My vision gets dark and I feel dizzy. Orthostatic hypotension

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Why do you feel dizzy and your vision suddenly becomes dark when you stand up? A sudden change in body position (for example, quickly getting up) leads to unpleasant sensations, resulting in darkening of the vision and dizziness. These symptoms indicate the presence of a number of somatic or neurological pathologies. It is possible to establish the true reasons why the head is dizzy and the eyes are darkening only after examining the person in the clinic.

Main reasons

The main reason why your eyes get dark and you feel dizzy when you suddenly stand up is the lack of oxygen in the tissues and organs. This condition is known as anoxia (hypoxia). Oxygen deficiency causes orthostatic hypotension, which develops in cardiac pathologies. The reasons for its occurrence lie in the peculiarities of the circulatory system. If your eyes darken when you suddenly get out of bed, this indicates a decrease in blood pressure. A similar problem arises under the influence of cardiac pathologies. Orthostatic hypotension develops against the background of the following factors:

  • heart defects;
  • insufficient blood ejection from the heart;
  • heart rhythm disturbance;
  • active peripheral vasolidation, due to which insufficient blood flows to the brain.

Orthostatic hypotension manifests itself in a sharp drop (sometimes to zero) in blood pressure when changing from a horizontal to a vertical position. It is at this moment that your vision suddenly becomes dark and you feel dizzy almost immediately. Both signs are characteristic of a presyncope (lipotomy). At the same time, the patient experiences the following phenomena:

  • general weakness;
  • noise in the ears and head;
  • increased sweating;
  • paleness of the skin;
  • leg incontinence;
  • heaviness in the head;
  • loss in time and space.

Lipotomy lasts for 3-4 seconds. In more severe cases, this condition is accompanied by a short-term loss of consciousness. Prolonged dizziness and other symptoms of lipotomy are accompanied by mild psychosensory disorders.

Possible causes of dizziness

At an appointment with a neurologist, a problem is often encountered: “Why, when I suddenly stand up, do I get dizzy and my vision gets dark?” Typically, this problem is associated with impaired functioning of the blood vessels in the brain or heart. One way or another, the head is spinning and the vision suddenly becomes dark due to ischemic anoxia.

In turn, it appears due to:

  • Lack of cardiac output;
  • Arrhythmia, fibrillation, heart rhythm disturbance;
  • Decreased blood pressure, resulting in impaired blood supply to the brain.

Often the problem “dizzy when I get out of bed” is observed in women during menstruation. After all, during this period their body weakens, and many lose their appetite. That’s why weakness appears, and if you suddenly get up from the sofa, your vision becomes dark.

True dizziness occurs due to damage to the vestibular apparatus of the inner ear. At the moment of an attack, it seems to the patient that the walls are starting to move closer together, the ceiling is moving up or falling on his head. Symptoms are complemented by nausea, increased sweating and breathing problems.

Such episodic dizziness is called verigo. They are provoked by various diseases, for example, Meniere's syndrome or complications after severe viral diseases, including labyrinthitis - the consequences of otitis media or viral herpes. In these cases, hearing problems are added to the unpleasant sensations.

People dependent on blood pressure surges suffer from these symptoms. The attack, caused by a sudden change in pressure, is fleeting and can have fatal consequences if the person falls.

How to identify orthostatic hypotension

It was stated above that the reason why your eyes get dark when you get up is a decrease in blood pressure. If this symptom occurs frequently enough, orthostatic hypotension may be suspected. This condition can be diagnosed through a special test. You can check for orthostatic hypotension by repeatedly checking your pulse while lying down and standing. It is important to achieve sustainable performance. Next, the pulse is checked when changing from a horizontal to a vertical position every 1, 3, 5 and 10 minutes. A deviation of 11 beats per minute is considered normal. The absence of orthostatic hypotension is also diagnosed when the blood pulsation exceeds normal values ​​by 12-18 beats. If there are more strokes, medical attention is needed.

My vision gets dark and I feel dizzy. Orthostatic hypotension

Many who are “lucky enough” to encounter dystonia are familiar with this condition: you are sitting, not touching anyone, watching, say, TV or reading a book, but then the phone rang and you got up from the couch to answer the call. And suddenly, my head began to spin, my vision darkened, a feeling of unreality and impending fainting appeared. Weakness appeared in the legs, some experienced nausea and other stomach problems. As a rule, this state lasts 2-4 seconds and passes quite quickly. And now you are already talking on the phone, but the “sediment” remains...

Such attacks can be repeated several times a day, or they can appear occasionally. I personally have “good” days, when I jump up from my seat without any consequences, and there may also be “bad” days, when every time I rise to a standing position, I am accompanied by quite severe dizziness and “falling into the abyss.” A very unpleasant condition. What is it and why does it happen? Here's what I found in smart medical literature:

Orthostatic hypotension is an important clinical syndrome that occurs in many neurological and somatic diseases. The main symptom of orthostatic hypotension is a sharp decrease, and sometimes a drop to zero, in blood pressure in patients when moving from a horizontal position to a sitting or vertical position. Clinical manifestations may vary in severity. In mild cases, soon after assuming a vertical position (standing up), the patient begins to feel signs of a fainting state. This condition, called lipothymia, is manifested by a feeling of lightheadedness, dizziness, and a premonition of loss of consciousness. The patient, as a rule, complains of general weakness, darkening of the eyes, sweating, noise in the ears and head, discomfort in the epigastric region, sometimes a feeling of “sinking”, “the ground floating from under the feet”, “emptiness in the head” and so on. Pallor of the skin, sometimes with a waxy tint, and short-term postural instability are noted. The duration of lipothymia is 3-4 s.

In more severe cases, the listed symptoms become more pronounced, and mild psychosensory disorders may appear. Orthostatic hemodynamic disturbances in mild cases are limited to manifestations of the lipotimic state; in more severe cases, fainting develops after the stage of lipothymia. The duration of the unconscious state depends on the cause that caused it. With neurogenic, reflex fainting, it is about 10 s. This is such a sad picture. In general, it should be noted that in the case of VSD, all the pictures are gloomy, but this does not mean that one should despair and give up fighting this disaster. On the contrary, it is necessary to make every effort to get rid of all misfortunes. But you can get rid of them!

But first, it would be good to assess your condition. Will help you do this

Orthostatic test When the body position changes from horizontal to vertical, blood redistribution occurs. This causes a reflex reaction in the circulatory regulation system, ensuring normal blood supply to organs, especially the brain. A healthy body responds to changes in body position quickly and efficiently, so fluctuations in heart rate (and blood pressure) in different body positions are small. But if the mechanism of regulation of peripheral blood circulation is disrupted, fluctuations in pulse and blood pressure (blood pressure) when moving from a horizontal to a vertical position are more pronounced. With vegetative-vascular dystonia, orthostatic fainting is possible.

The test is carried out as follows. The pulse is counted repeatedly (if possible, the blood pressure is also measured) until a stable result is obtained in a standing and lying position, then they stand up and make the same measurements while standing - immediately after changing the body position and after 1,3, 5 and 10 minutes. These measurements are necessary to assess the speed of heart rate recovery. Usually the pulse reaches its original value (the frequency that was in a standing position before the test). Tolerability of the test is considered good when the heart rate increases by no more than 11 beats, satisfactory - by 12-18 beats, and unsatisfactory - by 19 beats or more.

So, you can now assess your condition, but what to do next? Now I would like to know

Causes of orthostatic hypotension

The development of orthostatic circulatory disorders can be caused by both the pathology of the central mechanisms of regulation of orthostatic reactions and disorders of the executive links of the cardiovascular system (defects and other heart diseases). In any case, the immediate cause of loss of consciousness is ischemic anoxia. It may be based on the following mechanisms: inadequacy of the myocardium providing sufficient cardiac output; heart rhythm disturbances that do not provide adequate cerebral perfusion (fibrillation, severe bradycardia or arrhythmia); decreased blood pressure due to active peripheral vasodilation, leading to insufficient blood flow to the brain.

In case of orthostatic circulatory disorders associated with pathology of the autonomic nervous system, one of the following pathological mechanisms is more often observed: a decrease in venous return of blood to the heart, leading to a decrease in blood circulation volume; violation of the compensatory tonic reaction of blood vessels that ensure stability of blood pressure in the aorta; disruption of regional mechanisms of redistribution of reduced blood circulation volume.

A known pathogenetic role may also be played by insufficient increase in heart rate in response to orthostatics (for example, a fixed heart rate in Shy-Drager syndrome or bradycardia in Adams-Stokes-Morgagni syndrome). As you can see, the reasons may be different. To begin with, it is mandatory to undergo testing for the presence of cardiovascular diseases. If everything is in order with the heart, then you need to deal with blood vessels and autonomics, which in other words means “treat VSD.”

Comments (from archive):

Evgeniy 10/31/2013 Eduard, I would be grateful if you give me your email or cell phone number. Or call me yourself 8917323****. I lived in the USA for a long time and I have VSD due to hypert. the type is about 10 years old. I would like to discuss one important point in the development of this disease - I, like you, have a hiatal hernia. Best regards, Evgeniy.

Doc (Author) 10/31/2013 Evgeniy, I replied to you at the email that you provided when writing your comment. I changed your number just in case, you never know who will start calling about what issue...

Alexander 07/09/2014 I also have this kind of crap, I haven’t gone anywhere yet, maybe I’ll go to a therapist soon…. I hit the closet today because of her.

Sanzhar 07/13/2014 I’m actually 15, but it happens every time I get up.

Alexander V 07/20/2014 Is this treatable?

Doc (Author) 07/21/2014 The question is not entirely clear. What exactly is being treated? If you are talking about orthostatics in general, then first you need to find out the cause of the symptoms. If, for example, the reason lies in the cardiovascular system, then that’s one thing. Here you need to find out what’s wrong with your heart and discuss treatment with a cardiologist. In other words, it is necessary to find out whether the underlying disease is being treated. So let’s say, not everything can be cured, especially when it comes to cardiovascular disease, but maintenance therapy for the underlying disease can significantly reduce the manifestations of orthostatic disease, which is already good

Ksenia 07/23/2014 good afternoon. Tell me, please. When I suddenly stand up, I start to feel dizzy, it feels like my legs are shaking, then I fall and after 5 seconds everything is fine, nothing even hurts. What could this be??

Evi 07/26/2014 The same thing has been happening to me, only since childhood I lost consciousness once, but usually only weakness goes away, after that it’s strong, I immediately go to bed and can’t do anything. Don't say what it is.

Dmitry 07/27/2014 After I fell because of this bullshit, I immediately started measuring my pressure, but on me the device did not want to measure pressure, but on other people it worked fine! Is this normal for VSD or not?

Doc (Author) 07/27/2014 Dmitry, the device is most likely an automatic tonometer, which in case of arrhythmia (and you most likely had a respiratory arrhythmia at that moment) is terribly glitchy and often refuses to produce any data. In such cases, the pressure must be measured with a manual tonometer. Another thing is that hand-held blood pressure monitors are now a rarity, and they require some skills to measure pressure.

Vladimir 07/29/2014 I am 18 years old, I often sit at the computer in a chair, without getting up for 6-10 hours, but when I suddenly get up (for example, the doorbell or telephone rings), my vision suddenly goes dark for 3-4 seconds, it seems as if the earth is out of disappears underfoot. This used to happen rarely, but now it happens 3-4 times a week. Can you tell me what this could be?

Doc (Author) 07/29/2014 Doctors will be able to tell you what it is. I can tell you one thing: if you continue to sit for long periods at the computer, you will completely undermine your health. Be sure to take pauses and warm-ups, otherwise in a couple of years you will envy my health, which I’m complaining about here at 46...

Anna 08/02/2014 I am 16, I have VSD. My vision goes dark many times a day, and not even when I suddenly stand up. It gets dark for 8-10 seconds, sometimes the fingers tingle. There was a single case of loss of consciousness

Katya 08/02/2014 Hello! My head is spinning and my vision is getting dark, although I don’t get up abruptly or lie down abruptly, so you get up and it feels like you just got out of some extreme attraction, such nausea, you almost fall, what is this?

Ekaterina 08/11/2014 I am 23. Now I spend the summer with my mother, in the village. Fresh air, daily cycling, sauna, fresh vegetables and fruits. But all the time when I come here, I feel constant weakness, and my vision gets dark when I get up. But in a smoky city this is not the case. Could the above factors be the cause of my condition?

Jay 08/15/2014 Ekaterina, you simply have an oversaturation of oxygen in your body. In the city there is much less of it than in the village, so don’t be upset. And as Malysheva says: “This is the Norm!”

Liara 08/17/2014 This happened to me for the first time since childhood, I was riding a bike, I was 7 then, I wasn’t eating anyone, at first there was a slight noise and darkening, then I crashed and hit my rib.. I didn’t tell anyone what exactly happened, it didn’t happen again for maybe 2 years Previously, in general, it was tolerable, I could even control myself at the same time so that no one would notice. But now, for half a year, it has become very difficult with this and I don’t know what to do. I even found something to compare with that feeling when it gets dark in my eyes, and I noticed it when I did it fluorography in the chest is the same feeling as when it gets dark in the eyes. Only you feel it not in the chest. n how will this help not how and in the meantime this state is getting longer and I don’t have much control over myself anymore sometimes it gets to the point that I can’t hear what my husband is trying to tell me yes I stand next to him but I don’t hear and it’s dark in my eyes at least I can think at least this it makes me happy, but it’s hard to think. sometimes I stop feeling my legs, my arms, I generally stop feeling my body because it’s gradually getting dark, I have a couple of seconds to just sit down somewhere, sometimes I’m afraid to leave the house if this happens in public, what will I do and I won’t tell anyone that it’s not good we are in the town, so if you start to fall bad, you just get drunk and no one cares that this is not so... I decided to at least somehow start to deal with this, but I don’t know how and who to turn to, I don’t know either.

Liara 08/17/2014 forgot to say. sometimes when this happens I forget fragments of the day, for example, my husband called, we talked to him, discussed everything, then this darkening happened and I don’t remember exactly what we talked about. when I stop feeling the body, the return to reality, so to speak, passes more complicated than simple darkening, tingling all over the body, sometimes I compare this state with the old manetor; it was turned off, it clicked and there was silence; it was turned on; it clicked and continued working

Alisher 09/13/2014 This rarely happens to me, but somehow it doesn’t just get dark in my eyes! For the first time at night I decided to go to the toilet and started to open the door with one hand and wanted to turn on the light with the other and then my eyes got dark and my hands and fingers felt like then they themselves did the same, with my right hand I turned on the light and with my left I opened the door, and when it got dark in my eyes I turned off the light and closed the door at high speed, and the second time I was standing on the street with friends and suddenly my vision went dark and I felt dizzy and there was a pole nearby which I hit head on, for the third time I went up to the TV to take the remote control and again my head was spinning and my eyes darkened, a chill ran through my body and some strange taste appeared in my mouth and when I returned to normal the taste disappeared by the way, because of this I was a little didn't get on TV

Olya 10/06/2014 My husband, he is 33, also constantly experiences a sharp darkening in the eyes when standing up, dizziness, he was diagnosed with VSD, there were cases of increased blood pressure, in some cases after exercising on the tourniquets, tell me what this could be, how it is treated and whether it is possible to exercise running, tournament?

Taras 10/06/2014 I have VSD, when I get up, my legs just don’t obey, it gets dark in my eyes, my head is spinning and it’s not just dark, but my vision just disappears, one day I got out of bed and ran to the door, my vision disappeared, my legs gave out and then I feel like I’m healing everything I stopped, I heard long heartbeats and woke up after 30 seconds, it’s scary.

Taras 10/06/2014 I forgot to tell me I’m 14 and I’ve had this for 5 years already

Taras 10/06/2014 And after that my brains are numb and my ears can’t hear anything, it goes away in 2 minutes

Igor 10/09/2014 I am also susceptible to this orthostatic hypotension for many years. I was examined and diagnosed with VSD. Although now they write everywhere that there is no such disease :(. Most likely it will last for the rest of my life :-(

Mikhail 10/13/2014 It gets dark in the eyes, the ground disappears from under your feet for 3.4 seconds

Galina 10/16/2014 My situation is completely different, I do exercises in the morning, there’s a continuous crunch in the cervical region, and then at work 2-3 hours later, for no apparent reason, it gets dark in my eyes and goes away for a long time, within half an hour, but nothing happens it doesn't hurt, I drink the conclusions and try to sit in the dark

Alexey 10/27/2014 my vision constantly gets dark when I get up

Anya 11/07/2014 I get up, my head starts to feel dizzy, I feel like I’m going to fall, and when I’m lying down everything is fine, what is it, isn’t it bad for my health?

Patient with VSD 11/07/2014 Should VSD be treated at all?

Marina 12/02/2014 What is VSD?

salamat 12/14/2014 This is due to blood pressure:-/ low blood pressure :-/:-/ drink coffee or red tea to increase blood pressure@ never green tea

svyatoslav 12/19/2014 Good day everyone, I have varicose veins, this is a cardiovascular disease, I’m 17 years old, darkening in my eyes after I stood up suddenly happens often, but I had such a case, I went out to smoke in the hallway with my brother, I smoked and then a neighbor came up and we talked for about 10 minutes, if not more, so I’m standing there and my blood pressure begins to rise (it rises so often that I already understand when it just rises) and white spots begin to appear in my eyes, I wanted to sit down but I thought it would pass now, but no, I wanted to go home to wash, and in the passage it suddenly became dark in my eyes so that I didn’t understand whether they were open or not, they began to press on my temples and my legs burned, I began to lose my balance, then my brother caught me and began to hit me on the cheeks forced me to talk to him, it lasted for 2-3 minutes, and my vision slowly began to appear, before that I thought I was going to die, then my neighbor held me and my brother brought water, I ate, held this glass and drank, then I felt sick, stood for about 5 minutes and I went home, I was so weak and pale that I wanted to call an ambulance, but then everything went away. After reading similar cases on the Internet, I realized that you need to quit smoking immediately, otherwise a stroke, lung cancer, or death will come off, so whoever starts to have all this, don’t delay it, quit smoking and play sports and the like nothing will happen in your life.

Anar 01/08/2015 Good evening! I have such a problem, I do bodybuilding and do a lot of squats, and during squats and approaches my vision gets dark, I can’t breathe, my head hurts badly and won’t go away, and I do it all with force, and these are the symptoms only when doing leg exercises , the rest of the muscle groups are good, in the end, what should I do?! What pills to take or procedures?! I did an ECG and they said everything was fine! Thanks in advance for your answer

Alena 01/12/2015 I'm 12 and this happens very often

Alexey 02/14/2015 What about sports? The army after all?

Yana Berestova 02.22.2015 A year and a half ago I had this attack - dizziness, darkening of the eyes, terrible pain in the head, a strange feeling in the mouth and soon fainting - after I was sitting in the sun in the garden and suddenly stood up. Then it was repeated a couple of times, but just darkening, with pain in the head and dizziness. I didn’t faint again. Didn't attach any importance. I thought it was due to the sharpness in movement. It's been like this for about a month now. Infrequently. And in the last week it became scary. After this I started to have a headache. And this happens all the time, no matter what I do. No longer because of the harshness. And the headaches don't go away. The pills don't help. The pressure is low. I'm going to the hospital. Scary….

[email protected] 02/24/2015 My head has been spinning for 2 weeks now. When standing up and lowering myself onto the bed (lying down). I thought the blood vessels were taking pills and this was something else. The blood pressure was 117-93-150. The pulse was 15o and the pulse had been high for a long time, what is this? this. I’m already thinking about chondros, but the pulse is probably not from him, but probably from the heart.


Elina 03/03/2015 I’m 14, when I get up I feel dizzy, my vision gets dark, I measured my blood pressure while I was sitting, my pulse was 77, I stood up, my pulse was 125. Is this normal?

Yuri 03/07/2015 Hmm, I see medicine has come very far.:) Usually, the first thing they do is a blood test for hemoglobin. If it is below normal, then it should be raised to avoid dizziness and darkening, but if it is normal, then you need to contact a specialist.

Anna 03/12/2015 Yesterday my vision suddenly became dark, I lost consciousness, before that my legs gave way and I hit my head on the door. Terrible condition. When I fell, convulsions began. Severe dizziness is noticed 2-3 times a day. I'm afraid to get up, in case I fall o.o. What should I do? Of course, it wouldn’t hurt to go to the doctor, but there is one BUT. I don't want to upset my mother with this. Actually, I can’t tell her about it yet.

Anastasia 03/16/2015 Hello. I am 17 years old. When I get up, the colors in my eyes blur, and I feel pressure in my head. For about 2-5 seconds. Everything is fine with the heart. I just don’t move much (I’m reading, I’m preparing for the Exam), could this be the reason? Do I even have VSD? And this happens every day!

Dmitry 03/22/2015 Hello. My syntoms are slightly different. For example, I get up, everything immediately starts to ripple in my eyes, I can’t even see anything, I also feel dizzy, after a couple of seconds everything goes away, and this happens to me ten times a day or so. Once every ten days. Tell me it’s worth treating

Faris 04/08/2015 Every time I make a sudden transition from a lying position to a standing position, I feel dizzy! This all lasts about 3-5 seconds. The same with dark spots in the eyes. I seem to be as healthy as a bull, height 174, I’ve been wrestling for 5 years, but the problem appeared! And this was when I was 14 years old!

Makar 04/09/2015 Such problems also appeared in the last 2 weeks, I’ve never had any pain in terms of my heart or head (I’m thinking about a strict diet - 350. I’ve had feces a day for 2.5 months, I’ve lost 25 kg) think it’s worth turning somewhere, Otherwise, this kind of garbage happens every other time, maybe only in the afternoon. Guy 17 years old

anonymous 04/18/2015 You are lucky I didn’t have these fainting spells today, when I get up I fall to the floor once, I didn’t even hit myself, probably because the illness was advanced

Peter 04/19/2015 I am 38 years old, dizziness and darkening in the eyes for no more than 3-4 seconds lasted 2 days ago, when I woke up at night and turned to the other side, and now this happens several times during the day. I thought that the dizziness came from osteochondrosis, but the neck area did not hurt. Yesterday, when I was doing a neck massage while lying down with strong pressure on the neck, the dizziness recurred. The day before the manifestation, I went to the bathhouse and stood in a cold shower for a long time. Can you give me some advice? Today my blood pressure measurement jumped to 130-75, before I had low blood pressure. Thank you.

Irinka 05/24/2015 Hello. It turns out I'm not the only one. Only today it occurred to me to ask about this on the Internet, because I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I always couldn’t get up immediately in the morning when I woke up. Once during my school years I had a pre-fainting state. But now I’m 29, I recently gave birth to my 2nd child, everything has become bad. The next morning I jumped up to the child, my head began to spin and I fainted. For about 30 seconds. I woke up and felt feverish, maybe from fear)) For about 5 minutes I couldn’t move, my body wouldn’t listen. And every day, with sudden movements, bending over, standing up, any kind of load (carrying a bucket of water), I take the child in my arms, he is still small, and immediately my vision darkens and I feel dizzy, sometimes I feel dizzy just like that, but more often I don’t get to the point of fainting. There is even some shortness of breath at the same time. You feel constant powerlessness and fatigue. After lunch I can barely drag my feet. I thought it was all from the birth, even though it was easy, it would recover over time, but it’s been almost a year now and it’s only getting worse. I’m ashamed in front of my family that I’m so weak, even though I’m still very young and needed by my children and husband. True, it is prone to lowering blood pressure. But it’s strange: I often measured it in such states, and it was normal. What does all of this mean? Is this what vegetative-vascular dystonia is? I thought this term was for older people. Where should you go first, which doctor? Please advise!!!! I want to be a cheerful wife, mother, play with my children, and not dream of relaxing, holding a child in my arms!

akyla 05/30/2015 A little about my problem, I had a similar problem due to a fall on my chin at the age of 3, I fell from a swing, after that I developed a curvature of the spine and for the next 10 years I went to doctors, took kilograms of pills, injections, I went to hospitals, but they didn’t help much. The next probably important moment happened at the age of 14, I was hit by a car at a speed of 40-50 km/h, it wasn’t my fault then, the driver was drunk, which is why I broke 3 ribs and an arm and again there was a confusion of the spine, they performed heart surgery, because there was a heart defect at birth, something similar happened again, they did it. Now I’m 17, I undergo monthly examinations in a paid clinic, my family allows it, but it’s getting worse and worse, For example, I’m on a train, it’s neither hot nor cold, but suddenly I have an “attack”, a sharp darkening in my eyes, my legs weaken, it’s hard to breathe, there’s a noise in my ears, like on a TV, when the signal is lost, my head gets a little heavy and I fall. So maybe happen at any moment. But okay, those are, but after one strong incident I lost reality, it seems to me that in the game, I used to play a lot, and still do a lot, I worked at 15-16 years old as a beto tester, I could sit for days and I play, I smoke, but these two moments scare me a little, fainting and loss of reality, if anyone has at least some similar moments, then share your tips on how to fix something. Thank you

Alexey 05/30/2015 The shark you have is most likely due to the spine, nerves are pinched and so on. (not so long ago I had a similar thing) Quit your games (I’m telling you this as a player with more than 10 years of experience :)) they cause physical inactivity. Take physical education seriously, at your age there is still a lot you can improve... Good luck.

Ursys 06/22/2015 I like it

Vyacheslav 06/29/2015 And I have this problem: yesterday the temperature was 39-5 all day. I took antipyretic tablets such as paracetamol and acetylsalicylic acid. This morning I took my temperature, 37 and 5, went to make some tea and suddenly I felt nauseous and had difficulty breathing, then my vision suddenly became dark, in the end it all went away only when I barely got to bed and lay down, my blood pressure was 100/60

Asu Mi 06/29/2015 Hello, I am 16 years old. Previously, such symptoms only appeared when I abruptly got out of bed, then when I raised my head, but now the same thing happens just like that. This is serious? Is this worth paying attention to?

Tatyana 07/09/2015 Hello. I'm 15 and also faced this problem. In general, I’ve had darkening in my eyes and severe dizziness for a very long time. I’ve somehow gotten used to it. I try to make less sudden movements. But yesterday I almost fainted. Your ears suddenly become blocked, your vision is lost, and you just stop feeling like you are in yourself. Thank God I didn’t get confused and quickly sat down and drank water. Thank God I didn't faint. It was the first time I had such sensations. creepy...

Vanya 07/17/2015 hello, I’m 12 years old, it all started after I fell from the horizontal bar

Vlada 07/18/2015 Hello everyone. This can happen to me up to 15 times a day. As soon as I get up, my vision ripples, it’s hard to stand on my feet, I stagger, I feel dizzy, then my eyes feel like they’re covered with a black film and I feel like I’m about to faint. But usually this happens when I’m on a diet.. How do I even understand?

Dmitry 07/20/2015 Hello everyone. My name is Dmitry. I have the same problem as all of you. But for the first time in several years, today I fell because of darkening in my eyes, and then, after 4 seconds I was sitting and I had a neck spasm, and as soon as it went away, it stopped. Should I go to the doctor? Or can I get used to it?

Nuria 07/21/2015 Anar, due to the high load when playing sports, you can very often experience such sensations. Nausea, dizziness and so on. The body is either not yet accustomed to such loads, or this is simply not its level. I heard that they even put buckets in the hall just in case...

Nikolay 07/21/2015 I’m 12, when I get up I have a very strong pain in my head

Nastya 07/27/2015 People, this actually happens to everyone - when you suddenly get up from your seat, you feel dizzy and your vision becomes dark. Ask anyone. This is a normal state and don’t make a mountain out of a mountain.

Olya Voytsekhovska 07/27/2015 My vision darkens for a short time. And not only when I suddenly stand up, but simply get up or stand on a chair.

Elena 07/29/2015 Hello, my problem is this: for the past six months I have been periodically in some kind of weightlessness, but I don’t feel sick, my blood pressure is normal, my head doesn’t hurt. I just get thrown around in any “body position” (sitting standing), as they say, the ground disappears from under my feet. I don’t know how to explain this correctly, it feels like I’m about to fall specifically on my “backside.” Only in the “lying down” position does it become easier for me, sometimes there is a feeling that I have lost consciousness, for example: I don’t remember how I got to the bed, like in a fog, this is rare, but lately it has happened often. What is the reason? And who should I contact?

Sofiya 08/06/2015 Hmmm.. I thought I was the only one with this. It happens periodically, it’s an unpleasant thing. But today is the 8th day after laparoscopy, I don’t know whether there is a connection or not with the operation, but no matter how many times I get up today, my vision darkened so many times, for 3-4 seconds, it’s terribly unpleasant, for a long time I couldn’t open the door for my husband, a couple of times I almost fell. What to do and how long will this condition last?

Vera 08/07/2015 Hello. Over the course of a long time, it happens to me that when I get up (and it doesn’t matter if I’m sitting or lying down), I feel dizzy, my vision is dark, everything is pressing on my ears, my chest tightens and I don’t have enough air... I immediately become weaker. It hasn't come to the point of fainting yet.. and it happens every time I get up... what could it be??? Which doctors should I go to???

Doc (Author) 08/07/2015 Vera, the article itself indicates the causes of dizziness. Although I am not a doctor, I will try to think logically. There can be two main reasons: problems with the vestibular apparatus and poor circulation (this is the article about this) I.e. one doctor has already been identified (vestibular) - a neurologist. Poor circulation may be a consequence of problems with blood circulation in the brain itself (again, a neurologist) and as a result of interruptions in the functioning of the cardiac system. At this point you need a visit to a cardiologist. I can advise you to count your heart rate (pulse) during dizziness and measure your blood pressure (preferably several times). Then start with a cardiologist. If no heart problems are detected, then proceed to an appointment with a neurologist.

Vlas 08/15/2015 Hello, I am 18 years old. Darkness in the eyes occurs very often during the day, my legs become weak and I feel dizzy, I have to hold on to something so as not to fall, and it seems to me that with each change it gets stronger and stronger. I want to know how I can get rid of this. I sit or lie a lot. , I don’t play sports, I smoke. Tell me where to start please. Preferably anonymously, reply to email Thank you with respect.

Peter 08/21/2015 Well, at my age of nearly 70, I’m even ashamed to complain about a similar phenomenon with darkening in the eyes when standing up, and even then it appeared recently. I’m not a doctor, but I read somewhere that in young people this is due to the fact that the heart does not keep up with the growth of the young body, so in young people this may go away as they grow older. I wish everyone recovery.

Maine 08/22/2015 The reason is banal, due to the weakness of the body. Everyone has their own reasons for weakness. Some don’t get enough sleep, some don’t eat normally, some have little blood in their bodies, some get drunk often, some are too fat, some don’t exercise and do sports. It’s different for everyone, but it manifests itself as darkening and dizziness when you suddenly stand up. Eat right and healthy, walk a lot and more often, and exercise at least sometimes. And everything will go away on its own when the body gets stronger.

Daria 08/28/2015 I (like many people here) have problems with the vistibular system. Those. I get motion sickness on buses, I can’t swing on swings, when I get up from bed (or anything) my vision gets dark and my head feels dizzy. I was in the hospital for an examination. There is something wrong with my heart valve (it seems to be closing slower or something else). + Vegetovascular dystonia. And since yesterday morning (9:30) my head has been spinning incessantly. Those. While I’m lying down, everything is fine, but as soon as I get up (or turn my head), everything starts to float. And as soon as the head begins to spin, then the feeling of nausea appears. I drank a lot of things, including Tagist (it helps against dizziness) but it doesn’t help. Well, today is day 2 of this torment. I don’t know what to do anymore. I am 16 years old. Anything you can do to help, please advise.

Valeria 08/31/2015 If I lay down and then suddenly stood up, my vision gets dark, my head feels dizzy, and my ears squeak, the sound seems to break, then goes away, it only lasts a few seconds. I make weak coffee and then it becomes easier. I have not been treated with medications yet. Can this be cured? Thank you in advance:-)

Attention, update!

We recommend that you read the new article Healthy blood vessels: prevention of atherosclerosis and improvement of blood vessels. It may seem that this article is “not quite on topic,” but all the recommendations set out in the article are valid in everything related to vascular health, including when their tone is impaired. And orthostatic hypotension is primarily associated with vascular tone.

Other causes of darkening of the eyes

In a healthy body, internal systems themselves redistribute the direction of blood at the moment when a person changes a horizontal position to a vertical one. This phenomenon is called a reflex reaction. In a healthy body this process occurs quickly. Changes in blood pressure and pulse are insignificant. The course of cardiovascular pathologies and some other processes causes disruption in the functioning of the circulatory system. As a result, the body reacts late to changes in body position. This explains why, when you get up, your vision becomes dark. Changes in blood pressure occur under the influence of the following factors:

  • psycho-emotional tension, constant stress;
  • great physical activity;
  • increased level of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • deficiency of vitamins and nutrients;
  • diseases of the endocrine system (diabetes mellitus and others);
  • pregnancy.

People who have been taking certain medications for a long time often go to the doctor with complaints about dark vision and dizziness when I get up:

  • vasodilators;
  • diuretics;
  • antidepressants.

Relatively often, the vision darkens when climbing in people who abuse alcoholic beverages and drugs. Such addictions negatively affect the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

A sharp drop in blood pressure causes darkening of the eyes when standing up. This phenomenon is also accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • weakness in the body;
  • scattered and unstable attention;
  • dyspnea;
  • memory loss.

It is important to pay attention to these symptoms promptly. If, with a sharp change in position, your vision becomes dim and everything around you begins to spin, a person, first of all, needs peace. In cases where these phenomena recur frequently, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Dizziness when standing up: causes and solutions


Sema Valeria

1 minute


Dizziness, stars in the eyes, loss of balance - why does one or more of these symptoms occur when getting up from your seat or getting out of bed? Often, if it stops within a few seconds, there is no need to worry.

"The heart is a pump, and when you suddenly stand up, the amount of blood going to the heart decreases," explained Dr. Phillip Low, a professor of neurology at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota. “This can lead to a temporary decrease in blood pressure, and it takes a short period of time for the corrective mechanisms to correct this.”

In medicine, this condition is called orthostatic hypotension - a decrease in blood pressure until it normalizes. If you experience this occasionally, there may be a specific, easily correctable cause to blame.

For example, you haven't eaten or drunk enough water. Skipping meals causes your blood sugar levels to drop, which in turn causes dehydration and slows your circulation. Other causes of this include exercise, heatstroke, pregnancy, alcohol consumption and lack of sleep.

In the event that attacks of dizziness occur frequently and do not subside, i.e. If your dizziness does get worse the longer you stand, you should see a doctor.

"This means that blood pressure has dropped and is not recovering," said Dr. Christopher Gibbons, an associate professor of neurology at Harvard Medical School.

Orthostatic hypotension becomes more common with age, with 5-10% of people developing it by age 60. This condition increases the risk of falls and broken bones among middle-aged people, according to research.

If you feel like the room is spinning or spinning, it may be due to a problem in your inner ear known as vertigo (vestibular vertigo). It can be caused by ear infections or head injuries and requires medical attention.

And another sign of the seriousness of the situation is losing consciousness, even for a few seconds, after you get up. This requires a medical examination to identify a potential disorder related to the heart, nervous system, or endocrine system.

In addition, many patients take medications that directly lower blood pressure, either on their own or as a side effect. In such cases, you should consult your doctor, who will change the dosage or suggest an alternative. Never stop taking medications without your doctor's knowledge, as this may cause serious complications.

Darkening of the eyes during pregnancy

Very often, pregnant women are faced with the question of why it gets dark before their eyes when they get up. Orthostatic hypotension in women during pregnancy develops due to an increase in blood volume in the body. Because of this, the pregnant woman’s blood vessels and heart do not have time to adapt to the changes that have occurred. As a result, a change in body position leads to an attack of dizziness and short-term decreased vision. The symptoms of orthostatic hypotension are especially pronounced in women with vegetative-vascular dystonia. There is no specific treatment for this problem in pregnant women. It is important during the period of bearing a child to avoid sudden body movements and follow a daily and nutritional regimen.

Darkness in the eyes: possible causes, diagnosis, treatment - “Healthy Eye”

Darkening in the eyes, as an annoying but rare episode, is not necessarily caused by some kind of disease. This phenomenon is called physiological orthostatic hypotension, which occurs because blood in sufficient quantities for some reason did not reach the brain and did not provide it with nutrition in a timely manner, which can:

  • Provoked by prolonged standing in a vehicle or somewhere else, sitting in one position on a chair or on a sofa;
  • Depend on the individual characteristics of the autonomic nervous system, which turned out to be overly sensitive to any changes in the environment and internal state (high air temperature, stuffy room, emotional stress, fear);
  • Be the result of prolonged fasting (wrong approach to weight loss or forced hunger due to circumstances). In fact, from a starvation diet designed for rapid weight loss, the level of glucose in the blood drops and the vision sharply darkens, and for some reason the expected effect is not in a hurry;
  • Listed as the main complaint (“it gets dark in my eyes when I get out of bed in the morning”) in people who constantly complain about low blood pressure (BP – 105-115/60-70 mm Hg) and consider themselves hypotensive . Of course, sudden getting out of bed will not be useful for such people - they need to lie down, soak up, and then calmly get up;
  • Be the result of excessive physical stress (overwork, lifting heavy objects whose weight exceeds the permissible value);
  • Act as costs of individual professions or hobbies (working at height with insurance, mountaineering);
  • Appears in women who are sure that beauty requires sacrifice and, to prove this, use underwear that corrects the figure, but impairs blood circulation (a fashion that has returned from time immemorial - tight corsets with lace);
  • Occurs after a long period of squatting (some people like to rest this way, although they know why; when they stand up, their vision suddenly becomes dark);
  • It is a side effect of air travel, when, when climbing and landing, the ears of most passengers become blocked, and some experience darkness in the eyes and a headache.

All these cases are explained by the difference in pressure between the upper and lower parts of the body or between atmospheric and blood pressure, which does not have time to quickly adjust. Such options do not require special treatment, and the person continues to be considered practically healthy.

Darkness in the eyes and dizziness, for example, with a condition such as pathological orthostatic hypotension.

In simple terms, a situation arises when the blood in the body is redistributed - the lower part of the body receives more blood than is required to provide nutrients, and the upper part (including the head) at this time suffers from a lack of blood supply.

As a result of this unfair distribution, the brain does not receive enough substances necessary for full functioning and experiences oxygen starvation (hypoxia).

Under conditions of hypoxia, a pre-fainting state develops, which is not necessarily limited only to darkening of the eyes, for example, some people experience tinnitus, darkening of the eyes and nausea, sticky sweat appears... and everything can end in fainting. So:

  1. In children and adolescents, the cause of darkening in the eyes (in the absence of any signs of the disease) is most often the incomplete development of the autonomic nervous system and vascular bed, because it is not for nothing that vegetative-vascular dystonia at this age is not considered a real disease (and at other ages too , in principle, too). However, the child has every chance of “outgrowing” this trouble when his body finishes its formation;
  2. It often darkens in the eyes of people who are weather-sensitive, who react strongly to weather and climatic conditions, determining that something is wrong in nature as soon as the atmospheric pressure begins to change, although in other respects these people are considered practically healthy;
  3. You feel weakness and darkening in the eyes after excessive sweating during physiological conditions (exposure to high temperature, psycho-emotional stress, heavy physical labor) or due to various pathologies, so if your eyes often darken, you need to undergo an examination;
  4. It darkens sharply in the eyes when a person has been in a horizontal position for a long time and quickly stood up.

Thus, in many people (hypotonics and hypertensives, suffering from vegetative-vascular dystonia or other, more serious, pathology), a sharp rise from a chair or from a bed causes dizziness and darkening of the eyes, a person describes his condition this way: “My vision is impaired when I get up."

But in such cases, everything is clear - a sufficient amount of blood simply did not have time to get into the brain, or the fluid carrying nutrients rose to the head in a timely manner, but could not fully “squeeze” into the vessels narrowed for various reasons, and as a result, the brain tissue was damaged I lost power for a short time.

Diseases, one way or another, affect visual function. Typically, these are temporary effects that go away after a few minutes or hours.

Darkening in the eyes is associated with the general condition of the body and the presence of specific diseases. Therefore, if this happens often, you should not contact an ophthalmologist or ophthalmologist.

The reasons are often associated with a state of overwork and high blood pressure. Therefore, each case must be examined separately.

In general, the reasons may be as follows:

  • Weak immunity. For example, recovery from a long illness, difficult pregnancy, lack of vitamins. All this leads to loss of strength and weakness. You need to try to take care of yourself and try to recover, then darkening in your eyes will not occur.

If you continue to do household chores and perform physical work, then darkening in the eyes will be a natural result. That is, against the background of a general weakening of the body, a person tenses up and further increases weakness.

In such cases, sudden darkness in the eyes causes fainting. This means that the body is very weak and needs rest.
  • Exhaustion of the body, excessive stress. Darkening often occurs when a person is overexerted. For example, when lifting weights or prolonged physical work, the body depletes its resources.

If you don’t replenish them and give yourself rest, your vision will become dark. The general reason is similar to weakening of the body. After all, this is exactly what is observed with severe physical overstrain in the absence of rest and replenishment of strength;

  • Hypertension, atherosclerosis. Constantly dark vision during lifting or exertion may be due to vascular diseases. With high or low blood pressure, a person should not strain or do hard work.

If this happens, it may darken your vision. The reason will be a weakening of the body. But weakness is no longer caused by physical stress, but by vascular pathology;

  • Increased intracranial pressure.

Ways to solve the problem


Taking medications for dark eyes

You can quickly solve the problem and tone up the body with a cup of strong tea with sugar. The drink restores blood flow, thereby ensuring normal nutrition of tissues and the central nervous system. A person experiencing dizziness must be placed in a horizontal position with his legs raised up. Otherwise, he should sit down and rest his head on his knees. Medicines to restore blood pressure are prescribed by a doctor after diagnosing the patient and establishing the true cause of the problem. Treatment of infectious pathology that causes cardiac arrhythmia is carried out with antibiotics. To compensate for iron deficiency, medications are prescribed that contain the missing component. Restoration of the nervous system is carried out using physiotherapy and peptide drugs. If your eyes become cloudy, rest for 30 minutes is recommended. At this moment, you should not drive or work with traumatic objects and equipment. To prevent the problem, regular walks and vitamin complexes are suitable.

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