Treatment methods for psychosomatic scalp itching

Psychogenic itching is a rare bodily symptom in patients with anxiety disorder, so-called VSD and other mental problems.

Often anxiety and stress intensify the manifestations of existing dermatological diseases, for example, eczema. But scabies due to nervous conditions, in isolation from true skin diseases, rarely occurs.


Stress and hair are closely related through several mechanisms that can lead to the appearance of unpleasant itchy sensations on the scalp.
During stressful situations or nervous overstrain, changes occur in the functioning of the immune system, which becomes active. Such activation leads to an attack on one’s own cells. Because of this, in many systems an imbalance of protective and aggressive factors begins in favor of the latter. Active damage to scalp tissue leads to irritation of nerve endings that transmit a signal of damage to the brain.

The signal is interpreted by the central nervous system as itchy skin. It is important to understand that such damage to the hair follicle structures leads to hair loss, increasing the risk of baldness.

The second mechanism that the head itches from nerves is similar to the first. Malfunctions of the immune system cause the development of local allergic reactions, which are also associated with severe itching and skin irritation.

If unpleasant itching occurs on the scalp, this may be due to the fact that the skin is very dry. It is often accompanied by hair loss. If it bothers you on your arms and legs, it may be due to tight clothing, or when there are residues of washing powder on it.

If unpleasant itching occurs on the scalp, this may be due to the fact that the skin is very dry. It is often accompanied by hair loss. If it bothers you on your arms and legs, it may be due to tight clothing, or when there are residues of washing powder on it.

Due to the fact that rashes and itching on the body can appear quite a long period after suffering nervous tension, it is difficult to determine the cause-and-effect relationship between them.

If the rash is caused by nerves and the body itches, the following symptoms may be added:

  • the person is too excited or depressed,
  • there is swelling of the tissues affected by the rash,
  • There may be an increase in temperature and general malaise.

These symptoms are characteristic of many diseases, and it is unlikely that a person will

will be able to identify the cause of the resulting pathologies. And self-medication can lead to irreversible consequences.

If your body itches from nerves, what should you do? Of course, seek help from a qualified doctor.

Itchy head from nerves: causes, diagnosis and necessary treatment

Stress in a person’s life leads to the appearance of various symptoms that mimic diseases of internal organs, including the skin (see Hair loss from stress). Therefore, the question of whether the head can itch from nerves is relevant.

This condition occurs frequently. In this case, skin itching leads to constant scratching of the skin and other unpleasant manifestations, significantly reducing a person’s quality of life and worsening well-being.

Hair restoration after stress is also extremely important due to its damage in acute stressful situations.


Causes of itching

Stress and hair are closely related through several mechanisms that can lead to the appearance of unpleasant itchy sensations on the scalp. During stressful situations or nervous overstrain, changes occur in the functioning of the immune system, which becomes active. Such activation leads to an attack on one’s own cells.

Because of this, in many systems an imbalance of protective and aggressive factors begins in favor of the latter.

Active damage to scalp tissue leads to irritation of nerve endings that transmit a signal of damage to the brain. The signal is interpreted by the central nervous system as itchy skin.

It is important to understand that such damage to the hair follicle structures leads to hair loss, increasing the risk of baldness.

Itching in the head and dandruff appear: how to eliminate the problem.

What is oily seborrhea of ​​the scalp: treatment and causes, prevention of the disease.

The second mechanism that the head itches from nerves is similar to the first. Malfunctions of the immune system cause the development of local allergic reactions, which are also associated with severe itching and skin irritation.


Skin itching in other diseases

When a person wonders whether the head can itch due to nervousness, it is important not to confuse skin itching with the manifestation of diseases such as scabies, dermatitis, and fungal skin infections. What signs exist to distinguish nervous itching from other types of lesions?

The main factor that allows you to quickly distinguish nervous itching from other causes is its rapid disappearance while taking sedatives that block excessive stimulation of the central nervous system. If the head continues to itch while adequately taking such medications, then it is necessary to continue the diagnosis to identify the true cause of the itching.

Important! You should not self-medicate: diagnose yourself and prescribe medications. This will ultimately lead to the progression of the underlying disease, increased symptoms, even to baldness.

Diseases that can cause itching on the scalp:

  1. Allergic urticaria is a common cause of the symptom. The occurrence is associated with a person’s hypersensitivity to any substances in the environment. With the development of urticaria, severe persistent itching and the appearance of small lumps on the skin are observed, which externally resemble bites of mosquitoes and other insects. The rash appears within a few minutes and may go away on its own after 20 minutes. Frequent recurrences of itching are possible when a person is unaware of the existing allergy.
  2. Dermatitis is common, especially in childhood, and is manifested by itching of the scalp. However, in addition to this manifestation, there are always other symptoms: redness of the skin, the appearance of seborrheic crusts on the skin, which are easily separated from it.
  3. Fungal infections of the skin lead to constant irritation of the skin, accompanied by the appearance of blisters, leading to peeling of the skin.

Since there are many pathological conditions that lead to an itchy head, you should always consult a doctor if you experience this symptom. Only a dermatologist or trichologist is able to conduct a full examination and identify the cause of the unpleasant symptom.


Treatment of itchy skin on the head

What to do when your head itches due to nerves? First of all, you need to visit a dermatologist who can make an accurate diagnosis. The main method of treatment is based on the use of sedatives that reduce a person’s perception of stress and improve brain function.

If itching on the head appears rarely and goes away on its own, it is recommended to take valerian extract or other herbal sedatives that have a minor effect on the body.

When the itching is constant, you will need potent drugs used in psychiatry - anxiolytics, tranquilizers. With the simultaneous administration of antihistamines, treatment results improve.

It is important to note that all medications should be used only as prescribed by a doctor, since otherwise they may be low in effectiveness and may cause a side effect - allergies that increase itching.

In addition to medications, traditional medicine is used: rinses with chamomile, oatmeal, fenugreek, lavender, oak bark. When rubbing the skin with herbal decoctions, the intensity of local skin inflammation decreases and allergic manifestations disappear. However, when using alternative medicine methods, it is important to remember that their effectiveness has not been proven.


Hair restoration

After understanding how stress affects your hair, it becomes clear that it can cause significant damage to your hair. Therefore, the doctor’s task is how to restore hair after stress? There are a number of specific recommendations:

  1. Eliminate factors that have a damaging effect on the scalp and hair. It is not recommended for a person to use hair dyes, perm, use a hot hair dryer, or straighten hair.
  2. Use methods that improve blood flow to the scalp. These include the use of a laser comb and darsonval. Scientific evidence shows that such methods activate blood flow and promote hair growth.
  3. Regular self-massage or skin massage on the scalp, as well as the area at the back of the neck, shows excellent results.
  4. The comb should be soft, preferably wooden with a low frequency of teeth.

Why gray hair appears in a child: causes, diagnosis and restoration of hair color.

Note to beauties: fruits and vegetables for hair, three beauty recipes.

Find out how to soften coarse hair: mask recipes, cosmetics.

Following these recommendations allows you to quickly restore the amount of hair on your head, a decrease in which is observed during prolonged stress.



Damage to the skin on the scalp as a result of nervous overexcitation of a person causes a number of symptoms, the most important of which are itching and progressive baldness. Knowing this fact allows you to promptly identify unpleasant manifestations and seek medical help, stopping the progression of hair damage.

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The occurrence of an itching sensation on the skin is a rather unpleasant symptom that should be correlated with some pathology, only in this case is it possible to get rid of it as completely as possible.

Diagnostics is carried out by a dermatological specialist who prescribes appropriate diagnostic procedures. It will be pathological that nervous itching is formed precisely at the moment of psycho-emotional overload, or immediately immediately after it. As a rule, it is local and episodic in nature, and intensifies many times during night rest.

At the initial stages it is able to pass on its own, as soon as the negative situation stops, the human body finds reserve opportunities for self-healing.

A simple method to get rid of nervous scabies

It has been established that the more a person focuses attention on any bodily sensation, including itching, the more clearly it manifests itself. Distraction helps reduce the intensity of unpleasant sensations.

Therefore, the most effective and at the same time safe method of self-help is to distract attention from your itch and switch it to something else.

This approach cannot be called a genuine treatment, because it does not eliminate the underlying cause - the underlying mental problems. But it allows you to improve your condition here and now without taking medications or side effects.


Symptoms of pseudoallergy manifest themselves as:

  • redness;
  • rashes;
  • itching;
  • swelling.

Nervous scabies in the later stages may be accompanied by high body temperature and weakness. The patient's general condition deteriorates sharply. The patient may complain of fatigue and malaise.

Symptoms do not appear immediately. The body’s reaction, as a rule, is delayed and the rash appears after some time.

Possible consequences

Various skin diseases often develop and worsen due to nervousness. First of all, this should include dermatitis or atopic eczema, as well as psoriasis. If the patient does not get rid of these symptoms of itching by stabilizing his psycho-emotional state, then it will be necessary to use drug treatment to combat the diseases described above.

However, this is not the only danger from such scabies. If you regularly scratch areas of the skin, it begins to thin out, and small cracks and wounds appear on the surface. Various pathogenic microflora easily enter there, which can cause viral, bacterial, and fungal dermatological ailments.

Neuroses develop against the background of a nervous disorder and a long-term depressed state. This is a group of diseases of the nervous system that cause irreparable harm to the body.

The quality of life and productivity decrease, various phobias appear, and the idyll in family life is disrupted.

But the main danger is the development of chronic diseases, memory impairment and the development of causeless aggression. Against the background of neuroses, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system often develop.

To avoid the appearance of nervous scabies, you need to spend more time in fresh air, sleep at least 7 hours and surround yourself only with people with positive emotions. A balanced and calm person is much more stress-resistant and less susceptible to various diseases.

Itchy skin and its treatment

What to do when your head itches due to nerves? First of all, you need to visit a dermatologist who can make an accurate diagnosis. The main method of treatment is based on the use of sedatives that reduce a person’s perception of stress and improve brain function.

If itching on the head appears rarely and goes away on its own, it is recommended to take valerian extract or other herbal sedatives that have a minor effect on the body.

When the itching is constant, you will need potent drugs used in psychiatry - anxiolytics, tranquilizers. With the simultaneous administration of antihistamines, treatment results improve.

It is important to note that all medications should be used only as prescribed by a doctor, since otherwise they may be low in effectiveness and may cause a side effect - allergies that increase itching.

Nervous scabies requires consultation with doctors of various specializations; sometimes the patient only needs a few sessions with a psychotherapist for a complete cure. But there are times when you have to be examined by an allergist, neurologist and dermatologist to find out the cause of skin itching and rashes.

Using home remedies you can alleviate the patient’s condition and eliminate itching:

  • make lotions with decoctions of chamomile, lavender, sage, oak bark;
  • at night it is recommended to take a bath with the addition of these decoctions;
  • you can lubricate itchy areas with any ointment that contains menthol;
  • If you dilute tomato juice 2:1 and rub it on the areas where the rash appears, you can eliminate the itching and relieve swelling.

It is most difficult to treat children; due to their age, they are not able to control themselves, which increases the risk of developing skin pathologies. By scratching the skin, they can cause infection, so antihistamines are first prescribed for treating children. Often, special mittens are put on the baby’s arms so that the child does not scratch his skin to the point of wounds.

To avoid the development of nervous scabies, you need to take a sedative on time, not allow yourself to be drawn into conflicts and maintain an optimistic attitude within yourself.

To effectively treat nerve allergies, you should definitely visit an allergist. The doctor will conduct the necessary studies and tests, and make a qualified conclusion on how the patient can get rid of such a disease as an allergy due to nerves (photo).


Therapy and methods of dealing with the problem should be discussed with a doctor who prescribes the necessary medications. This approach is safer, since attempting self-treatment increases the chance of the situation worsening.

At the first stage, the doctor prescribes medications aimed at improving the patient’s emotional state. At the very beginning, plant-based sedatives will have a good effect.

In cases where a person’s emotional state is extremely difficult, more powerful drugs from the group of antidepressants and strong sedatives (Venlafaccin, etc.) are used.

If itching appears on the scalp, it is impossible to use ointments and similar products. However, the use of herbal-based shampoos, which are sold in pharmacies, is allowed.

Also, taking antihistamines (Suprastin, etc.), which relieve various manifestations of itching and can completely eliminate it, will increase the chances of winning the fight against the problem. Despite the strong effect and relative safety, you should not take them yourself, because they can have a detrimental effect on the body.


To reduce the risk of itching for psychological reasons, you need to limit yourself from stressful situations. Additionally, you should review your diet and increase your fruit intake. An important point is adherence to sleep and rest patterns - their lack can cause itching.

You can also experiment with medicated herbal shampoos that have a healing effect and strengthen the scalp, which are available at the pharmacy.

The problem under consideration is quite unpleasant, but still amenable to simple treatment, provided timely attention is paid to it. Nowadays it is impossible to live without stress - everyone is under threat, which is why the risk of itching due to nervousness is quite high, especially if a person has reduced resistance to stress.

It is necessary to remain calm, eat right, do exercises, get enough sleep, and rest. This helps reduce the risk of itching, as well as its negative side effects such as redness of the skin and even hair loss due to scratching, which can further worsen a person’s emotional state. If a problem arises, you should contact your doctor as soon as possible.

Drug treatment of nerve-related allergies

Treatment for nervous scabies should be discussed with your doctor. A specialist in this field will be able to determine the main cause of the rash on the body and, if necessary, refer you for additional examinations. This will allow you to accurately diagnose and prescribe all the necessary medications for treatment. If the condition is moderate or mild, the following treatment methods are recommended:

  • herbal soothing teas;
  • therapy with essential oils, lavender, mint, lemon balm;
  • warm relaxing baths with chamomile or oak bark;
  • breathing exercises and meditation;
  • sedatives.


In most cases, when dealing with this problem, specialists prescribe sedative medications to their patients in syrups or tablets. These include “Persen”, valerian, “Novo-Passit”, “Sedavit”. The drug “Bifren”, which is sold in capsules, is quite good at relieving people of psycho-emotional stress, and also eliminates changes in mood and improves the endurance of the brain and nervous system.

If your body itches due to nervousness, and this process is also accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms, for example, pain in the heart, tachycardia, then instead of herbal sedatives you need to use heart drops or tablets: “Corvaltab”, “Corvalol”, “Tricardin” , "Barboval", "Corvalment".

Itchy skin: what medications can you take?

Itching of the skin from nerves does not cause a pleasant sensation for anyone, and therefore everyone strives to get rid of the disease as soon as possible. With it, you can take sedatives, and if it accompanies you inconsistently, it makes sense to drink valerian extract.

If your skin itches constantly when you are nervous, you will need stronger medications, a prescription for which you can only get from a doctor. If you take medications without the supervision of a specialist, you risk provoking allergic reactions or simply getting used to the medications.

Doctors usually prescribe antihistamines in combination with sedatives to help get rid of itching.

If you go to the doctor and say: “Doctor, I’m itching because of my nerves,” and he diagnoses “itching due to nerves,” then, most likely, you will be prescribed:

  1. Sedatives.
  2. Soothing herbal teas.
  3. Baths with sage, oak bark, chamomile and lavender.
  4. Aromatherapy.
  5. Breathing exercises and meditation.

Diagnosis of itchy scalp

It's no secret that for many who have an itchy head, nerves are the last thing on their mind. They begin with an examination for parasites, seborrhea, scabies, dermatitis and other diseases with similar symptoms. If the clinical picture is not confirmed, itching of the scalp can be classified as a manifestation of neurosis.

They begin their long journey of visiting doctors with a therapist, who gives referrals to specialized specialists. In turn, each of them is sent for analysis. Taking into account the specific situation, the neurologist continues the examination. He understands why the head itches, what contributes to it, and how to relieve not only the itching itself, but also the root cause.

Important! You should never diagnose yourself, even if you are sure that all the symptoms on the Internet are exactly the same as yours. Only a doctor diagnoses the disease and prescribes adequate treatment

The main factor indicating that itching of the scalp and other parts of the body appeared against the background of a person’s emotional state is:

  • stress and anxiety occur almost simultaneously;
  • the head began to itch immediately after a strong shock;
  • There are tactile hallucinations - the patient has a feeling of crawling and biting insects.

As a rule, nervous itching is especially aggravated at night, when the patient is left alone with his condition.

Traditional methods

Nervous scabies can also be treated with folk remedies. They are used to relieve a strong burning sensation that cannot be tolerated, but then you need to consult a doctor.

  1. When your whole body itches, you can save yourself with a sponge and cold water. The affected parts of the body are wiped carefully so as not to aggravate the situation. You can add vinegar or sea salt to the water.
  2. When your body, legs, or head itches due to stress, a bath with soda, 200 g per 50 liters of water, will help. After the first procedure, the itching ceases to bother me.
  3. A cold shower helps a lot, but you should not use gels or shampoos.
  4. The healing herb can be used for wiping and bathing. Propolis tincture, chamomile, oats, as well as oak bark and lavender flowers heal well. You can wipe your skin with these products and add them during water treatments. In addition, tomato juice diluted in water helps relieve itching.
  5. It is recommended to drink a decoction of herbs that have a sedative effect. For example, mint, immortelle or tansy. If your scalp itches, make a solution and wash your hair with it. The decoction consists of 200 g of nettle per 8 liters of water. It is poured into the bath and the hair is immersed in it for 20 minutes. If areas of the skin are severely damaged, you can wipe them with nettle juice. This method is quite effective.
  6. Itching on the skin is well removed by marjoram infusion, flaxseeds, boiled pork flowers, oak bark and juniper. Treat red areas every day, in the morning and before bed, until the rash completely goes away.

Lavender flowers are great for relieving itching

The mechanism of occurrence of nervous itching

For a more understandable picture of the disease, all psychological problems - stress, anxiety, nervous overstrain, etc. – we will denote neurosis with a single term.

Is this a consequence of the influence of traumatic factors of the internal and external environment, under which the psyche becomes mobile? But there are no disturbances in the functioning of internal organs and systems of the body.

It is physical neurosis that leads to a number of pathologies in which a person experiences itching, burning, and tingling. Often, with neurosis, the epidermis becomes more sensitive, changing its usual shade to marble with bluish areas.

The more problems a person faces, the more the threshold of sensitivity increases - clothes, touches irritate, tactile hallucinations appear. Many patients complain that they feel like insects are crawling on them, etc.

Treatment methods for psychosomatic scalp itching

Experiences, nervous stress, and depression affect a person’s emotional background, provoking various side effects. Some people bite their nails, others experience nervous itching in the scalp, and others snap their fingers.

In all cases, the root cause is neurosis and anxiety. How to properly treat problems, why exactly your head itches from nerves and what to do as a preventive measure is in our article.

The mechanism of occurrence of nervous itching

For a more understandable picture of the disease, all psychological problems - stress, anxiety, nervous overstrain, etc. – we will denote neurosis with a single term.

Is this a consequence of the influence of traumatic factors of the internal and external environment, under which the psyche becomes mobile? But there are no disturbances in the functioning of internal organs and systems of the body.

It is physical neurosis that leads to a number of pathologies in which a person experiences itching, burning, and tingling. Often, with neurosis, the epidermis becomes more sensitive, changing its usual shade to marble with bluish areas.

The more problems a person faces, the more the threshold of sensitivity increases - clothes, touches irritate, tactile hallucinations appear. Many patients complain that they feel like insects are crawling on them, etc.

Along with psychological traumatic factors, the main causes of itchy scalp are:

  • traumatic brain injury;
  • hormonal imbalance, including puberty and menopause;
  • chronic diseases;
  • physical exhaustion of the body;
  • lack of sleep;
  • disturbances in sleep and wakefulness, etc.

Treatment of psychosomatics is always carried out by a specialist - a neurologist, who determines the methodology and course taking into account the specific medical history.

If your head is constantly itching due to nerves, the following may be prescribed as general recommendations:

  • Phenobarbital or Noxiron - to normalize sleep;
  • Valerian is a sedative and sedative;
  • Melitor - for depression accompanied by anxiety and sleep disorders, as well as for VSD of the hypertensive type with asthenic and anxiety symptoms;
  • Vitamin D3 – supports the heart muscle, improves immunity, promotes restful and sound sleep, emotional stability, and reduction of sensitivity.

Be sure to prescribe psychotherapy during and after taking medications to stabilize the functioning of the nervous system and improve the overall emotional background.

Diagnosis of itchy scalp

It's no secret that for many who have an itchy head, nerves are the last thing on their mind. They begin with an examination for parasites, seborrhea, scabies, dermatitis and other diseases with similar symptoms. If the clinical picture is not confirmed, itching of the scalp can be classified as a manifestation of neurosis.

They begin their long journey of visiting doctors with a therapist, who gives referrals to specialized specialists. In turn, each of them is sent for analysis. Taking into account the specific situation, the neurologist continues the examination. He understands why the head itches, what contributes to it, and how to relieve not only the itching itself, but also the root cause.

Important! You should never diagnose yourself, even if you are sure that all the symptoms on the Internet are exactly the same as yours. Only a doctor diagnoses the disease and prescribes adequate treatment

The main factor indicating that itching of the scalp and other parts of the body appeared against the background of a person’s emotional state is:

  • stress and anxiety occur almost simultaneously;
  • the head began to itch immediately after a strong shock;
  • There are tactile hallucinations - the patient has a feeling of crawling and biting insects.

As a rule, nervous itching is especially aggravated at night, when the patient is left alone with his condition.

How to treat itchy scalp due to nervousness

First you need to understand that itching is not a disease, but a consequence of the patient’s nervous state. That is, it is not the scalp that needs to be treated, but the head itself and the nerves at the same time.

The peculiarity of psychosomatic diseases, including nervous itching, is accumulation. It is extremely rare for a person to become nervous and immediately have an itchy head.

No, it takes a certain time when the quantity of negativity turns into quality, and then side effects appear, including an itchy scalp due to stress.

Treatment must be comprehensive and long-lasting.

In general, the entire course of therapy follows 4 directions:

  1. Taking medications aimed at improving and stabilizing the emotional state. At the first stage, the doctor prescribes plant-based sedatives.
  2. Taking antidepressants and sedatives. Unlike tranquilizers, with which they are often confused, the action of antidepressants is aimed at increasing the amount of necessary mediators and normalizing the biochemical balance of the brain.
  3. Taking antihistamines designed to reduce the effect of sensitive skin.
  4. Psychotherapy sessions are an important aspect of helping a patient, which should not be abandoned in favor of a friendly neighbor, friend or family. If the people listed do not have the appropriate education and experience as a psychotherapist, they are unlikely to help you. The doctor's task is not to provide consoling sympathy, but to solve the problem that led to the failure. There can be many problems, and all of them must be resolved by a qualified specialist.

Prevention of nervous itching

Of course, we can give universal advice - don’t be nervous, don’t worry, everything will pass and this too, etc., but in reality, few people are able to abstract themselves from nervous shocks.

Your task is to stabilize the functioning of the nervous system and make yourself more stress-resistant. And for this there are very useful tips:

  1. A nutritious diet - even a lack of vitamins, such as vitamin D3, can already become a catalyst for problems. In spring and autumn, take a vitamin complex and try to eat well.
  2. Healthy sleep. Choose the mode in which you wake up rested. 6-8-10 hours - each of us has our own rest period that must be observed. If you can’t sleep, consult your doctor for a relatively mild sedative.
  3. At least once every 2 years, check the functioning of the thyroid gland and the level of hormones in the body.
  4. Take care of yourself literally - developmental activities, sports, cultural events. Get out of the vicious circle of “home-work”, look for something that gives you pleasure and do it even when it seems like you have no time at all.

A few words in conclusion

When the scalp itches due to nervousness, this is an alarming symptom. It is advisable not to delay your visit to the doctor and start taking sedatives.

We know where to go if our teeth, legs, or ears hurt, but we rarely go to a specialist if we feel empty, emotionally burnt out, and this is a big mistake. Stress, depression, depression are serious illnesses that must be treated.

Have you encountered such a problem? How did you cope?

Treatment methods for psychosomatic scalp itching Link to main publication


Relieving itching at home

If nervous itching of the skin suddenly begins, there is not a single antihistamine at home, and there is no way to call a doctor or go to the hospital, quick measures should be taken to help reduce the discomfort. It is necessary to take a cold shower without using the usual personal hygiene products (soap, shampoo, shower gel, etc.).

You can also gently wipe the itchy area of ​​skin with a sponge soaked in a solution of water and vinegar. This must be done carefully so as not to scratch the skin and aggravate the problem.

In order to never encounter such situations, you should, if possible, protect yourself from risk factors that can cause stress. It is also recommended to visit a psychologist or psychotherapist from time to time to help overcome fear and anxiety.

It would not be a bad idea to use light soothing herbal decoctions, and before any important events that can cause stress, you should simply drink valerian tincture.

Regular yoga or meditation helps keep the nervous system in good shape. In addition, every person should devote time to rest, spend time outdoors more often, and preferably play sports (at least do exercises). If you follow all these instructions, the unpleasant itching will never make itself felt.

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The brain itches, not the skin.

In order for a person to feel itching, the motor, affective and sensory areas in his brain must simultaneously be activated, which will form the corresponding sensation. Therefore, any scabies may always have a mental component.

People experiencing psychogenic itch constantly irritate their skin. Scratching provides temporary relief. But it activates central and peripheral sensitivity, reducing the threshold for the perception of unpleasant sensations.

When scratching, inflammatory mediators are released in the skin, which increase peripheral sensitivity. When inflammation becomes chronic, it accelerates signal transmission through the spinal cord and enhances its processing in the brain. Central sensitization occurs.

The habit of psychogenic itching is always formed through a vicious feedback circle.

  1. There is a desire to scratch.
  2. The person itches and feels some relief.
  3. Positive reinforcement is triggered - if you scratch yourself, it becomes easier.
  4. But scratching provides only short-term relief. But in fact, it only intensifies the itching, as it exacerbates central and peripheral sensitivity to irritants of this kind.
  5. As the sensitivity has increased, you want to itch even more. Combing again provides short-term relief and again forms positive reinforcement for this action. And so on ad infinitum.
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