important for unsociable pessimists. Friendship is always strong and lasts for many years. As friends, representatives of this temperament choose strong and active people who can take care of vulnerable natures.

Most lonely people are melancholic . However, if they manage to create a family, then they try to preserve it under any circumstances. The main thing in the family is the other half of these people, and they themselves love to feel protected under the reliable wing of their spouse.

Another important property is that melancholic people never cheat on their loved ones.

What melancholic? External differences.

There are a number of certain external signs that determine whether a person belongs to the melancholic personality type. Their metabolism is usually accelerated, but not balanced, so excess weight can become a threat in rare cases associated with genetics. Other differences:

  1. Fragile appearance: thinness, elongated body parts and limbs;
  2. Pronounced facial features;
  3. There are no muscles or they are not very pronounced;
  4. The waist is narrow, and the pelvic and shoulder bones are wide;
  5. Not wide and flat back;
  6. The forehead is square and high;
  7. Pointed chin, protruding forward;
  8. Pronounced cheekbones, sometimes pointed;
  9. Sharp, long nose;
  10. The neck is thin and long.

According to these parameters, it is difficult to distinguish a melancholic person from a choleric person, so be careful in your statements, because if you offend a melancholic person, you will enrage the choleric person.


Knowing his characteristics, a melancholic person can easily choose a suitable profession for himself. What could it be? A person should understand that ideally they should work alone at home. What profession allows a person to work remotely? That's right, freelancing. If a person’s education is related to those services that can be provided to people remotely, then this will be a big plus for a reserved person. In freelancing, people do not have face-to-face contact with each other. All communication is in the form of correspondence. And agreeing with someone about something in writing is much easier than doing it in person.

The description of a melancholic person was given above. These are apathetic people who rarely find the motivation to work. Therefore, freelancing is unlikely to suit such people. Of course, if a person is motivated in the form of satisfying his basic biological needs, then the person will be able to organize himself. But otherwise the business will not be successful.

Introverts, on the other hand, enjoy working from home because they are well organized. They know how to distribute their work, correctly plan working time not only for the current day, but also for several months in advance. So if a reserved person has the skill of self-organization, she can work as a freelancer, but if she doesn’t, then it’s better to choose office work.

Melancholic: pros and cons.

Each character has its own advantages and disadvantages, “ Melancholic type is no exception. Among the positive aspects, psychologists note the following:

  • Creative thinking, manifestation of creative abilities;
  • Increased attention to people around you;
  • Good relations;
  • The ability to sympathize;
  • Loyalty in friendship, relationships;
  • Setting high demands on yourself.

Negative sides:

  • High-frequency depressive states (there are exceptions when the owner of this temperament deliberately provokes the elimination of apathy);
  • Negativism in outlook on life;
  • Statement of serious demands on people around you;
  • Minimal stress resistance;
  • Closedness, reluctance to communicate.

Famous and famous examples

Despite all the specifics of this temperament, there are many famous people among melancholic people , for example:

  • Rene Descartes (scientific figure);
  • Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky (writer);
  • Elvis Aaron Presley (musician);
  • Anton Pavlovich Chekhov (writer);
  • Michael Joseph Jackson (musician);
  • Nikolai Stepanovich Gumilev (poet);
  • Grigory Alekseevich Yavlinsky (political figure);
  • Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (composer);
  • Edgar Allan Poe (writer);
  • Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin (poet);
  • Charles Robert Darwin (scientific figure);
  • Frederic François Chopin (composer);
  • Nicholas I Pavlovich (politician);
  • Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol (writer);
  • Isaac Newton (scientist, physicist).

Melancholic woman.

It is not difficult to find a Melancholic temperament type in a woman; she is characterized as a calm, thoughtful person. Tries to avoid quarrels and conflicts. She is always calm in conversation and demands the same from her interlocutor.

In addition to calmness, a melancholic woman constantly doubts her attractiveness, conducting internal analysis. At times she is cheerful and active, but any emotional shock can force her to plunge into her own world and thoughts.

Women with this type of character can be called dreamers with a romantic nature. There is an image of an ideal man in their head. It is for this reason that reality and their dreams cannot come together in real life and the choice of a life partner takes longer.

In everyday affairs, she will be an excellent housewife, a faithful wife. In raising children he will approach with extreme seriousness. The head of her family will only be a representative of the stronger sex, since she does not like to take responsibility.

At work she is an excellent performer, but nothing more. Will give preference to creative work than to sit in the boss’s chair and give instructions to subordinates.


  • Melancholic people get tired quickly and often interrupt work to rest. But during pauses, new ideas often come to them for a new round of creativity.
  • Closedness. They are tired of intense communication, they do not like noise and fuss. Melancholic people do not immediately open their souls to everyone, and it is not easy to get along with people.
  • Anxiety. Melancholic people are not heroes; they are constantly afraid that everything will end badly, which often prevents them from acting.
  • Pessimism. They are not born pessimists, but almost always become one at the very first encounter with real difficulties. Despair and complaints about fate are mandatory numbers in the repertoire of a pronounced melancholic person.
  • Exposure to stress. Stress awaits the melancholic at every step, and every trouble is experienced as a shock. They recover for a long time and painfully, since the processes of inhibition in melancholic people prevail over excitation. Constant readiness for trouble deprives life of many bright colors.

The man is melancholic.

Seriousness, punctuality, pedantry are the main qualities of a man with a melancholic character type. In relationships, he is an excellent protector of the other half, ready to give expensive gifts. He makes plans for the future and tries to fully adhere to them.

It is easy to confuse a man and, as practice shows, he will have a hard time withstanding various shocks and troubles.

The man is very anxious and experiences negativity towards the world around him. Very sensitive to others. Low self-esteem leads many melancholic people to loneliness and the destruction of built relationships.

A rich inner world helps to discover artistic abilities. By nature, a melancholic man is very creative.

Melancholic child.

The Melancholic temperament type manifests itself in a child in the same way as in adults, but brighter. Melancholic children are insecure individuals prone to fuss. They communicate slowly, trying to emphasize every word spoken. They will support the conversation, but will not initiate it.

Putting a child with a melancholy character to bed is problematic, but he will fall asleep quickly. The awakening process is immediate. They are extremely careful in their actions; they can rarely return after a walk with an injury, bruise or scratch.

Advantages of a child's character:

  • Empathy for loved ones and others;
  • Impressionability;
  • Ability to think, analyze and fantasize;
  • Sensitivity.


  • Shyness;
  • Indecision in action;
  • Closedness;
  • timidity;
  • Increased anxiety;
  • Vulnerability.


During the learning process, a child with a melancholic type quickly gets tired due to constant tension. When speaking in public, they can get confused, forgetting the material that they have been studying for a long time.

Studying the general education program occurs quickly, but due to lack of concentration, they do not fully master the program. For their part, parents should regularly encourage their child so that uncertainty does not discourage the desire to know and learn.

In society.

A child has very few true friends. Despite this, he values ​​friendly relations. He will never become a leader, but he will earn authority among most children.

He tries to avoid large crowds of children; his company will be limited to a few individuals whom he trusts 100%, where the child feels emotionally liberated. In unfamiliar company he prefers to remain alone.

To successfully adapt to the children's team, both parents and teachers will have to make a lot of effort. When building contact with a child, it is necessary to remember his vulnerable state. You should not criticize, raise your voice or belittle your child; this will later lead to the appearance of more serious complexes, which are difficult to get rid of without qualified psychotherapists.

Features of education.

By showing love, care, affection and kindness, a child with a melancholic type will grow up without complexes and adapted to life in society. The main thing is to rely more on eliminating poor self-esteem when raising children. Try to develop self-confidence in him. To do this, psychologists recommend the following to parents:

  • Praise and encourage the baby even for small things;
  • Do not frighten, but rather develop cognitive interest in everything;
  • Encourage in all endeavors.

In harmony with yourself

Thus, an impatient and lively choleric person who is constantly eager to fight, should under no circumstances be told about the duration of the upcoming treatment.
By nature, choleric people are sprinters who can show good results, but over a short distance. A choleric person may not have enough for a long run. When starting treatment, such a person must constantly set a new goal. But for a leisurely, cautious phlegmatic person, a thorough, unhurried approach to treatment is just right. By virtue of their nature, phlegmatic people are capable of experiencing things that could cause a mental breakdown in other types of people. Especially if he is melancholic. For doctors, suspicious, indecisive, and insecure melancholic patients are the most difficult patients. Setting up such a patient for treatment is not an easy task, requiring a lot of patience and emotional investment, which will certainly pay off handsomely if the sick melancholic person is encouraged and reassured.

And a cheerful, optimistic sanguine person should be reminded of his own inner strength, his unique ability to gather in difficult times, mobilizing for a positive result. There is an assumption that sanguine people get sick when they themselves want to, and with what exactly they want to get sick with.

Interaction with carriers of other types of temperament.

The melancholic and choleric temperament types are complete opposites, so serious psychological trauma is possible under the influence of choleric individuals.

With a phlegmatic person, friendship and love are possible, due to which self-esteem and confidence rise.

A strong connection with a sanguine person is possible, but it must be supported by something - common interests, affairs, views on the environment.

It is not recommended to build a relationship with a melancholic person due to the touchiness of everyone. A union is possible if, at the beginning of the marriage, each party decides on a role in the family.

IT specialist

There are many jokes about programmers. An IT specialist is an ideal profession for introverts. People who are closed in their own world can easily find a common language only with people like them. They do not try to maintain contact with the people around them, because they consider them stupid or simply do not deign them with their attention. Good programmers are on their own wavelength. They are always passionate about their new project and try to bring even crazy ideas to life. In part, programmers can be compared to artists who express themselves through paintings. They also experience the pangs of creativity, and the result of their activities is not always clear to others. But this doesn’t bother people much. Despite their secluded lifestyle, many introverts have high self-esteem and they sincerely believe that all the people around them are simply unworthy of being in the same room with them.

What is the compatibility between melancholic people and introverts? People are similar in character, and in most cases their life values ​​are also the same. Therefore, such persons are often friends with each other. They can start families and continue to go about their daily activities. Romantic relationships do not excite introverts as much as extroverts.

Melancholic test.

1. Imagine that your significant other cheated on you.
What is your reaction? 2. You were walking home calmly and suddenly a car exploded next to you. What is your reaction?

3. Someone entrusted you with a secret that it would be a shame not to tell. Are you going to tell anyone?

4. You have been asked to put together a group of 10 people to work on an important project. Will you succeed?

5. You need to win the math olympiad. What will you do?

6. You have a day to complete the work, but it will take exactly 24 hours to complete it, there is a risk that you will not even have time to sleep. What will you do?

7. You saw an unfair fight. Your actions?

8. Do you think you will be a good entrepreneur (for example, if you open your own FM radio station)?

9. You are invited to a nightclub to have fun and drink, but tomorrow is an important day. What is your reaction?

10. You borrowed 10,000 rubles from a friend who earns 10,000,000 rubles a month. How soon will you return them?

11. You are a programmer, you have been given the task of creating an online store, but the number of products is under a million. What will you do?

12. An unfamiliar friend pours out his soul to you (his girlfriend left him, he was fired from his job). How do you feel?

13. The morning didn’t go well: my shirt was torn, I had to wash a stain from my jeans, I was burned by coffee, I tripped and fell on the way to work, injuring my hand. How will you feel for the rest of the day?

14. Can you describe yourself as the life of the party when you are among friends?

15. How would you characterize your social network page?

16. Your friend has problems that you can solve, but it will take a lot of time and effort. Can you help?

17. At school you received an unfair bad mark. What will you do?

18. You saw an accident in which a young man was hit. Your actions.

19. Let's say you're at school, and during recess someone takes your phone away and runs away mockingly. Your actions?

20. It takes a long time to figure out software that is unfamiliar to you. What will you do?

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