Menu for atherosclerosis of blood vessels of the neck and brain

General description of the disease

Sclerosis is a medical term describing the hardening of tissue that results from the proliferation of connective tissue as a result of inflammation or due to aging.

Types of sclerosis:

  • Lateral amyotrophic – provokes muscle paralysis;
  • Scattered – characterized by damage to the nervous system, as a result of which impulses do not enter the brain and spinal cord;
  • Atherosclerosis – characterized by the appearance of cholesterol plaques in blood vessels;
  • Cardiosclerosis – affects the valves and muscles of the heart;
  • Pneumosclerosis - affects lung tissue, reducing oxygen enrichment in the blood;
  • Sclerosis of the brain and spinal cord - characterized by the death of nerve cells and leads to paralysis or mental disorders (dementia);
  • Nephrosclerosis – renal sclerosis. He is deadly;
  • Liver sclerosis, or cirrhosis;
  • “Senile” is a concept used to describe memory impairment in older people. However, in fact, this is atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels.

Causes of sclerosis

  1. 1 Chronic inflammatory processes (tuberculosis, syphilis);
  2. 2 Hormonal and endocrine disruptions;
  3. 3 Metabolic disorders;

The appearance of atherosclerosis is caused by:

  • Autonomic disorders;
  • Stress;
  • Smoking;
  • Poor nutrition.

The exact causes of multiple sclerosis have not yet been identified, but scientists believe that these are genetic and external (environmental) factors, as well as past viral diseases and malfunctions of the immune system, as a result of which it attacks the cells of its body.

Symptoms of sclerosis:

  1. 1 Motor weakness and loss of coordination;
  2. 2 Sensory disturbances – numbness or tingling in the hands;
  3. 3 Visual impairment;
  4. 4 Fatigue;
  5. 5 Sexual dysfunction;
  6. 6 Bladder and bowel dysfunction;
  7. 7 Speech disorders.

Cause of atherosclerosis of neck vessels

In the human body there are many vessels, large and small, as well as capillaries. Their main function is the blood supply to organs and tissues. The blood that flows through the arteries is saturated with oxygen and nutrients; they are necessary for vital metabolic processes in the human body. Its composition directly depends on the food that a person consumes. That is why the diet should be varied and balanced, especially if the diagnosis of atherosclerosis of the cervical vessels has already been made.

If the vessels of the neck are healthy, they react normally to spasms, their walls, when required, become toned or relax.

If cholesterol begins to accumulate in the vessels, the walls lose flexibility, become denser and brittle, the vascular lumen decreases and blood circulation is disrupted. In most cases, there are no symptoms of real illness.

If the arteries of the neck are affected, the brain is affected first, then the spine, organs of the digestive and excretory systems. In rare cases, atherosclerosis is caused by a single factor. As a rule, the development of this disease is provoked by a combination of several - excess weight, unhealthy lifestyle, hereditary predisposition. At the initial stage, atherosclerosis of the neck does not make itself felt in any way; it can only be detected through a thorough examination. But this rarely happens; the patient consults a doctor when the following signs begin to bother him:

  • headaches and migraines;
  • damage to memory, fixation of attention and performance;
  • depressed mood;
  • pain in the neck;
  • interference with movement coordination.

Treatment of vascular sclerosis: traditional recipes

Various traditional methods are often used in the treatment of vascular sclerosis, but it is not advisable to use them without first consulting a doctor. After all, even seemingly harmless herbs can cause a lot of side effects, which may require expensive treatment to eliminate.

For vascular sclerosis

The use of the folk recipes described below is recommended for people over 40 years of age.

Mistletoe tincture

It has calming properties, helps regulate blood pressure, and removes inorganic salts from the body.

Recipe: Crush dried white mistletoe into powder, brew with boiling water and leave in a thermos overnight. For 1 teaspoon of mistletoe you need 1 glass of boiling water.

How to take: 2 tbsp in small sips. in 20 minutes before meals.

Course of treatment: 3-4 months.

Tincture of Japanese Sophora

Helps cleanse the blood and remove organic salts from the walls of veins/arteries.
Recipe: infuse 50 gr. fruits/flowers of the plant at 0.5 vodka for 30 days.

How to take: 3 times a day, a teaspoon.

For those for whom alcohol is contraindicated: 1 tbsp. Japanese Sophora pour a glass of boiling water. Brew in a thermos for 12 hours.

How to take: 2 tbsp 3 times a day.

Course of treatment: from 3 to 4 months.

For multiple sclerosis

For the treatment of multiple sclerosis, tinctures and rubs. Methods developed for therapeutic measures for articular rheumatism, not excluding medicinal baths, are also excellent.

Honey rub

Rub the body with honey and use massaging movements to stretch the patient’s skin. This massage must be done for 4-6 months.

Decoction of pine needles

Recipe: per liter of water you need to take 5 tbsp of crushed young pine needles, 2 tbsp.
onion peels and 3 tbsp. rose hips. Boil everything and leave to simmer for 10 minutes over low heat. Leave the broth for 6 to 8 hours, then strain. How to take: 4-5 times a day, half a glass.

Course of treatment: depends on the stage of the disease and is calculated individually by the attending physician.

Strawberry leaf tincture

Recipe: pour 1 tbsp into a thermos. crushed strawberry leaves with 1 liter of hot water. Leave for an hour.

How to take: instead of tea during the day.

Course of treatment: calculated individually.

For atherosclerosis and multiple sclerosis

Onion juice and honey mixture

Recipe: Mix honey and onion juice in equal proportions.
How to take: an hour before meals, 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

Course of treatment: 3 weeks. If necessary, an extension of up to 2 months is possible.

Tincture of young Echinops

Recipe: 1 cup boiling water for 2-3 tsp. ball-headed mordovnik. Leave overnight in a thermos.

How to take: drink the indicated volume in 3-4 doses throughout the day.

Course of treatment: 2 months. If necessary, continue treatment after 10 days.

Attention! At normal pressure, changing the proportions of ingredients is not recommended. In large doses, Echinops is able to reduce blood pressure, and in small doses, it can increase it. It is strictly prohibited to increase or decrease the dose of medicinal herbs by more than half!

Buckwheat tincture

Recipe: for 0.5 liters of boiling water 1 d.l.
seeds/flowers/leaves of buckwheat, leave for 2 hours in a warm place. Strain before taking. How to take: 3-4 times a day, half a glass.

Course of treatment: 4 weeks.

Genetic predisposition

Many doctors are convinced that a certain category of people has a genetic predisposition to the deposition of fat on the walls of the vessels of the neck. The first manifestations of this pathology can be detected already in childhood. If you examine the vessels of such children, you can find microscopic deposits of fat on the walls. The affected areas lose their elasticity, and gradually the vascular lumen begins to narrow.

A full-fledged cholesterol plaque forms over several years. If a person eats a lot of heavy, fatty foods, moves little, or has bad habits, then this process can accelerate. It is necessary to start treatment immediately.

What dishes can be included in the menu?

When treating atherosclerosis, food variety and moderation are important. Huge portions will minimize the usefulness of the treatment table. Nutritionists say that the desire to eat a lot is caused by the monotony of the diet. This is why it is important to change the combination of products.

Many patients initially use ready-made menus for the week, and only then, when the principle of nutrition becomes clear, they independently select the permitted products and prepare dishes from them.

A patient with atherosclerosis should not only eat breakfast, lunch and dinner, but also have snacks. An example menu for atherosclerosis is presented below.


For breakfast you can prepare the following dishes:

  • Omelette made from egg whites, tea with added milk.
  • Cottage cheese casserole, grated carrot and apple salad, compote.
  • Oatmeal with milk, a couple of baked apples, fruit jelly.
  • Cottage cheese with berries, bread, herbal tea.
  • Cheese pancakes, fruit salad, jelly with milk.
  • Buckwheat porridge, cottage cheese, tea.

Afternoon snack

In the afternoon you can have a snack:

  • Fruit salad.
  • Crackers.
  • Pumpkin puree.
  • Salad of seaweed or fresh cabbage with apple.
  • Boiled shrimp.
  • Apple, pear or kiwi.

You can wash down your meals with herbal tea or fruit or vegetable juice.


For lunch you should eat vegetable soups, for example with barley, rice, vegetarian borscht or beetroot soup. For the second you can prepare:

  • Steamed cutlets.
  • Boiled potatoes.
  • Stewed cabbage with boiled meat.
  • Fish with vegetables in a steamer.
  • Vegetable stew.
  • Lazy dumplings.

All of these dishes can be washed down with fruit and vegetable juices, herbal tea, berry mousse, and compote.


Dinner should be hearty, but at the same time light. You should not overload your stomach. Before going to bed, it is advisable to exclude soups and cereals. Dinner dishes should contain proteins. It is best to eat boiled or baked chicken or fish at this time. It is allowed to add vegetables. You can drink it with kefir or tea.

Specifics of nervous regulation and accompanying ailments

The condition and functioning of the nervous system determines the quantity and frequency of stress hormones released. These substances change the elasticity and tone of the vascular wall. When they constantly affect the vessels of the neck, their membranes become fragile, covered with cracks and ulcers. These are very favorable conditions for the formation of atherosclerotic plaque. This process is also accelerated by some chronic ailments - diabetes, thyroid dysfunction, heart and vascular diseases.

Obesity also contributes to the creation of atherosclerotic plaques. Regardless of what particular disease caused cholesterol deposits on the walls of the vessels of the neck, it is always connected with the person’s table. This is why diet is so important in the complex treatment of cervical atherosclerosis.

Key rules of eating behavior

According to diet number 10, all foods are divided into three categories: prohibited, limited (restricted for consumption) and allowed. The distinction is primarily associated with foods rich in animal fats, from which “bad” cholesterol is formed.

General principles for organizing proper nutrition:

  • eliminate prohibited products from the menu;
  • introduce foods high in fiber, omega acids, polyphenols, and ascorbic acid into your diet;
  • do not get carried away with products from the limited category;
  • do not be greedy in food, that is, do not overeat;
  • control the daily intake of calories, nutrients, drinking water;
  • Avoid dishes prepared by frying (including frying in vegetable oil). Cooking food is allowed by boiling, stewing, steaming, baking under foil (brown crust on dishes is not welcome);
  • reduce the consumption of salt and salty foods as much as possible;
  • Follow the eating schedule - every 3-4 hours in small portions.

It is recommended to enrich the daily menu with restorative decoctions according to traditional medicine recipes.

Diet for atherosclerosis of the neck

A diet plan for atherosclerosis does not imply a complete renunciation of meat foods. The diet must contain proteins of both plant and animal origin. Also, food must be provided with complex carbohydrates, vitamins and microelements. The most important thing is to maintain a balance between these substances. The ratio should be approximately 4 to one.

Proteins in the diet

Humans need proteins to build cells, produce hormones, and maintain other important life processes. Under no circumstances should animal proteins be completely removed from the diet. Man needs meat. But it is better to give preference not to pork, but to poultry, rabbit, veal and lamb. Vegetarian proteins can be obtained from legumes - beans, peas, lentils. Dishes made from them must also be included in the diet of a person prone to atherosclerosis.

It is better not to fry both meat and vegetables, but bake them in the oven or cook them in a double boiler. Then the food will be less caloric, but at the same time it will retain all the nutrients and will not lose its energy value. You cannot completely give up animal proteins. If you do this, Omega 3 fatty acids will not enter the body. It is this substance that helps break down unhealthy cholesterol and remove it from the body. Protein is essential for the human body. And no folk remedies or biologically active additives can replace it.

Fats in the diet

Many patients believe that these are the causes of all health problems. But it is not so. Fats are also needed to maintain vital processes. Without them, hair and nails will not shine, and the skin will become wrinkled prematurely. Fats help to better absorb vitamin A, participate in the production of sex hormones, and help normalize the female menstrual cycle.

Recommended products*:


: Wholemeal bread with bran, breakfast cereals, porridge cooked in water, pasta, rice, buckwheat, wheat and oatmeal


: Skim milk (1% and below), low-fat cheeses (20%), low-fat cottage cheese Soups
Vegetable, vegetarian
: All types of fish, including fatty fish (remove the skin), especially sea and ocean
: Sea scallop, oysters
: Veal, game (hare, deer), young lamb (without visible fat) - no more than 90 g per day, boiled.
Poultry (turkey, chicken) – white meat is preferable to dark meat. Remove skin from poultry before cooking. Eggs
: Egg whites
: Soft margarines with 1% trans fatty acids.
The softer the margarine, the lower its saturated fat content. It is advisable to introduce vegetable oils into the diet: olive, rapeseed, soybean, flaxseed, sunflower and corn. Vegetables and fruits
: Fresh and frozen, legumes (peas, beans, beans, lentils), young corn, canned fruits without sugar
Prepared products
: Sherbet, jelly, skim milk puddings, popsicles, candied fruits
: Walnuts, almonds, chestnuts
: Pepper, mustard, spices, apple cider vinegar.
Avoid adding seasonings containing monosodium glutamate to food Drinks :
Tea, black instant coffee, soft drinks (preferably without sugar)
: In the absence of contraindications! per day no more than 20-30 g of ethanol, which corresponds to 60 ml of strong alcoholic drinks or 200 ml (glass) of dry wine

Cooking for atherosclerosis

: Cooking, stewing, baking, incl. in foil or baker's sleeve, grill, steam. Only in vegetable oil or without oil, in dishes with a special coating that does not require the addition of fat. For salad dressing, use low-fat mayonnaise, yogurt, vegetable oils (olive, sunflower, etc.)

Authorized and recommended products

In dietary nutrition for atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities, coronal and cerebral vessels, the emphasis is on eating foods rich in fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants. Protein products allowed for atherosclerosis are lean varieties of meat, fish, and poultry. They are easily digestible and do not affect cholesterol levels.

The menu must include dairy and fermented milk products, but with a low fat content:

Flaxseed oil for high cholesterol

  • kefir, fermented baked milk, natural (without additives) yogurt – 2.5%;
  • acidophilus – 3.2%;
  • cottage cheese – 1.8-5%;
  • Adyghe cheese, tofu, ricotta – up to 18%;
  • sour cream and cream - no more than 10%.

A good addition to dishes would be rye and wheat bran, which acts on the intestines as a natural adsorbent. Bran actively removes bile acids, which promote the absorption of “bad” cholesterol. Cereals and grain crops work in a similar way, so patients with atherosclerosis must eat porridge and other cereal dishes. Preference should be given to buckwheat, rice, and pearl barley.

Vegetables, herbs, berries and fruits are not subject to varietal differentiation. You can eat anything, depending on your taste preferences. The most effective for lowering cholesterol levels are celery, cabbage of all varieties, tomatoes, lemons, pomelo, ginger, cranberries and lingonberries.

It is recommended to specifically include in the treatment menu products containing:

  • lutein (spinach, green peas);
  • carotenoids (carrots, sea buckthorn);
  • folic acid (beans, lettuce, pomegranate);
  • phytosterols (rice bran, corn);
  • polyphenols (sage, green tea, blueberries and black currants).

Allowed sources of protein include: turkey, chicken (skinless), veal, navaga, telapia, blue whiting, pollock, seafood.

Garlic is considered one of the effective remedies against deposits of “bad” cholesterol in blood vessels. For atherosclerosis, garlic use is recommended daily

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