What is the cause of dizziness when lying down?

There is an opinion that pain in the lumbar region, associated with nausea and general malaise, only affects athletes and those people who dressed inappropriately for the weather and “got a cold in their kidneys.” In fact, there may be many more reasons, and most of them are not associated with intense physical activity or hypothermia. If you feel nauseous, have a fever, lower back pain, and the discomfort does not go away on its own, it’s time to go to the doctor, who will determine the cause of the disease and prescribe an adequate treatment regimen.

Lower back pain and nausea: causes

Whatever the nature of the pain in the lower back, if at the same time you feel sick or have a fever, this means that there is an inflammatory process in the body. This condition cannot be corrected on your own: put the pills aside and make an appointment with a specialist. However, you can determine which pathology has manifested itself in your case even before visiting a therapist

or nephrologist. Depending on how much the lower back hurts, whether there is nausea, whether the attacks stop and whether there are additional symptoms in the form of fever, digestive disorders, dizziness and fainting conditions, you can find out more specific reasons that provoked the current condition.

Diseases and pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract

The combination of symptoms such as severe pain in the lumbar region, high fever, nausea and vomiting often signals the presence of pathological conditions of the gastrointestinal tract.

Intestinal infections

This broad group of diseases affects any person, regardless of gender, age, or social class. This includes such terrible and potentially fatal diseases as dysentery, cholera, intestinal tuberculosis, and typhoid fever. They can be recognized by the presence of fever and/or chills, mucus or pus in the stool, a general feeling of weakness, nausea, and also if the lower abdomen hurts.

Inflammation of the appendix

If you feel nauseous and have back pain in the lumbar region, along with a rise in temperature and an upset bowel movement, then the problem probably lies in inflammation of the vermiform appendix of the large intestine - the appendix. The problem can be solved exclusively through surgery; moreover, the sooner medical assistance is provided, the better. Otherwise, the appendix may rupture and cause peritonitis.


The term “colitis” refers to inflammation of the wall of the large intestine that occurs as a result of infection entering the body. The disease affects both sexes, but in women it is most often diagnosed between the ages of 20 and 60 years, while for men the potentially dangerous period begins at 30–40 years.

Inguinal hernia

It is most often diagnosed in children, but can also occur in adults. A hernia is a protrusion of the intestines and pelvic organs through the anterior abdominal wall. Very often, patients mistake the disease for cancer, but there is no need to worry ahead of time, especially if there are no symptoms associated with cancer. But you need to visit a doctor.


They are divided into benign and malignant. If we talk about cancer of the gastrointestinal tract, then in addition to lumbar pain, nausea or vomiting, you may be plagued by sudden weight loss not associated with changes in diet or stress, weakness (a consequence of a decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood), the presence of blood streaks during bowel movements, fever, which lasts steadily for several weeks.


Dizziness is a symptom of various diseases associated with organic, traumatic or intoxication damage to nerves, blood vessels, damage and hypoxia of brain tissue.

For reference. The head may feel dizzy when standing up suddenly (orthostatic collapse), as a result of overstrain of a psycho-emotional or physical nature. Another common cause is circulatory disorders of various origins such as atherosclerosis or hypertension.

Vertigo is also a characteristic feature of traumatic brain injury. In women, pathological symptoms often occur during pregnancy, the beginning of the menstrual cycle, or during menopause.

But dizziness while lying on your back indicates a certain group of diseases.

Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo

This is the name of the pathological process, the cause of which is cupulolithiasis - the accumulation of crystalline calcium bicarbonate in the extensions (ampoules) of the semicircular canals of the inner ear.

These formations are normally located in the membrane lining the internal cavities of the labyrinth. But if the processes of synthesis and utilization are disrupted, they can accumulate in the endolymph.

For reference. This type of dizziness is typical for older people whose metabolic processes are slow.

Among the symptoms described, the most specific are:

  • Short paroxysms (no more than a minute), occurring at intervals about once a week. In some rare cases - several times a day.
  • Dizziness occurs when turning the head in a lying position. This is explained by the location in space of the vestibular apparatus. Most often, patients with BPPV complain of morning paroxysms associated with awakening.
  • There are no accompanying symptoms characteristic of most vestibular disorders. That is, hearing acuity does not change, there are no extraneous noises at the moment of paroxysm.

BPPV is diagnosed using specific tests. This disease is treated mainly non-medically: Epley and Simpont techniques are used, and vestibular gymnastics is prescribed for a course of several days to a month. Attacks after such therapy do not occur for years, while taking medications does not have a significant therapeutic effect.

Meniere's disease

Another metabolic disorder in the functioning of the vestibular apparatus. Characterized by excessive accumulation of fluid in the cavities of the inner ear. Accordingly, intralabyrinthine pressure increases, which interferes with normal coordination and operation of the auditory analyzer.

The list of classic manifestations of the disease includes:

  • Short-term or long-term dizziness observed during sleep, in lying, sitting, and walking positions. The paroxysm can last for a day, the average duration is usually several hours.
  • Tinnitus, described as a buzzing, ringing or rustling sound. Such hearing impairments make it difficult to receive information.
  • Increasing hearing loss. The patient complains of decreased hearing both at the time of the attack and in the interictal period. As the disease progresses, deafness increases until the ability to hear is completely lost, which is typical; seizures and vertigo also disappear.

to diagnose Meniere's disease . The main one is an audiogram, which allows you to assess the condition of the hearing aid based on the threshold of perceived low frequencies.

The glycerol test is also used, and MRI and otoscopy are used to exclude organic lesions.

Treatment depends on the stage of the pathological process: medications are prescribed to reduce intralabyrinthine pressure and increase trophism of the tissues of the inner ear, and surgical operations. The latter involve drainage of the organ or complete destruction of the labyrinth.

Vestibular neuronitis

A specific pathology of the nerve of the same name, the etiology of which is not fully understood. Presumably, inflammation is caused by certain types of viruses (ARVI, herpes), affecting individual branches. Attacks occur spontaneously, last from several hours to two to three days, and recur no more than once a year.

Dizziness intensifies with changes in body position and when turning the head, and the patient can tolerate this condition only in a lying position. When you try to turn around or stand up, uncontrollable vomiting occurs, and other pathological symptoms intensify.


Inflammatory processes that occur in the inner ear negatively affect the functioning of the vestibular apparatus and auditory perception. In addition to attacks of dizziness, hearing disorders are observed: tinnitus, temporary hearing loss.

Drug therapy is carried out with antimicrobial (antibiotics) or antiviral agents. Additionally, symptomatic medications are prescribed to relieve attacks of dizziness.


One of the causes of dizziness when changing body position or at rest may be the effect on the body of medicinal or narcotic substances. The head is spinning in a state of strong alcoholic intoxication or drug poisoning.

With aminoglycoside antibiotic therapy, vestibular disorders are often observed as a side effect of treatment.


This neurological disorder is manifested primarily by severe cephalgia - headache. Dizziness when lying down is an additional symptom, along with nausea.

The main risk group is women of fertile age, since the peculiarities of the neurohumoral regulation of the female body contribute to the cyclic occurrence of pathological symptoms.

There is no effective treatment for this pathology yet. Mostly symptomatic drugs are used to relieve pain and nausea.

Temporal lobe epilepsy

Another disorder of neurological origin, manifested by sudden, causeless epileptic seizures. Dizziness is part of the symptom complex that precedes the attack itself and is more often characterized as non-systemic.

That is, patients complain of darkening in the eyes, a feeling of unreality. This disease is treated through complex drug therapy.

Diseases of the urinary system

The second group of diseases, in which a person has lower back pain, nausea and dizziness, is associated with the kidneys, bladder and other organs of the genitourinary system. As a rule, in this case, the unpleasant symptoms are also accompanied by pain when urinating.

Infections and inflammations in the genitourinary system

As a rule, they are caused by the pathogenic activity of staphylococcus or streptococcus. This microorganism, entering the human body and beginning to actively multiply, can cause pyelonephritis

, pyelitis and other infectious and inflammatory diseases. Such conditions are usually treated with antibiotics.

Urolithiasis disease

It is associated with metabolic disorders and is often inherited. When kidney stones form, a person experiences periodic pain in the lower back, feels sick, and may have a fever. As a rule, people who lead a sedentary lifestyle and also have a history of diseases of the endocrine system are susceptible to the disease.

Headaches when lying down, nausea

Often, nausea and pain in the right side serve as signals of various problems in the human body. On this side of the abdominal region there are vital organs: liver, pancreas, gall bladder, right kidney, genitourinary system. The appearance of ailments of this nature indicates health problems, so the patient requires qualified medical care.

The doctor will conduct the necessary research, make a diagnosis and, based on the results, prescribe appropriate therapy. It is dangerous to ignore such ailments, drowning them out with painkillers. Since the disease eventually develops into a chronic stage or ends in death. Let us consider in more detail what diseases accompany these symptoms.

What types of dizziness are there?

Modern medicine distinguishes two types of dizziness:

  • non-systemic – occurs abruptly and for no apparent reason, often leading to loss of consciousness;
  • systemic - accompanied by derealization (the patient feels that the surrounding space around him is beginning to rotate) and dysfunction of the vestibular apparatus, which can cause a person to fall and receive serious injuries.

Dizziness in the supine position when turning the head is often non-systemic in nature and, with due attention, is easily treatable.

Reasons why you feel dizzy when you lie down

Many patients, and even doctors, are perplexed by this question. How can dizziness occur in a lying position when turning the head, if a person has just woken up, he is well rested and full of strength? In fact, everything is explained quite simply.

Vascular spasms are possible immediately after waking up, this is typical for many people. It’s just that in some people this is more pronounced, which is why dizziness, fainting, and darkening of the eyes occur.

If the vessels are completely healthy, then in a lying position the head may feel dizzy due to diseases of the spine, which inevitably lead to poor circulation.

Most often, neurologists prescribe a course of nootropics, which are designed to improve blood circulation in the brain, improve cognitive abilities, prevent the death of neurons and increase the overall tone of the central nervous system. Here are the most popular nootropics for dizziness when lying down when turning the body:

  • Piracetam was actively prescribed to patients with dizziness and darkening of the eyes back in the Soviet years. It is still relevant today. There are analogues with added vitamins, for example, Phezam.
  • “Glycine” is an amino acid that can work wonders on the body. Restores nerve cells, prevents migraines and dizziness, increases cognitive abilities, improves memory. Separately, it is worth mentioning the low cost of “Glycine” - only fifty rubles for a package of one hundred tablets.
  • Vinpocetine is effective for dizziness when lying down. Provides support for micro-strokes, improves cerebral circulation and nourishes nerve cells.
  • “Cinnarizine” is indispensable if the patient has problems with blood pressure. This drug can relieve dizziness, migraines, and darkening of the eyes already in the first week of use. It also improves the overall tone of the body: reduces anxiety, irritability, and improves sleep.
  • Phenibut has a mild tranquilizing effect. Indicated for people who, in addition to dizziness, are also worried about insomnia, migraines, anxiety, and panic attacks.
  • “Cerebrolysin” is an effective modern drug, a peptide. Its main active ingredient is an extract from the pig’s brain. Release form: ampoules for intramuscular and intravenous administration. The drug is expensive (about a thousand rubles for ten ampoules), but very effective for dizziness and nervous system disorders.
  • “Cogitum” is another modern medicine. The release form is a solution enclosed in glass ampoules. It is even used to treat children and has minimal contraindications.

If you experience such discomfort, it may mean:

  • Vestibular neuritis. Dizziness begins suddenly and may be accompanied by vomiting. Usually the attack occurs after sleep.
  • Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. When you try to lie down, stand up, turn or raise your head, the vertebral artery, compressed by salt deposits, is compressed even more, blocking blood access to the brain.
  • Hypotension. Low pressure affects not only the blood vessels, depriving the brain of blood and, accordingly, the required amount of nutrition. The fluid in the inner ear, which is responsible for maintaining balance and signaling body position, is also normally under a certain pressure. If this pressure is not enough, the fluid moves incorrectly, creating information confusion for the brain.
  • Tumors and inflammation of brain tissue. Warning symptoms, along with increased dizziness when you lie down, may include headaches and one-sided hearing loss.
  • Vegetovascular dystonia. From birth, vascular tone may be “wrong”—reacting inadequately to situations. Including changes in body position.
  • Vertebral hernias. When changing position in a dream or simply when a person lies, dizziness occurs, similar to intoxication. In this case, the neck or back may not hurt.
  • Diseases of the outer and inner ear, nasopharynx. When inflamed, the tissues fill with excess fluid, mucus and swell. This can cause pressure on other organs, which occurs not only when you hold your head upright, but also when you lie down and tilt it.

Dizziness, which occurs when moving the body, bending, or even when being in a horizontal position, may indicate a number of pathological conditions.

This situation may be due to:

  • Uncontrolled arterial hypertension, or vice versa, frequent episodes of low blood pressure. Moreover, in the case of hypertension, a significant role in the development of such disorders is played by changes in the elasticity of the arteries.
  • Atherosclerosis of the vessels of the brain, as well as the arteries feeding the structures of the inner ear.
  • Inflammatory and non-inflammatory genesis of damage to the inner ear and vestibular apparatus, since it is the vestibular apparatus that is responsible for maintaining balance, and, accordingly, any damage to it can lead to disorders such as dizziness.

Malignant and benign brain tumors can also lead to dizziness, but usually there are other symptoms that can confirm this guess.

Persistent dizziness, which is disturbing even in a horizontal position, may be a manifestation of the disease or Meniere's syndrome.

This pathological process is characterized by an increase in endolymph pressure in the labyrinth of the inner ear, resulting in such manifestations as systemic dizziness, problems with maintaining balance, nausea and vomiting, impaired coordination of movements, and tinnitus.

In this case, the course of the disease can differ significantly - the condition can either worsen over time, or improve, or remain at the same level.

It is even possible to stop the progression of hearing loss, but such a favorable course of Meniere's disease is relatively rare.

Dizziness while lying down is an unpleasant and common phenomenon. When a person assumes a horizontal position, his cardiovascular system must rearrange its work and adapt to the new position of the body in space. If you feel dizzy as soon as you lie down on the bed, even a healthy person may have this condition.

Also, unpleasant sensations may appear when throwing back the head, or when a person tries to suddenly change position. A person may feel nauseous and may experience headaches. He tries to avoid sudden changes in position.

Factors that can provoke dizziness include:

  1. Pathologies of the inner ear.
  2. Diseases of the endocrine system, hormonal imbalances.
  3. Increased pressure inside the eyes.
  4. Pathologies of cerebral vessels.
  5. Diseases of the central nervous system.
  6. Neuritis of the vestibular apparatus.
  7. Spinal injuries (closed or open).
  8. Orthostatic collapse.
  9. Meniere's syndrome.
  10. Osteochondrosis. Due to poor posture when a person lies down or takes a vertical position, the vertebral artery does not work well. It is quite large and supplies blood to all parts of the spine and brain. The blood flows poorly, and the brain begins to malfunction.
  11. Inflammation of the membranes of the brain.
  12. Hypertension.
  13. Spinal hernia.
  14. Vegetovascular dystonia.
  15. Infection of the nasopharynx and ears.
  16. Trauma, alcoholism. This leads to disruption of the transmission of nerve impulses to parts of the brain. With excessive alcohol consumption, as with a head injury, many neurons die and connections between brain cells are disrupted.

The reasons that we have listed are not the only ones, but they most often lead to dizziness.

If this condition interferes with your work, rest, and even sleep, you should definitely share your problem with your doctor.

He will help determine the provoking factor and, based on the information received, will prescribe the most suitable medicine for a particular patient. The final decision regarding therapy remains with the doctor.

Pain in the left side under the ribs and a constant feeling of heaviness in the abdomen

Good afternoon. I have a problem with my stomach. Constantly gurgles, especially in the morning (on the left side). Heaviness in the stomach all day long. Flatulence.

and if this is somehow connected, then sometimes there are pains in the chest (maybe it’s something to do with the nerves).

I’ve been suffering for 4 months now, it all started with the fact that I caught a cold, then I took a lot of medications, probably messed up my intestines with my stomach + I got nervous. At first my stomach was like a stone, it didn’t even “puff up.”

Now there is just a constant feeling of heaviness, flatulence and gurgling. + When I sit, it hurts under my left ribs. The pain is not the same as with a bruise, it just drags somehow.

Moreover, when I sit or lie, my stomach does not bother me, but when I stand, I want to sit down, because there is a feeling of heaviness.

Passed all conceivable and inconceivable tests (except for a tube in the anus)

The doctors shrug, saying that everything is fine with me, they feed me enzymes and drugs to improve my writing.

They say that there are minor problems (gastritis and other minor things), but they live with it and I am very worried.

But I don't like this constant feeling of heaviness and gurgling. ___________

The ultrasound did not show anything unusual, except for a deformed gallbladder, they said that it was nothing to worry about. I passed the capogram, everything was also normal, they said that the amount of yeast was slightly increased. There are no parasites in me. Biochem.

blood is normal, urine test is normal. There is toxaplasmosis. FGS conclusion: Chronic gastroduodenitis. (something else is written about FGS, but I can’t make it out. Everything is moderate and some kind of chic radio from 1 to 3+, st. obs. pr-2, partially auge.

rovan :-))

I didn’t have a colonoscopy because I felt uneasy about this study.

All this is strange, two doctors tell me that I have gastritis and they are living with it. And I have a constant feeling of heaviness in my stomach (when I stand and want to take a breath with my stomach, it doesn’t swell, as if something is bothering me and it starts to hurt somewhere in my stomach, as if something is pressing there). pain in the left side under the ribs, the tongue is covered with a white coating.

Lower back pain and woman nausea (gynecology)

Why does a woman have lower back pain and nausea? The answer to this question can most often be given by a gynecologist

. If the pain is regular, occurs at approximately the same time, and is successfully relieved with antispasmodics, then we can talk about the peculiarities of the menstrual cycle. Sometimes this condition occurs during pregnancy, regardless of the trimester. But in some cases, an inflammatory process may occur - for example, adnexitis, endometritis, colpitis, as well as oncology (ovarian or uterine cancer).

Why do you feel nauseous when you lie on your stomach?

2 years ago, after severe stress, I began to experience severe heartburn. I took Nexium for six months and went on a diet, but nothing helped. The examination showed only the reflux of bile from the intestines into the stomach (duodeno-gastric reflux). I stopped taking Nexium, and everything returned to normal, there was no more heartburn. But a year later, nausea appeared, only in a supine position. Not pregnant

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