Just one hair: what you need to know about trichotillomania

The feeling of goosebumps running through the head is familiar to a huge number of people. This sensation appears on the skin when the receptors are irritated.

This condition can be explained by a sharp decrease or increase in air temperature.

It also occurs when the circulatory system is disrupted and other diseases.

Strange feeling in the head and dizziness: symptoms, treatment

We’ll talk about the reasons for the strange feeling in the head in the article. It is impossible to say exactly what each patient who voices such a complaint to the attending doctor means. This is how dizziness, high or low blood pressure can manifest themselves, along with dull painful sensations that cause fog before the eyes and drowsiness. This condition prevents you from doing normal things, does not allow you to concentrate, and, in addition, does not allow you to carry out your work duties. Sometimes a strange feeling in the head can go away on its own if a person takes a break from work, takes a walk in the fresh air, or gets some sleep. But it also happens that this becomes the first symptoms of serious ailments of the blood vessels or brain.

Ways to solve the problem

If your hair roots hurt severely and often, this is a reason to undergo a medical examination. A dermatologist or trichologist will help you cope with the disease. It is useful to visit a neurologist and cardiologist and get tested (including for allergies).

You can try to independently exclude common causes of pain in the root zone. For example, replace shampoo with a children's hypoallergenic hair wash, wear your hair loose more often.

A few days should be enough to notice whether the follicles still hurt. If there is no improvement, you should seek medical help.

Proper care and prevention

These rules are relevant for girls who, for various reasons, suffer from pain in the root zone:

  1. Choose cosmetics according to your hair type.
  2. Try to decorate your hair less often with hairpins, hairpins, high ponytails, buns, and tight braids.
  3. Buy a comb that does not injure the skin with sharp teeth. Preferably wooden or with natural pile.
  4. Avoid excessive use of styling products during styling.
  5. Wear hats to protect your hair and dermis from ultraviolet radiation, overheating, and frost.
  6. Try to eat well. Minimize salty, sweet, and fried foods in your diet.
  7. Do not neglect healthy sleep and rest.
  8. Learn to cope with stressful situations and be less nervous.
  9. Play sports, walk.
  10. Maintain hair hygiene.

Cosmetic, medical, folk remedies

If the pain at the roots of the hair does not give you peace, medications will help get rid of it. As prescribed by the doctor, ointments, mash are used, and sometimes injections are given. In cases where a specific area of ​​the skin on the head hurts, use lidocaine in aerosol form.


When this condition occurs, people may experience a feeling of heavy head along with the presence of weakness. In this case, visiting a doctor is considered mandatory. Most often, symptoms are associated with problems in the cervical spine. In this case, people may seem lost for a few seconds or feel a tingling sensation on the skin.

Strange sensations in the head may occur with cervical osteochondrosis. It is worth noting that the exacerbation of this pathology is provoked by an increase in intracranial pressure. Degenerative changes in the vertebral discs in people increase greatly with age; as part of the movement, the nerve roots can become pinched. To prevent pain, they try to keep the neck in a special condition.

Statics worsens blood flow, instability of metabolic processes provokes oxygen starvation in the brain, and therefore complaints arise that an incomprehensible sensation constantly arises in the head, it becomes cottony, making it difficult to concentrate. “Fog in the head” is exactly what people say when their coordination of movements is impaired.

The first signs of demodicosis

  • pimples, acne, rashes, rosacea, pustules, ulcers, etc., appearing on the face may indicate the presence of demodicosis. When neglected, these pimples cover the skin of the back, chest and thighs;
  • red spots on the face;
  • very oily skin and enlarged pores. Areas affected by demodicosis look damp, greasy, and have a characteristic shine. The skin on the nose and cheeks is especially affected;
  • facial skin is lumpy. Rough “scar” tissue and many small calcium clots form inside the skin, and this gives an unhealthy complexion and lumpy skin;
  • the nose increases in size, sometimes quite strongly: the nose becomes like a large blue-red plum (rhinophyma);
  • crawling sensation, slight tickling and itching. Very often people do not pay any attention to tickling and scratch automatically. In the evening, the itching becomes stronger and continues to bother you throughout the night. This indicates the most active life activity of ticks and the time of their mating.
  • The scalp itches and hair loss occurs. Early baldness may also indicate the active activity of the demodex mite;
  • itching of eyelashes. Loss of eyelashes is also most often a consequence of the activity of the demodicosis mite, which lives in the roots of the eyelashes. At the base, the eyelashes begin to itch, the eyelashes become thinner and fall out;
  • itching of the ears

Other reasons

In addition to osteochondrosis, there are other causes of a strange sensation in the head:

  • Constant work of a person at a computer along with stressful situations and infectious diseases.
  • The influence of intoxication and allergic reactions.
  • Presence of skull trauma.

A tendency to dizziness appears with the development of Meniere's disease, which is a lesion of the labyrinth of the ear. A similar thing is observed with brain tumors. Even minor bruises can cause heaviness in the head, but whiplash injuries are considered the most dangerous. They often occur in moving vehicles, mainly cars. You don't have to be in an accident to get this type of damage.

Dislocations and subluxations

When visiting a doctor, it’s not uncommon to hear complaints: “I have a strange feeling in my head, as if I’m lost.” Sudden jerks that cause unexpected cervical movement injure the muscles and can lead to dislocations or subluxations of the spine in the neck area. Subsequently, the blood flow is compressed and heaviness, a strange sensation and accompanying weakness occur. All this forces you to limit the range of movement of your head. Soreness can be located in absolutely any area of ​​the brain at different times of the day. Symptoms worsen when bending or turning the neck.

How to deal with trichotillomania

Trichotillomania is diagnosed by: a trichologist (a specialist who deals with hair problems), a psychotherapist or a psychiatrist. It is worth understanding that this disorder is one of those that can only be eliminated with the comprehensive work of several doctors. Those who are called upon to put mental health in order identify the main triggers leading to the disorder and work through them with the help of cognitive behavioral therapy. Trichologists restore the original condition of the hair.

Read on topic:Why hair falls out and how to stop it

According to ICD-11, the disease is diagnosed in the presence of visible foci of baldness and repeated attempts by the patient to stop pulling out his hair. It is not entirely clear what exactly leads to the condition, however, the following are among the possible causes.

Genetic predisposition.

A person who has close relatives with a history of trichotillomania themselves is at risk of later encountering this disease.

Stress experienced in childhood.

Patients often begin hair pulling while still in school, under the influence of anxiety caused by bullying, dissatisfaction with their body, and other problems.

Presence of other mental illnesses.

Sometimes trichotillomania accompanies depression, eating disorders, ADHD, and obsessive-compulsive disorder.

So, Maria, like Rustam, encountered trichotillomania when she was in high school. Now she is trying to cope with it on her own.

Trichotillomania started when I was 16 years old. I still remember how I returned home from extracurricular activities, plopped down on the sofa, and my hand automatically reached to the top of my head. One movement of my fingers, and I felt a slight tingling, and later I saw a hair with a whitish sac in my palm. Without thinking about anything, I pulled out more, more, and more…. I still have this condition, and it caused problems: I had to hide my receding hairline, change my haircuts. Somehow I felt even worse because my uncle once looked with undisguised surprise at my forehead - the recent victim of my encroachments. I think initially trichotillomania became my body’s response to stress - I was a very downtrodden girl, who was also under pressure: they wanted to raise me to be a medalist. Nowadays I pull my hair out when I'm nervous or downright bored. Sometimes hair on the face and legs are used. If everything is really bad, I touch the guy’s eyebrows, saying that I want to put them in order.

I’m trying to get rid of the attacks, but it’s not working very well: after a couple of weeks everything comes back. One day during quarantine, I was thinking about a work assignment, and then I saw a huge clump of hair by the chair: I was a little nervous. I try to be distracted, hold something in my hands, play on the computer, do mechanical work - this allows me not to think about pulling out a hair or two. I understand that I should go to a psychotherapist with my problem, but so far I haven’t gotten around to it.

Strange sensations in the head like dizziness

Separately, it is necessary to consider why people get dizzy? The following factors cause this phenomenon:

  • Spinal osteochondrosis along with vestibular neuronitis.
  • Meniere's disease, and, in addition, injuries to the temporal centers.
  • Destruction of eardrums of various etiologies.
  • The effect of respiratory failure, which can be caused by a common runny nose.
  • Strokes and migraines.

Many nervous diseases with infectious processes are accompanied by weakness, nausea, dizziness, especially as the condition worsens and high fever occurs. As you can see, it is simply impossible to make a diagnosis based on this symptom alone - a strange sensation in the head.

Treatment and the safest drugs

In order not to ignore the strange sensation in the head, first of all you need to think about pressure. After the measurement is made, drugs are used that normalize it. A slight deviation from normal indicators can be corrected. For example, if it is low, then use ginseng tincture, a cup of coffee or a piece of chocolate, and if it is high, a glass of green tea with chokeberry jam, and, in addition, hawthorn tincture, will do. When it differs significantly from the usual, then the use of medications is required.

Medicines “for blood pressure” and “for blood pressure” have an individual effect on the body, and it takes some time to select “your medicine.” When you finally manage to find such a drug, the strange sensation in your head will definitely not bother you.

If unpleasant symptoms bother you periodically, and a person’s blood pressure is stable, then antispasmodics will help eliminate the discomfort. Massage helps relieve dizziness, which you can easily learn to do on your own. This effect should begin to be performed from the neck, gradually rising up the back of the head directly to the crown.

What else can you do? It is necessary to be in the fresh air as much as possible, doing special exercises for the neck, and also swim in the pool. All these measures are aimed at improving blood flow in the cervical spine.

Symptoms of demodicosis

Almost any area of ​​skin except the feet and palms can become infected. Demodicosis of the eyelids can cause severe eye allergies, which intensifies the symptoms of the lesion. This disease is called ophthalmodemodecosis.

Risk factors that can lead to activation of the disease:

  • Temperature changes. Therefore, demodicosis often makes itself felt in autumn and spring.
  • Weakening of the body's immune forces. This occurs as a result of the influence of stress factors, chronic diseases, taking hormonal steroid drugs, etc.
  • Violation of personal hygiene rules. In this case, the sebaceous glands become clogged, which causes active reproduction of the mite.
  • Alcohol abuse, smoking.

Symptoms appear primarily in those areas of the body where there is a large concentration of parasites. Mites can be located on the body, eyelids and eyes.

Skin damage

Sebaceous gland blockage cannot occur without symptoms. Often signs of demodicosis appear on the face, on the back and in the armpits (or popliteal fossae). The maximum number of parasites accumulates in these areas of the body

Symptom Causes External changes
Redness of the affected area Fat stagnates in the gland, and mites provoke an inflammatory reaction. Compaction on the skin appears due to the fact that neutrophils (immune cells) arrive at the site of inflammation. In the area infested by the mite, red spots with an irregular shape appear. The more active the pathological process, the larger the spots will be. As they merge, one large spot is formed.
Dermal thickening The seal is located in the area of ​​inflammation and can be palpated.
Itchy skin Itching intensifies when staying in warm rooms, in the heat, or if hygiene rules are not followed. It does not bother a person on an ongoing basis.
Appearance of nodules or blisters The outlet of the sebaceous gland is clogged with parasites, so the sebum will have nowhere to go. It accumulates in the gland duct, causing a bubble to form. The nodules are represented by dense formations that are small in size. They rise slightly above the surface of the dermis. Bubbles look the same as nodules, but their consistency is denser and more elastic. Their contents are visible through the skin, which can be transparent or yellow. Less commonly, such nodules have a reddish color.
Peeling skin A chronic focus of inflammation leads to the fact that the horny scales of the dermis begin to peel off faster. There are many scales, their size is 1-2 mm. Some of them stick to the skin, others fall off when scratched.

After a person has the first symptoms of demodicosis, he becomes dangerous to the people around him. The tick is transmitted even by ordinary touch. However, the presence of a parasite in the sebaceous gland does not always lead to the development of the disease. For its symptoms to appear, the body must be affected by provoking factors.

Cervical osteochondrosis

It is worth saying that this is a world-class pathology, because it affects people all over the globe (from forty to ninety percent of the population). This disease in most cases occurs in people in adulthood, after thirty years. Back pain in everyday life is often attributed to this disease.

In medicine, this disease is referred to as a tissue lesion of the spine, which is degenerative and dystrophic in nature. Osteochondrosis is accompanied by lesions of the intervertebral discs, articular surfaces, ligaments and vertebral bodies. As a rule, when it is present, the ligamentous apparatus and bones are first affected.

The reasons for the development of such a disease are many factors, and they are numerous and not always easy to determine. People are brought closer to the development of osteochondrosis by a sedentary lifestyle, which is currently very common.

In addition, excess weight with bad habits (especially smoking), poor diet, flat feet, heavy physical activity and poor posture have an impact. A spinal injury may well contribute to the occurrence of osteochondrosis, and the disease can also develop due to a person having a genetic predisposition.

What is demodicosis?


- This is a skin lesion by a microscopic mite. This mite is called Demodex. The demodex mite lives in the sebaceous glands, in hair follicles, for this reason the places where it spreads are the eyelids, facial skin, eyebrow area, forehead, nasolabial folds and chin, and external auditory canal. Places with abundant sebum secretion are the most favorable for ticks to live. Demodex mites can also live in the body of a healthy person - in the skin, feeding on dead cells. However, in order to penetrate into the deeper layers, they need to wait until the immune system weakens, after which they cause an inflammatory process.

Demodicosis in its manifestations is very similar to rosacea and acne. Very often these diseases are combined, because acne vulgaris and rosacea suppress the skin's natural defenses.

About 97% of people suffer from this parasite. It was this percentage that was identified by Chinese scientists when conducting a study in which more than a million people of different ages, nationalities, occupations and walks of life took part. The research took an average of about fifty years.

Due to their naivety, people do not even imagine such a neighborhood, although a malfunction occurs in the body, and the ticks “attack.”

Men suffer from demodicosis two times less often than women, and women with white, delicate skin. The reason for the development of this disease can be: a malfunction of the endocrine and digestive systems, stress, decreased immunity, and the use of expensive cosmetics with hormonal or other biological additives. Peaceful life with a tick can be disrupted by excessive consumption of black coffee, alcohol, spicy seasonings, prolonged use of the computer, and frequent visits to the bathhouse or solarium.

If it were possible to look into the hair follicles from which hair grows, or into the glomeruli of sebaceous glands located nearby, then one would be able to see small, colorless “worms” covered with bristles. This is exactly what mites from the Demodex family look like.

The tick is very easily identified in the laboratory, carried out directly in the presence of the patient in the office. To do this, take 8 eyelashes from each eye - four from the upper eyelid, the same number from the lower. These cilia are placed on a glass slide by dropping an alkaline solution or a mixture of 1 ml of glycerol and 9 ml of saline solution. Next, cover with a blanket and examine the cilia under a microscope.

On the scalp

Patients often complain of strange sensations in the scalp. This feeling manifests itself in the form of a tingling sensation on the skin surface and crawling on it. The sensitivity of the integument decreases. This sign is unpleasant and causes some discomfort to the person.

In this case, swelling may appear along with a burning sensation, the inability to control facial expressions and control the facial muscles. In addition, a person may even temporarily lose his sense of taste. This condition is usually temporary. In severe situations, numbness can cause facial paralysis. So why do people get a strange sensation on their scalp (hypoesthesia) and what are the causes?

Could the feeling of tightness be a symptom of illness?

All colds: flu, sore throat, ARVI, during which the body temperature rises, are almost always accompanied by a headache. In this case, the patient may also feel a burning sensation of the scalp, a feeling of tightness and dryness of the skin.

The diseases psoriasis and seborrheic dermatitis can occur on the scalp. But these diseases are very rarely accompanied by headaches; however, if treatment is not carried out on time and in full, inflammation begins to develop, leading to pain in the epidermis.

Insects that live in the hair can also cause pain. The patient scratches the bite sites, introducing microbes into the wounds. This irritation causes discomfort. A person gets the same unpleasant sensations when they have lichen.

And if you experience scalp pain when touched and you don’t know what it could mean, then read this article.

Treatment nuances

How are strange sensations in the head and neurosis treated? After identifying the cause, patients often calm down and do not take any measures that would help improve their own condition. They take pills when they feel dizzy with weakness and blurred vision. Cervical osteochondrosis (when there is no vertebral hernia) can be easily stopped by increasing physical activity, normalizing the work regime and rational nutrition.

If you experience strange sensations inside your head for a couple of seconds, you should not neglect massage and physiotherapeutic treatment. All these measures normalize blood supply well. Each drug provokes addiction; after its use, side effects appear that affect other systems of the body. Thus, if the problem can be solved without the use of medications, then this opportunity is worth taking advantage of.


I got rid of lice, but panic attacks remained due to this

Question for a psychologist:

Hello. Unexpectedly for me, lice appeared. In 32 years of life there has never been one. I’m very squeamish; when I see an ordinary fly, I start to react violently and everyone laughs. Very rarely, sometimes I had panic attacks, especially during a long period of my life when I was being treated for tuberculosis. At that time I was treated with a lot of antibiotics, but I was cheerful and tolerated it well.

But from little things like an IV, my heart began to pound, and I screamed - take it away, I thought I was going to die. I myself determined that these were panic attacks. The doctors there chuckled and said that I was a nervous girl and was thinking a lot of things to myself. I agree with them. But I always carefully read the instructions for all medications, read details on the Internet, including reviews.

I've just been afraid of chemicals all my life. My dad, he is a binge alcoholic, he drinks for 2 weeks, he is active for 2 months - something like that. He grew up in the village, and probably from him I inherited a dislike for pharmaceutical drugs and a craving for natural treatment. I treat all colds with garlic, pepper and all sorts of herbs.

I am engaged in breeding dogs, I had to learn a lot about their diseases and different methods of treatment, they often turn to me for advice about animals. And now I’m infected with lice and I can’t share it with anyone, I’m ashamed. I don’t have a mother; she died 12 years ago.

There are also no sisters or close women, or rather there are very close friends, but I can’t even tell them, they will simply stop communicating with me, although I do not depend on their communication, usually it is I who help them with advice and deeds. And I’m used to dealing with my problems myself. Including psychological ones.

But when the problem is here and now, sometimes I can’t soberly assess the situation, especially when small insects started crawling on my head. When I first realized that I had lice, having caught one, I went online and found everything about them. determined that it was them. I found many treatment methods and reviews. During the first days and nights I hardly slept.

I couldn’t imagine how I would go to bed with them on my head. I needed to get rid of it urgently. I started with what I had at home, then went to the pharmacy and bought several treatment options there. I used everything at once. I probably killed them right away - I combed them with a special comb. Then every day, and several times, I went into my head to comb, wash and use other folk remedies. Because

harmful chemicals - I used them a couple of times. I cleaned the entire apartment in a few days, washed everything, re-ironed it. And after the first combing out, the lice were dead, half dead, I combed out all the nits. My head is perfectly clear now. I've been doing this for 5 days now. And when I, tired and exhausted, sit down to rest, it begins to seem to me that someone is crawling. And I feel the bites.

Again, I use everything I can, suppress them, comb them out - clean! Today I had a panic attack all evening, my heart was pounding. I can’t communicate with anyone personally yet, I don’t want to infect anyone, and especially not for anyone to see it. I took sick leave. Moreover, this coincided with the flu, which I immediately cured - I only had a high temperature for 1 day.

I think that I should leave the apartment for a few days, but there is nowhere to go, people live everywhere where I could go. I don't want to harm them. The only thing that stopped today's panic attack was a quarter of Donormil and when I started writing this letter. I can't figure out if it's just me or if I didn't actually kill them all.

Moreover, when I was really infected and didn’t know about it yet, judging by the nits, I had it for about 2 weeks, and maybe longer, I didn’t notice it! I didn’t notice any bites, much less crawling. Moreover, I used to have crawling from vegetative-vascular dystonia, I don’t even remember how it was, but I remember that these sensations were from nerves.

In general, I’m writing simply so that they will scold me for being so suspicious that even if I haven’t killed everyone yet, patience and work will wear everything down. But a panic attack is very bad, I haven’t had one for a long time, a very long time. Today I thought that I was going to die and I understood the absurdity of this condition. Please advise something. By the way, I won’t refuse if you advise me to see a psychologist. I have many different problems.

There are problems with men (I can’t stand relationships for a long time, love leaves as if it never happened and contempt for all men appears). Problems with alcohol. I don’t have an addiction, but during communication, in company, I often can’t stop, we seem to be having fun, but in the morning I feel very bad. This happens once a month.

This is too much considering the fact that I strive for health, I run, exercise, and buy healthy food products. And while intoxicated, I can do things that I later regret. I want to give this up completely.

But I have breakdowns when the joy disappears somewhere, and I am haunted by constant internal tension, which is relieved by alcohol and active communication. I think I have an unbalanced balance of tension and relaxation. That’s why attacks happen, especially when the situation is tense, like now. This is a cruel reality that I would like to deal with faster.

But on the other hand, I must admit, this situation with lice greatly stimulated me and brought me out of the autumn depression. For some reason I retreated into myself before this and could not cope with this state, everything was not a joy. And now, as if internal forces have been mobilized and a cleaned, perfectly decorated apartment stimulates me to achieve success in other areas of life, I want to communicate with people, I will be as usual again - usually when communicating with people I am calm and confident and even a little wise. That's why people often turn to me for advice. But my family no longer reaches out to me for advice, because they saw me in a state of exhaustion. lifeless when depression hits me. I’m struggling with this, but again, I can’t always be on the active, sooner or later this leads to a breakdown in people.

Question author: Ekaterina Age: 32

A psychologist answers the question

Hello Ekaterina!

Let's swear for your suspiciousness, since this is such a request, let's outline a path to deal with men, with alcohol and, as it were, panic attacks.

Before you swear, I’ll tell you about your resources, Ekaterina: openness, prudence, the ability to see yourself from the outside, sensitivity, imagination, responsibility, the desire to improve, the talent to see the positive even in the negative. You yourself understand that you are very suspicious, because...

In 5 days, with modern medications, pediculosis is completely cured. Try to remember when in your life you became very suspicious and sick, what negative, traumatic things happened, what changes in your everyday life, at work, in relationships? Probably the reasons are much deeper than it seems at first glance.

I scold you for giving yourself destructive attitudes with nerves and panic attacks, at a time when you are very smart and probably understand that these sensations in the body appear precisely because you are probably giving a lot at this moment to those around you, but you forget about yourself, so the subconscious through the body allows your beloved to remember about you! You yourself write that “thanks to” your illness, you have put things in order in the house these days, and now have time to think about what and why all this is happening to you.

You, Ekaterina, really need to work with a psychologist to understand your true needs and learn self-regulation. After all, write about the imbalance of tension and relaxation.

You write: “But my family no longer reaches out to me for advice, because they saw me in a state of exhaustion. lifeless when depression hits me. I’m struggling with this, but again, I can’t always be on the active, sooner or later this leads to a breakdown in people.”

Of course they don’t stretch, because you taught them to think that everything is OK with you and they are used to receiving.

Start by asking for help yourself when you feel bad! You are trying to earn people's attention by helping them with advice, but you yourself also need support, because you are not a god, but a man.

In fact, many people, just like you, love it when people turn to them for support. This increases their significance and necessity for another person, because we are social creatures.

You need to work with self-esteem, with an awareness of the causes of anxiety, learn self-regulation, which will lead to an increase in the trust of others, and you will be able to be yourself without fear, build meaningful relationships with young people and live life to the fullest. If you decide, Ekaterina, then I am ready to work with you by correspondence.

I'm sure you can do it Ekaterina!

Rate the psychologist's answer:

  • Back: The pain and worries passed, but the problems remained.
  • Forward: Chest discomfort when breathing, fear of illness.

Source: https://psycabi.net/vopros-psikhologu/problemy-so-zdorovem/7346-panicheskie-ataki-i-vshi

Causes of goosebumps in the head

Paresthesia is a sensitivity disorder associated with damage to parts of the nervous system. The reasons for the sensation of goose bumps in women and men correlate with diseases of the nervous system or circulatory disorders. Short-term disturbances can be provoked by factors such as prolonged stay in an uncomfortable position, a stressful situation, hypothermia, irritation of superficial nerve endings (impact, compression).

Characteristics of the condition

The nervous system is divided into central and peripheral sections. The peripheral section includes nerve structures located outside the brain (brain, spinal column). Damage to sensory nerve fibers, which form the basis of many cranial nerves, leads to sensory disturbances. Regardless of the location of the area of ​​damage to the nerve branches, sensory disturbances in the head area may occur.

The feeling of goosebumps running all over your head is often associated with mononeuropathy (damage to a single nerve) or polyneuropathy (damage to several nerve endings). The prevalence of polyneuropathy among the population is 2.4%; among patients over 60 years of age, the pathology is more common (8% of cases). The disease is based on diffuse damage to nerve endings.

Acute, subacute, and chronic forms are distinguished depending on the severity of symptoms and the speed of the disease. With axonopathy, damage occurs to the axial cylinder of the nerve branch; with myelinopathy, the myelin sheath encircling the nerve fiber is destroyed.

Clinically, the pathology is manifested by a sensation of pins and needles on the scalp and in other parts of the body, depending on the area of ​​damage to the sensory fibers. In addition to the appearance of goosebumps, other signs of sensitivity disorder occur - numbness, burning, tingling. A condition where goosebumps run across the face is often associated with neuropathy of the facial nerve.

When goose bumps are not a symptom

The feeling of goosebumps on the head often appears when exposed to irritating environmental factors. If the pathology is accompanied by tingling in the back of the head and other parts of the head, then the reasons lie in psycho-emotional stress. Paresthesia appears when:

  • stress;
  • delighted;
  • overexcitement;
  • fear.

If a person has overly sensitive nerves, this can cause an unpleasant symptom. Excessively low air temperature leads to goosebumps on the skin. If there is a lack of B vitamins in the body, a person may also experience this sensation.

Goosebumps occur during sexual arousal. If, against the background of hypothermia, the body temperature rises, this becomes the cause of an unpleasant condition. Often the appearance of goosebumps is observed when you feel unwell. People who experience a loss of strength are at risk.

If the above factors become the cause of goosebumps, then the patient needs to eliminate the influence of the provoking factor. This will eliminate the symptom as quickly as possible.


Often, neuropathy, accompanied by a feeling that the hair on the head is moving and goose bumps are running in the head, is a secondary condition that develops against the background of a primary disease, which suggests the need for differential diagnosis. The pathogenesis of neuropathy involves processes such as destruction of the myelin sheath, damage, and changes in the morphological structure of the nerve trunk.

Against the background of pathological changes in the connective tissue nerve sheaths, vasodilation and exudate are released, which leads to the occurrence of perivascular edema and foci of hemorrhage. The reasons why you get goosebumps are associated with pathological processes and conditions:

  • Neurodegenerative changes.
  • Autoimmune reactions (Guillain-Barré syndrome, multiple sclerosis).
  • Nervous system infections.
  • Tumors localized in the medulla.
  • Intoxication associated with infectious diseases (diphtheria) or toxic substances (organophosphorus insecticides used in agriculture, heavy metals, for example, thallium).

Mononeuropathy develops due to compression of the nerve ending. Compression of nerve fibers often occurs due to the formation of a space-occupying lesion (tumor, cyst, hematoma). Compression of nervous tissue is often carried out by bone structures - vertebral discs, protruding bones of the elbow, knee, and hand. Compression can occur during sleep or after a long stay in an uncomfortable position (in the garden, while playing board games, at a computer desk).

If the pressure on the nerve branch is insignificant, clinically the pathology manifests itself only as a sensitivity disorder. With strong compression, muscle weakness (paresis, paralysis) is revealed. The reasons for crawling on the back of the head may be associated with hypothermia of the neck or degenerative changes in the bone structures of the spinal column, which causes pinching and development of occipital nerve neuropathy.

Possible diseases

If goose bumps appear regularly, it is necessary to consult specialist doctors (neurologist, endocrinologist, therapist, cardiologist and others) who will find out why the symptoms of sensitivity disorder occur. Common diseases accompanied by similar symptoms:

  1. Vitamin deficiency (Thiamin - B1, Pyridoxine - B6, Cyanocobalamin - B12, vitamin E, Nicotinic acid - PP). It manifests itself as a combination of sensory and motor disorders, ataxia of sensitive origin, and the development of dementia.
  2. Atherosclerotic vascular lesions. The cause of goosebumps and dizziness is often associated with impaired cerebral blood flow, which occurs due to deterioration in the patency of the arteries supplying the brain.
  3. Diabetes. Diabetic polyneuropathy is a common form of pathology, which is detected in 30% of patients with symptoms such as goosebumps on the body and in the head area. Peripheral nerve damage is a common complication of diabetes, along with kidney dysfunction and eye damage.
  4. Thyroid dysfunction. The cause of polyneuropathy, manifested by a feeling of pins and needles all over the body and head, is hypothyroidism, a diagnosis that requires immediate and correct treatment. Hypothyroidism is a condition characterized by persistent deficiency of thyroid hormones. In addition to the feeling as if someone is crawling on your head, the disease is manifested by other symptoms - increased fatigue, lethargy, drowsiness, deterioration of memory and mental activity. Signs may be observed: dry skin, brittle nails and hair, rough voice.
  5. Liver dysfunction (cirrhosis, viral hepatitis). The crawling sensation associated with liver damage is accompanied by signs of malfunction of the autonomic system - heart rhythm disturbances, instability of blood pressure, often orthostatic hypotension (a sharp decrease in blood pressure when trying to stand up), decreased sweating, pallor, dry skin.
  6. Guillain-Barre syndrome. If the cause of the sensation of goosebumps in the head is acute polyneuropathy of inflammatory origin, accompanying symptoms are observed (tetraparesis - muscle weakness in all extremities, paresis of facial muscles, decreased muscle tone up to muscle atrophy, weakened tendon reflexes). Many patients have dysphagia (impaired swallowing) and oculomotor disorders.
  7. Shingles. The disease develops due to infection with a neurotropic virus. Hypothermia of the body provokes activation of the virus. A focus of inflammation occurs in the cranial and spinal nerve ganglia. The inflammatory process proceeds in the direction of the peripheral nerves, spreading to nerve endings in different parts of the body and head. Symptoms appear - increased body temperature, pain in the area of ​​innervation of the affected nerve node or branch. Vesicles form on the skin, which suppurate followed by the formation of pustules.

If you have goosebumps on your head, this means that the possible cause of the condition is related to intoxication of the body. The most common form of intoxication is alcoholic polyneuropathy (provoked by ethyl alcohol poisoning). Diagnosed in 30-70% of cases in the total mass of polyneuropathies caused by intoxication. In addition to the feeling of goosebumps and numb limbs, cramps in the muscles of the legs and feet are often observed.

Neuropathy (damage) of the facial nerve is associated with hypothermia, trauma, inflammatory, infectious diseases of the otolaryngological sphere (otitis media, tonsillitis), inflammatory processes in the area of ​​the meninges, tumors localized in the area of ​​the base of the skull. Associated symptoms are observed - lagophthalmos (the eyelids do not close completely), paresis of facial muscles, disruption of the lacrimal glands.

Solutions to the problem

An excellent solution to the problem would be a scalp massage. It can be done either by a specialist or by yourself. It has a positive effect on blood circulation, so the pain will immediately begin to calm down, and after several sessions it will disappear altogether.

The technique is the simplest:

  1. After the person relaxes, use gentle stroking movements to move along the skin under the hair from the frontal part to the back of the head and from the parietal part towards the ears. The massage is carried out strictly according to hair growth. The main goal is to force blood to flow to this part of the head.

  2. Carry out movements in a circle. Pinching can be alternated with stroking.

Technique for performing hair parting massage:

  1. Divide your hair into strands with approximately two centimeters between them.
  2. Massage the epidermis underneath. The duration of the procedure is about ten minutes.

To carry out the procedure, you need a special hair brush. It must be of high quality: made of wood, ebonite or horn bone. Other materials for massage are not recommended.

  1. Using circular movements, gently massage the skin from the temporal area to the crown.
  2. Then, using the same method, move from the temporal region to the occipital and frontal region. The duration of the session is 10 minutes at different paces.
  3. At the end of the procedure, comb your hair along the entire length, starting from the roots.

If the scalp and face tighten, the following oils are usually used:

  • olive;
  • coconut;
  • Palm;
  • wheat germ oil.

They are used both during massage procedures and separately for rubbing into the skin.

Mesotherapy is the introduction of medicinal substances into the upper layer of the skin through injections. For this purpose, preparations from amino acids, vitamins, plant extracts, immunomodulators, antibiotics, and enzymes are used.

Treatment is prescribed after consultation with a specialist in the following cases:

  • complete treatment of acne and pimples;
  • prevention of aging; correction of fat deposits;
  • prevention and treatment of seborrhea, baldness.

A total of 5-7 sessions are required.

You can learn more about scalp mesotherapy from this video:


The diagnosis is made on the basis of anamnesis, clinical picture and the results of instrumental examination (electromyography, nerve conduction studies). A blood test shows the concentration of glucose, hormones, vitamins, lipids and other characteristics.

X-rays, MRI, CT scans are carried out to study the condition of nerve fibers (for example, to confirm the fact of pinched nerve endings or to identify extensive pathological processes - tumors, areas of hemorrhage). Ultrasound and angiography are performed to determine the condition of the elements of the cardiovascular system.

Treatment methods

Treatment of conditions where goosebumps run over the head, face and body is carried out taking into account the causes of the sensitivity disorder. Basic principles and directions:

  • Treatment of the primary disease that provoked the disorders.
  • Elimination of painful sensations (if any).
  • Physiotherapeutic procedures (electrophoresis, magnetotherapy, laser therapy).

Treatment of sensory impairment in diabetes mellitus involves controlling glucose levels, which slows the progression of the primary disease and its complications. If there is a deficiency of thyroid hormones, hormone replacement therapy is performed. If there is a lack of vitamins, vitamin complexes (Benfogamma, Milgamma) are prescribed. For herpes zoster, antiviral agents are used.

The goosebumps that run over the head during a cold can be removed using simple methods - drinking plenty of warm drinks, bed rest, taking antipyretic medications. Treatment of the condition, when it seems like goosebumps are running on the back of the head with atherosclerosis, involves taking correctors of lipid metabolism and cholesterol levels, vasodilators and strengthening the vascular wall of drugs.

Tumors and cystic formations are removed surgically. To eliminate violations, special orthoses and splints are used. Wearing medical devices prevents the development of contracture (stiffness, shortening) and muscle spasm. In some cases, methods are effective: massage, therapeutic exercises, reflexology.

Drug therapy

To treat sensitivity disorders, when there is a sensation of hair moving on the head, medications are prescribed, primarily painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs (Indomethacin, Reopirin, Sedalgin), which eliminates pain and manifestations of paresthesia. Main groups of drugs:

  1. Antiepileptics, anticonvulsants (Carbamazepine, Clonazepam).
  2. Stimulators of metabolic processes (Solcoseryl, Actovegin).
  3. Antiviral (Acyclovir, Herpesin).
  4. Muscle relaxants (Baclofen, Mydocalm).
  5. Correctors for cerebral blood flow disorders (Cavinton, Vinpocetine).

Glucocorticoid drugs (Prednisolone, Hydrocortisone) are prescribed to suppress the autoimmune reaction. For polyradiculoneuritis, antibiotics are prescribed (Gentamicin, Benzylpenicillin). In case of toxic lesions, intravenous administration of Hemodez and Glucose is recommended (detoxification therapy).

To improve the transmission of nerve impulses in muscle tissue, Proserin (a cholinesterase inhibitor, effective for myasthenia gravis and movement disorders associated with damage to nerve fibers) is prescribed. In the treatment of alcoholic polyneuropathy, vasodilators (Xanthinol nicotinate, Bendazole) are prescribed.


To treat sensitivity disorders at home, decoctions and infusions are used, prepared from chicory and parsley roots, lingonberries and cranberries, flax seeds and dill, nettle leaves, leaves and flowers of echinacea and lavender.

Nervous lice: myth or reality?

Oddly enough, a fairly large number of people diagnosed with pediculosis are interested in the question of whether lice can appear due to nervous conditions.

The bulk of patients who tell incredible stories about how a nervous disorder caused the appearance of bloodsuckers are people who are trying in every possible way to explain the lice infestation, but cannot accept the true cause of the appearance of parasites.

Sources of infection

It’s not difficult to figure out whether lice come from nerves on your own if you familiarize yourself a little with the principle of insect life.

There are 3 main types of lice:

  • pubic;
  • head;
  • linen.

Due to the fact that the insect feeds on human blood, its permanent habitat cannot be far from food, i.e. people. Pediculosis does not always occur due to contact with a mature individual on the human body. The eggs they lay also lead to the development of the disease.

The appearance of lice is often the result of poor personal hygiene. This is why pediculosis is diagnosed more often in young children.

Due to the fact that the method of transmission is contact, lice infection can occur under the following circumstances:

  • using an infected person's comb;
  • trying on someone else's headdress;
  • purchasing clothes previously worn by an infected person;
  • stale bed linen, for example, in a hotel;
  • untreated hairdressing tools.

A louse can get on the body and continue its life cycle when visiting a public swimming pool or while traveling on public transport.

In other words, even if a person tries in every possible way to observe the rules of personal hygiene and monitor the cleanliness of the room, this does not guarantee that infection will not occur.

Lice and neuroses

To get a professional answer to the question of whether lice can appear from stress or become a complication of another disease that a person has, you can consult a parasitologist.

Medicine has long studied all the nuances of pediculosis and has proven that social status and physical health have nothing to do with the appearance of blood-sucking insects.

The conditions in which a person lives, his social circle and compliance with hygiene standards can only be predisposing factors to the appearance of parasites.

A characteristic feature of lice is that they are not able to survive for a long period of time without a source of food. The adult dies of starvation after approximately 48 hours. Insect eggs, called nits, are able to retain their vital functions longer. They can remain in a latent state for about 2 months.

Lice do not arise from stress, but their appearance may coincide with depression or another psychological disorder. In such a situation, you should carefully consider all previous events and try to find the source of the lice infection.

The symptoms of head lice may be similar to those manifestations of the body that occur under various psychological stress. The patient may feel itchy skin. Often there is a feeling as if something is crawling on the head.

To rule out infection, you need to carefully examine your head for lice and nits. If pubic insects are suspected, the groin area is carefully examined.

To detect bed lice, it is recommended to conduct a thorough inspection of the bed and all bedding.

There is no point in immediately trying to look for a method of combating head lice until the diagnosis is confirmed. Under some circumstances, incorrectly selected treatment can cause a deterioration in overall health. The following pathological processes have symptoms similar to lice:

  1. Nervous skin itching. During stressful situations, many people begin to develop illnesses that had not previously occurred. Some suffer from gastrointestinal disorders, while others suffer from itchy skin. Antiparasitic treatment will not be effective. In this situation, sedatives, breathing exercises, proper rest and sleep can help.
  2. Subcutaneous mites. Parasitic organisms that affect the skin have nothing to do with lice. To make an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to make a scraping and conduct a laboratory test. Acaricidal drugs and immunostimulants are used as treatment.
  3. Allergic reactions. One of the most common causes of itching. The whole body or a specific area may itch. There are many reasons that can cause allergic reactions: food, body care products, washing powder, poor quality linen, etc. To get rid of unpleasant symptoms, you need to avoid contact with the irritant. Antihistamines are used to suppress itching.
  4. Fungal diseases. People with weakened immune systems are not resistant to fungal infections. Nervous stress can also have a detrimental effect on the body's natural protective functions. The clinical picture of the pathology manifests itself in the form of oily hair and dandruff. A specialist should select treatment.

You should not be embarrassed by the fact that there is a lice infestation and try to find a ridiculous explanation for this. The best solution in this situation will be treatment and determination of the circumstances that contributed to the appearance of lice. This knowledge can help prevent infection in the future.

Source: https://zelenplaneta.ru/vshi/vshi-na-nervnoj-pochve-mif-ili-realnost.html

What to pay attention to

If you regularly experience a tingling sensation in the right or left side of your head, you need to pay attention to the accompanying symptoms. These include visual and hearing impairment, dysphagia (swallowing disorder), speech dysfunction, dizziness, imbalance, nausea and vomiting, and persistent sleep disturbance. Many of the symptoms listed indicate the presence of a disease.

To find out what gives you goosebumps, you need to make an appointment with a doctor. There are many diseases and conditions that lead to sensitivity disorders. Having found out the causes of the disorders, the correct treatment can be prescribed.


It's as if something is moving under the skin on my head.

Psychosensory (sensory) disorders (Greek psyche - soul, Lat. sensorium - apparatus that perceives sensations, consciousness, “organ of consciousness”) - a consequence of a violation of sensory synthesis, leading to a distortion of complex perceptions of the external world and one’s own body while maintaining sensations received directly sense organs.

Described by the Soviet psychiatrist M. O. Gurevich (1933, 1936). According to M. O. Gurevich P. r. clearly differ from other forms of perceptual disorders (Nervous and mental disorders in closed skull injuries M., 1948).

They differ from agnosias in that recognition is not impaired; from hallucinations - because in the latter there is no real object of perception; from illusions - in that with the latter recognition is impaired, but illusory errors are easily corrected, in contrast to psychosensory errors, in which objects are recognized, but in a distorted form.

P. r. differ. and from simple sensory disturbances, in which phenomena of loss or irritation are observed, but not distortion as a result of disintegration, reduction to a lower level.

With the disintegration of psychosensory functions, not only are these synthetic forms of perception disrupted, but, in addition, pathological phenomena of disintegration are revealed in the form of distorted components that are part of the disturbed higher function. There is a distortion and violation of the completeness of perception of objects without violating their identification, i.e.

with correct recognition and, as a rule, a maintained critical attitude. Due to the loss of one or another component of perception (emotional, color, spatial, temporal), various depersonalization (relating to the perception of oneself and one’s body) and derealization (relating to the perception of the environment) symptoms arise.

These include: general depersonalization - a feeling of change in one’s “I”, general derealization - a feeling of alienation from the environment, micro and macropsia - the perception of objects reduced or enlarged, metamorphopsia - perception in a distorted form, disorder of the “body diagram” - a distortion of the sense of the shape and size of oneself of the body or its individual parts, xanthopsia - perception in yellow light, erythropsia - in red light, as well as disturbances in the sense of space, time, weight of one’s body, etc. Already seen, heard, experienced symptoms - a type of P. r., consisting in a feeling of familiarity experienced for the first time as a result of a violation of the integrity of perception and time (French names for these phenomena have become widespread in Russian literature: respectively, deja vu, deja entendu, deja vecu). The opposite state - never seen, never heard, never experienced (jamais vu, entendu, vecu) consists of a feeling of novelty with apparently repeated perceptions or experiences. Often P. r. act as a component of the psychoorganic syndrome, and their combination in the form of disturbances in the body diagram and metamorphopsia, the development of which leads to depersonalization and derealization, became known as the interparietal syndrome of M. O. Gurevich (1933). Psychosensory attacks considered to be close to epilepsy include migraine attacks, Meniere-like attacks, and umbilical colic in children.

Etc. usually develop paroxysmally, and disintegration in most cases ends with reintegration, restoring the function of perception.

These disorders are the result of local organic lesions or functional disorders of blood and liquor circulation.

They are observed in various organic diseases of the central nervous system: epidemic encephalitis, epilepsy, arachnoiditis, tumors, syphilis, as well as paraorganic disorders in schizophrenia.

The feeling of goosebumps running through the head is familiar to a huge number of people. This sensation appears on the skin when the receptors are irritated.

This condition can be explained by a sharp decrease or increase in air temperature.

It also occurs when the circulatory system is disrupted and other diseases.

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