The need for complete rest after a concussion is questionable

During the treatment of TBI, many people ask the doctor whether it is possible to drink beer and other alcohol if they have a head injury, and what kind of diet they should have if they have a concussion. Concussion is the most common traumatic brain injury; on average, this injury accounts for seventy to ninety percent of all TBIs.

Although a mild contusion is not an indication for hospitalization in an adult, patients with such injuries should adhere to certain restrictions, both in activity and in the consumption of certain foods and drinks. In addition to bed rest, people who drink strong drinks in everyday life must give them up during treatment. A diet for concussions involves avoiding coffee, alcohol of any strength, black tea, and carbonated drinks.

Why is alcohol contraindicated for concussions?

If you have a concussion, drinking coffee and alcohol, smoking cigarettes and cigarettes is strictly prohibited.

Damage to its cells increases several times if you drink alcohol while treating a head concussion. At this moment, the sick person requires bed rest, peace and quiet. He is irritated by bright lights and loud sounds.

If the regime is violated, a person may begin to develop dementia, decreased intelligence, mental disorders, and loss of concentration of movements. The easiest common complication after breaking the regime is headaches, which will torment a person for the rest of his life.

Dizziness and other complications that constantly bother a person after an injury are aggravated while drinking alcohol.

When is a concussion diagnosed?

The diagnosis of a concussion is made with a mild form of head injury, when functional connections between nerve cells are disrupted, but there are no hemorrhages.

Immediately after a concussion, symptoms appear:

  • one-time vomiting;
  • changes in breathing;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • increased blood pressure.

Some patients, after the acute period has passed, experience decreased concentration, dizziness, insomnia, increased sensitivity to sounds and light, irritability, and headaches. The same symptoms are observed when intoxicated.

When two factors that destroy the brain, such as alcohol and a concussion, overlap, irreversible destructive consequences develop that cannot be treated. Such people are not recommended to drive a car or climb to heights.

These symptoms appear due to disturbances in the autonomic system. Alcohol also tends to destroy the nervous autonomic system. Therefore, when drinking alcohol after an injury, mental state disorders quickly develop.

3% of victims acquire asthenic syndrome, vegetative-vascular dystonia, and insomnia after treatment. If a sick person drinks alcoholic beverages, he will begin to have epileptic seizures.

How does alcohol affect the brain?

Alcohol has a detrimental effect on all internal organs of the human body, but the brain especially suffers from intoxication. Pathologists at autopsies immediately recognize the brains of drinkers who have consumed small doses of alcohol throughout their lives, but have not had withdrawal symptoms.

By old age, their brain is wrinkled and greatly reduced in volume, the meninges are swollen, the vessels are changed, and the convolutions of the brain are smoothed. This state of the brain is expressed in senile dementia, which gradually develops during everyday drinking throughout life.

When dissecting the membranes of the brain, changes are visible in the nerve cells that occur during severe intoxication with poisons. All these changes in the membranes of the brain occurred over a long period of time and are irreversible. This explains the phenomenon of degradation that gradually occurs to all people who drink.

The changes that occur in the brain of a drinking person lead not only to a weakening of brain functions, but also to disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system. Tremor, psychosis, delirium, paranoia - all these diseases are associated with the destructive effect of ethanol on the nervous system.

All lesions occur due to the property of alcohol to glue red blood cells. This process is especially destructive for the smallest vessels of the brain, the diameter of which approaches the diameter of one red blood cell.

When gluing, blood clots form, which rupture the vessel and cut off the supply of cells, which leads to their instant death. The higher the concentration of ethanol in the blood, the more such cells die. This happens every time alcohol enters the bloodstream.

Over the course of 7-12 years, people who drank moderately begin to experience changes in the structure of brain tissue and mental activity is sharply disrupted. With this effect of alcoholic beverages during a head injury, all pathological processes intensify. This explains the complete ban on drinking alcohol during and after an injury.

Can you drink alcohol if you have a concussion?

Alcohol taken in large quantities causes serious disturbances in the functioning of the brain in a healthy person. When a concussion occurs, symptoms similar to a state of severe intoxication are observed.

A person who has received even a mild form of concussion, after recovery, experiences increased sensitivity to alcohol, which is accompanied by rapid intoxication, irritation, hysteria and hallucinations. The more symptoms due to a concussion, the higher the risk of having an epileptic attack with minimal doses of alcohol.

Doctors know of many cases of mental disorders and the appearance of delirium, which is popularly called delirium tremens, which occurs after consuming minimal doses of alcohol.

All symptoms that are present with a concussion increase several times after drinking alcohol. Alcohol contributes to the development of cerebral edema, which can result in loss of consciousness or coma.

Very often, at the moment of alcohol intoxication, a stroke begins to develop.

To avoid complications, alcohol should be prohibited for at least one year after injury. If a head injury occurred during a binge and it is difficult to stop, use the services of addiction specialists. They will help you get out of the state of alcohol dependence and relieve intoxication from the body.



There is no specially designed diet for concussion. However, proper nutrition is a good helper for a quick recovery and restoration of the body’s strength. Vegetables and fruits, steamed or boiled foods are beneficial. It is necessary to refrain from salty foods, fried and fatty foods, strong coffee, chocolate, and tea.

If you are injured, you need to rest more and eat easily digestible food. This includes fresh, boiled or steamed foods. Since movement is limited during this period, overeating should be avoided: this way the body will not be overloaded.

If a concussion is detected, especially a moderate or severe one, the doctor prescribes treatment, which includes a number of procedures, the main one being complete rest and lack of stress for the patient. At the same time, he explains to the patient what to eat during a concussion in order to reduce its consequences and achieve a full recovery.

Nutrition for a concussion follows the principles of the “Kremlin diet” and includes the consumption of predominantly protein foods and complex carbohydrates. To restore nerve cells, you need a large amount of amino acids and biologically active substances, which commercial organizations offer to use as supplements, but they can be obtained from regular food.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with what to instill after a binge at home

First, let's highlight dangerous foods and substances that should be completely excluded from the diet:

  • alcohol in any doses. It increases the load on the heart and blood vessels, negatively affecting the functioning of the central nervous system. The alcohol ban for the victim must last for a year;
  • strong coffee and tea. They excite the nervous system, which only worsens the patient’s condition and contributes to the appearance of headaches. The period of abstinence is about six months;
  • fatty foods. A large amount of animal fats not only worsens the condition of blood vessels, forming atherosclerotic plaques, but also helps to gain excess weight, which can easily come under conditions of reduced physical activity;
  • confectionery flour products and sweets affect the body similarly to fatty foods;
  • spices and seasonings have a stimulating effect on the nervous system, inhibiting the recovery process after a concussion. This also applies to various pickles and smoked meats.

The basis of nutrition should be light food, for the digestion of which the body does not require extra energy. It is recommended to eat it fresh, boiled, baked or steamed. Welcome:

  • soups;
  • porridge;
  • dairy products;
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • eggs;
  • Fish and seafood;
  • whole wheat bread.

The first item on the menu can be seaweed - rich in vitamins, minerals and very easily digestible. But it is recommended to eat it in small portions.

The diet for severe TBI must include a large amount of B vitamins, especially B1. They help restore the structure of neurons and connections between them. Sufficient amounts of vitamin B can be obtained from:

  • asparagus;
  • seafood;
  • nuts;
  • fish;
  • legumes;
  • eggs;
  • liver;
  • milk;
  • buckwheat and other cereals.

For better absorption of B vitamins, the diet should contain foods with high levels of iron: spinach, meat, pomegranates, legumes and various cereals. Most meat products contain lecithin, a substance that has a healing effect on the brain. It is found in large quantities in poultry meat, pork liver and soybeans.

In addition, you need to eat foods with high levels of potassium:

  • dried fruits: raisins, dried apricots, prunes;
  • any types of nuts;
  • baked potato;
  • legumes;
  • dairy products.

The latter, in addition to potassium, contain a large amount of calcium, which is useful not only for the head, but also for strengthening the immune system in general and improving metabolism. Normal metabolism helps to quickly restore brain function and get rid of the consequences of concussion.

Vitamin C must be present in the diet after TBI. It helps reduce the effects of stress from injury and improve the supply of nutrients to the brain. This vitamin is found in large quantities in plant foods:

  • bell pepper;
  • cranberries;
  • spinach;
  • cabbage;
  • rosehip;
  • black currant and others.

It is enough to wash them in clean water and eat them fresh; with strong cooking, vitamin C is usually destroyed. Magnesium, which is found in high concentrations in cereals and milk products, also helps reduce stress.

To supply the brain with sufficient energy, nutrition for a brain injury should include glucose. However, it should be obtained not from sweets and flour confectionery products, but from natural sources. First of all, it is honey and dried fruits. There is a lot of glucose in figs, grapes, dates. A small amount of these healthy fruits per day will meet the body's needs.

You can make the sweet according to a well-known dietary recipe yourself: take equal proportions of dried apricots, raisins, prunes, and walnuts. Wash them and grind them in a meat grinder or blender, mix with honey. In a closed jar, this dessert can be stored in the refrigerator for several months. You can eat several spoons of treats per day, which will provide a sufficient amount of glucose, vitamins and microelements, but will not lead to serious consequences in the form of excess weight.

Among fats, preference should be given to vegetable oils. Nuts also contain enough lipids. Healthy fats, together with vitamin E, restore brain activity, but do not form unwanted deposits on the walls of blood vessels.

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It is especially important that the concussion diet be strictly followed in the first weeks after injury. At the same time, it is important to create a balanced menu, which will contain a sufficient amount of all the nutrients needed by the body, without the predominance of any specific foods.

Symptoms and types of concussion

The cause of traumatic brain injury can be blows to the head, sudden movements and unsuccessful falls, leading to internal hematoma. It is quite easy to determine that these actions had consequences in adults. To do this, you need to pay attention to the following symptoms:

  • the appearance of nausea and vomiting;
  • speech disorders;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • constant headache and dizziness;
  • loss of a sense of space and confusion of thoughts in a person;
  • partial or complete memory loss;
  • increased sensitivity to sound and light, ringing in the ears and pain when moving the eyes;
  • split image, with the patient’s pupils often having different sizes;
  • pressure drops appear;
  • change in behavior, lethargy, impaired concentration, hand tremors.

It is more difficult to detect a concussion in a small child, since babies do not lose consciousness, and other symptoms are similar to other diseases:

  • sleep disturbance;
  • anxiety, tearfulness;
  • Frequent regurgitation during feeding.

Depending on the severity of the injury, concussion is divided into:

  • mild – symptoms last no more than half an hour;
  • medium – the symptoms are quite long-lasting, but there is no loss of consciousness;
  • severe - there are vivid symptoms, accompanied by complete loss of consciousness.

Concussion grades

Trauma happens:

  • mild (symptoms last about 20 minutes, then relief occurs);
  • moderate (signs are prolonged, but do not reach the point of loss of consciousness);
  • severe (loss of consciousness, memory gaps and other severe signs of concussion).

If you suspect a concussion, it is important to immediately contact a traumatologist or neurologist and follow all the doctor’s instructions.

There are 3 main degrees of concussion. In case of a head injury or if a mild concussion is suspected, all possible symptoms should be compared.

The stages of a mild concussion can be characterized as follows:

  • In the first degree, mild fainting occurs, the condition returns to normal within 20-30 minutes.
  • With the second degree of concussion, disorientation in space occurs for some time.
  • With grade 3, loss of consciousness is observed for a short period. Usually the victim does not remember what happened to him.

Characteristic signs may not appear immediately, but after a day or quite a long time, perhaps even a week.

If there is any manifestation of a concussion, the victim should be examined by a doctor. An inexperienced person may mistake a concussion for a bruise, and this can worsen the situation. Even the slightest injury can cause a hematoma to develop.

Diagnosis of concussions, tests

In standard cases, a careful examination by a neurologist is sufficient, who, during the examination, makes sure that there are no focal neurological symptoms. This indicates that there is no “catastrophe in one place” in the brain. As a rule, with a normal, not severe concussion, the following symptoms may appear:

  • nystagmus (quivering of the eyeballs);
  • uncertainty in the Romberg pose (staggering, standing, heels and toes together, arms extended forward in front of you), first with eyes open, and then with eyes closed;
  • uncertainty during the finger-nose test (missing the mark when trying to find your nose with your finger while standing in the Romberg position with your eyes closed);
  • anisoreflexia (minor unevenness in tendon and abdominal reflexes).

Sometimes other neurological signs are revealed during examination, but, as a rule, the patient will not have pathological foot signs indicating a disorder of central neurons, and muscle tone will not change.

Next, the necessary examination of the fundus is carried out (in principle, this is carried out abroad by the same neurologist or emergency doctor). The diagnosis ends with an X-ray of the skull, so as not to miss fractures or cracks in the bones, which may go unnoticed against the background of general cerebral symptoms, and especially in a state of alcoholic intoxication, when the patient does not realize the severity of his condition.

What to choose: CT or MRI?

As a rule, a person who has been examined by a neurologist, after a normal X-ray picture and examination of the fundus of the eye, if his condition is stable, needs to go and be treated at home. But, in some situations, urgent tomography is needed.

If the patient has pathological reflexes and he is “loaded”, that is, he periodically loses coherent speech, complains of drowsiness and is indifferent, and this condition increases, then an additional procedure – computed x-ray tomography – is urgently needed.

Many people ask: what is more informative in case of a concussion - CT or MRI? Of course, X-ray tomography. The fact is that MRI shows soft tissue well, but does not see fresh blood well. And on CT, any hematoma is clearly visible - subdural, subarachnoid, and intracerebral hemorrhage. And this is exactly what can lead to a sharp deterioration in the patient’s condition.

In addition, a CT scan is done in one “run” of the head in the tomograph ring, and it takes no more than a minute. You need to lie in the MRI scanner for at least 15-20 minutes, which is very difficult in severe conditions, and especially in small children (they simply cannot help but spin), and they need anesthesia.

Signs of injury

Since a concussion occurs as a result of a traumatic situation, and its symptoms are pronounced, the disease can be recognized without much effort. Having received a blunt injury, as a rule, adults lose consciousness, after which they experience memory gaps and several other characteristic symptoms:

  • clouding of consciousness;
  • feeling of nausea;
  • restless sleep;
  • headache.

It is more difficult to determine the presence of a concussion in young children, since loss of consciousness does not occur in them, and other signs are not much different from other pathologies:

  • restless sleep;
  • tearfulness;
  • regurgitation during feeding.

The situation is further complicated by the fact that the signs of more complex traumatic brain injuries (brain contusion) in children appear in exactly the same way.

Any injury, including concussion, leads to the development of catabolic reactions. This means that the need for proteins and amino acids increases significantly. If the necessary protein nutrition is missing, a person loses weight and his general condition worsens. In especially severe cases, protein structures in the body are affected.

SGM - what is it?

What is a concussion and how is it diagnosed? First of all, a concussion is a closed traumatic brain injury, or CTBI in the commonly used abbreviation, which is often found in certificates and discharge summaries.

This is the name for any injury in which the integrity of the bones of the skull is not compromised, and if there is a fracture or depression of the bones, then the space that is located under the dura mater does not communicate with the environment.

In other words, if a person has an open, penetrating skull injury, then it is almost always combined with either a concussion or even a brain contusion. Of course, its danger is much higher, since, in addition to everything else, there is a risk of secondary infection, even under equal other conditions.

About examples of diagnosis formulation

Concussion is a diagnosis that can easily change its place in the “hierarchy of diagnoses.” A concussion can be combined with a contusion of the soft tissues of the head, a hematoma, or wounds that do not penetrate deeper than the aponeurosis. In this case, the first place in the diagnosis (in terms of importance) will be the SGM, for example, like this: “CTBI, concussion, bruise of the soft tissues of the face.”

But if there are more serious problems, for example, fractures of the skull bones, then the concussion immediately fades into the background, since it is the least severe condition in this case.

Many people often ask: what is more severe, a concussion or a bruise of the brain? Of course, the bruise is more severe: a concussion can be diagnosed if the loss of consciousness lasts no more than 5 minutes. As soon as this time exceeds 5 minutes, then the diagnosis of brain contusion, which refers to moderate and severe traumatic brain injury, is already in progress.

It is with a brain contusion that patients can remain unconscious for several days in intensive care, while most patients with a concussion do not lose consciousness at all. How does a concussion manifest itself in classic cases?

Characteristic symptoms

During the mild concussion stage, the following symptoms may be observed:

  • momentary loss of consciousness or clouded judgment;
  • headache;
  • blood from the nose;
  • a sharp increase in temperature;
  • mental and motor retardation;
  • incoherent speech;
  • disorientation in space;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • fatigue;
  • lack of appetite;
  • poor concentration;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • weakness;
  • convulsions;
  • loss of coordination;
  • change in pupil size;
  • tinnitus.

External obvious signs include pallor, sweating, and bodily injuries.

As a rule, after a short period of time it becomes clear that the injury requires treatment. After the examination, the doctor will tell you whether it is possible to treat a mild concussion at home, or whether it is necessary to go to the hospital. In any case, consultation with a specialist is necessary.

In addition to the main signs of a mild concussion, some clinical manifestations can be observed:

  1. Pain in the eyes in bright light.
  2. Visual impairment. The victim has a blurred vision of the surroundings and people.
  3. Double objects in the eyes.
  4. Cold hands.
  5. Short-term amnesia.
  6. Head throbbing pain.
  7. Sleepy state.

Young children show signs such as:

  • lethargy;
  • unsteady walking;
  • tearfulness;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • indifference to games;
  • confusion.


The goal of therapeutic therapy is primarily aimed at stabilizing cerebral circulation, as well as improving the general well-being of the patient.

In the first case, drugs are prescribed to improve the tone and nutrition of cerebral vessels, as well as diuretics. The selection of drugs directly depends on the severity of the injury and the presence of complications.

Stabilization of the condition is based on the elimination of symptoms such as dizziness, anxiety, headaches, insomnia, etc. In this case, sedatives, painkillers, and sometimes sleeping pills are used.

Folk remedies have proven themselves well as auxiliary in the treatment of injury. But they should be taken only after consultation with a specialist: otherwise, you can get the opposite result.

In practice, soothing infusions from herbs such as Ivan tea, lemon balm, valerian root and other herbs are successfully used. They have a sedative effect.

This treatment has not worked very well. But still, some herbs have a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Folk remedies approved by doctors that help improve the patient’s condition and promote a speedy recovery include teas made from the herbs of lemon balm, fireweed, valerian roots, and eleutherococcus. They have a sedative effect on the body.

There are many other herbs, herbal infusions, and other forms of use that can help speed up the healing process after injury. Some, for example, recommend that during rehabilitation after a concussion, replacing a regular pillow with one that contains soothing herbs, for example, clover, mint.

But we must remember: traditional methods of treatment can be advisable only after the approval of the attending physician.

In the case where SHM is the main diagnosis, and the rest is soft tissue bruises, then the concussion is treated at home. In some conditions, hospitalization is required, at least for 1 - 2 days for dynamic observation. For example, this may include the following indications:

  • additional injuries, for example, bone fractures, bruises of internal organs;
  • unclear clinical picture, the possibility of complications;
  • suspicion of a hematoma inside the cranial cavity;
  • severe concomitant diseases (diabetes mellitus, unstable angina);
  • the appearance of convulsive seizures after traumatic brain injury.

With these and some similar conditions, as well as pregnancy, hospitalization is possible. In other cases, a mild concussion requires treatment at home, where, as they say, “walls help.” What should the patient and his relatives do?

The diagnosis of FBS is made in cases of mild brain injury. But what to do if there is no specialist nearby? First aid for a concussion does not cause difficulties, so household members or people around the victim are quite capable of providing it on their own.

Treatment involves keeping the adult patient in a hospital bed for 10 to 21 days, depending on the extent of the injury. For a child, treatment time is usually extended to 30 days. When a concussion occurs, a person does not tolerate external stimuli well, such as light or loud noise, so he should constantly remain calm.

Experienced specialists must monitor the victim’s condition, so it will be better if he is admitted to a hospital.

But if, after an examination, doctors allowed the victim to be treated at home, it is necessary to protect him from devices that create noise (TV, radio, computer). He is also categorically not recommended to engage in reading and physical activity.

In this case, bed rest must be observed. Nothing should interfere with peaceful rest and long sleep. It is also recommended to take sedatives and herbal infusions with the permission of a doctor. In addition, it is necessary to follow a plant-based diet with no salt.

After such an incident, precautions should not be neglected. First of all, you should avoid traumatic situations, protect your head, wear a helmet when riding a bicycle or scooter, follow safety measures in cars and in the house, arrange furniture in such a way that there is no possibility of hitting or tripping.

What to do

If a person has suffered a concussion, those nearby should call an ambulance. If the victim is unconscious or semi-fainting, he should be placed on his side with something under his head. This is the prevention of asphyxia with vomit during attacks of nausea. Apply a cold compress to the head (ice in a rubber container or through several layers of fabric).

After diagnosis, the patient is prescribed 5 days of bed rest and after that 5 days of home treatment and rest. For all ten days you need to take drugs that normalize cerebral circulation (Encephabol, Cavinton), for headaches - analgesics (Baralgin, Sedalgin) or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Nurofen, Ibuprofen, Nimesulide).

In the first days, with severe concussions, antiemetics (Metoclopramide, etc.) are indicated. For convulsions and sleep disorders, barbiturates and tranquilizers are prescribed, and for dizziness, Papaverine and drugs from its group are prescribed.

During treatment, alcohol is strictly prohibited, since it not only inhibits blood circulation in the brain, but can also interact with medications taken with the most disastrous results, such as cerebral edema, stroke and others.

You should not drink alcohol if you have a concussion - it is fraught with complications. After recovery, it is better not to drink alcohol at all, since even after a long time, the injury can remind itself.

Concussion is the most common type of traumatic brain injury. It is a mild form of injury caused by the brain hitting the skull. In this case, the connection between individual cells and entire parts of the brain is disrupted, which leads to a temporary disruption of its normal functions. And although no changes or disturbances are observed in the structure of the brain itself, if treatment rules are not followed, a concussion can be fraught with serious consequences.

Concussion and age

Depending on the age of the victim, the symptoms of a concussion differ; adults almost always experience impaired consciousness. Infants become very pale at the time of injury, followed by increased heart rate, restlessness, vomiting, lethargy and drowsiness. Symptoms disappear within 2–3 days.

Children of preschool and school age also experience a concussion without loss of consciousness (exceptions are possible). Old people feel disoriented in time and space, but remain conscious.

The first signs of a concussion

A concussion occurs due to trauma, blow, or bruise to the head, while the bones of the skull remain intact.

Immediately after injury occurs:

  • vomiting (one-time);
  • increased or slow heartbeat;
  • rapid breathing.

In most cases, loss of consciousness is observed - a person can remain in this state from several seconds (mild form) to several hours (severe form).

After returning to consciousness, the patient complains of:

  • sense of anxiety;
  • tinnitus and nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • prostration;
  • insomnia.

The condition slowly worsens, but after a couple of days the victim feels better. Blood pressure may be elevated, but body temperature during a concussion remains at normal levels.

In severe cases, the patient may not remember what happened before the injury (retrograde amnesia); a mild concussion is accompanied only by confusion.

What to do if you have a concussion?

In the case where the injured person is still unconscious, you need to put him in the recovery position - on his right side. In this case, the head is thrown back and slightly turned to face the ground, the left arm and leg are bent at a right angle. You must first make sure that the victim does not have a fracture of the spine or limbs. Then you should call a doctor. If there are open wounds on the head, they are treated and bandaged.

If a person who has received a concussion has already regained consciousness, first aid should consist of giving him a comfortable position - lying down with his head slightly raised. Ice can be applied to the site of impact; sudden movements should be avoided. The patient must not be allowed to fall asleep.

The victim must be taken to the hospital. The doctor will accurately determine the severity of the concussion and give appropriate recommendations. In severe cases, hospital treatment is prescribed.

Treatment of mild concussion

After an injury, the patient is prescribed bed rest for 1-3 days, while reading, listening to music, writing, playing on a computer or telephone, or watching TV is prohibited. If your health improves slowly, the state of rest is extended to 5-6 days.

Medicines prescribed for concussions are aimed at relieving pain and dizziness, normalizing brain function, and eliminating anxiety and insomnia. The following are prescribed as painkillers:

  • pentalgin;
  • analgin;
  • baralgin;
  • maxigan;
  • Sedalgin and others.

To combat dizziness take:

  • bellaspon;
  • belloid;
  • tanakan;
  • platyphylline with papaverine;
  • microzer, etc.

Valerian, Corvalol, motherwort, and valocardine are used as sedatives in the treatment of mild concussions. From the listed drugs, choose the one that is most effective for a particular patient. After completion of treatment (after 5-10 days), you need to see a neurologist.

A severe form of concussion, accompanied by amnesia, can only be treated under medical supervision.

First aid

You need to know what to do in case of a mild concussion in order to quickly provide assistance to the victim:

  1. Call an ambulance immediately.
  2. If a person has lost consciousness, he should be placed on his side, knees bent and hands under his head. Adopting this position is necessary because vomiting may begin.
  3. Place a hard object under your head.
  4. Treat and bandage wounds if necessary.
  5. Ensure a calm environment until the doctors arrive.
  6. Do not leave the victim unattended in this condition.

If the victim is conscious, his condition should be alleviated as follows:

  1. Remove clothing that may impede breathing or interfere with the body (tie, belt, scarf, etc.);
  2. Apply a cooling object or ice to your head
  3. Water should not be given as this may cause nausea. As a last resort, you can offer sweet, cool tea.
  4. Transport to a medical facility.

What happens to the brain when you quit smoking

When you quit smoking, the condition of the blood vessels returns to normal, blood circulation is restored, and the brain cells begin to receive enough oxygen. This affects the state of the nervous system: irritation and anger go away, and it becomes easier for a person to control his emotional impulses.

The unpleasant health consequences of smoking gradually disappear: memory is restored, the ability to concentrate is restored, thinking abilities are restored and the level of intellectual development returns to normal levels. Destroyed brain cells are regenerated.

Why is alcohol contraindicated for concussions?


During a concussion, active mental activity, including reading, is not recommended. During the treatment of a concussion, experts prohibit straining the eyes, so victims are strictly prohibited from watching television, reading for long periods of time, sitting in front of a computer, etc. To speed up recovery, it is recommended:

  • compliance with the regime;
  • exclude mental work, reading books, working on a computer, watching TV shows, etc.
  • ensure sufficient time for sleep;
  • do not drink coffee, tobacco, or alcohol;
  • exclude driving, housework that requires stress.
  • Avoid physical strain and stress, noise and light.

After a month has passed from the date of treatment, the patient is recommended to undergo some diagnostic tests again to exclude the possibility of developing various kinds of complications.

Consequences and complications after a concussion

After a head injury, sensitivity to ethanol increases several times, so even a minimal dose of alcohol leads to severe manifestations of intoxication, which is expressed by:

  • Hysterical behavior.
  • Nervousness.
  • Hallucinations.
  • If there are fluctuations in blood pressure, if a person suffers from hypertension, then a hypertensive crisis often occurs.
  • Severe headaches.
  • Fear of sharp sounds and bright lights.
  • Sudden change of mood.

The severity of complications depends on the severity of the concussion and the dose of alcohol consumed. Most often, severe consequences develop against the background of regular concussions, for example, in boxers and stuntmen. If such people also allow themselves to drink alcohol in this state, then there is no doubt that they cannot avoid serious complications. They can be like this:

  • When drinking alcohol, sudden aggression and impulsive behavior appear.
  • Constant migraine attacks.
  • General weakness.
  • Heavy sweating.
  • Dizziness.
  • Epileptic seizures.
  • Paranoia develops and the person is haunted by fear.

After a strong concussion, encephalopathy develops, and alcohol only accelerates and complicates this process. The brain suffers from a lack of nutrition and oxygen, which is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • The functioning of the vestibular apparatus is disrupted.
  • Speech becomes confused.
  • Actions are slowed down.
  • There is tremor of the limbs and shaking of the head.


A concussion is a fairly common injury that can occur not only during a serious accident, but also simply after an ordinary fall.

The problem requires serious treatment; without treatment, complications are possible. You will have to reconsider your lifestyle and give up bad habits.

Can you drink alcohol if you have a concussion? What could be the consequences of such frivolous behavior? Let's try to figure this out.

Alcohol has a strong negative effect on a healthy body, but what can we say when there are symptoms of a concussion. After an injury, even a sober person can experience signs of intoxication, and even a slight concussion can cause:

  • Irritability.
  • Hysterics.
  • Hallucinations.
  • Increased sensitivity to alcohol.

One of the most common consequences of traumatic brain injury is a concussion.

Despite the fact that a concussion does not lead to destruction of the skull and does not cause obvious traumatic brain damage, rehabilitation therapy should not be neglected.

In case of traumatic brain injury of any nature, it is necessary to exclude alcoholic beverages, drugs that have an effect on the central nervous system, as well as cigarettes. To recover from injury, the patient is given complete rest and good care.

If full treatment is not carried out, the victim may be accompanied by regular depressive states, causeless anxiety, and systematic headaches. He may suffer from decreased concentration and complain of memory loss.

With the slightest improvement in well-being, people can immediately begin their daily duties, any activity, or return to work. It is important to understand that even a mild concussion can manifest itself later, but in the form of various physical ailments.

The consequences are fraught with sleep disturbances and complicated psycho-emotional states. Vision often decreases, there is a decrease in mental activity and many other negative disorders, accompanied by chronic irritability.

Now you know what to do in case of a mild concussion, how to help yourself or another victim.

How smoking affects the blood vessels of the brain

The effect of smoking on the blood vessels of the brain occurs gradually, harmful substances accumulate and disrupt all vital processes.

The toxic compounds that tobacco smoke contains poison the smoker’s lungs and the entire body.

This bad habit has a detrimental effect on the condition of the blood vessels and leads to oxygen starvation of the brain, which has many consequences.

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The main consequences are:

  • The electrical activity of the brain decreases, which leads to a decrease in intelligence;
  • Memory deteriorates;
  • Solving even simple problems takes longer;
  • A decrease in brain activity leads to behavioral disorders, irritability and unmotivated aggression appear, and there is a risk of nervous disorders.

The human body functions like a single organism. All processes occurring in it are coordinated with each other and have a direct impact on overall health.

The brain is the central control organ on which the functioning of the entire organism depends. The brain is nourished by those substances that are delivered by blood flows, so any agents that penetrate the blood also enter the brain.

During smoking, nicotine is delivered to the lungs, then enters the blood, and after about 8 seconds it reaches the brain cells through the blood vessels and begins to affect brain function.

Due to disturbances in the functioning of blood vessels, systematic migraines, memory impairment, poor coordination of movements, and frequent yawning appear. The lack of oxygen inhibits the transmission of electromagnetic impulses, which has a bad effect on the emotional state: the smoker develops unmotivated irritability, and sometimes aggression.

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Test for smokers

How does smoking affect the human brain? Harmful substances that enter the smoker's brain along with blood flow, frequent oxygen deprivation have a detrimental effect on brain cells.

Studies show that the brain of a smoker is damaged over time in the frontal zones, cells die, which has a bad effect on the ability to maintain normal life activities: drive a car, maintain a conversation.

Over the years, the area of ​​damage grows and the difficulties increase. The frontal area of ​​the brain is responsible for mental activity, motivation of actions, motor and speech activity. Defeats in this area lead to a person losing his purpose in life.

A decrease in mental activity leads to a decrease in the intellectual potential of the smoker. These changes occur gradually, but after a few years of systematic smoking they will be noticeable.

Take the smoking test

A concussion is characterized by painful symptoms. The victim experiences dizziness, severe headache, nausea, and sometimes vomiting. There is an increased body temperature, lack of appetite, inhibition of reactions, and short-term fainting.

When smoking, nicotine enters the bloodstream and reaches the brain cells. As a result, the vessels narrow and a lack of oxygen occurs.

With a concussion, smoking increases symptoms:

  • Headache;
  • Nausea;
  • Weakness;
  • Absent-mindedness;
  • Possible loss of consciousness.

Smoking harms the victim: it inhibits the recovery of brain cells after injury, the victim’s recovery slows down, and painful symptoms intensify.

A concussion subsequently leads to the appearance of epileptic seizures, chronic hypertension, and vegetative-vascular dystonia. Smoking increases the risk of these complications.

Why you shouldn't smoke before an MRI of the head

Magnetic resonance imaging is indicated for patients with severe headaches and frequent dizziness, the cause of which cannot be identified, with a sharp deterioration in hearing or vision, decreased mental activity, or head injuries.

MRI is used to diagnose diseases such as circulatory disorders in the brain, increased intracranial pressure, various anomalies of the nervous system, and to detect tumors. Using magnetic resonance imaging, the doctor determines the condition of the blood vessels before surgery.

This state of affairs leads to the fact that the patient is prescribed the wrong treatment, and the real disease goes unnoticed. Without proper therapy, pathologies worsen and lead to serious consequences. Smoking is strictly prohibited before a brain MRI.

Stroke and smoking - the relationship between concepts

Smoking helps permanently change blood vessels in the brain, which leads to the development of cardiovascular diseases and stroke:

  1. Firstly, nicotine constricts blood vessels. With systematic smoking, this phenomenon becomes permanent and the vessels no longer return to their original state.
  2. Smoking increases blood pressure. As a result, the walls of the vessels will be thin, the tissues will become coarser, and elasticity and strength will be impaired. This increases the risk of blood vessel rupture and brain hemorrhage.
  3. Systematic smoking disrupts the ratio of lipids in the blood. This leads to the deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels, followed by hardening. The lumen narrows, blood circulation is impaired and, as a result, the risk of stroke increases. Cholesterol plaques can break off from the walls of blood vessels and travel through the bloodstream. Reaching a narrower area, they lead to blockage of blood vessels. If this happens in the vessels of the brain, an ischemic stroke occurs.
  4. Harmful substances contained in tobacco smoke increase blood clotting, which increases the risk of blood clots.

Restore the functioning of blood vessels and compensate for the damage caused

Smoking consistently kills the body, its effects on the body are so widespread that it is impossible to make tobacco smoke less harmful.

Now let's look at how to restore blood vessels after quitting smoking. First, consult a neurologist to undergo an examination and determine the condition of the brain vessels.

The elasticity of the walls of blood vessels is restored without the use of drugs, which occurs naturally in a short period of time: on average, regeneration takes 3-4 weeks.

After this period, the vessels dilate to normal levels to carry enough blood.

The brain begins to receive enough oxygen and restores vital processes. Over time, brain cells regenerate.

Metabolic disorders associated with smoking lead to increased cholesterol levels in the blood and deposition on the walls of blood vessels. After quitting smoking, atherosclerotic lesions cannot disappear, so patients need drug therapy and a therapeutic diet.

What happens to the brain when you quit smoking

When you quit smoking, the condition of the blood vessels returns to normal, blood circulation is restored, and the brain cells begin to receive enough oxygen. This affects the state of the nervous system: irritation and anger go away, and it becomes easier for a person to control his emotional impulses.

The unpleasant health consequences of smoking gradually disappear: memory is restored, the ability to concentrate is restored, thinking abilities are restored and the level of intellectual development returns to normal levels. Destroyed brain cells are regenerated.

Self-programming the brain to quit smoking

The simplest and most accessible method of self-programming is positive statements. These are short phrases that become ingrained in the subconscious after many repetitions.

For example:

  1. I quit smoking.
  2. I like being healthy.
  3. My willpower is stronger than ever before.

With the help of such statements, you can change your behavior, habits, thinking, and sense of self. The modern name for these phrases is affirmations.

Every thought of a person is recorded in the subconscious. During the day, so many judgments fly through your head that the impact of one specific phrase is negligible. Self-programming works to train the brain to think useful thoughts.

The technique is simple and called “1 to 3”: every time you catch yourself wanting to smoke, interrupt it with three positive statements: “I am strong and consistent, I quit smoking, I like this state.” The phrases will be anything, the main thing is that their essence reflects your readiness to quit smoking.

Without oxygen, cells are unable to regenerate, so the body becomes susceptible to premature aging. This applies to external manifestations and the work of internal organs. Smokers have an increased risk of stroke and premature death. Getting rid of this destructive habit is difficult, but it becomes possible through persistence and consistency.

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Products that are harmful due to concussion

Doctors are unanimous in their opinion and advise excluding the following foods from the diet during a concussion:

  • fatty foods, which not only impair blood circulation in the brain, but also lead to gaining extra pounds;
  • various spices and seasonings: they are irritants to the nervous system;
  • confectionery and various sweets;
  • spicy and salty foods;
  • alcohol (strictly prohibited in case of injury): it not only destroys neurons, but also has a negative effect on cerebral circulation and the central nervous system;
  • strong coffee and tea: they contribute to increased blood pressure.

All of the above products can cause serious harm in case of a concussion. During this period, it is necessary to be especially vigilant about what and in what quantity enters the body.

Proper nutrition is an integral part of injury recovery. It is important to remember that only comprehensive treatment and compliance with all recommendations leads to a quick and complete recovery of the patient. Not only medications and diet are important, but also a good mood, a positive attitude, fresh air and, of course, rest.

A severe concussion requires drug therapy in a hospital, where the patient is under full medical supervision. Only this method guarantees recovery and the absence of any complications.

Foods you should avoid eating

Experts agreed that it is necessary to exclude some foods from the daily menu in case of a concussion of varying severity. The list of main dishes that you should avoid if you have a concussion includes:

  • foods high in fat, which impairs blood flow;
  • various seasonings and spices are contraindicated for concussion: they irritate the central nervous system;
  • sweets, buns and various confectionery dishes;
  • when the “gray matter” is shaken, it is not recommended to eat salty, spicy food;
  • alcoholic drinks: they not only contribute to the destruction of neurons, but also have a negative effect on the blood circulation of the brain and nervous system;
  • coffee cocktails, strong tea drinks: increase blood pressure.

All of these products can significantly worsen the patient's condition during the recovery period after an injury.

A proper diet for mild concussions is an integral part of a comprehensive recovery. It should be realized that adequate therapy and compliance with all the doctor’s advice leads to the recovery of the victim. It is important not only drug treatment, but also good nutrition, a positive attitude, rest and walks in the fresh air.

Moderate TBI requires treatment in a hospital setting, where the patient is constantly under the supervision of doctors. Only this approach guarantees complete recovery of the body.

Foods to avoid if you have a concussion

With a concussion, the clinical picture is similar to the symptoms of severe alcohol intoxication. If the victim abuses alcohol-containing cocktails during therapy, there is a risk that signs of the pathological syndrome will recur. The patient may experience hysterical attacks, hallucinations, and irritability.

When the “gray matter” begins to recover after the blow, the “recreational” cocktails cause attacks of headaches, hypertension, and sudden mood swings. Symptoms of a concussion intensify, and swelling of the brain is sometimes observed. As a result, the patient may lose consciousness or fall into a coma. Drinking alcohol during therapy often provokes a stroke.

What's the forecast?

If the patient follows the doctor’s recommendations and instructions, then everything ends in a complete recovery. Residual symptoms such as dizziness, fatigue, and insomnia may persist for several months. Then they gradually decrease until they disappear completely.

If there are concomitant pathologies and medical recommendations are not followed, as well as with severe injuries, there may be complications in the form of VSD and even epileptic seizures, especially if alcohol habits are present.

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