What to do if you feel bad every time after eating

Why does dizziness occur during and after meals?

The reason that a person becomes ill when he eats is hidden in the resection process: a person eats food, the digestive organs begin to receive blood to help the stomach cope with the process.
Food that is poorly digested forms hard chyme. Once it enters the small intestine, it exerts strong pressure, which causes the release of catecholamines into the blood. They begin to provoke dizziness. Food that is poorly digested leads to other negative consequences.

Early and late dumping syndrome

The disease is associated with the inability of the stomach to perform its functions. In addition to nausea and dizziness, the following symptoms appear:

  1. Cold sweats.
  2. Dyspnea.
  3. Paleness of the skin and the appearance of spots of unnatural color on it.
  4. Changes in heart rate during a meal.
  5. Cardiopalmus.
  6. Sharp weakness.

The early stage occurs after eating, the maximum time for manifestation is a quarter of an hour. Late stage - after a few hours. It causes a severe headache, but the last stage is safer than the early one.

Dumping develops in 20-30% of patients who have undergone gastric surgery.

Hypovolemia with vertigo

This disease is associated with a decrease in circulating blood in the vessels. Blood flow in the chest and abdominal cavity is disrupted, and the person feels dizzy. This condition is characterized by symptoms:

  • Intense thirst.
  • Discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Low blood pressure.
  • Poor complexion.
  • Tachycardia.
  • Fast fatiguability.


Improper and unbalanced nutrition often provokes dizziness and nausea after eating. A person may experience cramps and vomiting. During a diet, the body feels a lack of nutrients and when food enters, it is not able to process it normally.


With anemia, hemoglobin levels decrease. When this disease occurs, a person may lose consciousness, since the disease causes oxygen starvation of the brain. Anemia is accompanied by:

  1. Weakness.
  2. Noise in the ears.
  3. Tachycardia.
  4. Fainting.
  5. Shortness of breath.
  6. Sudden fatigue.


Allergies to food irritants can trigger an attack of nausea. At risk are people not only suffering from allergies, but also those who are genetically predisposed to it. In addition to nausea and dizziness, a person is worried about:

  • Noise in ears. If the allergy is severe, the noise will be more intense and louder.
  • Feeling of strong pressure on the skull.
  • Weakness of the upper and lower extremities.

Allergies are mainly triggered by foods high in protein, as well as confectionery and flour products. Chemical and synthetic food additives are often also causes of allergies. If these symptoms occur, allergenic foods should be limited or eliminated altogether.

Mental disorders

Dizziness after eating often occurs with mental disorders. If a person has bulimia, then after eating there is pain in the epigastric region, and nausea is possible. Sometimes the patient feels severe hunger and begins to not control the absorption of food, even if he has eaten before.

With a disease such as anorexia, dizziness occurs every time after eating. In addition, it is accompanied by attacks of suffocation, heart rate increases, and sweating increases.

The causes of dizziness after eating with anorexia are rare meals and large gaps between them. To avoid this symptom, you need to stop using strict diets, switch to proper nutrition and engage in sports.

Read more about psychogenic dizziness.


During pregnancy, the body spends a lot of energy maintaining vitality. Starting from an early stage, a woman feels a loss of strength and weakness. The baby requires nutrients that are taken from the woman’s body reserves. Another circle of blood circulation arises, iron and hemoglobin begin to fall.

Doctors explain the dizziness by saying that the female body is adjusting to new parameters for bearing a fetus. The heart and blood vessels take the greatest load, so periods of dizziness may occur after eating.

Read more about dizziness in women in this material.

Weakness after eating - 8 reasons

Have you ever felt sleepy and tired after eating? Many people suffer from this, which sometimes makes them think about their health. People are afraid that fatigue is a symptom of some disease. They wonder why they feel weak after eating.

For many people, feeling tired after eating, especially after lunch, can be an uncomfortable feeling that affects their productivity throughout the day. Most often, the cause of weakness is the quality of food consumed. Feeling weak after eating is the body’s reaction to certain foods. Some experts believe this type of fatigue is normal. However, if you find it difficult to keep your eyes open and feel sleepy no matter what you eat, then you should think about your health. Drowsiness can be a symptom of serious problems with the body. In this article you will learn about what causes you to feel tired after eating.

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Weakness after eating in the absence of pathologies

In most cases, feeling tired after eating is normal. Everyone has experienced something similar. Here are the reasons for feeling weak after you eat:

1. The body's reaction to what you eat

This is the simplest explanation for why you feel tired after eating. Weakness is the body’s reaction to the foods you eat. It's completely normal to feel sleepy after eating sweets or baked goods. Foods high in sugar cause the brain to produce large amounts of neurotransmitters and serotonin, which causes sleepiness.

Baked goods also contain flour, which raises your blood sugar levels, which stimulates your pancreas to produce more insulin. Insulin carries tryptophan through the bloodstream to the brain, where the protein is converted into serotonin, which causes fatigue and drowsiness.

Read about why licking your fingers after eating is beneficial.

2. The digestion process requires a lot of energy.

This may be the reason why you feel weak after eating. Organs of the digestive system such as the small intestine and large intestine require large amounts of energy to function properly. After eating, the body needs to process the food eaten into energy. To do this, the digestive system expends the body's energy resources. Food is broken down and red blood cells transport nutrients throughout the body.

Since your body is completely focused on the digestion process, the rest of the body's systems relax. This is why you feel tired and sleepy after eating. You may also feel weak after eating spicy foods. Your body expends enormous energy digesting spicy foods. These spicy foods contain capsaicin, a chemical that makes you feel tired.

3. Fatigue occurs after eating foods high in carbohydrates.

After you eat a lot of carbohydrates: rice, potatoes or bread, you may feel drowsy. Foods with a high glycemic index stimulate the production of insulin in huge quantities, which is needed in order to process the sugar entering the body into glycogen. At the same time, blood sugar levels drop significantly, which inevitably causes a feeling of fatigue, weakness and drowsiness. If you want to avoid this, then you should eat foods low in carbohydrates in order to reduce their negative effects on the body.

4. Overvoltage

Overexertion may be the reason why you feel tired after eating. This occurs when your brain becomes fatigued due to stress. Overexertion drains all your energy, leaving you feeling very tired. Unlike the previous three reasons mentioned earlier, this reason for weakness after eating has nothing to do with the digestive system. When you are stressed, all you need to do is relax and rest for a while.

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5. Lack of proper physical activity

Do you think sitting in one place all day without moving will help you conserve energy? You are wrong! On the contrary, by staying active throughout the day, you will reduce the risk of fatigue after eating. Active exercise will improve your sleep at night and keep your brain focused throughout the day.

Fatigue after eating may indicate health problems

In most cases, the feeling of weakness is the body’s reaction to the foods eaten. However, if you feel tired after eating any food, then you should think about your health.

There are several ailments that are associated with a feeling of weakness after eating. If you experience these symptoms, then you should be confident that you have health problems.

1. Lack of nutrients in the body

If you notice pieces of food that have not been fully digested in your stool, then your body may be suffering from a lack of nutrients. In this case, the body does not get the nutrition it needs from food, and you do not get energy and calories, which causes drowsiness and a feeling of fatigue.

Also read about 10 benefits of Halasana asana for health and weight loss.

2. Diabetes

Diabetes is a disease in which the body cannot properly produce insulin, which is important for regulating blood sugar levels and converting it into glycogen or glucose. After eating, diabetics experience a sharp rise in sugar levels, which leads to headaches, dizziness and fatigue.

3. Food allergies or intolerances

If you experience symptoms such as weakness, diarrhea, constipation or an allergic reaction after eating, you should avoid eating foods that cause these symptoms. You may suffer from intolerance or allergy to certain ingredients.

How to prevent feeling tired after eating

Once you have determined the cause of your post-meal weakness, we recommend that you review the following tips to help avoid fatigue.

1. You need to reconsider your eating habits

First, you need to reconsider your eating habits. You may like to eat large or small meals. The amount of food you eat affects how you feel after eating. If you eat a large portion of unhealthy foods, you are likely to feel sleepy after eating. If you do not have the opportunity to choose a healthier dish option, then try to reduce the size of the portion you eat.

2. Eat less

This advice follows from the previous paragraph. It is better to eat small meals more often than to eat a large portion at once. A large amount of food requires more energy to process it. You can have snacks between meals, which will help you get the calories your body needs for the day. Remember to eat every three hours.

3. Eat healthy snacks

As already mentioned, you should have snacks between main meals. But it is not recommended to snack on foods high in sugar and carbohydrates. Fruits are the best option for those who want to maintain high body energy levels and want to get rid of the feeling of fatigue after eating.

Read about the benefits of eating together.

4. Eat more complex carbohydrates and protein-rich foods

Instead of junk food, try to eat healthy food, carefully selecting foods. Make sure your meals contain plenty of complex carbohydrates and are rich in protein. Here are examples of nutritious foods:

  • Any type of vegetables, including tomatoes, cabbage, sprouts, celery, broccoli, cauliflower, cucumbers, onions, etc.
  • Any kind of fruit
  • Green beans
  • Mushrooms
  • Whole grain bread, whole wheat pasta, whole wheat crackers, brown rice
  • Chickpeas, eggs, chicken breast, tuna, tofu, turkey breast

5. Drink mineral water instead of coffee and alcohol

Sometimes a glass of beer or a cup of coffee seems much more tempting than mineral water. However, it is better to avoid coffee and alcohol if you do not want to feel tired after eating. Coffee is known for its ability to improve concentration. However, the body develops a dependence on caffeine, which is not very good. Drinking alcohol is also harmful. It has a sedative effect, so don't be surprised by that. that you will feel tired after a glass of beer. Mineral water is the best drink that will keep your body hydrated throughout the day.

6. Stay active after eating

You should lead an active lifestyle. Don't sit in one place for hours! It's always a good idea to get some exercise: take a walk on the way home, take the stairs instead of the elevator, or do stretching exercises in the office. Stay in motion, because it improves blood circulation, which will help get rid of the feeling of weakness.

To summarize, it must be said that drowsiness and weakness after eating occur quite often. This is how it should be, because a lot of energy is spent on processing food. However, you can avoid and eliminate the feeling of fatigue and drowsiness by eating properly and in small portions. And also follow our other tips mentioned above. Be healthy!


Late dumping syndrome

It is caused by the release of large amounts of insulin in response to high sugar levels. Then, after a few hours, the sugar level drops sharply, and hypoglycemia develops - a lack of glucose. This condition is similar to hypoglycemic coma in diabetics: pallor, cold and clammy sweat, dizziness, trembling, yawning and drowsiness, feeling of hunger. This is a dangerous condition: the blood supply to the heart is disrupted, the blood carries oxygen less well, and tissue oxygen starvation occurs - hypoxia. Possible development of acute heart failure.

In severe forms of dumping syndrome, anorexia and exhaustion may develop.

Measures to eliminate this phenomenon

The treatment regimen is selected depending on the stage and cause of the disorder.

The following treatment options are available:

  • medications are prescribed to relieve dizziness: Imodium, Motilium;
  • Novocaine is sometimes used. It is used for severe symptoms and is taken before meals;
  • After eating you need to rest. No physical activity;
  • It is very rare to resort to blood transfusions.

We can conclude that the causes of dizziness are due to poor nutrition and the consequences of dumping syndrome. But in both cases, you should normalize your diet and follow a healthy lifestyle. This will have a positive effect on the blood supply to the brain. But we should not forget about another cause of vertigo after eating - food infections with subsequent poisoning.

Foods that cause drowsiness

All products entering the digestive system are digested according to the same principle, but they all affect the body differently. Some of them may cause drowsiness. For example, those containing tryptophan.

Tryptophan is an amino acid necessary for the body to synthesize serotonin and melanin, hormones on which the quality of sleep depends. Thus, indulging in foods containing tryptophan can affect hormonal levels and cause drowsiness after a meal. By the way, dairy products contain not only tryptophan, but also quite a lot of calcium, which only enhances the absorption of the amino acid. This is why drowsiness may occur after eating dairy dishes or different types of cheese.

If you don’t want to fall asleep right at work, you shouldn’t stock up on bananas as a snack. These fruits also contain tryptophan, which, when combined with carbohydrates, is absorbed quite quickly. Don't forget that bananas are rich in potassium and magnesium - minerals that cause muscle relaxation and drowsiness. Also makes you sleepy after large portions of almonds, walnuts and other nuts. There is relatively little tryptophan in these foods, but instead there is melatonin, known as a sleep hormone. By the way, after a large portion of fatty fish, such as salmon or tuna, the level of melatonin in the body also increases, which can subsequently cause a feeling of fatigue.

In addition, drowsiness may occur after a large portion of sweet cherries. First, as already mentioned, sugary foods cause a spike and then a sharp drop in blood sugar, which in turn makes us sleepy. Secondly, excessive consumption of cherries increases the concentration of melatonin in the body. It’s clear that a few juicy berries won’t make a difference, but after a couple of glasses of juice it’s quite possible to fall into a sweet dream. Chamomile tea is also best drunk in the evening, rather than after a hearty lunch, as this plant contains the amino acid glycine, which has a relaxing effect on the nervous system. Lovers of pumpkin seeds, oatmeal (especially if you add almonds, milk and bananas to the porridge), and white rice dishes may complain of drowsiness after eating.

Recently, scientists made another discovery: food rich in protein and salt can cause drowsiness. At least, the fruit flies on which scientists conducted the experiment, about half an hour after eating salty protein food, reduced their activity and fell asleep. During the experiment, it turned out that food rich in salt and protein “switches off” a group of neurons (leukokinin receptors), which causes a desire to fall asleep.

However, we are all different and the products listed may have different effects on different people’s bodies.

What to do

Single cases of dizziness after eating are not dangerous and do not require treatment.

If such a condition is associated with disordered eating, too long gaps between meals, you just need to adjust your diet, try to eat more often and in small portions.

In case of food allergies, it is necessary to identify and exclude from the diet foods that provoke an allergic reaction.

But dumping syndrome requires treatment from a gastroenterologist or abdominal surgeon.

For mild stages of the disease, treatment includes:

  • taking medications that normalize digestive processes;
  • diet and nutrition;
  • elimination of symptoms of pathology;
  • taking sedatives;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures – electrical stimulation and electrosleep.

If this does not help, surgical treatment is used - gastric surgery.

Binge eating

Remember the popular wisdom “A person needs as much food as fits in his palms”? And for lunch you ate a plate of borscht, a portion of pilaf, and didn’t refuse dessert with tea. And you are surprised by the heaviness in the stomach, belching and heartburn. Of course, no one has canceled the other wisdom: “He who works well eats well.” But everything needs moderation.

It is most beneficial for the human body to receive nutrition every 2-3 hours in small portions. Vegetable salad, avocado toast, a piece of cottage cheese casserole, an omelette with broccoli, yogurt desserts - all this is good for a snack and will not overload. If you don’t reduce yourself to the state of a hungry beast, then you won’t even have the desire to eat an elephant at lunchtime. The result is lightness in the body and no unpleasant sensations.

Dizziness during pregnancy

The body of the expectant mother is being rebuilt to bear the baby. It is a source of energy and materials for the development and growth of the fetus; it requires adequate nutrition and the supply of all important microelements. Shared blood flow with the embryo can lead to iron and red blood cell deficiency in a woman. The hormone progesterone increases during pregnancy, causing slowness and sluggishness.

The energy consumption of the nutrition process doubles, blood flows to the gastrointestinal tract, lowering blood pressure. And a pregnant woman may experience a temporary loss of strength at this moment. But it’s better to play it safe and share these ailments with your doctor. After all, this way you can identify and correct early toxicosis, low blood pressure, and anemia in time.

Causes of dizziness in a healthy person

People who do not suffer from any illness may feel dizzy while eating. Let's list the main reasons:

  • Addiction to coffee. This drink activates the nervous and circulatory system. Consequently, it leads to an increase in blood pressure. Therefore, after a fragrant drink, sometimes you feel dizzy.
  • Love for sweets. Sweets, pastries and cakes require stomach activity, so blood flows to it immediately when these products enter. The brain remains deprived of useful compounds and oxygen. That's why my head is spinning.
  • Consumption of foods that are poor in substances that are a source of energy, such as glucose, causes loss of strength and weakness. Therefore, with such a diet, an unpleasant symptom also occurs.
  • Some medications. A side effect may include dizziness.

Caffeine, sour and spicy

Sour and spicy foods, such as chili peppers and tomatoes, tend to irritate the stomach. Therefore, heartburn and a feeling of discomfort often occur after them. Caffeine is not only an irritant. It can relax the lower esophageal sphincter, which is located between the esophagus and stomach and serves as a barrier to the reflux of food pieces and hydrochloric acid into the esophagus. If this valve is not closed tightly and allows gastric juice to pass through, the person experiences a burning sensation in the chest area.

To avoid these symptoms, minimize the amount of sour, spicy and caffeinated drinks in your diet. If you are a big tea or coffee drinker, choose a decaffeinated alternative. Even better, replace these drinks with pure water or fruit tea.

Medical purposes

When identifying the provocateur of all the disorders described above after eating, it is important to make sure that they were not caused by food intoxication. If you feel slightly unwell, adjusting your diet and taking medications that eliminate nausea and impotence will help. After eating, do not rush to immediately load yourself, let the stomach and intestines do their job.

The diet should include more sources of protein and an equal amount of carbohydrates, and reduce the fat content. The doctor may prescribe taking novocaine before each meal, if the situation requires it (in particular, if dizziness and nausea occur).

Blood transfusion and surgery may be necessary for lesions of the tissues of the gastrointestinal system that increase osmotic pressure.

If the cause is allergic, visit an allergist and do all the necessary tests. You will have to remove foods that tend to cause problems from your diet for a couple of weeks. Then they return one by one every two weeks. The body's reaction helps to find the allergen.

You should definitely give up store-bought sweets; they contain too many artificial additives. If changing your diet does not have an effect, you should continue to test your blood for glucose and pancreatic enzymes to make a correct diagnosis.

It is advisable to give your body a rest after a meal rather than start work immediately. The diet must be formulated correctly, protein foods must prevail over fats.

Blood transfusions and surgical intervention are required in rare cases, for example, if the patient has defects in the gastrointestinal tract that contribute to the aggravation of the patient's condition.

How to avoid dizziness

To avoid dizziness, it will be enough to follow a few simple recommendations. Namely:

  1. Eliminate allergenic foods from your diet.
  2. When following a diet or fasting, you need to drink dietary supplements to replenish the deficiency of nutrients.
  3. Do not overeat after a long period of abstinence from food.
  4. Do not overeat, do not abuse foods that are too high in calories.
  5. After eating, you shouldn’t rush headlong to run errands, but take time to rest, lie down, and relax. After the food is digested, you can begin to solve everyday problems.

Is it possible to prevent the disease?

Yes, especially if it manifests itself in a mild form. Here are the doctors' recommendations.

  1. Eat 5-6 times a day in small portions. Take your time and chew your food thoroughly.
  2. Do not drink during or immediately after meals. You can drink half an hour to an hour before and half an hour to an hour after eating.
  3. Give preference to slow carbohydrates: cereals, pasta, rice, but it is better to limit fast carbohydrates: cakes, pastries, sweets, as well as sweet juices and drinks.
  4. Vegetables and fruits containing soluble fiber are useful: apples, plums, carrots, beets, cabbage.
  5. Protein foods: meat, fish, poultry, eggs will also be very useful
  6. Milk and dairy products can cause an attack, so consuming them is not advisable. You can try using lactose-free milk.
  7. If your blood pressure drops after eating, it is advisable to lie down for about twenty to half an hour.

How does hypovolemia manifest?

Dizziness may occur due to a condition such as hypovolemia. The following symptoms are characteristic of this disease:

  • unquenchable thirst, when a person drinks but cannot get drunk, the body constantly requires new volumes of liquid;
  • constant weakness and fatigue, heart rate much higher than normal;
  • spasms in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • low blood pressure leads to symptoms such as dizziness;
  • the skin not only turns pale, it turns out bluish. Cyanosis may not be noticeable, but sometimes the skin appears dark blue.

Despite the fact that a person takes in a lot of fluid, he develops oliguria, in which the amount of urine excreted sharply decreases.

Hypovolemia is associated with a decrease in the total volume of blood circulating through the vessels. In severe forms of hypovolemia, circulatory disorders are detected in the peritoneum and chest.

When examining the patient, the doctor notes that the veins in the neck are weakened, and the number of heartbeats is increased. The vessels cease to perform their function and cannot maintain normal blood pressure numbers.

Skin turgor changes, mucous membranes dry out. But these signs cannot clearly indicate hypovolemia.

Treatment and prevention of pathological conditions

If dizziness occurs periodically despite taking measures to prevent it, you should consult a doctor. The specialist will conduct the necessary diagnostics and identify the cause of the problem. Treatment should only be done under the supervision of a doctor. Drug therapy includes the following drugs:

  • Imodium;
  • Novocaine;
  • Motilium;
  • Micrasim;
  • Festal.

In addition to medications, a competent specialist will definitely give the patient general recommendations aimed at preventing a pathological condition when eating. Let's look at the most effective ones:

  1. Don't fill your stomach in the morning. It is better to prefer salad, yogurt or low-fat cottage cheese for the first meal. A cup of herbal tea is allowed.
  2. Distribute meals evenly throughout the day. This will give you a feeling of fullness, prevent you from overeating and avoid nausea.
  3. Eliminate from your diet foods that can increase or decrease blood pressure. For example, salty, spicy, sweet and fatty. If you really want to, or a person takes part in a feast, you can allow such products in small quantities.
  4. An adult should drink up to two liters of water per day. This improves digestion and removes toxins.
  5. You should spend more time in the fresh air, this will saturate the blood and brain with oxygen, which will have a beneficial effect on both digestion and the patient’s condition in general.

Undoubtedly, it is unpleasant when you feel dizzy while eating. But every person has the power to eliminate this unpleasant symptom and live a full life. All you need to do is change your lifestyle and consult a doctor.


To begin with, apart from food, let's look at a molecule of a substance that is associated with the regulation of sleep - adenosine. The more it is in your body, the more you want to sleep. It works like this: you wake up, go to work and chat with your colleagues at the water cooler. And while your working day does not promise serious stress, your cells and organs work at full capacity, supporting the vital functions of the body. As they work, adenosine is produced, which, when it hits adenosine receptors, tells your mind to “rest” - and you eventually go to sleep. While you sleep, the body puts itself in order, the concentration of adenosine decreases, and you wake up refreshed. If you don’t get enough sleep, then the body does not have time to fully recover, and some of the adenosine remains. After repeating this several times, you will acquire chronic sleep deprivation and learn a new mantra: “Today I will definitely go to bed before midnight.”

Wrong diet

An unbalanced, illiterate diet can seriously harm your health. A deficit of kilocalories and a reduced level of carbohydrates can not only maladapt, but also spur metabolic disorders, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, and eating disorders.

A nutritionist will help you create the optimal menu individually for your constitution, taking into account your lifestyle and daily stress.

Eating disorders of a mental nature can also be catalysts for weakness. With bulimia, the patient cannot control the portion size, overeats, after which he soon painfully tries to get rid of the excess, artificially provoking an attack of vomiting, taking peristalsis catalysts and diuretics.

Or he goes into the opposite direction and goes hungry. At the same time, he constantly begins to suck in the pit of his stomach. It is sometimes impossible to distinguish such a patient externally. The consequence of this nervous eating disorder can, in principle, be the inability of the stomach to food as a source of energy. Gradually, this can lead to peptic ulcers and all kinds of gastrointestinal disorders.

The other extreme is anorexia. The person develops indifference to food and no longer experiences hunger. At the same time, the patient rapidly loses muscle and fat tissue. Trying to eat takes his breath away and his head is spinning, sweat rolls off like a hail. Heart problems may develop.

Carbohydrates, sugar, orexin

Often, the main source of energy for a person is carbohydrates - rice, potatoes, the notorious buns... With the help of digestive magic, they are converted into glucose, which nourishes our cells. Excesses are reserved in the muscles and liver in the form of glycogen, and everything that does not fit turns into fat, which is also involved in energy processes. Where is there room for fatigue in this glorious energy idyll? Scientists have not yet fully figured this out, but they indirectly associate this phenomenon with the effect of sugar on neurons that produce orexin.

Orexin has several responsibilities, but we are interested in maintaining wakefulness and regulating energy expenditure. So, sugar causes orexin neurons to reduce activity, which may cause us to feel tired.

Other studies indicate that eating carbohydrates 4 hours before bed helps us fall asleep faster. Moreover, the less time passed between taking carbohydrates and going to bed, the worse it works.

Dangerous products

When a person abuses foods rich in tyramine, severe dizziness should not come as a surprise. And all because the above substance contributes to the constriction of blood vessels in the brain and can lead to dizziness and even loss of consciousness. Not everyone knows what these products are, but they include:

  • citrus fruits, which can provoke such symptoms after eating three pieces per day;
  • natural cheeses, including processed cheeses, such as Roquefort, cheddar and the like. Literally a 100-gram piece per day can lead to dizziness;
  • food or drink that promotes active fermentation - beer, kvass, ayran, kefir, cottage cheese, baked goods;
  • canned fish and meat;
  • marinated products;
  • avocado and its derivatives literally up to 3 medium fruits per day.

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There are a number of foods that are considered difficult to digest, and when consumed in excess, a person develops pathological processes in the intestines. This group includes foods rich in tyramine. This is a substance that narrows the walls of blood vessels in the brain. Products containing this component include:

  • all types of citrus fruits (the daily dose for a person is considered to be no more than 3 fruits, otherwise side symptoms may be observed);
  • blue cheeses;
  • products containing live yeast (beer, kvass, etc.);
  • any types of conservation;
  • avocado (no more than 3 pieces per day are allowed).

If the patient has eliminated all these foods, but still experiences dizziness, then it is necessary to consult a doctor for a thorough examination.

Parasympathetic nervous system

We smoothly move on to the body’s reaction to food. A person has an autonomic nervous system that works automatically and does not require our intervention. It consists of two departments. The sympathetic system is responsible for arousal: so, for example, when you run, the sympathetic system helps accelerate the heart to ensure proper blood circulation. The parasympathetic department is responsible for relaxation, decreased activity and begins to predominate when you have eaten. Reacting to the mass in the stomach, the body directs resources to digestion, and just at this time you can experience pleasant relaxation and peace.

Therapy and ways to eliminate dizziness

Before treating a painful condition where you feel dizzy after eating, the doctor must carry out diagnostic procedures to determine the factors causing it. Having identified the underlying disease, the specialist will prescribe a suitable course of treatment. Typically it includes:

  1. Drug therapy. Most often prescribed are Pancreatin, Micrasim, Motilium.
  2. Surgery if necessary.
  3. Recommendations for preventing dizziness after eating.

Allergic reactions

Food allergies are also a common cause of feeling dizzy after eating. This condition is accompanied by redness and rashes on the skin. And if, in addition, there are signs of swelling, loss of orientation, sharp pain in the stomach area, you need to urgently call an ambulance. Before her arrival, it is important to have time to make an intramuscular injection of a histamine blocker.

An allergic response to tyramine, an organic vasoconstrictor compound, can also cause discomfort. It increases blood pressure by constricting blood vessels. This substance causes inconsistency between the processes of excitation and inhibition in nerve cells.

Excess tyramine can accumulate in the body if you consume a lot of canned food, pickled foods, pickles, long-ripened cheeses, products based on fermentation of hops, malt and cereals, and nuts. You can eat citrus fruits, yeast dough products, meat broths, and chocolate in moderation and rarely.

Coffee can cause similar ailments, but for a different reason. It has a diuretic effect on the body, reducing the amount of plasma and slowing down the nutrition of the brain. Washing down the drink with water neutralizes these negative effects.

Excess glucose in food provokes its fermentation in the intestines, which does not have the best effect on blood vessels and well-being. Sweets should not take up much space in the daily menu, but it is better to avoid them altogether, especially ready-made store-bought ones with frighteningly harmful ingredients.

First aid for dizziness

  1. The first thing to do is try to calm the person down. You need to sit down, breathe deeply, and try to focus on one subject. Under no circumstances should you close your eyes or start suddenly getting up and moving. If possible, lie down with your head high on the pillow.
  2. If the person does not get better, then take off tight clothes and put a cold compress on the forehead. Moisten a towel with cold water and add a little vinegar.

If dizziness recurs, you should consult a doctor to find out the specific cause.

People who often experience dizziness should definitely monitor their diet. It is proper, nutritious nutrition that will reduce the risk of this symptom.

For more information about why frequent dizziness occurs and whether it is dangerous, read this material.

Dizziness can be treated with exercises. If it is not possible to exercise, it is recommended to take walks.

Treatment for dizziness mainly involves following a diet, resting after meals, and taking medications. In some cases, drink novocaine before meals. Very rarely, surgery may be required, for example, if an ultrasound reveals intestinal pathologies that lead to an increase in osmotic pressure. As a rule, compliance with therapy allows you to recover fairly quickly and overcome the disease within one to two months.

Dizziness can still occur during and after quitting smoking, with osteochondrosis, with VSD, after a stroke, after exercise, as well as in older people, children and adolescents.

Nausea after eating, dizziness and weakness with early dumping syndrome

The pathological condition occurs due to poor digestion of food:

  • Food in large quantities cannot be digested effectively and enters the intestines as hard chyme.
  • At this time, as already noted, severe nausea and dizziness occur, osmotic pressure increases significantly, which also has a negative effect.

Early syndrome is characterized by:

  1. dizziness;
  2. nausea, which can lead to vomiting;
  3. disturbances of various pressures (arterial, osmotic) and heart rhythm (eg tachycardia).

When these symptoms occur regularly, they significantly impair a person's quality of life. You should not delay going to the clinic.

It is worth noting that very often nausea and vomiting are symptoms of such a serious disease as bulimia. At the same time, in people with dumping syndrome who do not seek treatment, it occurs on a permanent basis.

The danger of bulimia is that the stomach stops accepting food in any quantity and form. Over time, this leads to the development of ulcers and other gastrointestinal pathologies.

Early dumping syndrome may occur due to large quantities of food, but the reasons may lie in the inability of the gastrointestinal tract to cope with it. For example, symptoms can occur even after a glass of juice or a piece of cake. As a result, fermentation occurs in the stomach. So you need to be prepared to follow a diet during treatment, for example, confectionery, nuts, flour and a number of other products that can lead to chyme are completely excluded from the menu.

Summing up, drawing conclusions

Thus, answering the question - why do you have a headache after eating, we can conclude that the main thing is to follow a diet, and in no case should you eat too much food.

In addition, after eating food, you need to be in a state of calm for some time; it is best to just relax while lying on the sofa. It is also advisable to try to have dinner, lunch and breakfast around the same time.

If you follow all of the above tips, a person will be able to get rid of the disease on his own within a short period of time, and he will not need to ask for help from doctors.

Author of the article: Roman Rusak

Diagnosis of causes

If you feel dizzy for a long time, you should consult a neurologist. The doctor will conduct tests to assess hearing, the condition of the vestibular system, and examine the ears.

First of all, doctors will look at biochemical parameters (hemoglobin, blood sugar, blood oxygen saturation). In some cases, studies such as magnetic resonance and computed tomography are used.

The therapist will first examine the patient and refer him to specialists such as an endocrinologist, cardiologist, gynecologist, neurosurgeon and others. Typically, diagnosis is carried out by rotational vestibular tests, caloric test, and posturography. When visiting a doctor, you need to remember exactly when nausea occurs, under what conditions and after what food.

In any case, dizziness during and after eating is not normal. If you even occasionally experience such symptoms, you should consult a doctor. The reasons may be different, and only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

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Do you feel pain in your joints?

Another negative side effect of consuming more sugar throughout the day is unreasonable body aches and pains that are caused by inflammation in the body. According to nutritionist Lauren Minchen, regular spikes in blood glucose levels can lead to overall inflammation, which contributes to aging, poor digestion and joint pain. If you feel like you're falling apart, it might be time to rethink your diet.

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